The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

ARCHIVE Team Challenge: UNO 2015 > QUESTIONS?: UNO Team Challenge

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message 1: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments Have you read all about the UNO Team Challenge and still have questions?

Post them here!

message 2: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments reserved

message 3: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments Hi! I have a question about the Draw Two card. Since you can count the same book for two cards, does that mean that you count it for the draw two card and something else, or is the draw two card automatically counted and your book counts for two other cards?

message 4: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Hi Allison, good question.
The Draw Two card will automatucally be counted and your book can count for two other cards. Although you don't get points for the 'draw 2' card, you have the benefit of having points for two cards with just one book, and you complete the hand faster :)

message 5: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments Ok, thanks!

message 6: by Pepperpots (new)

Pepperpots When will we know about the teams?

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Is there a limit to how many people are on each team, or is it only determined by the number of captains/co-captains?

message 8: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Jan 15, 2015 01:31PM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments I'm going to give sign-ups another week and then I'll create the teams. The size will depend on how many sign-ups and captains we get. I'll do some analysis on how many "books per month" each team should have to keep them about even. So the number of members may be different, but total book numbers should be about the same. (hope that makes sense!)

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks Karen!

message 10: by Laura (new)

Laura Ohhh, we are getting closer!!!!

message 11: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments ;)

message 12: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Hi! I have a question about start dates - if I start a book in January but finish it in February, can that be counted, or do all books have to be started on or after 1 Feb? The latter seems fairer but means I will probably postpone starting a new book when we get nearer to February to make sure it counts.

message 13: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (last edited Jan 18, 2015 11:50AM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Hi Sarah - It is just the book read date that counts, so it can be started earlier, (it makes it easier for the captains) so I imagine people will have a few books they go slow on leading up to Feb 1 ;)

message 14: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 979 comments Ok, thanks!

message 15: by Beth (new)

Beth  (jasonverlander) | 756 comments For the "Wild Draw Four" card, can four people in a group read four different books and it fit there? Or does one person have to read all four books for it to count?

message 16: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments Beth (Ducky) wrote: "For the "Wild Draw Four" card, can four people in a group read four different books and it fit there? Or does one person have to read all four books for it to count?"

It's just one book that has to be read, and it can be any book.

kat (wanderfulbooks) (wanderfulbooks) | 367 comments Do we disregard the 'THE' in book titles?

Ex: The Name of the Wind - If we could have it credited as 'has a title starting with N'

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Can DNF books count for points?

message 19: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Kathleen wrote: "Do we disregard the 'THE' in book titles?

Ex: The Name of the Wind - If we could have it credited as 'has a title starting with N'"

For any titles with definite/indefinite articles you can either use them or ignore them (A/An/The etc.) so in your example that could be a T or a N

message 20: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Abigail wrote: "Can DNF books count for points?"

Do you mean "did not finish"? In that case, no. The book has to be read and the read date for February's hands needs to be between Feb 1 and 28

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Karen wrote: "Abigail wrote: "Can DNF books count for points?"

Do you mean "did not finish"? In that case, no. The book has to be read and the read date for February's hands needs to be between Feb 1 and 28"

Yeah, sorry, I meant "did not finish". And at least that'll give me some incentive to finish more books ;)

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Can 2 people on my team read the same book for 2 different cards?

message 23: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Sure can

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Great! So many people reading A Song of Ice and Fire these days ... thanks Karen!

kat (wanderfulbooks) (wanderfulbooks) | 367 comments Karen wrote: "Kathleen wrote: "Do we disregard the 'THE' in book titles?

Ex: The Name of the Wind - If we could have it credited as 'has a title starting with N'"

For any titles with definite/indefinite artic..."

Thank you Karen.

message 26: by Annika (new)

Annika | 1412 comments What about the reverse card, could it be any book a team member has read or does it have to be one read during this challenge?

message 27: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 4717 comments Annika wrote: "What about the reverse card, could it be any book a team member has read or does it have to be one read during this challenge?"

It can be any book a team member has read. It doesn't have to be one read during the challenge.

message 28: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments That's right - thanks Eldarwen! :)

message 29: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 4717 comments Welcome! =D

message 30: by Alejo (last edited Jan 27, 2015 06:00AM) (new)

Alejo  | 41 comments I have a questions regarding this: "The idea is to "play" each hand for points. It is up to the team how many "hands" they can get through in the month, but they must play one hand completely before being able to get points for the next".

Ok so, I get that to get points for the next hand, the first hand must be completed, however, if a team member can read more and more can that person keep read and start completing the other hands and only get the points when the earlier ones get completed? Or we can not advanced until everything is completed?

Did I make myself clear?

