Catching up on Classics (and lots more!) discussion

2019 Classic Bingo Challenge > Pink's 2019 Bingo

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message 1: by Pink (last edited Jun 02, 2019 12:58PM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments description

❌B1: 18th Century or Earlier Classic Reflections on the Seven Days of the Week 💒 ⭐️
❌B2: Book Chosen by the Cover Inferno 👹 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌B3: European Classic Les Liaisons dangereuses ✍🏻💋 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌B4: Telegraph’s 100 Novels List Eugene Onegin 💏 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌B5: 20th Century Classic One of Ours 🏕🚢🎻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

❌I1: Book from the Group’s Bookshelf Prior to 2019 The Age of Innocence 💵 💍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌I2: New-to-You Author Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze 💃🦸‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌I3: Classic Play Hippolytus ⚡️😍💀⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌I4: Literary Prize of Your Country Normal People 😍🤦‍♀️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌I5: Classic on Your Bookshelf For over a Year Chronicle in Stone 🇦🇱💣 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

N1: South American Classic
❌N2: Short Story Collection Monday or Tuesday 🤷🏼‍♀️💐 ⭐️⭐️
❌N3: FREE SPACE Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History 💊🔪☠️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌N4: Poetry or Essay Collection Essays on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare Compared with Greek and French Writers: Volume 12 🎭 ⭐️⭐️
❌N5: Asian Classic Miss Sophie's Diary and Other Stories 👬🛏 ⭐️⭐️

❌G1: Winner of a Foreign Literary Prize Brother 🎤👨🏾‍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌G2: Classic By a Female Author The Adventures of David Simple 💑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌G3: Classic Non-fiction The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Written by Himself ⛵️⛓ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌G4: Written by Nobel Laureate As I Lay Dying 🛌💀⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌G5: Book from the Group's 2019 Bookshelf Common Sense 📖🇺🇸 ⭐️⭐️

❌O1: 19th Century Classic Bleak House 🤷🏼‍♀️📚😒 ⭐️⭐️
O2: Classic Sci-fi or Fantasy
❌O3: Classic Comedy or Satire Vile Bodies 🎩🍾 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
❌O4: Classic Romance The Reader 📖🛁 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
O5: 21st Century Potential Classic

message 3: by Katy, New School Classics (new)

Katy (kathy_h) | 10616 comments Mod
Hope you have fun with this challenge for 2019, Pink. Love seeing your ideas and possibilities.

message 4: by Susie (new)

Susie | 777 comments Thanks for ideas for some categories. They are helpful to me in my plotting and planning for 2019!

message 5: by Tammy (last edited Dec 06, 2018 07:46AM) (new)

Tammy | 393 comments I recently read Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa and really liked it. It would be another good option for South America topic. He fits in Nobel Prize winner, too! You have a lot of excellent book to choose from. I really enjoyed No Exit last year. That was my first attempt at Sartre.

message 6: by Jehona (new)

Jehona | 182 comments I don't know what to say about "The House of the Spirits" except that it is in my challenge too, but "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is very good and if you haven't read it you definitely should.

message 7: by Brina (new)

Brina House of the Spirits is my all time favorite book. I hope those of you who choose to read it will enjoy it.

message 8: by Pink (last edited Dec 07, 2018 04:47AM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Brina wrote: "House of the Spirits is my all time favorite book. I hope those of you who choose to read it will enjoy it."

Your love for this book is the reason I added it to my list!

message 9: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Tammy wrote: "I recently read Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa and really liked it. It would be another good option for South America topic. He fits in Nobel Prize winner, too..."

Thanks for the recommendation :)

message 10: by Bob, Short Story Classics (new)

Bob | 5821 comments Mod
Thanks for the list, I-4 Literary Prize of your country. It helps me find one for G-1 Winner of a Foreign Literary Prize. I think I have already admitted to being lazy. Thanks again.

message 11: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Bob wrote: "Thanks for the list, I-4 Literary Prize of your country. It helps me find one for G-1 Winner of a Foreign Literary Prize. I think I have already admitted to being lazy. Thanks again."

