Around the Year in 52 Books discussion

2019 Plans > Jen's empty promises and commitment issues -list for year 5

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message 1: by Jen (last edited Dec 31, 2019 02:05PM) (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments 52/52

1. A book that was nominated for or won an award in a genre you enjoy
✔️Unikäärme by Vonda N. McIntyre

2. A book with one of the 5 W's in the title (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
✔️When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

3. A book where the author’s name contains A, T, and Y
Amy Tan
Laini Taylor
Thomas Hardy
Leslye Walton
Kultarinta by Anni Kytömäki
✔️Something is Killing the Children #1 by James Tynion IV

4. A book with a criminal character (i.e. assassin, pirate, thief, robber, scoundrel etc)
Six of Crows
The Thief
The Princess Bride
✔️Finale by Stephanie Garber

5. A book by Shakespeare or inspired by Shakespeare
Station Eleven
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue
Infinite Jest
Vinegar Girl
✔️Kuinka aika pysäytetään by Matt Haig

6. A book with a dual timeline
Salaisuuden kantaja
✔️Kellontekijän tytär by Kate Morton

7. 2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #1 (mental health)
✔️Siintää Sargassomeri by Jean Rhys

8. 2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #2 (mental health)
✔️It's Kind of a Funny Story by Vizzini, Ned

9. A book from one of the top 5 money making genres (romance/erotica, crime/mystery, religious/inspirational, science fiction/fantasy or horror)
✔️Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts

10. A book featuring an historical figure
✔️Punainen teltta by Anita Diamant
Kiinan viimeinen keisarinna

11. A book related to one of the 12 Zodiac Chinese Animals (title, cover, subject)
The Essex Serpent
✔️Hirtetyt koirat by Jens Henrik Jensen

12. A book about reading, books or an author/writer
The History of Love
✔️Pure mua by Terhi Tarkiainen

13. A book that is included on a New York Public Library Staff Picks list
The Immortalists
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
✔️Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening by Marjorie M. Liu

14. A book with a title, subtitle or cover relating to an astronomical term
The Moons of Jupiter
The Moonstone
Aurinko ja kuu
✔️Artemis by Andy Weir

15. A book by an author from a Mediterranean country or set in a Mediterranean country
✔️Epileptikko by David B.

16. A book told from multiple perspectives
Little Fires Everywhere
✔️Voima by Naomi Alderman

17. A speculative fiction (i.e. fantasy, scifi, horror, dystopia)
Fire & Blood
✔️Säätiö by Isaac Asimov

18. A book related to one of the elements on the periodic table of elements
Golden Age
Altered Carbon
Iron Gold
✔️Kuolon kultaiset kiehkurat by Alan Bradley

19. A book by an author who has more than one book on your TBR
✔️Rakas ystäväni tai 15 ehdotuksen feministinen manifesti by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Leigh Bardugo
Belinda Bauer
Octavia Butler

20. A book featuring indigenous people of a country
✔️Valon airut by Kerttu Vuolab
Aurinko, isäni

21. A book from one of the polarizing or close call votes: A Victorian or neo-Victorian book
The Observations
Bellman & Black
✔️Silmänkääntäjä by Sarah Waters

22. A book with a number in the title or on the cover
The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
✔️Seitsemän sisarta by Lucinda Riley

23. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #1 Something Old
Les Liaisons dangereuses
✔️Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

24. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #2 Something New
✔️Meinioseppä – Morriganin kutsumus by Jessica Townsend

25. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #3 Something Borrowed
✔️Exit West by Mohsin Hamid

26. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #4 Something Blue
The Silver Bough
✔️Poika raidallisessa pyjamassa by John Boyne

27. A book off of the 1001 books to read before you die list
The Remains of the Day
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
✔️Beloved by Toni Morrison

28. A book related to something cold (i.e. theme, title, author, cover, etc.)
✔️The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

29. A book published before 1950
Their Eyes Were Watching God
✔️The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

30. A book featuring an elderly character
✔️Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
News of the World

31. A children’s classic you’ve never read
✔️Aarresaari by Robert Louis Stevenson
A Wrinkle in Time

32. A book with more than 500 pages
Moby-Dick or, The Whale
Of Human Bondage
The Fifth Season
The Little Stranger
✔️Kolmas sisar by Magdalena Hai

33. A book you have owned for at least a year, but have not read yet
✔️Hänen varjonsa tarina by Audrey Niffenegger
Kirkas: läpinäkyvä romaani

34. A book with a person's name in the title
Mrs. Dalloway
Madame Bovary
Karamazovin veljekset
The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder
✔️Lyran Oxford by Philip Pullman

35. A psychological thriller
The Woman in the Window
Social Creature
✔️Tumma by Kati Hiekkapelto

36. A book featured on an NPR Best Books of the Year list
Exit West
✔️Lincoln bardossa by George Saunders

37. A book set in a school or university
✔️Yksi meistä valehtelee by Karen M. McManus
Norwegian Wood

38. A book not written in traditional novel format (poetry, essay, epistolary, graphic novel, etc)
✔️Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened by Allie Brosh
Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters

39. A book with a strong sense of place or where the author brings the location/setting to life
Vihan kadut
Here Comes the Sun
✔️Ennen kuolemaani by S.K. Tremayne

