2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2018 > Agnieszka's 250+ books

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message 1: by Agnieszka (last edited Apr 30, 2018 11:20AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments January:
1. Casual (88)
2. Bis In Den Tod=Rapture in Death (416)
3. Spiraled (305)
4. Her Secret Agent (50)
5. Stark im Sturm (96) orig. title: Strength for the Storms of Life: Loss, Betrayal and Failure
6. Just Before Midnight (108)
7. Christmas at Copper Mountain (158)
8. Wrong Question, Right Answer (326)
9. What She Really Wants (26)
10. Targeted (352)
11. The Yuletide Countess (182)
12. The First Lady of Three Rivers Ranch (224)
13. Hide and Seek book 1 of Family Reunions Complete Collection: Hide and Seek\Christmas Cover-Up\Her Stolen Past (235)
14. A Royal Christmas Gift (232)
15. Christmas Cover-Up book 2 of Family Reunions Collection (224)
16. Risky Shot (201)
17. Dead Heat (217)
18. Nie mehr allein=Home for Christmas book 1 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts (84) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
19. Wünsche werden wahr=All I Want For Christmas book 3 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts (80) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
20. The New Year's Bride (224)
21. Sparrow House (258)
22. High Desert Reflections (40)
23. Hey, Nobody's Perfect (176)
24. Ufer der Hoffnung=Chesapeake Blue (449)
25. Mit Haut und Haar=Bare Bones (385)
26. The Last Puzzle (114)
27. A Killer Among Us (353)
28. Final Cut (118)
29. Cel Bourne'a=The Bourne Objective (488)
30. Wszystkie twarze agentki=Two Faced Woman (160)
31. No Safe Haven (355)
32. At the Edge of a Dark Forest (210)
33. Always Watching (338)
34. Jack of Spades (224)

35. Where Two Hearts Meet: Tea For Two / Wherever Love Takes Us (174)
36. His Forever Valentine by Kit Morgan 5* 2/2/18 (225)
37. Special Agent Maximilian (278)
38. Depression: Die Krankheit bewältigen (224) lit. translation: Depression: Overcome the Illness
39. Der Kuss des Killers=Ceremony in Death (410)
40. Night Passage (340)
41. Love Remains (321)
42. Trouble in Paradise (324)
43. Der Weg=Cross Roads (304)
44. On The Run (116)
45. Totenmontag=Monday Mourning (385)
46. Die Klaviatur des Todes: Deutschlands bekanntester Rechtsmediziner klärt auf (172 - estimated) lit. trasl. The Keyboard of Death: Germany's Most Famous Forensic Pathologist Explains (Enlightens or Solves - as in a crime - word play with several meanings)
47. Flight of the Intruder (437)
48. Mord ist ihre Leidenschaft=Vengeance in Death (449)
49. Friends With Partial Benefits (224)
50. A Merciful Secret (332)
51. Rückkehr Nach River's End=River's End (512)
52. Liebesnacht mit einem Mörder=Holiday in Death (417)
53. Mitternachtsmord=Midnight in Death book 1 of Mörderspiele=Three in Death (144)
54. Love Letters (152)
55. Miłość w wielkim mieście=Love and the City (147)
56. Cabin by the Lake (271)
57. Cheap at Half the Price (17)
58. One Man's Meat (57)

59. Dance with the Enemy (358)
60. Clean Sweep Ignatius (17 - estimated)
61. If Ever I Would Leave You (152)
62. Nacht im Central Park (385) lit. transl. A Night in Central Park
63. Remember Me (296)
64. Dunghog (5 - estimated)
65. Chasing Ivan (174)
66. Der Tod ist mein=Conspiracy in Death (480)
67. All-Time Favorite Bible Stories: Old Testament (78)
68. Mountain Duet: Mystery and Romance in the Rockies (29)
69. Quest for the Beast: A Beauty and the Beast story (41)
70. Wrong Turn, Right Direction (350)
71. The Tourist (417)
72. I Can't But Jesus Can: Experiencing the Power of Surrender (45)
73. Ein feuriger Verehrer=Loyalty in Death (561)
74. Christina Rosenthal (27 - estimated)
75. Heilige Kuh=Holy Cow (224)
76. Daffodils in Spring (80)
77. Spiel mit dem Mörder=Witness in Death (609)
78. Her Stolen Past book 3 of Family Reunions Complete Collection: Hide and Seek\Christmas Cover-Up\Her Stolen Past (233)
79. Von allen Seiten umgibst du mich: In Gott geborgen (64) lit. transl. You Encircle Me: Secure in God
80. An Eclair To Remember (242)
81. Keine Lust und trotzdem fit: Einfache Schritte in ein bewegt(er)es Leben (147) lit. transl. Not Feeling Like But Still Fit: Easy Steps to (More) Excercise in Life (a word play bewegt means also [emotionaly] moving or figurative stir sth. up)
82. Nein! Ich will keinen Seniorenteller: Das Tagebuch der Marie Sharp=No! I Don't Want to Join a Book Club: Diary of a Sixtieth Year (288)
83. Sidetracked (312)
84. Das Schneemädchen=The Snow Child (425 - estimated)
85. Bluegrass Undercover (242)
86. Die fabelhaften Schwestern der Familie Cooke=We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves (368)
87. Sündige Rache=Judgment in Death (577)
88. One Dead=The Hunter (64)

message 2: by Agnieszka (last edited Jul 02, 2018 02:07AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments April:

89. Christ Arose: A Tomb's Tale (13)
90. Dying to Read (322)
91. For God So Loved: The story behind Easter (8)
92. Casual Friday: A Short Story Prequel to The Intern's Handbook (51)
93. Lilies on Daybreak Pond (37)
94. Rising Storm (242)
95. Secret Santa (72)
96. Louisiana Longshot book 1 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 (232)
97. Unter Fremden (274) lit. translation: Among Strangers
98. Die Begnadigung=The Broker (480)
99. Lolita lesen in Teheran=Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books (352)
100. Too Close For Comfort (183)
101. Faith is the Victory (26)
102. Symphonie des Todes=Betrayal in Death (529)
103. Mörderspiele = Interlude in Death book 2 of Mörderspiele: Drei Fälle für Eve Dallas=Three in Death (135)
104. Human (27)
105. Mörder Anders und seine Freunde nebst dem einen oder anderen Feind=Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All (352)
106. Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich (320)
107. 110 - Ein Bulle hört zu: Aus der Notrufzentrale der Polizei (200 - estimated) lit. translation: 110 (German emergency number) - A Cop (or Pig - sorry it's the author's decision to use this word) Listens: From Police' Emergency Call Center
108. His Prairie Princess book 1 of The Cooke Brothers (109)
109. Geschafft! 50 Kilo leichter in einem Jahr (90) lit. translation: Done! 50 Kilogram Less (or Lost) In One Year
110. Jesteś cenny=You Matter (30)
111. Not What He Expected (51)
112. Rise Above: How to Heal the Hurts and Overcome the Worst (89)
113. Totgeglaubte leben länger=Cross Bones (417)
114. Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis=The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (240)
115. Vegas Vacation (154)
116. Sterben sollst du für dein Glück: Gefangen zwischen zwei Welten (150 - estimated) lit. transl.: You Have to Die For Your Happiness: Captured (or Trapped) Between Two Worlds
117. Alles ist gut.: Sechzehn sehr kurze Geschichten, in denen gar nichts gut ist (32) lit. transl: All's well: Sixteen very short stories where nothing is well
118. Checkmate's Honeymoon from Hell III (112)
119. Checkmate (370)
120. The Vanishing Tourist (103)
121. Błękitny Zamek=The Blue Castle (160)
122. Das Kreuz und die Messerhelden=The Cross and the Switchblade (160)
123. Die blaue Liste by Wolfgang Schorlau (250 - estimated) lit. transl.: The Blue List
124. Der Kruzifix Killer=The Crucifix Killer (478)
125. Das Lächeln des Killers=Seduction in Death (545)
126. Professor Grzimek: Ein Leben für die Serengeti (60 - estimated) lit. transl: Professor Grzimek: A Life for the Serengeti
127. New Beginnings (46)
128. Mein Leben als Pinguin (170 - estimated) lit. transl.: My Life as Pinguin
129. Tote Maus für Papas Leben=Against the Odds (112)
130. Der Joker=I Am the Messenger (253)
131. Einladung zum Mord=Reunion in Death (545)
132. The Gift of a Good Start (68)
133. Mein Leben als Leser=The Polysyllabic Spree (82)
134. To Win Her Heart (354)
135. Ghost Squad (200)
136. Blush Pink Rose (58)