Also, can the same book be used for 3 cards?

message 31: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments You get points for each book that's read, no matter what hand you count it towards. For each hand you complete you get bonus points, but those bonus points are only awarded if you complete the hands in order.
So if you had finished hand one, hand three, and half of hand two, you'd get points for all books read, but only bonus points for hand one. If you then finished hand two then you'd get the completion points for all three hands.
I hope that makes sense!

message 32: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments Thanks Allison, yes that is true

So Alejo, up to you how you want to plan, but by the end of the month you need to make sure you have hands completed in order.
E.g. you complete hands 1,2,3,5 and part of hand 4. By the end of the month if you haven't completed hand 4, you only get points for hands 1,2,3 and part of hand 4 (and nothing for hand 5)

Yes, team members can read the same book to use for cards.
Just for any up-and-coming readers, publishers or promoters out there, remember this challenge is NOT about promoting books that are yours or that you have any affiliation with

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

If I've started a book back in January, but finished it in February does it count?

message 34: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments Yes, provided it is finished between Feb 1 and 28, it doesn't matter when you started

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

For the skip or wild card if a book title and its author have the same letters how do we count it? Do we get a point for each or is it just one point for both?

message 36: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Just one book per card :)

message 37: by Alejo (new)

Alejo  | 41 comments Allison wrote: "You get points for each book that's read, no matter what hand you count it towards. For each hand you complete you get bonus points, but those bonus points are only awarded if you complete the hand..."

Great Thanks a lot.

message 38: by Alejo (new)

Alejo  | 41 comments Perks Moderator wrote: "Thanks Allison, yes that is true

So Alejo, up to you how you want to plan, but by the end of the month you need to make sure you have hands completed in order.
E.g. you complete hands 1,2,3,5 and ..."

Ok, but I don't mean many memebers reading the same book. I mean One member reading a book for many cards. Lets say we have a 0, reverse and SKIP. If a person read a stand alone book, starting with S that someonelse has read, counts for all 3 cards with just one card?

message 39: by Alejo (new)

Alejo  | 41 comments I'm sorry to ask so much, but everytime I go to my team group, more doubts appear. I know a book can count for more than just one card, but does it have to be in the same hand? I mean could it count for a card 1 in hand 1 and let's say skip for hand 2?

message 40: by Allison (new)

Allison | 269 comments You can only count a book for more than one card if there is a Draw 2 card in that hand. In that case the Draw 2 card is marked as used, (no points are given for it) and then one book is counted for two different cards in that hand (both counted for points). Other than that, one book = one card.

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

Kathleen wrote: "Do we disregard the 'THE' in book titles?

Ex: The Name of the Wind - If we could have it credited as 'has a title starting with N'"

Can we also disregard "A" and "AN"? So, for example, can I mark down A Storm of Swords for a SKIP card?

message 42: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 4717 comments Karen wrote: "For any titles with definite/indefinite articles you can either use them or ignore them (A/An/The etc.) so in your example that could be a T or a N (The Name of the Wind)"

So yes, you can disregard any indefinite or definite articles if you so wish.

message 43: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments Alejo wrote: "I'm sorry to ask so much, but everytime I go to my team group, more doubts appear. I know a book can count for more than just one card, but does it have to be in the same hand? I mean could it coun..."

That's ok. Allison's reply is correct. It is only one book per card. The only exception is for Draw 2 where you can use one book for 2 cards (see the example tab on your spreadsheet for an example of how this may work)

message 44: by Alejo (new)

Alejo  | 41 comments All clear. ;) Thanks

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Eldarwen wrote: "Karen wrote: "For any titles with definite/indefinite articles you can either use them or ignore them (A/An/The etc.) so in your example that could be a T or a N (The Name of the Wind)"

So yes, y..."

Whoops, didn't read that part. Thanks Eldarwen! :)

message 46: by Nanci (new)

Nanci | 1864 comments This sounds like fun. I'm in!
1. 3-5 books per month
2. USA (EST)
3. I have never done anything like this before, but would be willing to captain or co-captain, if needed.

message 47: by Kayla (new)

Kayla Hutchinson (kaylahutchinson) Who is able to post in the spreadsheet? The mod, captain, everyone?

message 48: by Annika (new)

Annika | 1412 comments In your team it is only the captain. In this thread it is Karen (mod)

message 49: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (last edited Jan 29, 2015 12:48PM) (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments The captain, unless you also have a co-captain who wants to help out, or your captain shares the spreadsheet to others in the team. It's usually a good idea to only have 1-2 people with edit rights

Edit - I just saw on your team thread you have stepped up as co-captain Kayla.. so just PM me your email address and I will give you edit rights :)

message 50: by Perks Moderator, Know-it-all (last edited Feb 01, 2015 03:08AM) (new)

Perks Moderator | 488 comments I've had a question about characters, and if they need to be "main" characters to count.

Minor characters are ok provided they have some meaning/dialogue to the story ... e.g. not just a passing reference to "I once had a cat named Oscar"...

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