40. A book you stumbled upon
✔️Aitoa peliä by Justina Robson

41. A book from the 2018 GR Choice Awards
The Girl in the Tower
Year One
✔️Auschwitzin tatuoija by Heather Morris

42. A book with a monster or "monstrous" character
✔️A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
The Power
The Child Thief

43. A book related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) [fiction or nonfiction]
✔️Sapiens - Ihmisen lyhyt historia by Yuval Noah Harari
Oryx and Crake

44. A book related in some way to a tv show/series or movie you enjoyed (same topic, same era, book appeared in the show/movie, etc.)
✔️The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line by Rob Thomas
Julian Fellowes's Belgravia

45. A multi-generational saga
Life After Life
✔️Sadan vuoden yksinäisyys by Gabriel García Márquez

46. A book with a (mostly) black cover
The Observations
Only Human
The Immortalists
✔️The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

47. A book related to food (i.e. title, cover, plot, etc.)
✔️Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson

48. A book that was a finalist or winner for the National Book Award for any year (Finlandia award 2018)
✔️Tuhatkuolevan kirous by Siiri Enoranta

49. A book written by a Far East Asian author or set in a Far East Asian country
Haruki Murakami
Banana Yoshimoto
Kyung-Sook Shin
✔️Kana joka tahtoi lentää by Sun-mi Hwang

50. A book that includes a journey (physical, health, or spiritual)
A Passage to India
The Metamorphosis
The Golem and the Jinni
✔️Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

51. A book published in 2019
✔️Viimeinen kirjani: kirjoituksia elämästä by Astrid Swan

52. A book with a weird or intriguing title
Bonjour tristesse
✔️Tästä alkaa elämä: Epäonnistumisen ilo ja mielikuvituksen tärkeys by J.K. Rowling

message 2: by MJ (last edited Dec 25, 2018 04:49PM) (new)

MJ | 870 comments Some really good books, and some that I didn't like (Moby Dick - ugh. Hope you enjoy it more than I did!) We have quite a few books that overlap, and the one here that I look forward to most is The Girl In The Tower.

I should copy you and use the same title for mine. Going into year 4 and I've never finished. Have fun!!

message 3: by Sabrina (new)

Sabrina | 393 comments This title speaks to me omg

message 4: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments MJ wrote: "Some really good books, and some that I didn't like (Moby Dick - ugh. Hope you enjoy it more than I did!) We have quite a few books that overlap, and the one here that I look forward to most is The..."

I've wanted to read the Arden books for a while and the plan is to read the bear and the nightingale for 2018 challenge (counting hours and exercising speed reading skills here) and continue while the story is still fresh. Might have to skip Moby Dick ^_^ The fifth season is strongest candidate for that week.

Sabrina wrote: "This title speaks to me omg"

I figured using a brutally honest title would whip me to keep up >_<

message 5: by Jinia (new)

Jinia Parker (meanwhileinflorida) | 14 comments I third that title choice....

message 6: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments Jinia wrote: "I third that title choice...."


message 7: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments 2 down, 50 to go. Sadly the first two were both 1 star reads for me, need to pick better books.

message 8: by Anastasia (new)

Anastasia (anastasiaharris) | 1705 comments Sorry to hear that. Hopefully the next ones are better.

message 9: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments Anastasia wrote: "Sorry to hear that. Hopefully the next ones are better."

Thank you Anastasia 😊 Silly choices for my part and being unable to dnf a book when I should 😅

message 10: by Celeste (last edited Jan 16, 2019 07:19PM) (new)

Celeste (celesteryr) | 432 comments The Metamorphosis I suppose works in the most physical way, but I like Siddartha by Hermann Hesse so I guess Golem & Jinni Passage to India would work for me? Sorry, I'm stealing part of your notes The Golem and the Jinni because my list is a little weak.

message 11: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments Celeste wrote: "The Metamorphosis I suppose works in the most physical way, but I like Siddartha by Hermann Hesse so I guess Golem & Jinni Passage to India would work for me? Sorry..."

Steal away 😄 I didn't remember Siddartha! That will be added to possibilities, cheers Celeste!

message 12: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments I'm feeling the pressure building up 🙈 Even after outrageous shuffling, fitting the topics to the books I've read rather than the other way around, this is starting to feel like "a year of not making it". Nonetheless I've picked up super short books to read this weekend and hopefully I get to start the last week of November with only 10 books left on the challenge. The holidays are not a time of rest, reading and relaxation, rather the opposite, so can't count on having the opportunity for a final crunch ☃️.

message 13: by Joan (new)

Joan Barnett | 1908 comments You’re about where I am in the challenge. I’ll probably have to add in some books I wasn’t going to count. I’m also planning to read some short books this weekend. Maybe I can finish. 🤞🤞🤞🤞

message 14: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments I'll keep my fingers crossed too for you Joan 😃

message 15: by Jen (new)

Jen Juniper (jenjuniper) | 62 comments I write this as the fireworks light up the sky - I made it in time ✨

Some topics may have been interpreted loosely but I regret nothing!

I've been doing the aty since it's predecessor popsugar challenge in 2015 and it has been wonderful, but I'm going to dedicate 2020 for my fantasy series that have been left hanging - haven't even started Fitz and the Fool trilogy 😱

Happy New Year - may your average rating exceed 4.0🥂

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