137. Das Mädchen aus Brooklyn (238) lit. translation: The Girl form Brooklyn
138. Too Hard to Handle (413)
139. One Night with her Roommate (87)
140. Das schönste Geschenk=First Impressions book 4 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts (172) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
141. Mord ist auch eine Lösung=Deadly Lampshades (316)
142. Erbarmen=The Keeper of Lost Causes (230)
143. Wenn der Wind singt=Hear the Wind Sing (104)
144. The Kill Room (465)
145. Das kann weg!: Loslassen - Aufräumen - Freiräume schaffen (48) lit. transl: Away With It!: Letting Go - Tyiding Up - Creating Free Space (or Expansion Space or Freedom - Freiraum has several meanings)
146. Wild Ride (386)
147. Der Vollstrecker=The Executioner (175 - estimated)
148. Lethal Homecoming (85)
149. The Kiss That Changed My Life (50)
150. Stim (228)
151. Explicit (277)
152. Naughty Boss (121)
153. Falling for Her Brother's Best Friend (193)
154. The Crossing Places (306)
155. A Night With Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Erotic Tale (20)
156. - 158. Bedding the Bachelors Boxed Set - Books 1-3 (608)
159. Weihnachten in Russland: Der Audiobuch-Adventskalender (80 - estimated)
160. Hals über Kopf=Break No Bones (416)
161. I łzy zmienią się w diamenty (75) English title: Tears Turn To Diamonds
162. Zauber einer Winternacht=Gabriel's Angel book 2 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts (192) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
163. No Such Thing As A Secret (242)
164. Take A Risk (328)
165. Orphan Train (278)
166. Unmasked Passion (22 - estimated)
167. Kidnapped (364)
168. Why Does God Allow Suffering? (38)

169. Angie's Hit List (48)
170. Her Prairie Knight book 2 of The Cooke Brothers (179)
171. The Five Kisses (78)
172. Der Knochenbrecher=The Night Stalker (416)
173. The Tycoon's Revenge (283)
174. Special Agent Kandice (298)
175. 101 Fantastic Gift Basket Ideas (10)
176. Monster in the Closet (514)
177. - 179. Three Plums In One (810)
180. Acquiring Trouble (241)
181. Relentless Pursuit (224)
182. Secrets Collide (245)
183. - 184. My Stepbrother The Sheikh: The Complete Series (218)
185. The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf (200)
186. Final Vow (250)
187. Forever Concealed (304)
188. Billionaire Bargain Erotic Bundle (48)
189. Cabin Fever (66)
190. Tödliche Unschuld=Purity in Death (481)
191. Fortune Hunter (248)
192. Escorting the Actress (243)
193. Caught Up in Her (53)
194. Four to Score (338)
195. High Five (356)
196. A Princess Next Door (154)
197. Hot Six (340)
198. Seven Up (376)

message 3: by Agnieszka (last edited Sep 30, 2018 02:53PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments July:

199. Private Chick (22)
200. Hard Eight (345)
201. Visions of Sugar Plums book 1 of Between the Plums (144)
202. Einparken by Thilo Corzilius (17)
203. Der Hauch des Bösen=Portrait in Death (577)
204. To the Nines (388)
205. And Then God Said... (272)
206. Fuel for Fire (386)
207. Flown By The Billionaire (62)
208. A Frozen Scoop of Murder (46)
209. Ice Cream Recipes: The Top 73 Ice Cream Recipes (64)
210. Hooked: Book 1 (50)
211. Hooked: Book 2 (73)
212. Hooked: Book 3 (73)
213. Das Herz des Mörders=Imitation in Death (576)
214. Love is a Battlefield (317)
215. Unschuldig wie der Schnee=If Snow Hadn't Fallen (131)
216. Eis selbst machen: einfache und leckere Eisrezepte zum Selbermachen für zu Hause (67) lit. transl.: Making Own Ice Cream: Easy And Yummy Ice Cream Recipes To Do At Home
217. His Prairie Duchess book 3 of The Cooke Brothers (200)
218. Nienachalna z urody (272) lit. transl.: Of Plain Beauty (actually the Polish title isn't translatable so I tried to reflect the way the author's using this expression)
219. Heißer Atem=The Heart's Victory (305)
220. The President's Henchman (434)
221. Bitter Melody (184)
222. Ein gefährliches Geschenk=Remember When (513)
223. Lethal Bayou Beauty book 2 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 (276)
224. Swamp Sniper book 3 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 (300)
225. Confessions of a Prayer Slacker (177)
226. Swamp Team 3 (270)
227. Princess Ever After (368)
228. Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes book 1 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set (256)
229. Summer Grace (23)
230. The Hangman's Companion (528)

231. The Legacy Device (44)
232. Gotta Be This or That (58)
233. Ten Big Ones (388)
234. Twenty-Nine and a Half Reasons book 2 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set (256)
235. Entscheidung in Cornwall=Once More With Feeling (305)
236. Mainhattan Blues (240) (Mainhattan is a local term for Frankfurt/Main - especially if compared to New York City)
237. Brownies & Betrayal (255)
238. Im Tod vereint=Divided in Death (577)
239. Through Her Eyes (190)
240. Murder at the Courthouse (338)
241. A Little Big Rock (32)
242. Das Geheimnis von Orcas Island=The Welcoming (304)
243. Gator Bait (249)
244. At Her SEAL's Command (131)
245. Soldiers of Fortune (255)
246. Ein Gentleman in Moskau=A Gentleman in Moscow (561)
247. Die Giftholzbibel=The Poisonwood Bible (592)
248. Someone Else's Fairytale book 1 of Someone Else's Fairytale Box Set: Books 1-4 (279)
249. Special Agent Booker (392)
250. Ghost of a Chance (110)
251. Bed, Breakfast & Bones (234)
252. Dune, Dock, and a Dead Man (189)
253. Hurricane Force (258)
254. Fortune Hunter (248)
255. Later Gator (251)
256. Thirty and a Half Excuses book 3 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set (280)
257. Falling to Pieces book 4 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set (99)
258. Thirty-One and a Half Regrets book 1 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set #2 (346)
259. Thirty-Two and a Half Complications book 2 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set #2 (373)
260. The Perfect Gift (96)

