Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

The Bachelor Challenge Archive > The BTC4 - Not Our First Rodeo (9)

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message 1: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Jun 14, 2020 04:39PM) (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹

Team 9 Members:

✓ Captain - Rhiannon


message 2: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹

The dates will begin on Saturdays at 6 PM EST, at that time the task for each date will be announced. Books must be completed and posted by the following Friday at Midnight EST, except when on your 'Romantic Getaway' when you will have until the second Friday. Roses will be awarded before the next date begins. Each date we will be working towards spelling out B-A-C-H-E-L-O-R. The tasks for each letter will be posted in advance, but you will not know which task will be used until the date begins.

Roses are earned by:
🌹 The First Rose 🌹 Teams earn this rose by reading 4 books fitting the task during the date. (One rose possible per team per date.)
Bonus roses may be earned by:
🌹 Speed Dating Rose 🌹 The team that has 4 members finishing 4 books (1 each) and posts in the Q&A/Announcement thread first wins this bonus rose. Note, posting is required to earn this rose. (One rose possible per date.)
🌹 Team Dating Roses 🌹 Teams with each member completing the task (with a minimum of 6 books read) earn 3 additional roses. (Three roses possible per team per date.)
🌹 Serial Dating Rose 🌹 For every multiple of 8 books read, teams will earn a rose. So 8 books is one rose, 16 books is 2 roses, 24 books is 3 roses and so on. (Number of roses will vary each date, maximum of 7 per team per date.)
🌹 Multiple Date Rose 🌹 The player who reads the most books for the date earns this bonus rose for their team. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Longest Date Rose 🌹 The player that reads the longest book for the date earns this bonus rose for their team. Please note that boxed sets will NOT be counted towards this rose! (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Page Turner Rose 🌹 The team that reads the most combined pages for the date, English language editions only for page count, earns this bonus rose. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Scavenger Hunt Rose 🌹This special rose is earned by finding a book that fits each rule for the letter the date represents, for example B is for Band (musician or singer), Beard (facial hair on cover), Bed (bed on cover or in precis) and Big (over 300 pages). After posting your completion, post in the Scavenger Hunt thread to claim the book. Both posts, in your team thread and the Scavenger Hunt thread, should list the qualifications for each task, i.e. be identical. This rose may be earned multiple times per date but only once per book. The first person to post each book claims the rose for that book. (Number of roses available per date will vary, maximum of 7 per person per date.)

Teams will not be eliminated even if they earn no roses, they will have a chance to catch up by earning additional roses on other dates. Players will be eliminated if they do not complete the task on two consecutive dates. Eliminated players will not be replaced. Remember, players are allowed to read multiple books for a given date in order to earn bonuses and/or to make up for teammates who do not read their book or who have been eliminated.

message 3: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments ❤️ Information required when posting your completion/s: ❤️

❤️ Date Task
❤️ Book/cover link
❤️ Page numbers with source **We are now using the English language GR Kindle first edition page count ONLY, if available. Ebook page count will be acceptable if no Kindle page count available. If GR doesn't have a page count listed, please link to the Amazon Kindle book with a page count.**
❤️ How book qualified, with links or cover as necessary. Links required for lists, tags and other editions.
❤️ Dated Completed with Rating.
❤️ If this is your second (or more) book for the task, also include that information.

Please include only this information. A small review may be included if desired, but is not required. No other discussion allowed though.

❤️You will need make a new post for your completions.❤️ If you update a prior post, i.e., if you saved posts for your completions, they will be missed when I do the accounting for each date. Make sure your books count - make a new post!

Although you will not need to make selection posts like in the PtP, your teammates might like ideas for what to read so sharing what you're reading could be very helpful. If you have any question if your book qualifies, it would be better to find out before you read it - ask your teammates or in the Q&A/Announcement thread.

If you are claiming a Scavenger Hunt book: After posting your completion, also post in the Scavenger Hunt thread to claim the book. Both posts, in your team thread and the Scavenger Hunt thread, should list the qualifications for each task, i.e. be identical.

DO NOT DELETE COMMENTS OR POSTS! Even if your book doesn't qualify or you are asked for corrections, do not delete your comment. Deleted comments will confuse the tracking and may lead to books being missed! If you wish, you may strike through your comment using < s > ... < /s > without the spaces, but do not delete the comment or post!

message 4: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹

Books must be 90 pages and MPG Romance. Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance or similar is acceptable, but it must be romance. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS on the MPG Romance rule. We will be using the English language first edition Kindle page count ONLY for this challenge. Audiobooks and rereads are ok. Abridged audiobooks are NOT ALLOWED for this challenge. Books can only be read once per person during the challenge even if it fits multiple categories. Once the task for the date is announced, you may not tag a book so that it fits or edit any lists - this must be done before the date begins.

MPG = Main Page Genre:
On the main page of the book on the right hand side there is a section that says "Genres". Anything listed under that section is counted as an MPG.

MPG Romance = Main Page Genre Romance:
In the "Genres" section described above, there must be 'Romance". It could be Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance or MM Romance, but it has to have 'Romance' listed.

message 5: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments ❤️ Completion Posts ❤️

When making your completion posts, remember you must include how the book/s qualify. If the task states, for example (and this is just an example!):

A is for Athlete - Read a sports romance, qualification from the title, précis, list or tags.

Saying 'the hero is a runner' or 'MC is an athlete' doesn't qualify the book. Using 'précis states that hero is a football player' or 'tagged sports by 7 people' does qualify the book. Remember that links are required for lists, tags and different editions.

Also, when using the cover as the qualifier, post the cover image in your completion.

Please remember that all tags/lists must qualify IN CONTEXT!! Links MUST be provided.

Don't make more work for yourself than necessary - if the qualifier is in the title or on the cover, use it! You don't have to go searching for tags to make it work. 😊 If the link you use for the book is the same you are using for the page count and edition - say so (see above edition or something similar)! That saves us all some steps. But please double check your links!

