Harlequin Presents Readers discussion

Buddy Reads > Betrayal in Bali and the blackmailed bridegroom

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message 1: by Jiha (new)

Jiha | 34 comments Hello, I got a scan of Betrayal in Bali and trying to make a scan of The Blackmailed Bridegroom. As I'm living very far from Amazon shipping, and so many others making scans with partners is the way I know to get dead tree books and swap them. So if someone is interested in these books contact me to help each other..

message 2: by Jitha (new)

Jitha | 7 comments hi jiha i tried a lot for these two books online ...even hard copies were not availabe. if u have an ecopy could you please share it with me???my email is jithaster@gmail.com....

Thanks in advance

message 3: by Aneca (new)

Aneca | 8 comments Can't find these 2 anywhere either...

message 4: by crazy1bad (new)

crazy1bad | 102 comments I want to read Betrayal in Bali too but can't find it

message 5: by Fatima (new)

Fatima | 4 comments @Crazy1bad,

Betrayal in Bali is available on Amazon.

message 6: by Mou (new)

Mou | 85 comments I want both of the book Jiha. Would you be kind enough to email me to this address - ftm643@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance.

Amazon is not available here and shipping books are not allowed from other countries. It's very frustrating for me to find these paperback books. 😞

message 7: by Mo (new)

Mo | 51 comments Please do send me if you have them. Please!

message 8: by Melanie♥ (new)

Melanie♥ (meliaann) | 181 comments I thought I had a scan of Betrayal in Bali, but I'm not finding it. I wonder if I had a paper copy? I'll keep looking.

message 9: by San-Dee (new)

San-Dee Keefner | 5 comments Hi jih.... I have a hard copy of Betrayal in Bali.... I have an extra book. If you would like it message me and I can post it to you. It is the American edition.

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