261. Picking Up the Pieces book 3 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set #2 (125)
262. Follow the Money (109)
263. Deadly Getaway (102)
264. Of Mice and Men (112)
265. Hacker Exposed (100)
266. Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigans book 4 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set #2 (376)
267. Crime Pays: The Year of Short Stories – July (31)
268. Zwei Leben (208) - lit. transl. Two Lives
269. Ignited book 1 of Titanium Security Series Box Set: Volume I (239)
270. Ich bin Malala: Das Mädchen, das die Taliban erschießen wollten, weil es für das Recht auf Bildung kämpft=I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban (432)
271. The Da Vinci Code (267)
272. Betrayal (272)
273. Beloved (296)
274. Mit jedem Schlag der Stunde=Hour Game (577)
275. Regentropfentage (102)
276. The Mysterious Affair at Styles (162)
277. Toward the Sunrise (131)
278. Partners book 1 of Vegas Series: Six-book Boxed Set (40)
279. Roll The Dice book 2 of Vegas Series (201)
280. Vegas Shuffle book 3 of Vegas Series (48)
281. Girl Geek (195)
282. High Stakes Gamble book 4 of Vegas Series (177)
283. Spin the Wheel book 5 of Vegas Series (47)
284. First Contract (44)

message 4: by Agnieszka (last edited Jan 04, 2019 12:59PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments October:

285. Let it Ride book 6 of Vegas Series (192)
286. Tanz mit dem Tod=Visions in Death (495)
287. The Don't-Do List (31)
288. A Delicate Truth (332)
289. Im Takt Des Todes=Simple Genius book 1 of Im Takt des Todes/Bis zum letzten Atemzug (471)
290. Remedial Rocket Science (262)
291. Three for Hallowe'en (16)
292. The Endgame (56)
293. Bis zum letzten Atemzug=First Family book 2 of Im Takt des Todes/Bis zum letzten Atemzug (482)
294. Cop Town (464)
295. Ausgefressen (288) - lit. transl. Ate Something Clean or Was Up To Something or Was Naughty
296. Singed book 2 of Titanium Security Series Box Set I (160)
297. Burned book 3 of Titanium Security Series Box Set I (175)
298. Diary of an AssCan (4)
299. Last Chance (89)
300. In den Armen der Nacht=Survivor In Death (561)
301. Der Marsianer=The Martian (450)
302. Love Under Fire (193)
303. Edge of Darkness (642)
304. Kein Held für einen Tag: Geheime Missionen, tödliche Einsätze, harte Niederlagen - Mein Leben als Navy Seal=No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy SEAL (257)
305. Whiskey Rebellion (300)
306. Cinder Ellie (82)
307. Last Chance (54)
308. Deadly Aim (320)
309. Whiskey Sour (300)
310. Unleashed book 1 of Sydney Rye Mysteries Books 1-3 (332)
311. Death In The Dark book 2 of Sydney Rye Mysteries Books 1-3 (332)
312. Song of the Meadowlark (290)
313. The Shell Game (31)
314. Pros and Cons (39)
315. Journey's Embrace (241)
316. At Long Last (8)
317. 25 Christmas Traditions Your Family Can Start This Year! A collection of Christmas Traditions from our family to yours (61)
318. The Caper (8)

319. Verkaufe Brautkleid, Ungetragen: Wahre Geschichten (256) lit. transl: To Sell Wedding Dress, Never Worn: True Stories
320. 100 Bible Verses of God's Healing Power (74)
321. Stich ins Herz=Origin in Death (512)
322. Stirb, Schätzchen, stirb=Memory in Death (512)
323. X wie Xmas=This Winter (49)
324. A Beautiful Fall (322)
325. Geisterstunde=Haunted in Death book 3 of Mörderspiele: Drei Fälle für Eve Dallas=Three in Death (135)
326. Kein Job für eine Lady=Fancy Pants (304)
327. Chasing Fire (454)
328. An Apple A Day: Health in Every Realm (178)
329. One Perfect Day (326)
330. Die Spur der Schuld=Private (352)
331. A Mother Scorned (20)
332. Another Stab at Life (250)
333. Black Dog (537)
334. The Father's Recipe for Personal Finance (59)
335. Weihnachtsbäckerei (57) lit. transl: Baking for Christmas
336. Beast, Part One (65)
337. The Last Witness (337)
338. Lebkuchen (61) lit. transl: Gingerbread or Lebkuchen
339. Color Me Grey book 1 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books One Through Three (214)
340. In Liebe und Tod=Born in Death (496)
341. Shades of Grey book 2 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books One Through Three (214)
342. A Killing Truth (171)

343. King Henry's Christmas (37)
344. Santa Baby (176)
345. Das Lachen des Weihnachtsmanns: Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte (11) lit. transl: Santa's Laugh: A Christmas Story
346. Sanft kommt der Tod=Innocent in Death (529)
347. Unwrapped (80)
348. Filthy Scrooge (208)
349. Eternity in Death book 1 of Time of Death (115)
350. Hardcore Twenty-Four (320)
351. Christmas Cookie Baby (170)
352. All Through the Night book 1 in Holiday for Two (99)
353. While It Was Snowing book 2 in Holiday for Two (70)
354. Santa's Secret (146)
355. White-Hot Christmas (182)
356. Abound in Love (170)
357. Christmas Romance: 25 Dazzling Days to Romance Your Spouse Through Christmas (44)
358. Holiday Heat (88)
359. Mistletoe, Moonlight, & Murder (132)
360. A Pony For Christmas (91)
361. Mörderische Sehnsucht=Creation in Death (480)
362. Wie Schneeflocken im Wind=Falling Like Snowflakes (398)
363. Stille Nacht, stillere Nacht (56) lit. transl: Silent Night, Silenter Night
364. Das Geschenk (36) lit. transl: The Gift
365. The Billionaire's First Christmas (189)
366. The Gift (5)
367. The Gift (9)
368. Merry Christmas, Santa (36)
369. Snow Kissed by the Billionaire (125)
370. Candy for Christmas (68)
371. Curious Minds (337)
372. Die Retterspitz Wickel-Schule: Heilen, pflegen und wohlfühlen (20) lit. transl: The Retterspitz Packing (or Wet Pack) School: Heal, Care and Feel Good

message 5: by Agnieszka (last edited Jun 25, 2018 12:47PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments January:

Casual by Emma Pearce 3* 1/1/18 (88)
Bis In Den Tod=Rapture in Death by J.D. Robb 3* 1/2/18 (416) Eve Dallas=In Death #4
Spiraled by Kendra Elliot 5* 1/3/18 (305) Callahan & McLane #3
Her Secret Agent by Lynette Eason 4* 1/4/18 (50)
Stark im Sturm by John Ortberg 3* 1/5/18 (96) orig. title: Strength for the Storms of Life: Loss, Betrayal and Failure
Just Before Midnight by M.K. Gilroy 5* 1/5/18 (108)
Christmas at Copper Mountain by Jane Porter 5* 1/6/18 (158) Taming of the Sheenans #1 & Copper Mountain Christmas #4
Wrong Question, Right Answer by Elle Casey 5* 1/7/18 (326) Bourbon Street Boys #3
What She Really Wants by Barbara Delinsky 4* 1/8/18 (26)
Targeted by Kendra Elliot 5* 1/10/18 (352) Callahan & McLane #4
The Yuletide Countess by Alicia Quigley 4* 1/10/18 (182)
The First Lady of Three Rivers Ranch by Liz Isaacson 5* 1/12/18 (224) Three Rivers Ranch #8
Hide and Seek book 1 of Family Reunions Collection by Lynette Eason 4* 1/12/18 (235) Family Reunions #1
A Royal Christmas Gift by Luann McLane 3* 1/13/18 (232) Happily Ever After #1
Christmas Cover-Up book 2 of Family Reunions Collection by Lynette Eason 3* 1/14/18 (224) Family Reunions #2
Risky Shot by Kathleen Brooks 5* 1/15/18 (201) Bluegrass #2
Dead Heat by Kathleen Brooks 5* 1/16/18 (217) Bluegrass #3
Nie mehr allein=Home for Christmas book 1 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts by Nora Roberts 3* 1/16/18 (84) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
Wünsche werden wahr=All I Want For Christmas book 3 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts by Nora Roberts 4* 1/17/18 (80) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
The New Year's Bride by Kit Morgan 5* 1/17/18 (224) Holiday Mail Order Brides #2
Sparrow House by Karin Kaufman 4* 1/18/18 (258) Anna Denning #2
High Desert Reflections by Kevin Miller 3* 1/19/18 (40)
Hey, Nobody's Perfect by Ann Herrick 4* 1/19/18 (176)
Ufer der Hoffnung=Chesapeake Blue by Nora Roberts 4* 1/21/18 (449) Quinn-Saga=Chesapeake Bay Saga #4
Mit Haut und Haar=Bare Bones by Kathy Reichs 5* 1/23/18 (385) Temperance Brennan #6
The Last Puzzle by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 3* 1/23/18 (114) Cherrigham #16
A Killer Among Us by Lynette Eason 4* 1/25/18 (353) Women of Justice #3
Final Cut by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 5* 1/26/18 (118) Cherrigham #18
Cel Bourne'a=The Bourne Objective by Eric Van Lustbader 1* 1/26/18 (488) Jason Bourne #8
Wszystkie twarze agentki=Two Faced Woman by Lucy Gordon 4* 1/27/18 (160)
No Safe Haven by Kimberley Woodhouse & Kayla R. Woodhouse 5* 1/28/18 (355)
At the Edge of a Dark Forest by Connie Almony 5* 1/29/18 (210) Dark Forest #1 & Fairwilde Reflections #1
Always Watching by Lynette Eason 4* 1/30/18 (338) Elite Guardians #1
Jack of Spades by Joyce Carol Oates 4* 1/31/18 (224)

Where Two Hearts Meet: Tea For Two / Wherever Love Takes Us by Carrie Turansky 5* 2/2/18 (174) Sweet Something Teashop Novellas #1-2, Kiss the Cook Bride #4 (orig. publication 2005 & 2006) none of the series and single book editions are in the GR library (details from Kindle edition)
His Forever Valentine by Kit Morgan 5* 2/2/18 (225) Holiday Mail Order Brides #3
Special Agent Maximilian by Mimi Barbour 5* 2/3/18 (278) Undercover FBI #3
Depression: Die Krankheit bewältigen by Manfred Wolfersdorf 3* 2/7/18 (224) lit. transl. Depression: Overcome (or Deal With) the Illness
Der Kuss des Killers=Ceremony in Death by J.D. Robb 2* 2/7/18 (410) Eve Dallas = In Death #5
Night Passage by Robert B. Parker 5* 2/8/18 (340) Jesse Stone #1
Love Remains by Kaye Dacus 3* 2/11/18 (321) The Matchmakers #1
Trouble in Paradise by Robert B. Parker 4* 2/11/18 (324) Jesse Stone #2
Der Weg=Cross Roads by William Paul Young 4* 2/11/18 (304)
On The Run by Taylor Hart 4* 2/12/18 (116) The Real Thing #1
Totenmontag=Monday Mourning by Kathy Reichs 3* 2/14/18 (385) Temperance Brennan #7
Die Klaviatur des Todes: Deutschlands bekanntester Rechtsmediziner klärt auf by Michael Tsokos 3* 2/16/18 (172 - estimated) lit. trasl. The Keyboard of Death: Germany's Most Famous Forensic Pathologist Explains (Enlightens or Solves - as in a crime - word play with several meanings)
Flight of the Intruder by Stephen Coonts 3* 2/17/18 (437) Jake Grafton #1
Mord ist ihre Leidenschaft=Vengeance in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 2/18/18 (449) Eve Dallas = In Death #6
Friends With Partial Benefits by Luke Young 4* 2/19/18 (224) Friends with Benefits #1
A Merciful Secret by Kendra Elliot 3* 2/20/18 (332) Mercy Kilpatrick #3
Rückkehr Nach River's End=River's End by Nora Roberts 5* 2/20/18 (512)
Liebesnacht mit einem Mörder=Holiday in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 2/24/18 (417) Eve Dallas = In Death #7
Mitternachtsmord=Midnight in Death book 1 of Mörderspiele=Three in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 2/24/18 (144) Eve Dallas = In Death #7.5 - no sigle book edtion for the German In Death novellas available
Love Letters by E'yen A. Gardner 6* 2/25/18 (152)
Miłość w wielkim mieście=Love and the City by Jessie Valetta 1* 2/26/18 (147)
Cabin by the Lake by Desiree Douglas 5* 2/27/18 (271)
Cheap at Half the Price by Jeffrey Archer 3* 2/27/18 (17) The Year of Short Stories
One Man's Meat by Jeffrey Archer 3* 2/27/18 (57) The Year of Short Stories

Dance with the Enemy by Rob Sinclair 5* 3/3/18 (358) Enemy #1
Clean Sweep Ignatius by Jeffrey Archer 5* 3/3/18 (17 - estimated) The Year of Short Stories
If Ever I Would Leave You by Susan May Warren 1* 3/5/18 (152) Montana Rescue #0.5
Nacht im Central Park by Guillaume Musso 6* 3/5/18 (385) lit. transl. A Night in Central Park
Remember Me by Lara Van Hulzen 3* 3/6/18 (296) Men of Honor #1
Dunghog by Lavren Le'Clore 4* 3/9/18 (5 - estimated)
Chasing Ivan by Tim Tigner 5* 3/9/18 (174) Kyle Achilles #0.5
Der Tod ist mein=Conspiracy in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 3/10/18 (480) Eve Dallas=In Death #8
All-Time Favorite Bible Stories: Old Testament by V. Gilbert Beers & Ronald A. Beers 2* 3/10/18 (78) All-Time Favorite Bible Stories #?
Mountain Duet: Mystery and Romance in the Rockies by Cynthia Bruner & Karin Kaufman 4* 3/10/18 (29)
Quest for the Beast: A Beauty and the Beast story by Sarah Holman 4* 3/11/18 (41)
Wrong Turn, Right Direction by Elle Casey 5* 3/13/18 (350) Bourbon Street Boys #4 (last in series)
The Tourist by Olen Steinhauer 5* 3/14/18 (417) Milo Weaver #1
I Can't But Jesus Can: Experiencing the Power of Surrender by Adam Houge 6* 3/15/18 (45)
Ein feuriger Verehrer=Loyalty in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 3/17/18 (561) Eve Dallas=In Death #9
Christina Rosenthal by Jeffrey Archer 5* 3/17/18 (27 - estimated) The Year of Short Stories
Heilige Kuh=Holy Cow by David Duchovny 1* 3/18/18 (224)
Daffodils in Spring by Pamela Morsi 5* 3/18/18 (80) More Than Words
Spiel mit dem Mörder=Witness in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 3/20/18 (609) Eve Dallas=In Death #10
Her Stolen Past book 3 of Family Reunions Complete Collection: Hide and Seek\Christmas Cover-Up\Her Stolen Past by Lynette Eason 4* 3/20/18 (233) Family Reunions #3
Von allen Seiten umgibst du mich: In Gott geborgen by Beate Scheffbuch & Winrich Scheffbuch 3* 3/20/18 (64) lit. transl. You Encircle Me: Secure in God
An Eclair To Remember by Rich Amooi 5* 3/21/18 (242)
Keine Lust und trotzdem fit: Einfache Schritte in ein bewegt(er)es Leben by Gert von Kunhardt 2* 3/22/18 (147) lit. transl. Not Feeling Like But Still Fit: Easy Steps to (More) Excercise in Life (a word play bewegt means also [emotionaly] moving or figurative stir sth. up)
Nein! Ich will keinen Seniorenteller: Das Tagebuch der Marie Sharp=No! I Don't Want to Join a Book Club: Diary of a Sixtieth Year by Virginia Ironside 3* 3/22/18 (288) Marie Sharp #1
Sidetracked by Brandilyn Collins 5* 3/23/18 (312)
Das Schneemädchen=The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey 6* 3/24/18 (425 - estimated)
Bluegrass Undercover by Kathleen Brooks 5* 3/25/18 (242) Bluegrass Brothers #1, Bluegrass Universe #4
Die fabelhaften Schwestern der Familie Cooke=We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler 4* 3/26/18 (368)
Sündige Rache=Judgment in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 3/28/18 (577) Eve Dallas=In Death #11
One Dead=The Hunter by Chris Carter 5* 3/29/18 (64) Robert Hunter #0.5