You may use separate editions of your Scavenger Hunt books to qualify for the different tasks. Links MUST be provided.

message 6: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Jun 13, 2020 12:41PM) (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to read at least ONE book a week. Confirm that you understand the books you choose are required to be MPG Romance and a minimum of 90 p. using the first edition Kindle page count as well as fit the requirement for the current date task. Also please verify that you understand that this is a team challenge and that your team is counting you to uphold your commitment.

I NEED A CONFIRMATION FROM EVERY TEAMMATE! A comment in this thread is sufficient. 😊

message 7: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹

I will be tracking each team's completions and using the captains' tracking to confirm before awarding roses at the end of each date.

Captains, anything you can do to help is appreciated, particularly with the Longest Date and Page Turner Roses! Simply listing the completions with message number is great though - links are not required, but always appreciated. 😊

message 8: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹

Captains, please reserve a few spaces for tracking.

Introduce yourselves to your teammates. Let then know where you are from, what your interests are in life and in books! Consider friending each other, that makes it easier to follow the goings on.

Your first task as a team is to come up with a team name. The theme of Second Chance Romance and your team name should relate to that. Captains, please post your team name in the Q&A thread when you have decided.

message 9: by Rhiannon (last edited Jul 11, 2020 01:09AM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments For Ease Of Access

B is for Band - Read a book featuring a musician or singer.
     To qualify for this task, the title, series title, précis, list or tag would need to indicate that a MC is a musician or singer. It could be the generic musician or more specific to an individual instrument such as drummer, pianist, etc. This also applies to singer, it could be generic or more specific such as soprano or tenor.
B is for Beard - Read a book with facial hair (beard, mustache or scruff) on the cover.
     To qualify, the book's cover needs to have a model with facial hair.
B is for Bed - Read a book with a bed on the cover or in the precis.
     To qualify for this task, the book's cover need to show a bed, clearly or implied, i.e. rumpled sheets. Please ask if you aren't sure. 'Bed' or variations of the word, such as 'bedroll', in the precis will also qualify in context. The word 'bed' on the cover will also be allowed in context. This needs to be a person's bed - not a dog bed or a bed of flowers.
B is for Big - Read a book over 300 pages.
     To qualify, your book needs to be over 300 pages in length. Remember we are using the first edition Kindle page count only!

A is for Abduct - Read a book with 'Suspense' or 'Mystery' as MPG.
To qualify for this task, the book has to have 'Suspense' or 'Mystery' as MPG. The specific words can be alone or combined with other words such as "Romance - Suspense' - there, both your MPG qualifications in one! 😊
A is for Afterlife - Read a book tagged as 'PNR', 'paranormal', 'vampires' or 'zombies'.
To qualify, the book needs to be tagged specifically 'PNR', paranormal', 'vampires' or 'zombies'. Tags can be combined in context. Please make sure to provide the exact tag you are using to qualify with a link to the 'top shelf' page with that tag. Also include how many times it is tagged and what page number of shelves.
A is for April - Read a book initially published in April of any year.
To qualify for this task, the book's initial publication date needs to be in April of any year. If the book has a 'first published date' use that. If one isn't listed, I will be looking for the earliest listed publication date.
A is for Arousing - Read a book tagged 'exciting'.
To qualify, your book needs to be tagged at least once as 'exciting', 'arousing', 'compelling', 'powerful', 'exhilarating', 'explosive', 'hair-raising', 'mind-blowing', 'shocking', 'stimulating', 'rousing' or 'adventurous'. . Variations on those words will be allowed in context. 'Excited' by itself will not qualify, nor will anything that does not apply to the book itself like 'excited to read'.

C is for Caricature - Read a book with a cartoon like cover.
To qualify for this task, the cover of your chosen book needs to be drawn or cartoon like. If it is too realistic, it isn't going to work even if part of the cover looks like it is drawn as opposed to a picture.
C is for Center - Read a book in the middle of a series.
To qualify for this task, the book needs to be in the middle of a series or trilogy - not the first book and not the last. If the book after your chosen book is not released yet, but is listed in the series on GR WITH a future publication date, your book with will still qualify. Please include a link to the series page in your completion post.
C is for Cheek - Read a book with a facial cheek on the cover.
To qualify for this task, the book's cover needs to show a human facial cheek. The cover will need to show at least two adjoining facial features, eyes, lips, nose or ear, to confirm the presence of the cheek on the cover. The presence of two adjoining features will not automatically qualify your book if the cheek is not shown as well - for example, lips and nose but no cheek.
C is for Chuckle - Read a humorous book.
To qualify, your book needs to be tagged 'humor', 'humorous', 'funny', 'comedy', 'comical', 'made-me-laugh' or 'laugh-out-loud'

H is for Hallucination - Read a book tagged as 'fantasy'.
H is for Handcuff - Read a book featuring law enforcement officer.
H is for Heartwarming - Read a book tagged as 'sweet' or 'touching'.
H is for Hurricane - Read a book set on the East or Gulf Coasts of the US.

E is for Early - Read the prequel or first book in a series.
E is for Earth - Read a book with dirt on the cover.
E is for Enlist - Read a book featuring military characters.
E is for Excursion - Read a book that includes a trip or vacation.

L is for Lips - Read a book with lips on the cover.
L is for Listen - Read a book available as an audiobook.
L is for Loner - Read a stand alone book.
L is for Loved - Read a book rated 4.3 or higher.

O is for Occiput - Read a with the back of someone's head on the cover.
O is for Ocher - Read a book with a primarily earth tone (yellow - brown - red) cover.
O is for Ogle - Read a book with at least one naked or nearly naked person on the cover.
O is for Opponents - Read a sports romance book.