Haha, I'll be doing exactly the same with other people's challenges. The bonus of having an international book group!

message 12: by Veronique (new)

Veronique | 1145 comments Great list of possibilities! :0)

message 13: by Renee (new)

Renee | 864 comments Love your list of possibilities! I can't wait to see which ones you choose. Hope you have fun with the challenge :)

message 14: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments And I’m off...two books down.

As I lay dying - 3 stars
Reflections on the seven days of the week - 1 star

message 15: by Brina (new)

Brina Good start. I love the emojis and why not if motivates you to get the books checked off faster ;)

message 16: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Thanks, I thought the emojis might make things more fun! Wonder if they’ll work for everything I read!

message 17: by Pink (last edited Feb 09, 2019 11:00AM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments B5 - 20th century classic
One of Ours by Willa Cather

I found this a well written, but sometimes uneven story about a disillusioned young farming man, who found his own solace on the battlefield. 3 stars

message 18: by Marilyn (new)

Marilyn | 980 comments Pink wrote: "B5 - 20th century classic
One of Ours by Willa Cather ***

I found this a well written, but sometimes uneven story about a disillusioned young farming man, who found ..."

Definitely not her best work.

message 19: by Rosemarie (new)

Rosemarie | 1598 comments I feel the same way about One of Ours. I enjoyed the first half, while he was still in the United States, much better than the second half of the book.

message 20: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Marilyn, would you recommend another by Cather? I’ve only read this and My Antonia, which I didn’t like so much.

message 21: by Marilyn (new)

Marilyn | 980 comments Pink wrote: "Marilyn, would you recommend another by Cather? I’ve only read this and My Antonia, which I didn’t like so much."

Try Death Comes for the Archbishop. Or if you would rather commit to a shorter work, the novella My Mortal Enemy.

message 22: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Thanks for the recommendation

message 23: by Pink (last edited Feb 09, 2019 11:00AM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments I read four books in January, which are nicely scattered across the bingo board.

Best book - Les Liaisons dangereuses 5 stars
Worst book - Reflections on the Seven Days of the Week 1 star
Average - One of Ours and As I Lay Dying 3 stars

message 24: by Bob, Short Story Classics (new)

Bob | 5821 comments Mod
I envy the skills I don’t possess. Your Bingo card is great!

message 25: by MK (new)

MK (wisny) | 2992 comments I agree! It's gawjuss!!!

message 26: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Thanks Bob, to be honest I’m amazed myself that I was able to do it, I’m usually rubbish at things like that!

message 27: by Samanta (new)

Samanta   (almacubana) | 307 comments How did you do that?! Amazing!!

message 28: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Samanta wrote: "How did you do that?! Amazing!!"

I saved the bingo image, then used as a free online photo editor. To add the book covers, I just copied the picture I wanted, uploaded and cropped it to size on top of the bingo picture. Then I saved the entire photo and uploaded back to goodreads, using the html code. There are probably easier ways of doing it, but like I say, these things are not my forte!

message 29: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments I’ve added two more books to my board -

I2 New to you author - Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze by Eliza Fowler Haywood 4 stars

This was great fun and a nice quick read in one sitting.

N2 Short story collection - Monday or Tuesday by Virginia Woolf 2 stars

Typical Woolf! A meandering writing style, but with a disctinct charm. Some of these stories were bizarre and wonderful, but most were too dreamlike and confusing for me.

message 30: by Lynn, Revisit the Shelf (last edited Mar 03, 2019 11:05AM) (new)

Lynn (lynnsreads) | 5107 comments Mod
Pink wrote: "Samanta wrote: "How did you do that?! Amazing!!"

I saved the bingo image, then used as a free online photo editor. To add the book covers, I just copied the picture I wanted, uploaded an..."