Christ Arose: A Tomb's Tale by Faith Blum 4* 4/2/18 (13)
Dying to Read by Lorena McCourtney 3* 4/2/18 (322) The Cate Kinkaid Files #1
For God So Loved: The story behind Easter by Angela Joseph 2* 4/2/18 (8)
Casual Friday: A Short Story Prequel to The Intern's Handbook by Shane Kuhn 2* 4/2/18 (51) John Lago Thriller #0.5

message 6: by Agnieszka (last edited Oct 29, 2018 01:09PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Lilies on Daybreak Pond by Mindy Starns Clark 4* 4/4/18 (37) The Men of Lancaster County #0.5
Rising Storm by Kathleen Brooks 4* 4/5/18 (242) Bluegrass Brothers #2, Bluegrass Universe #5
Secret Santa by Kathleen Brooks 5* 4/5/18 (72) Bluegrass Brothers #2.5, Bluegrass Universe #5.5
Louisiana Longshot book 1 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 by Jana Deleon 5* 4/7/18 (232) Miss Fortune #1
Unter Fremden by Jutta Profijt 6* 4/9/18 (274) lit. translation: Among Strangers
Die Begnadigung=The Broker by John Grisham 4* 4/9/18 (480)
Lolita lesen in Teheran=Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi 2* 4/10/18 (352)
Too Close For Comfort by Adam Croft 2* 4/10/18 (183) Knight & Culverhouse #1
Faith is the Victory by Faith Blum 4* 4/11/18 (26)
Symphonie des Todes=Betrayal in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 4/12/18 (529) Eve Dallas = In Death #12
Mörderspiele = Interlude in Death book 2 of Mörderspiele: Drei Fälle für Eve Dallas=Three in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 4/12/18 (135) Eve Dallas = In Death #12.5
Human by Dainelle Hunter 3* 4/13/18 (27)
Mörder Anders und seine Freunde nebst dem einen oder anderen Feind=Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All by Jonas Jonasson 2* 4/13/18 (352)
Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich 3* 4/14/18 (320) Stephanie Plum #16
110 - Ein Bulle hört zu: Aus der Notrufzentrale der Polizei by Cid Jonas Gutenrath 6* 4/14/18 (200 - estimated) lit. translation: 110 (German emergency number) - A Cop (or Pig - sorry it's the author's decision to use this word) Listens: From Police' Emergency Call Center - Aus der Notrufzentrale #1
His Prairie Princess book 1 of The Cooke Brothers by Kit Morgan 4* 4/14/18 (109) Prairie Brides #1
Geschafft! 50 Kilo leichter in einem Jahr by Annette Mayer 4* 4/16/18 (90) lit. translation: Done! 50 Kilogram Less (or Lost) In One Year
Jesteś cenny=You Matter by SGM Lifewords 4* 4/16/18 (30)
Not What He Expected by Annie Boone 3* 4/17/18 (51) Prairie Brides #1
Rise Above: How to Heal the Hurts and Overcome the Worst by Robert Rogers 5* 4/17/18 (89)
Totgeglaubte leben länger=Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs 1* 4/17/18 (417) Temperance Brennan #8
Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis=The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 3* 4/18/18 (240) Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis = The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1
Vegas Vacation by Clare Revell 4* 4/18/18 (154) Passport to Romance #4
Sterben sollst du für dein Glück: Gefangen zwischen zwei Welten by Sabatina James 3* 4/19/18 (150 - estimated) lit. transl.: You Have to Die For Your Happiness: Captured (or Trapped) Between Two Worlds
Alles ist gut.: Sechzehn sehr kurze Geschichten, in denen gar nichts gut ist by Diego Bernardini 6* 4/20/18 (32) - lit. transl: All's well: Sixteen very short stories where nothing is well
Checkmate's Honeymoon from Hell III by R.L. Mathewson 3* 4/21/18 (112) Honeymoon from Hell #3
Checkmate by R.L. Mathewson 4* 4/21/18 (370) Neighbor from Hell #3
The Vanishing Tourist by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 3* 4/22/18 (103) Cherringham #18
Błękitny Zamek=The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery 5* 4/22/18 (160)
Das Kreuz und die Messerhelden=The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson 5* 4/22/18 (160)
Die blaue Liste by Wolfgang Schorlau 4* 4/23/18 (250 - estimated) lit. transl.: The Blue List - Dengler #1
Der Kruzifix Killer=The Crucifix Killer by Chris Carter 5* 4/25/18 (478) Robert Hunter #1
Das Lächeln des Killers=Seduction in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 4/25/18 (545) Eve Dallas = In Death #13
Professor Grzimek: Ein Leben für die Serengeti by Theresia Singer 5* 4/25/18 (60 - estimated) lit. transl: Professor Grzimek: A Life for the Serengeti
New Beginnings by Aspen Moore 5* 4/26/18 (46) New Beginnings #1
Mein Leben als Pinguin by Katarina Mazetti 4* 4/27/18 (170 - estimated) lit. transl.: My Life as Pinguin
Tote Maus für Papas Leben=Against the Odds by Marjolijn Hof 5* 4/27/18 (112)
Der Joker=I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak 6* 4/28/18 (253)
Einladung zum Mord=Reunion in Death by J.D. Robb 3* 4/28/18 (545) Eve Dallas = In Death #14
The Gift of a Good Start by Earl Sewell 4* 4/29/18 (68) More Than Words
Mein Leben als Leser=The Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby 4* 4/29/18 (82) Stuff I've Been Reading #1
To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer 4* 4/30/18 (354)
Ghost Squad by Bob Moats 3* 4/30/18 (200) Ghost Squad - Rest in Peace #1
Blush Pink Rose by Fawn Bailey 3* 4/30/18 (58) Rose and Thorn #0.5