R is for Rewrite - Read a book with at least a second edition published.
R is for Rich - Read a book featuring a wealthy character.
R is for Ride - Read a book with a vehicle on the cover.
R is for Rogue - Read a book with 'Historical' as MPG.

message 10: by Rhiannon (last edited Aug 10, 2020 12:53PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Roses Earned
Total: 179

Date 1 - B is for Big
Total Roses - 11
The First Rose - 1
Team Dating Rose - 3
Serial Dating Rose - 3
Scavenger Hunt Rose - 3
Multiple Date Rose (Maura) - 1

Date 2 - A is for Abduct
Total Roses - 24
The First Rose - 1
Team Dating Rose - 0
Serial Dating Rose - 5
Scavenger Hunt Rose - 17
Longest Date Rose(SexiLadi) - 1

Date 3 - C is for Center
Total Roses - 37
First Rose - 1
Team Dating Rose - 3
Serial Dating Roses - 6
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 25
Page Turner Rose - 1

Date 4 -
Total Roses - 40
First Rose - 1
Team Dating Rose - 3
Serial Dating Roses - 7
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 28
Page Turner Rose - 1

Date 5 -
Total Roses - 36
First Rose - 1
Team Dating Rose - 3
Serial Dating Roses - 7
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 23
Page Turner Rose - 1
Longest Date Rose(Apoorva) -

Date 6 -
Total Roses - 31
First Rose - 1
Team Dating Rose - 3
Serial Dating Roses - 5
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 20
Page Turner Rose - 1
Longest Date Rose (Apoorva) - 1

Date 7 -
Total Roses -
First Rose -
Team Dating Rose -
Serial Dating Roses -
Scavenger Hunt Roses -

Date 8 -
Total Roses -
First Rose -
Team Dating Rose -
Serial Dating Roses -
Scavenger Hunt Roses -

message 11: by Rhiannon (last edited Jun 27, 2020 11:42AM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 1
Page Count: 12,080

Rhiannon Page Count: 2480
Book 1: Music of the Heart Msg 51 369 pages
Book 2: Only Ever You Msg 53 373 pages
Book 3: Looking at Forever Msg 88 482 pages
Book 4: Color Me Crazy Msg 89 386 pages
Book 5: Thoughtless Msg 107 530 pages
Book 6: Effortless Msg 105 340 pages

Apoorva Page Count: 2049
Book 1: Under Locke Msg 60 496 pages
Book 2: Protecting What's Mine Msg 69 476 pages
Book 3: The Birthday List Msg 81 404 pages
Book 4: The Wall of Winnipeg and Me Msg 96 673 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 1547
Book 1: Up from the Grave Msg 49 384 pages
Book 2: Bound by Flames Msg 58 390 pages
Book 3: Into the Fire Msg 64 389 pages
Book 4: Shades of Wicked Msg 65 384 pages

Maura Page Count: 3069
Book 1: Warrior Bride Msg 45 384 pages
Book 2: The Promise Msg 50 420 pages
Book 3: Virgin Bride Msg 63 336
Book 4: No Way Out Msg 77 464 pages
Book 5: Next of Kin Msg 79 334 pages
Book 6: Don't Cry for Me msg 399 pages
Book 7: Charmed at Christmas Msg 95 330 pages
Book 8: A Dark And Dangerous Man msg 100 400 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 2535
Book 1: Texas Woman Msg 47 384 Pages
Book 2: CEO Daddy: a Crescent Cove Standalone Msg 59 320 pages
Book 3: The Cowboy Msg 66 402 pages
Book 4: Shadow Woman Msg 75 402 pages
Book 5: Glitter Baby Msg 82 450 pages
Book 6: City of Glass Mg 93 577 pages

Susan Page Count: 400
Book 1: The Simple Wild Msg 80 400 pages

message 12: by Rhiannon (last edited Jul 11, 2020 10:53AM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 2
Page Count: 17,230

Rhiannon Page Count: 689
Book 1: Urban Shaman Msg 125 270 pages
Book 2: Blood Pond Msg 175 212 pages
Book 3: Blood Pond Resurfacing Msg 176 207 pages

Apoorva Page Count: 3187
Book 1: Silent Truth Msg 120 482 pages
Book 2: The Collector Msg 127 496 pages
Book 3: Saving Mercy Msg 134 320 pages
Book 4: Ceremony in Death Msg 150 336 pages
Book 5: Vengeance in Death Msg 163 388 pages
Book 6: Holiday in Death Msg 169 340 pages
Book 7: Midnight in Death Msg 172 90 pages
Book 8: Conspiracy in Death Msg 179 363 pages
Book 9: Loyalty in Death Msg 183 372 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 1890
Book 1: The Triangle Msg 129 305 pages
Book 2: Something About You Msg 135 336 pages
Book 3: A Lot like Love Msg 140 304 pages
Book 4: A Madness of Sunshine Msg 143 352 pages
Book 5: Hot Secrets Msg 148 197 pages
Book 6: A Bad Day for Sunshine Msg 164 396 pages

Maura Page Count: 4400
Book 1: Hidden Salem Msg 116 304 pages
Book 2: The Third Circle Msg 118 364 pages
Book 3: The Perfect Poison Msg 128 364 pages
Book 4: See Me in Your Dreams Msg 130 256 pages
Book 5: The Secret Msg 133 413 pages
Book 6: Burning Lamp Msg 141 355 pages
Book 7: The Seductive Impostor Msg 147 360 pages
Book 8: Cinderman Msg155 175 pages
Book 9: Quicksilver Msg 166 416 pages
Book 10: "Till Death Msg 167 384 pages
Book 11: Angel Eyes Msg 170 216 pages
Book 12: White Lies Msg 173 413 pages
Book 13: Sizzle and Burn Msg 184 380 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 5152
Book 1: Alejandro Msg 117 197 pages
Book 2: Lies Msg 122 242 pages
Book 3: Three Fates Msg 126 545 pages
Book 4: Kill and Tell Msg 131 320 pages
Book 5: Whiskey Beach Msg 136 770 pages
Book 6: Blue Dahlia Msg 137 390 pages
Book 7: Black Ice Msg 139 384 pages
Book 8: Open Season Msg 157 372 pages
Book 9: Ricardo Msg 149 185 pages
Book 10: To Die For Msg 168 384 pages
Book 11: The Inn at Ocean's Edge Msg 171 334 pages
Book 12: Drop Dead Gorgeous Msg 174 352 pages
Book 13: Montana Sky Msg 177 469 pages
Book 14: Cover of Night Msg 180 432 pages
Book 15: Crystal Gardens Msg 182 345 Pages

Susan Page Count: 338
Book 1: Something About You 338

message 13: by Rhiannon (last edited Jul 17, 2020 11:05PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 3
Page Count: 15,158

