Stephen King 2024 read-along discussion

Sleeping Beauties
This topic is about Sleeping Beauties
November 2019 Discussions > November New Book!!

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message 1: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Chung (bingereader19) | 206 comments Mod
Hello Constant Readers,

I'm happy to share the new book this month. I haven't read a new release from King in a few months last one being Revival and that one is actually a few years old. This one was written with Owen King. I am curious to see how their writing styles pair together. Reading Joe Hill you can definitely see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hoping this book is as good as the cover :P

Researching to see if this book would be turned into a movie I came across this article written in April of this year, I haven't read the synopsis of the book before and after reading it in the article, I am intrigued. It would be cool to see it as a tv series. You are able to fit more of the book into tv then into a movie. What do you all think? Do you like King's adaptations to be movies or tv series?

Hopefully you all like this one. Happy Reading!

message 2: by Chelley (new) - added it

Chelley Marie | 198 comments Hi and welcome Sunshine:)

message 3: by Chelley (new) - added it

Chelley Marie | 198 comments It’s a great book. Have u seen the movie?

message 4: by Chelley (new) - added it

Chelley Marie | 198 comments Yes I agree

Ashley Wright | 201 comments Mod
Finally started this last night and I'm only a chapter in but I'm so intrigued!

message 6: by Chelley (new) - added it

Chelley Marie | 198 comments I’m sure u will like it:)

Ashley Wright | 201 comments Mod
Debating on whether or not I want to put this down for a little while and pick it back up later. I'm really enjoying it, but man is it dense and depressing lol

message 8: by Chelley (new) - added it

Chelley Marie | 198 comments I had to put it down for awhile. I think like 2 weeks lol longest time I’ve ever spent reading a King book

message 9: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Chung (bingereader19) | 206 comments Mod
Sunshine wrote: "Hello, there, I am new to the group. I definitely want to read this book. I have it waiting for me at the library. Glad to be here :)"

Hi :) Welcome Sunshine!!

message 10: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Chung (bingereader19) | 206 comments Mod
Sunshine wrote: "I just got my copy in the mail. I plan to start reading tonight or tomorrow."

I'm currently listening to it on audio. I'm on page 84 which isn't that far in. Really liking it so far. Hopefully my momentum continues.

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