Das Mädchen aus Brooklyn=La fille de Brooklyn by Guillaume Musso 6* 5/2/18 (238) lit. translation: The Girl form Brooklyn
Too Hard to Handle by Julie Ann Walker 4* 5/3/18 (413) Black Knights Inc. #8
One Night with her Roommate by Noelle Adams 4* 5/4/18 (87) One Night novellas #5
Das schönste Geschenk=First Impressions book 4 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts by Nora Roberts 4* 5/5/18 (172) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
Mord ist auch eine Lösung=Deadly Lampshades by J.G. Goodhind 3* 5/5/18 (316) Honey Driver #5
Erbarmen=The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen 3* 5/6/18 (230) Sonderdezernat Q = Department Q #1
Wenn der Wind singt=Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami 3* 5/8/18 (104) Trilogie der Ratte = The Rat #1
The Kill Room by Jeffery Deaver 5* 5/9/18 (465) Lincoln Rhyme #10
Das kann weg!: Loslassen - Aufräumen - Freiräume schaffen by Rita Pohle 3* 4/10/18 (48) lit. transl: Away With It!: Letting Go - Tyiding Up - Creating Free Space (or Expansion Space or Freedom - Freiraum has several meanings)
Wild Ride by Julie Ann Walker 5* 5/10/18 (386) Black Knights Inc. #9
Der Vollstrecker=The Executioner by Chris Carter 3* 5/11/18 (175 - estimated) Robert Hunter #2
Lethal Homecoming by Lynette Eason 3* 5/11/18 (85) Tanner Hollow #1
The Kiss That Changed My Life by Peter 9 Bowman 2* 5/11/18 (50) The Kiss That Changed My Life #1
Stim by Kevin Berry 5* 5/13/18 (228) Stim #1
Explicit by Roxy Sloane 6* 5/15/18 (277)
Naughty Boss by Whitney G. 4* 5/16/18 (121) Steamy Coffee Collection #1
Falling for Her Brother's Best Friend by Noelle Adams 4* 5/16/18 (193) Tea for Two #1
The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths 3* 5/18/18 (306) Ruth Galloway #1
A Night With Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Erotic Tale by Mary Higgens 1* 5/18/18 (20) Passion & Fidelity #1
Bedding the Bachelors Boxed Set - Books 1-3 by Virna DePaul (608): Bedding the Wrong Brother 4* 5/19/18 (185), Bedding the Bad Boy 4* 5/20/18 (198) & Bedding the Billionaire 4* 5/21/18 (225) Bedding the Bachelors #1-3
Weihnachten in Russland: Der Audiobuch-Adventskalender by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Maxim Gorky, Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and other 3* 5/22/18 (80 - estimated)
Hals über Kopf=Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs 3* 5/23/18 (416) Temperance Brennan #9
I łzy zmienią się w diamenty by Rosemarie Claussen 4* 5/24/18 (73) English title & series title: Tears Turn To Diamonds #1
Zauber einer Winternacht=Gabriel's Angel book 2 of Weihnachten mit Nora Roberts by Nora Roberts 3* 5/23/18 (192) lit. translation: Christmas with Nora Roberts
No Such Thing As A Secret by Shelly Fredman 4* 5/17/18 (242) No Such Thing As...A Brandy Alexander Mystery #1
Take A Risk by Scarlett Finn 4* 5/29/18 (328) Risqué #1
Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline 5* 5/29/18 (278)
Unmasked Passion by Eddie Cleveland 3* 5/31/18 (22 - estimated) Eddie's Quickies #19
Kidnapped by Dee Henderson 4* 5/31/18 (364) Uncommon Heroes #4
Why Does God Allow Suffering? by Greg Laurie 3* 5/31/18 (38)

Angie's Hit List by Tom Cornett 4* 6/1/18 (48)
Her Prairie Knight book 2 of The Cooke Brothers by Kit Morgan 5* 6/1/18 (179) Prairie Brides #2
The Five Kisses by Karla Darcy 4* 6/2/18 (78) Sweet Deception Regency #1
Der Knochenbrecher=The Night Stalker by Chris Carter 4* 6/4/18 (416) Roberts Hunter #3
The Tycoon's Revenge by Melody Anne 2* 6/4/18 (283) Baby for the Billionaire #1
Special Agent Kandice by Mimi Barbour 5* 6/5/18 (298) Undercover FBI #4
101 Fantastic Gift Basket Ideas by Holiday Fun 0* 6/6/18 (10)
Monster in the Closet by Karen Rose 6* 6/7/18 (514) Romantic Suspense, #19; Baltimore #5
Three Plums In One by Janet Evanovich (810): One for the Money 4* 6/9/18 (242), Two for the Dough 4* 6/11/18 (290) & Three to Get Deadly 4* 6/13/18 (278) Stephanie Plum #1-3
Acquiring Trouble by Kathleen Brooks 4* 6/14/18 (241) Bluegrass Brothers #3; Bluegrass World #7
Relentless Pursuit by Kathleen Brooks 4* 6/16/18 (224) Bluegrass Brothers #4; Bluegrass World #8
Secrets Collide by Kathleen Brooks 5* 6/17/18 (245) Bluegrass Brothers #5; Bluegrass World #9
My Stepbrother The Sheikh: The Complete Series by Lila Moore 3* 6/17/18 (218) A Baby For The Billionaire #1-2

message 7: by Agnieszka (last edited Oct 13, 2018 08:18AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf by Nick Bryan 2* 6/17/18 (200) Hobson & Choi #1
Final Vow by Kathleen Brooks 6* 6/19/18 (250) Bluegrass Brothers #6; Bluegrass World #10
Forever Concealed by Kathleen Brooks 5* 6/20/18 (304) Forever Bluegrass #7; Bluegrass World #21
Billionaire Bargain Erotic Bundle by Delaney 3* (single story ratings: 5*, 1*, 3*, 3*) 6/20/18 (48)
Cabin Fever by Audra North 4* 6/20/18 (66) Hot Winter Nights #1
Tödliche Unschuld=Purity in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 6/22/18 (481) Eve Dallas = In Death #15
Fortune Hunter by Jana Deleon 4* 6/22/18 (248) Miss Fortune #8
Escorting the Actress by Leigh James 4* 6/23/18 (243) The Escort Collection #2
Caught Up in Her by Lauren Blakely 4* 6/24/18 (53) Caught Up in Love #0.5
Four to Score by Janet Evanovich 4* 6/25/18 (338) Stephanie Plum #4
High Five by Janet Evanovich 5* 6/26/18 (356) Stephanie Plum #5
A Princess Next Door by Noelle Adams 4* 6/27/18 (154) Rothman Royals #1
Hot Six by Janet Evanovich 5* 6/29/18 (340) Stephanie Plum #6
Seven Up by Janet Evanovich 3* 6/30/18 (376) Stephanie Plum #7