Rhiannon Page Count: 1801
Book 1: Trusted Bond Msg 189 282 pages
Book 2: Honored Vow Msg 192 290 pages
Book 3: Crucible of Fate Msg 210 234 pages
Book 4: Lance Msg 225 216 pages
Book 5: Code Name Cassandra Msg 226 272 pages
Book 6: Safe House Msg 244 276 pages
Book 7: Sanctuary Msg 247 231 pages

Apoorva Page Count: 4,890
Book 1: Young Blood Msg 194 208 pages
Book 2: Grave Doubts Msg 195 208 pages
Book 3: Heaven Sent Msg 199 224 pages
Book 4: Twisted Msg 217 272 pages
Book 5: Dirty Doctor Msg 218 122 pages
Book 6: Beautiful Stranger Msg 219 365 pages
Book 7: Beautiful Player Msg 222 432 pages
Book 8: Beautiful Secret Msg 230 401
Book 9: The Billionaire’s Wake-up-call Girl Msg 242 336 pages
Book 10: Rusty Nailed Msg 245 320 pages
Book 11: Beautiful Bombshell Msg 252 160 pages
Book 12: Beautiful Beginning Msg 253 208 pages
Book 13: Beautiful Beloved Msg 225 102 pages
Book 14: Proposal Msg 257 149 pages
Book 15: The Ghost Msg 261 239 pages
Book 16: The Messenger Msg 262 245 pages
Book 17: The General Msg 263 221 pages
Book 18: The Babysitter Msg 264 227 pages
Book 19: The Middle Man Msg 264 218 pages
Book 20: The Negotiator Msg 270 233 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 1102
Book 1: Guardian Angel Msg 232 388 pages
Book 2: Echoes of Fire Msg 241 348 pages
Book 3: Carnal Secrets Msg 256 366 pages

Maura Page Count: 4054
Book 1: Touch Me In The Dark Msg 190 200 pages
Book 2: Love Bites Msg 211 384 pages
Book 3: Keeping Company Msg 213 338 pages
Book 4: Never Cry Wolf Msg 237 256 pages
Book 5: Running Hot Msg 224 480 pages
Book 6: Just A Taste Msg 227 365 pages
Book 7: Fired Up Msg 239 443 pages
Book 8: The Penalty Box Msg 240 356 pages
Book 9: The Naked Marquis Msg 246 352 pages
Book 10: Mysterious Stranger Msg 248 256 pages
Book 11: Chasing Stanley Msg 267 368 pages
Book 12: Tamed Msg 269 256 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 2927
Book 1: The Dragon Warrior's Baby Msg 198 263 pages
Book 2: Gray Msg 185 185 pages
Book 3: Colun's Passion Msg 212 144 pages
Book 4: The Proposal Msg 216 199 pages
Book 5: The Wedding Party Msg 221 351 pages
Book 6: Clover's Destined Mate Msg 234 99 pages
Book 7: Love Her or Lose Her Msg 235 347 pages
Book 8: A Crazy Kind of Love Msg 236 297 pages
Book 9: Love on Lexington Avenue Msg 234 288 pages
Book 10: Dark Wolf Msg 259 432 pages
Book 11: Muffin Top Msg 268 322 pages

Susan Page Count: 384
Book 1: Ball Peen Hammer Msg 203 384 pages

message 14: by Rhiannon (last edited Jul 24, 2020 09:25PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 4
Page Count: 19,146

Rhiannon Page Count: 3404
Book 1: Hell & High Water Msg 288 297 pages
Book 2: Blood & Thunder Msg 289 234 pages
Book 3: Rack & Ruin Msg 319 336 pages
Book 4: Cronin's Key Msg 321 330 pages
Book 5: Cronin's Key II Msg 322 242 pages
Book 6: The Wolf at the Door Msg 340 288 pages
Book 7: The Wolf at Bay Msg 341 262 pages
Book 8: Thrown to the Wolves Msg 342 263 pages
Book 9: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Msg 343 268 pages
Book 10: Dark Lover Msg 392 416 pages
Book 11: Lover Eternal Msg 393 468 pages

Apoorva Page Count: 5691
Book 1: Glory in Death Msg 296 320 pages
Book 2: Naked in Death Msg 299 320 pages
Book 3: Immortal in Death Msg 305 352 pages
Book 4: Size 12 Is Not Fat Msg 311 368 pages
Book 5: Size 14 Is Not Fat Either Msg 349 368 pages
Book 6: The Fixer Msg 318 232
Book 7: Missing You Msg 331 237
Book 8: Naughty Boss Msg 332 121
Book 9: Big Boned Msg 339 306 pages
Book 10: Cocky Client Msg 353 103 pages
Book 11: Size 12 and Ready to Rock Msg 354 384 pages
Book 12: The Bride Wore Size 12 Msg 359 400 pages
Book 13: Jinx Msg 373 272 pages
Book 14: Deadly NightMsg 374 398 pages
Book 15: The Boy Next Door Msg 380 590 pages
Book 16: Boy Meets Girl Msg 381 400 pages
Book 17: Can I Come Over? Msg 385 120 pages
Book 18: Ghost Walk Msg 386 400 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 1748
Book 1: Sweet Home Msg 316 401 pages
Book 2: The Allure of Dean Harper Msg 352 282 pages
Book 3: The Allure of Julian Lefray Msg 369 367 pages
Book 4: Roomies Msg 372 368 pages
Book 5: The Foxe & the Hound Msg 379 330 pages