Very cool. I also was wondering how to do that. I really admire yours, but do not have confidence I could replicate it. Nice job!

message 31: by Pink (last edited Feb 04, 2019 02:34PM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments G1 - Winner of a foreign literary prize
Brother by David Chariandy

I’d never heard of this, but it kept showing up on BorrowBox (online library) under the category of prize winners, so I thought I’d give it a try. I’m glad I did, as it was a well written and enjoyable story, focused on the relationship between two young and struggling brothers. 4 stars.

message 32: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments O3 - Classic Comedy or Satire
Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh

There was a point in the second half where the biting satire and absurdity wore thin, but the writing saw me through and it was a solid 3 stars. I preferred Decline and Fall, although they're really quite similar books.

message 33: by Pink (last edited Feb 11, 2019 04:08AM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments B2 - Book chosen by the cover
Inferno by Dante Alighieri

Inferno (The Divine Comedy, #1) by Dante Alighieri
I knew immediately what book would fill this category and it’s a beauty! I had no intention of reading Dante’s Inferno when I picked it up (full price in an actual bookshop, almost unheard of for me!) but I couldn’t resist the embossed design. Unfortunately it sat languishing on my shelf for the past five or so years, but 2019 was its lucky year! I’m glad I finally gave it a chance, it was a beautifully written and complex book, but I can see why we’re still reading it 700 years later! 3.5 stars

message 34: by Ila (new)

Ila | 680 comments I am glad you liked it Pink. It did seem very daunting but for me was well worth the effort. The historical backstories were fun. That said, I don't think I would read Purgatario or Paradiso.

message 35: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments I1 - Book from the group’s bookshelf prior to 2019
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

Really good! I can see why this is talked about still and gets such high reviews. 4.5 stars

message 36: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments O4 - Classic Romance
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

I loved this! A bit of a dubious romance really, between a 15 year old boy and older woman, who has darker secrets than starting an affair with a minor. I enjoyed the sparse writing, the love, guilt, complexities of relationships and humanity as a whole. I went into this completely blind and I think it worked best that way, not knowing what was coming in the second half. 5 stars

message 37: by Lotte (new)

Lotte | 196 comments You're on a roll! I'm now compelled to read The Age of Innocence and The Rader. And your copy of Inferno is very beautiful indeed.

message 38: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Lotte wrote: "You're on a roll! I'm now compelled to read The Age of Innocence and The Rader. And your copy of Inferno is very beautiful indeed."

Thanks, I’d recommend them both :)

message 39: by Bob, Short Story Classics (new)

Bob | 5821 comments Mod
Wow! one more and you are half way to a black out. If we had an award for best B2 cover I think you would win.

message 40: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Thanks Bob, my board is filling up nicely, but not bingo yet!

message 41: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments N3 - Free Space
Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History

For a grisly topic, this was an enjoyable and breezy read! 3 stars

message 42: by Pink (last edited Feb 24, 2019 12:02PM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments G3 - Classic Non Fiction
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Written by Himself

More a providential account of transantlantic sailing in the slave trade, this was an unusual narrative, written with the purpose of ending British participation. 3 stars

message 43: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments G5 - Book from the group’s 2019 bookshelf
Common Sense by Thomas Paine

I found this ok, setting out reasons for American independence. It was quite a contrast to my previous book, written around the same time, both with their own motives, either to abolish British rule of colonies, or that of slavery. Two sides of the same coin perhaps. 2 stars.

message 44: by Pink (new)

Pink | 6554 comments B4 - Telegraph's 100 Novels List
Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin

This was so much more enjoyable than I expected. Definitely helped along by a great translation and narration (Falen, read by Stephen Fry) 4 stars

message 45: by Pink (last edited Mar 03, 2019 09:03AM) (new)

Pink | 6554 comments Oh and that makes my first level 1 bingo! Only took 15 books this year!

message 46: by MK (new)

MK (wisny) | 2992 comments ^5! :)

message 47: by Lynn, Revisit the Shelf (new)

Lynn (lynnsreads) | 5107 comments Mod
Pink wrote: "Oh and that makes my first level 1 bingo! Only took 15 books this year!"

Congratulations on the Bingo!

message 48: by Aubrey (new)

Aubrey (korrick) Ooh I like that picture set up Bingo of yours, Pink. Perhaps I'll mess around in Paint later today.

message 49: by Rosemarie (new)

Rosemarie | 1598 comments Congrats on your Bingo!

message 50: by Katy, New School Classics (new)

Katy (kathy_h) | 10616 comments Mod
Pink wrote: "Oh and that makes my first level 1 bingo! Only took 15 books this year!"

Congrats to you!

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