Private Chick by Julie Smith 2* 7/1/18 (22)
Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich 4* 7/2/18 (345) Stephanie Plum #8
Visions of Sugar Plums book 1 of Between the Plums by Janet Evanovich 2* 7/3/18 (144) Stephanie Plum #8.5
Einparken by Thilo Corzilius 2* 7/4/18 (17) Thaddäus von Bergen #1.5
Der Hauch des Bösen=Portrait in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 7/3/18 (577) Eve Dallas = In Death #16
To the Nines by Janet Evanovich 3* 7/4/18 (388) Stephanie Plum #9
And Then God Said... by Trevor Patterson 3* 7/4/18 (272)
Fuel for Fire by Julie Ann Walker 5* 7/6/18 (386) Black Knights Inc. #10
Flown By The Billionaire by Carla Davis 4* 7/7/18 (62) Flown By The Billionaire #1
A Frozen Scoop of Murder by Constance Barker 4* 7/8/18 (46) Caesar's Creek Mysteries #1
Ice Cream Recipes: The Top 73 Ice Cream Recipes by Nancy Ross 2* 7/8/18 (64)
Hooked: Book 1 by K.B. Winters 5* 7/9/18 (50) Hooked #1
Hooked: Book 2 by K.B. Winters 4* 7/10/18 (73) Hooked #2
Hooked: Book 3 by K.B. Winters 4* 7/10/18 (73) Hooked #3
Das Herz des Mörders=Imitation in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 7/10/18 (576) Eve Dallas = In Death #17
Love is a Battlefield by Vivian Arend & Elle Kennedy 4* 7/11/18 (317) DreamMakers #2
Unschuldig wie der Schnee=If Snow Hadn't Fallen by Sharon J. Bolton 5* 7/12/18 (131) Lacey Flint #1.5
Eis selbst machen: einfache und leckere Eisrezepte zum Selbermachen für zu Hause by Johanna Amicella 2* 7/12/18 (67) lit. transl.: Making Own Ice Cream: Easy And Yummy Ice Cream Recipes To Do At Home
His Prairie Duchess book 3 of The Cooke Brothers by Kit Morgan 5* 7/14/18 (200) Prairie Brides #3
Nienachalna z urody by Maria Czubaszek 5* 7/15/18 (272) lit. transl.: Of Plain Beauty (actually the Polish title isn't translatable so I tried to reflect the way the author's using this expression)
Heißer Atem=The Heart's Victory by Nora Roberts 3* 7/15/18 (305)
The President's Henchman by Joseph Flynn 5* 7/18/18 (434) Jim McGill #1
Bitter Melody by Loretta Jackson & Vickie Britton 4* 7/19/18 (184)
Ein gefährliches Geschenk=Remember When by Nora Roberts & J.D. Robb 3* 7/21/18 (513) Eve Dallas = In Death #17.5
Lethal Bayou Beauty book 2 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 by Jana Deleon 5* 7/22/18 (276) Miss Fortune #2
Swamp Sniper book 3 of Miss Fortune Series Boxset 1 by Jana Deleon 5* 7/23/18 (300) Miss Fortune #3
Confessions of a Prayer Slacker by Diane Moody 5* 7/24/18 (177)
Swamp Team 3 by by Jana Deleon 5* 7/25/18 (270) Miss Fortune #4
Princess Ever After by Rachel Hauck 4* 7/27/18 (368) Royal Wedding #2
Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes book 1 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set by Denise Grover Swank 4* 7/28/18 (256) Rose Gardner #1
Summer Grace by Jordan Taylor 5* 7/31/18 (23) Angel Paws
The Hangman's Companion by Joseph Flynn 4* 7/31/18 (528) Jim McGill #2

The Legacy Device by Rachel Amphlett 5* 8/2/18 (44) Dan Taylor #0.5
Gotta Be This or That by Renee Conoulty 3* 8/2/18 (58) Got That Swing #0.5
Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich 3* 8/4/18 (388) Stephanie Plum #10
Twenty-Nine and a Half Reasons book 2 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set by Denise Grover Swank 4* 8/5/18 (256) Rose Gardner #2
Entscheidung in Cornwall=Once More With Feeling by Nora Roberts 3* 8/6/18 (305)
Mainhattan Blues by Andreas Schäfer 4* 8/7/18 (240) Mainhattan #1 (Mainhattan is a local term for Frankfurt/Main - especially if compared to New York City)
Brownies & Betrayal by Heather Justesen 3* 8/9/18 (255) Sweet Bites Mysteries #1
Im Tod vereint=Divided in Death by J.D. Robb 6* 8/10/18 (577) Eve Dallas = In Death #18
Through Her Eyes by Alisha Jones 5* 8/11/18 (190)
Murder at the Courthouse by Ann H. Gabhart 4* 8/13/18 (338) Hidden Springs Mysteries #1
A Little Big Rock by Lauren Blakely 2* 8/13/18 (32) Big Rock #0.5
Das Geheimnis von Orcas Island=The Welcoming by Nora Roberts 4* 8/14/18 (304)
Gator Bait by Jana Deleon 5* 8/15/18 (249) Miss Fortune #5
At Her SEAL's Command by Selena Blake 3* 8/16/18 (131) SEALs of Roseville #1
Soldiers of Fortune by Selena Blake 3* 8/17/18 (255) Miss Fortune #6
Ein Gentleman in Moskau=A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles 3* 8/18/18 (561)
Die Giftholzbibel=The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver 3* 8/18/18 (592)
Someone Else's Fairytale book 1 of Someone Else's Fairytale Box Set: Books 1-4 by E.M. Tippetts 5* 8/20/18 (279) Someone Else's Fairytale #1
Special Agent Booker by Mimi Barbour 4* 8/20/18 (392) Undercover FBI #5
Ghost of a Chance by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 3* 8/21/18 (110) Cherringham #19
Bed, Breakfast & Bones by Carolyn L. Dean 4* 8/22/18 (234) Ravenwood Cove Mystery #1
Dune, Dock, and a Dead Man by Carolyn L. Dean 4* 8/23/18 (189) Ravenwood Cove Mystery #2
Hurricane Force by Jana Deleon 5* 8/24/18 (258) Miss Fortune #7
Fortune Hunter by Jana Deleon 4* 8/25/18 (248) Miss Fortune #8
Later Gator by Jana Deleon 3* 8/27/18 (251) Miss Fortune #9
Thirty and a Half Excuses book 3 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set by Denise Grover Swank 4* 8/28/18 (280) Rose Gardner #3
Falling to Pieces book 4 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set by Denise Grover Swank 5* 8/29/18 (99) Rose Gardner #3.5
Thirty-One and a Half Regrets book 1 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set 2 by Denise Grover Swank 5* 8/30/18 (346) Rose Gardner #4
Thirty-Two and a Half Complications book 2 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set 2 by Denise Grover Swank 4* 8/31/18 (373) Rose Gardner #5
The Perfect Gift by Elaine Manders 2* 8/31/18 (96)

Picking Up the Pieces book 3 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set 2 by Denise Grover Swank 5* 9/1/18 (125) Rose Gardner #5.5
Follow the Money by Matthew Costello & Neil Richards 3* 9/2/18 (109) Cherringham #20
Deadly Getaway by Carol J. Post 4* 9/4/18 (102) Cedar Key #0.5
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 3* 9/4/18 (112)
Hacker Exposed by Linzi Baxter 5* 9/4/18 (100) White Hat Security #1
Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigans book 4 of Rose Gardner Mystery Box Set 2 by Denise Grover Swank 5* 9/5/18 (376) Rose Gardner #6
Crime Pays: The Year of Short Stories – July by Jeffrey Archer 4* 9/6/18 (31) Year of Short Stories
Zwei Leben by Samuel Koch & Christoph Fasel 6* 9/7/18 (208) - lit. transl. Two Lives
Ignited book 1 of Titanium Security Series Box Set I by Kaylea Cross 4* 9/9/18 (239) Titanium Security #1
Ich bin Malala: Das Mädchen, das die Taliban erschießen wollten, weil es für das Recht auf Bildung kämpft=I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai 3* 9/9/18 (432)
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown 1* 9/10/18 (267) Robert Langdon #2
Betrayal by Robin Lee Hatcher 4* 9/12/18 (272) Where the Heart Lives #2
Beloved by Robin Lee Hatcher 4* 9/16/18 (296) Where the Heart Lives #3
Mit jedem Schlag der Stunde=Hour Game by David Baldacci 4* 9/19/18 (577) Sean King & Michelle Maxwell #2
Regentropfentage by Melissa C. Feurer 3* 9/19/18 (102) lit. transl. Rain Drop Days
The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie 3* 9/23/18 (162) Hercule Poirot #1
Toward the Sunrise by Elizabeth Camden 4* 9/24/18 (131) Until the Dawn #0.5
Partners book 1 of Vegas Series by Mimi Barbour 3* 9/25/18 (40) Vegas #1 (should be #0.5)
Roll The Dice book 2 of Vegas Series by Mimi Barbour 3* 9/27/18 (201) Vegas #2 (should be #1)
Vegas Shuffle book 3 of Vegas Series by Mimi Barbour 4* 9/27/18 (48) Vegas #3 (should be #1.5)