Maura Page Count: 3990
Book 1: Heaven and Earth Msg 303 268 pages
Book 2: Forbidden Territory Msg 306 256 pages
Book 3: Raphael/Parish Msg 307 183 pages
Book 4: Blood Pond Msg 309 212 pages
Book 5: Blood Pond Resurfacing Msg 310 207 pages
Book 6: Urban Shaman Msg 317 270 pages
Book 7: Divine Evil Msg 337 578 pages
Book 8: The Devil She Knows Msg 338 221 pages
Book 9: Dream Man Msg 355 368 pages
Book 10: Bayon/Jean-Baptiste Msg 358 210 pages
Book 11: Forbidden Temptation Msg 361 256 pages
Book 12: The Risk-Taker Msg 364 224 pages
Book 13: Unhallowed Msg 384 279 pages
Book 14: She's No Angel Msg 388 224 pages
Book 15: Talon/Xavier Msg 389 212 pages
Book 16: Bring Me to Life Msg 394 224 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 3172
Book 1: The Mane Squeeze Msg 304 401 pages
Book 2: Beast Behaving Badly Msg 333 401 pages
Book 3: The Mane Event Msg 334 449 pages
Book 4: The Beast in Him Msg 320 350 pages
Book 5:Big Bad Beast Msg 335 369 pages
Book 6: The Mane Attraction Msg 336 385 pages
Book 7: Bear Meets Girl Msg 370 417
Book 8: Wolf with Benefits Msg 371 400 pages
Book 9: Bite Me Msg 383 385 pages
Book 10: Hot and Badgered Msg 391 433 pages

Susan Page Count: 345 pages
Book 1: Bared to You Msg 377 345

message 15: by Rhiannon (last edited Jul 31, 2020 02:25PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 5
Page Count: 18,257

Rhiannon Page Count: 2867
Book 1: Shock & Awe Msg 407 108 pages 🌹
Book 2: Refuge Msg 425 528 pages 🌹
Book 3: When You Dare Msg 435 623 pages
Book 4: Keeping Promise Rock Msg 452 346 pages
Book 5: Rule Breaker Msg 453 286 pages
Book 6: Oz Msg 454 274 pages
Book 7: Brothers In Arms Msg 455 252 pages 🌹
Book 8: Launch the Hunt Msg 481 103 pages 🌹
Book 9: Vamp Camp Msg 482 244 pages 🌹
Book 10: An Improbable Wolf Msg 494 103 pages 🌹

Apoorva Page Count: 5520
Book 1: Monster Msg 409 316 pages
Book 2: Mackenzie's Mountain Msg 413 375 pages 🌹
Book 3: Becoming A Vincent Msg 415 168 pages
Book 4: Your Dad Will Do Msg 420 144 pages
Book 5: Hearts in Darkness Msg 429 112 pages
Book 6: Midnight Rainbow Msg 436 256 pages 🌹
Book 7: Defending Allye Msg 437 263 pages
Book 8: Claiming Grace Msg 439 286 pages 🌹
Book 9: The Boss Who Stole Christmas Msg 445 100 pages
Book 10: Hidden Msg 449 369 pages 🌹
Book 11: Totally Captivated Msg 451 158 pages
Book 12: Heaven and Hell Msg 464 572 pages 🌹
Book 13: The Marriage Bargain Msg 472 212 pages
Book 14: House of Earth and Blood Msg 487 1304
Book 15: Storm and Silence Msg 490 885 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 1164
Book 1: Spiral of Need Msg 441 322 pages
Book 2: Feral Sins Msg 462 429 pages
Book 3: The Warlord Wants Forever Msg 486 163 pages
Book 4: Shane Msg 492 250 pages

Maura Page Count: 3765
Book 1: Ready, Set, Jett Msg 406 117 pages 🌹
Book 2: Deception Island Msg 410 336 pages 🌹
Book 3: Alpha One Msg 419 219 pages 🌹
Book 4: Kill Without Mercy Msg 426 368 pages 🌹
Book 5: Operation: Romeo Msg 444 100 pages 🌹
Book 6: Hot-Blooded Msg 443 223 pages 🌹
Book 7: Navy SEAL to the Rescue Msg 446 288 pages 🌹
Book 8: Unearthed Msg 450 320 pages
Book 9: Tangled Msg 459 254 pages
Book 10: Pressure Head Msg 460 256 pages
Book 11: Turning Up the Heat Msg 476 113 pages
Book 12: Flashpoint Msg 477 177 pages
Book 13: Kiss the Bride Msg 484 336 pages
Book 14: How to Howl at the Moon Msg 485 323 pages
Book 15: The Burning Point Msg 496 335 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 4941
Book 1: Like a Wolf with a Bone Msg 414 152 pages
Book 2: Sword of Inquest Msg 416 243 pages
Book 3: Shadow Game Msg 432 352 pages 🌹
Book 4: Forged in Fire Msg 440 309 pages 🌹
Book 5: Running On Empty Msg 447 398 pages 🌹
Book 6: Shoot to Thrill Msg 4458 352 pages 🌹
Book 7: Ignited Msg 456 221 pages 🌹
Book 8: The Darkest Hour Msg 457 304 pages
Book 9: SEAL of Honor Msg 463 352 pages 🌹
Book 10: BirthRight Msg 470 138 pages
Book 11: Wild Rain Msg 475 384 pages 🌹
Book 12: Firefighter Dragon Msg 479 134 pages
Book 13: Snow Leopard's Lady Msg 480 107 pages
Book 14: Bearista Msg 488 148 pages
Book 15: The Red Dragon's Baby Msg 489 152 pages
Book 16: Mated to the Storm Dragon Msg 491 136 pages

message 16: by Rhiannon (last edited Aug 10, 2020 12:45PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 6
Page Count: 14,078

Rhiannon Page Count: 2046
Book 1: Santa's Bratty Elf Msg 528 98 pages
Book 2: A Place Without You Msg 536 308 pages 🌹
Book 3: Felix Ever After Msg 537 368 pages 🌹
Book 4: Wingmen Msg 546 408 pages 🌹
Book 5: Fireflies Msg 558 345 pages 🌹
Book 6: Exhale and Move On Msg 559 208 pages 🌹
Book 7: Fakers Msg 560 311 pages

Apoorva Page Count: 5583
Book 1: Archer's Voice Msg 511 345 pages 🌹
Book 2: One More Song Msg 512 278 pages 🌹
Book 3: Gone with the Wind Msg 514 1490 pages 🌹
Book 4: The NewlyFEDS Msg 518 213 pages
Book 5: A Love Letter to Whiskey Msg 522 380 pages 🌹
Book 6: Wait For Me Msg 525 308 pages 🌹
Book 7: The Good Samaritan Msg 533 346 pages 🌹
Book 8: From Sand and Ash Msg 534 372 pages 🌹
Book 9: The Dugout Msg 538 362 pages
Book 10: Can You Keep a Secret? Msg 543 384 pages
Book 11: Love and Other Words Msg 547 433 pages
Book 12: Finding His Unicorn Msg 565 96 pages
Book 13: Love Under Quarantine Msg 568 275 pages
Book 14: The Pool Boy Msg 573 141 pages
Book 15: Dirty Chef Msg 574 160 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 1024
Book 1: From Rags Msg 523 321 pages
Book 2: Coldhearted Boss Msg 553 331 pages
Book 3: The Trouble With Quarterbacks Msg 566 333 pages
Book 4: Hotshot Doc Msg 567 372 pages

Maura Page Count: 4961
Book 1: Kyland Msg 510 264 pages 🌹
Book 2: Savaged Msg 513 544 pages 🌹
Book 3: Love Me Whole Msg 521 378 pages 🌹
Book 4: Boss Man Bridegroom Msg 526 404 pages 🌹
Book 5: Once Upon a Dragon Msg 529 144 pages 🌹
Book 6: Angel Of Mine Msg 530 122 pages 🌹
Book 7: Made Maleen Msg 531 117 pages 🌹
Book 8: Virgin Flyer Msg 535 291 pages
Book 9: Tribute Msg 548 464 pages
Book 10: Midnight Bite Msg 540 151 pages
Book 11: The Prince's Passion Msg 550 191 pages
Book 12: A Knight of Passion Msg 551 125 pages
Book 13: Rocky Mountain Miracle Msg 552 240 pages
Book 14: Rose In Scotland Msg 561 384 pages
Book 15: Learning to Feel Msg 562 290 pages
Book 16: Stone Cold Msg 563 100 pages
Book 17: He Loves Lucy Msg 570 352 pages
Book 18: Kissing Comfort Msg 571 400 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 464
Book 1: Twice the Temptation Msg 569 464 pages

message 17: by Rhiannon (last edited Aug 14, 2020 02:29PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 7
Page Count: 13,868

Rhiannon Page Count: 3200
Book 1: Hard Fall Msg 587 230 pages 🌹
Book 2: Physical Therapy Msg 602 260 pages 🌹
Book 3: Gone Surfin' Msg 605 92 pages 🌹
Book 4: The Strength of a Man Msg 622 118 pages 🌹
Book 5: Coming Home Msg 628 230 pages 🌹
Book 6: Binding 13 Msg 630 887 pages
Bool 7: Keeping 13 Msg 631 938 pages
Book 8: Safety Net Msg 632 445 pages 🌹
Book 9: Causing Havoc Msg 642 352 pages
Book 10: Simon Says Msg 643 354 pages

Apoorva Page Count: 4163
Book 1: The Deal Msg 586 342 pages 🌹
Book 2: The Mistake Msg 589 296 pages 🌹
Book 3: Good Boy Msg 590 283 pages 🌹
Book 4: It Had to Be You Msg 592 384 pages 🌹
Book 5: The Score Msg 594 361 pages 🌹
Book 6: Rookie Move Msg 598 336 pages 🌹
Book 7: Nothing But Trouble Msg 601 292 pages 🌹
Book 8: Wrecking Ball Msg 613 311 pages
Book 9: The Studying Hours Msg 615 360 pages
Book 10: The Failing Hours Msg 621 336 pages
Book 11: Outmatched Msg 623 334 pages
Book 12: Jock Rule Msg 633 214 pages
Book 13: Jock Road Msg 634 314 pages
Book 14: On a Tuesday Msg 650 216 pages

Himanshi Page Count: 654
Book 1: Scoring Wilder Msg 612 404 pages
Book 2: Looking to Score Msg 626 250 pages
Book 3: The Locker Room Msg 652 340 pages
Book 4: Settling the Score Msg 653 432 pages

Maura Page Count: 2664
Book 1: The Changeup Msg 583 206 pages 🌹
Book 2: Delivery Girl Msg 588 243 pages 🌹
Book 3: No Control Msg 595 198 pages 🌹
Book 4: Sliding into Home Msg 597 181 pages 🌹
Book 5: Kissed by a Carrington Msg 599 224 pages 🌹
Book 6: Coming Undone Msg 608 256 pages 🌹
Book 7: Risking It All Msg 609 256 pages 🌹
Book 8: Playing by Her Rules Msg 610 184 pages
Book 9: The Ace Msg 616 196 pages
Book 10: The Perfect Catch Msg 617 136 pages
Book 11: Fake Fiancée Msg 618 250 pages
Book 12: Game Changer Msg 624 334 pages
Book 13: Heated Rivalry Msg 645 310 pages
Book 14: Boss Girl Msg 646 310 pages
Book 15: Caught Msg 647 226 pages
Book 16: Game On Msg 648 163 pages

Sexyladi Page Count: 3187
Book 1: Icing Msg 584 281 pages
Book 2: Playing Hurt Msg 585 242 pages
Book 3: Big Stick Msg 591 275 pages
Book 4: Nobody But You Msg 593 320 pages
Book 5: Quarterback's Secret Baby Msg 600 376 pages 🌹
Book 6: Taming Beckett Msg 614 373 pages
Book 7: Pit Stop: Baby! Msg 619 235 pages
Book 8: Game On Msg 620 250 pages
Book 9: Stay Msg 625 294 pages 🌹
Book 10: Untouchable Msg 627 541 pages
Book 11: Sweet Fall Msg 649 441 pages 🌹
Book 12: All Lined Up Msg 651 322 pages

message 18: by Rhiannon (last edited Aug 19, 2020 07:36PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 8
Page Count:

Rhiannon Page Count:
Book 1: Hard To Handle Msg 666 523 pages
Book 2:
Book 3:
Book 4:
Book 5:
Book 6:
Book 7:
Book 8:
Book 9:
Book 10:

Apoorva Page Count:
Book 1: Into the Storm Msg 669 321 pages
Book 2: Emma Msg 670 241 pages 🌹
Book 3: Mansfield Park Msg 671 400 pages 🌹
Book 4: Sense and Sensibility Msg 672 268 pages 🌹
Book 5: Wuthering Heights Msg 675 202 pages 🌹
Book 6: In the Eye of the Storm Msg 691 360 pages
Book 7: Hard to Love Msg 692 252 pages
Book 8:
Book 9:
Book 10:
Book 11:

Himanshi Page Count:
Book 1: The Player Msg 684 320 pages
Book 2: At Any Price Msg 685 391 pages
Book 3:

Maura Page Count:
Book 1: The Hazards of Hunting a Duke Msg 667 384 pages 🌹
Book 2: The Chaperon Bride Msg 677 320 pages 🌹
Book 3: The Virtuous Courtesan Msg 681 304 pages 🌹
Book 4: Golden Flames (The Delaneys, #8) Msg 682 193 pages 🌹
Book 5: It Happened One Night Msg 689 303 pages 🌹
Book 6: It Happened One Season Msg 690 437 🌹
Book 7:
Book 8:
Book 9:
Book 10:

Sexyladi Page Count:
Book 1: Love Only Once Msg 673 249 pages 🌹
Book 2: Patrick Msg 674 384 pages
Book 3: The Present Msg 686 352 pages 🌹
Book 4: Bradley Msg 687 371 pages
Book 5:
Book 6:
Book 7:
Book 8:
Book 9:
Book 10:

message 19: by Rhiannon (last edited Jun 14, 2020 08:11PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Name Suggestions
-Not Our First Rodeo
-Come Again
-Second Coming
-Around the Bend and Back Again
-Second Times the Charm
-Second Strike
-Lightning Rarely Strikes Twice
-Back in the Saddle Again
-Dressed to the nines again

message 20: by Rhiannon (last edited Jun 14, 2020 09:43AM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Hi, Everyone! I'm Rhiannon (obviously) and I live in Boise, Idaho.

I like reading basically anything fiction besides horror. And sometimes I can get pressured into reading that as well 😅 .
Besides that, I work, camp, hang out with friends, and read. So much reading.
I have read the rules, and understand them.

message 21: by Apoorva (last edited Jun 14, 2020 12:11AM) (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments Hi everyone! I'm Apoorva and I live in Delhi, India.

I like reading a lot and usually I can read 4-5 books a week (sometimes even more lol). This is my first time doing this challenge, but since I'm a quick learner and reader, hopefully I'll get through well :D
Besides reading, I like maths and music and .... computer stuff lol.
I'm looking forward to teaming up with you guys. (And I'm really competitive 😅)

message 22: by Apoorva (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments MountainKat wrote: "🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to ..."

I understand!

message 23: by Apoorva (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments Rhiannon wrote: "Name Suggestions
-Not Our First Rodeo
-Come Again
-Second Coming
-Around the Bend and Back Again
-Second Times the Charm
-Second Strike
-Lightning Rarely Strikes Twice"

I like all of them but I like Not Our First Rodeo the most.

message 24: by Susan (new)

Susan (jazzescrapper) | 326 comments Hi everyone, I'm Susan and I'm a mom to 7 kids and 12 grandkids. I've been married for 34 years and have lived my whole life in Las Vegas, NV (54 years)

I read every genre but love romance, mystery, and fantasy the most. I read it all but I favor those genres.

I can read 2-3 books a week usually.

I love the name Not Our First Rodeo A LOT!!!

message 25: by Rhiannon (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Apoorva wrote: "Hi everyone! I'm Apoorva and I live in Delhi, India.

I like reading a lot and usually I can read 4-5 books a week (sometimes even more lol). This is my first time doing this challenge, but since I..."

I like the "... Computer stuff" makes you sound like a hacker. Don't tell me it isn't so 🤪 Did you have any name suggestions yourself to add to the list?

But, on a serious note, everyone else, do we want to be really competitive? I'd like to be able to plan either way, on how hard to work at it 😅

message 26: by Susan (new)

Susan (jazzescrapper) | 326 comments MountainKat wrote: "🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to ..."

Read it and understand it

message 27: by Apoorva (last edited Jun 14, 2020 12:11AM) (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments Rhiannon wrote: "Apoorva wrote: "Hi everyone! I'm Apoorva and I live in Delhi, India.

I like reading a lot and usually I can read 4-5 books a week (sometimes even more lol). This is my first time doing this challe..."

I am not a hacker but I do plan on going into ethical hacking, so anyhow......😂 I know, I didn't realize it until you pointed out how shady that sounded.
I didn't have any particular suggestions but I will try to think of something.
I wouldn't mind keeping my competitive side in control if we choose otherwise. I was just trying to say that if anything was required of me, I would try my best. And I have a big TBR which unfortunately (or fortunately), is mine to demolish😂

message 28: by Sexyladi (new)

Sexyladi Barnes | 2249 comments Hi everyone I am Lillian aka Sexyladi. I live in Chi Town, work graveyard shift at the Post office. I have been with my husband for 42 years have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl and 4 grand children 2 boys and 2 girls. I read contemporary, paranormal, reverse harems, menage, MFM , biracial, multicultural, sports, suspense romance. I can read up to 5 to 6 books a week depending on my read time.

I like all of them but I like Lightning Rarely Strikes Twice" the most.

message 29: by Maura (new)

Maura (mauralin13) | 250 comments Hi everyone! I'm Maura and I'm kind of a noob at the challenge thing but I'm learning and getting some experience. When I'm not teaching pubescent children, I love reading and video gaming...and I'm trying my hand at gardening now. During the summer when I have more free time, I can usually polish off 3-4 (possibly more) books a week and I travel a lot. As for reading tastes - everything under the sun for romance except the stronger kink and dark romance. And outside of romance, again, anything fiction I can get my hands on and the occasional nonfiction too.

As for names, I like "Not Your First Rodeo" and have another suggestion related to that.

How about, "Back in the Saddle Again"?

message 30: by Maura (new)

Maura (mauralin13) | 250 comments MountainKat wrote: "🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to ..."

I understand and can definitely commit to at least one book per week.

message 31: by Himanshi (new)

Himanshi (annie_0175) | 187 comments Hello everyone! I'm Himanshi, a 23-year-old MBA student from India. My favorite genres are PNR/Urban Fantasy, YA/NA, Sci-fi, Chicklit, and Historical Romance. Besides reading, I love watching movies, listening to music, shopping, traveling, and playing video games. Although this is my second time playing this game, the last time I played it was like a year or two ago, so I don't remember much about it so please bear with me. Oh, and I love the names "Around the Bend and Back Again" and "Lightning Rarely Strikes Twice".

message 32: by Himanshi (new)

Himanshi (annie_0175) | 187 comments MountainKat wrote: "🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹


Please confirm that you have read the instructions for this challenge and understand that you are committing to ..."

Got it.

message 33: by Sexyladi (new)

Sexyladi Barnes | 2249 comments Confirmed!

message 34: by Rhiannon (last edited Jun 14, 2020 08:11PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Awesome! I believe that is everyone! It sounds like we have a good team!
I guess I didn't say, I can read leisurely like 4 books a week, but I can push it all the way up to 7 or 8 if need be 😊 It is my first time on this challenge in particular, but it seems pretty straight forward, and I've captained before, on other challenges where it's harder.

We have a bit before we have to decide on names, but it seems like the two contenders so far are
-Not Our First Rodeo
-Lightning Rarely Strikes Twice
with suggestions of
-Around the Bend and Back Again
-Back in the Saddle Again
-Dressed to the nines again

message 35: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 28546 comments Thanks for the confirmations! 😊

message 36: by Apoorva (last edited Jun 14, 2020 08:56PM) (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments I have two more suggestions!
>Reading to the nines again.
>Second of our nine lives

I also tried to include nine so we could distinguish our team.

message 37: by Apoorva (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments Which name are we going to go with? I am okay with both Rodeo and Lightning one.

message 38: by Sexyladi (new)

Sexyladi Barnes | 2249 comments I still like lightening rarely strikes twice.

message 39: by Rhiannon (last edited Jun 17, 2020 11:45AM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Seems like we're down to just 2. I won't vote, so that way it'll be an odd number. (Plus, I'd vote for Second of our Nine Lives anyways 😅)

Not Our First Rodeo - 3
Lightning Rarely Strikes twice - 2
(I went off of the last comments, let me know if anyone wants to change their vote)

message 40: by Rhiannon (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Hey guys. I'm going camping tomorrow at 12 pm my time (Mountain time). If no one says anything before then, I'll go comment saying we chose Not Our First Rodeo.

message 41: by Susan (new)

Susan (jazzescrapper) | 326 comments I never thought about using a 9 in out group name to match our team number. That was a cute idea. I still like the name we went with. It's really cute. I never come up with team names. I'm just not good at stuff like that.

I'm excited for this challenge to start. I enjoyed it the first time I played along last round.

message 42: by Rhiannon (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments I'm excited as well! Less than 5 and a half hours, ish, until first call!

message 43: by Rhiannon (last edited Jun 20, 2020 03:04PM) (new)

Rhiannon Tucker | 457 comments Date 1 - B

B is for Big - Read a book at least 300 pages long.

To qualify, your book needs to be at least 300 pages in length. Remember we are using the first edition Kindle page count only!.

Remember books must be 90 pages (first edition English language Kindle) and MPG Romance!!

You have until Friday, June 26 @ Midnight US EDT to post your completion(s).

Please ensure that your completion post conforms to message #3 of your team thread. If you complete more than one book for the date task, be sure to include that information in your completion post. Remember no discussion in your completion posts!

message 44: by Sexyladi (new)

Sexyladi Barnes | 2249 comments Reading Texas Woman (Sisters of the Lone Star, #3) by Joan Johnston by Joan Johnston

message 45: by Maura (last edited Jun 20, 2020 09:09PM) (new)

Maura (mauralin13) | 250 comments Date 1 - B is for Big
Book Title: Warrior Bride
Warrior Bride by Tamara Leigh
Page numbers with source: 384 pages(read the paperback and there is no kindle version of this is exact book. The only kindle version is a modified, clean version, so I'm using the mass market paperback number...).
How book Qualified: See page numbers above.
Date Completed: 6/20/20
Rating: 3 stars

message 46: by Apoorva (new)

Apoorva  (bookishcrack) | 502 comments I am reading Under Locke by Mariana Zapata and it's 496 pages, so it might take a little time.

message 47: by Sexyladi (new)

Sexyladi Barnes | 2249 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 4🌹
🌹Theme - Second Chance Romance🌹
🌹Date 1 - B is for Big - Read a book at least 300 pages long.
🌹Date - 06/20/2020
Texas Woman (Sisters of the Lone Star, #3) by Joan Johnston
Texas Woman by Joan Johnston
🌹Pages- 384 MGP Kindle Edition
🌹Qualification- See Page number above
🌹Date Completed- 06/21/2020
🌹Rating - 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Stars

message 48: by Sexyladi (new)

Sexyladi Barnes | 2249 comments Book 2 reading CEO Daddy a Crescent Cove Standalone by Taryn Quinn by Taryn Quinn
320 pages

message 49: by Himanshi (last edited Jun 21, 2020 05:15AM) (new)

Himanshi (annie_0175) | 187 comments Date 1 - B is for Big
Up from the Grave (Night Huntress, #7) by Jeaniene Frost
Up From the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Page numbers: 384 MPG Kindle Edition
How book qualified: More than 300 pages
Dated Completed: 06/21/2020
Rating: 3.5 stars

message 50: by Maura (last edited Jun 21, 2020 04:20PM) (new)

Maura (mauralin13) | 250 comments Date 1 - B is for Big (BOOK 2)
Book Title: The Promise
The Promise (The Mighty Quinns, #8) by Kate Hoffmann
Page numbers with source: 420 pages(Once again read the paperback - no English Kindle version available, so used the paperback version).
How book Qualified: See page numbers above.
Date Completed: 6/21/20
Rating: 1 star
Review: Please do yourself a favor and stay away. It may masquerade as romance, but it is three very sad and depressing stories that have some seriously dubious HEAs.

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