message 8: by Agnieszka (last edited Jan 04, 2019 12:47PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Girl Geek by Brenna Aubrey 4* 9/28/18 (195) Gaming the System #0.5
High Stakes Gamble book 4 of Vegas Series by Mimi Barbour 4* 9/30/18 (177) Vegas #4 (should be #2)
Spin the Wheel book 5 of Vegas Series by Mimi Barbour 4* 9/30/18 (47) Vegas #5 (should be #2.5)
First Contract by Frank Westworth 1* 9/30/18 (44) JJ Stoner #1

Let it Ride book 6 of Vegas Series by Mimi Barbour 4* 10/1/18 (192) Vegas #6 (should be #3)
Tanz mit dem Tod=Visions in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 10/3/18 (495) Eve Dallas = In Death #19
The Don't-Do List by Rebecca Milton 3* 10/5/18 (31) Letters with Intent #1
A Delicate Truth by John le Carré 5* 10/6/18 (332)
Im Takt Des Todes=Simple Genius book 1 of Im Takt des Todes/Bis zum letzten Atemzug by David Baldacci 4* 10/7/18 (471) Sean King & Michelle Maxwell #3
Remedial Rocket Science by Susannah Nix 4* 10/8/18 (262) Chemistry Lessons #1
Three for Hallowe'en by Loretta Livingstone 3* 10/8/18 (16)
The Endgame by Jeffrey Archer 3* 10/8/18 (56) The Year of Short Stories
Bis zum letzten Atemzug=First Family book 2 of Im Takt des Todes/Bis zum letzten Atemzug by David Baldacci 5* 10/11/18 (482) Sean King & Michelle Maxwell #4
Cop Town by Karin Slaughter 6* 10/11/18 (464)
Ausgefressen by Moritz Matthies 4* 10/12/18 (288) - lit. transl. Ate Something Clean or Was Up To Something or Was Naughty - Ray & Rufus #1
Singed book 2 of Titanium Security Series Box Set I by Kaylea Cross 4* 10/13/18 (160) Titanium Security #2
Burned book 3 of Titanium Security Series Box Set I by Kaylea Cross 4* 10/14/18 (175) Titanium Security #3
Diary of an AssCan by Andy Weir 3* 10/14/18 (4) The Marian #0.5
Last Chance by Joann Baker & Patricia Mason 3* 10/15/18 (89) The Cowboy's Homecoming #1
In den Armen der Nacht=Survivor In Death by J.D. Robb 5* 10/18/18 (561) Eve Dallas = In Death #20
Der Marsianer=The Martian by Andy Weir 6* 10/19/18 (450) The Marian #1
Love Under Fire by Jennifer Youngblood & Sandra Poole 3* 10/20/18 (193) Destination Billionaire Romance #4
Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose 5* 10/21/18 (642) Romantic Suspense #20
Kein Held für einen Tag: Geheime Missionen, tödliche Einsätze, harte Niederlagen - Mein Leben als Navy Seal=No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy SEAL by Mark Owen & Kevin Maurer 4* 10/22/18 (257)
Whiskey Rebellion by Liliana Hart 4* 10/23/18 (300) Addison Holmes Mysteries #2
Cinder Ellie by J.M. Stengl 4* 10/23/18 (82) Faraway Castle #0.5
Last Chance by Lindsay McKenna 4* 10/24/18 (54) Delos #0.5
Deadly Aim by Patricia H. Rushford 6* 10/25/18 (320) Angel Delaney Mysteries #1
Whiskey Sour by Liliana Hart 3* 10/26/18 (300) Addison Holmes Mysteries #2
Unleashed book 1 of Sydney Rye Mysteries Books 1-3 by Emily Kimelman 4* 10/27/18 (332) Sydney Rye #1
Death In The Dark book 2 of Sydney Rye Mysteries Books 1-3 by Emily Kimelman 3* 10/27/18 (332) Sydney Rye #2
Song of the Meadowlark by Sherri Wilson Johnson 5* 10/28/18 (290) Intertwined #1
The Shell Game by Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg 5* 10/30/18 (31) Fox & O'Hare #0.25
Pros and Cons by Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg 5* 10/31/18 (39) Fox & O'Hare #0.5
Journey's Embrace by Dora Hiers 4* 10/31/18 (241) Marshals of Journey Creek #3
At Long Last by Elene Sallinger 3* 10/31/18 (8)
25 Christmas Traditions Your Family Can Start This Year! A collection of Christmas Traditions from our family to yours by Kurt Zimmerman 3* 10/31/18 (61)
The Caper by Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg 4* 10/31/18 (8) Fox & O'Hare #0.75 (#0.6 on GR)

Verkaufe Brautkleid, Ungetragen: Wahre Geschichten by Hannah Winkler 3* 11/3/18 (256) lit. transl: To Sell Wedding Dress, Never Worn: True Stories
100 Bible Verses of God's Healing Power by Lilliet Garrison 3* 11/4/18 (74)
Stich ins Herz=Origin in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 11/4/18 (512) Eve Dallas = In Death #21
Stirb, Schätzchen, stirb=Memory in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 11/6/18 (512) Eve Dallas = In Death #22
X wie Xmas=This Winter by Alice Oseman 4* 11/6/18 (49) Solitaire #0.5
A Beautiful Fall by Chris Coppernoll 4* 11/6/18 (322)
Geisterstunde=Haunted in Death book 3 of Mörderspiele: Drei Fälle für Eve Dallas=Three in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 11/7/18 (135) Eve Dallas = In Death #22.5
Kein Job für eine Lady=Fancy Pants by Cathy Marie Hake 4* 11/11/18 (304) Only in Gooding #1
Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts 5* 11/13/18 (454)
An Apple A Day: Health in Every Realm by Stephen de Silva, Kevin Dedmon, Theresa Dedmon, Matthew DiMarco, Dawna de Silva, Chris Gore, Chelsea Moore, Leslie Taylor, Pam Spinosi & Deborah Stevens 4* 11/17/18 (178)
One Perfect Day by Lauraine Snelling 4* 11/17/18 (326)
Die Spur der Schuld=Private by James Patterson 4* 11/17/18 (352) Private #1
A Mother Scorned by Michele Bardsley 5* 11/18/18 (20)
Another Stab at Life by Anita Higman 3* 11/18/18 (250) Volstead Manor #1
Black Dog by Stephen Booth 4* 11/19/18 (537) Ben Cooper & Diane Fry #1
The Father's Recipe for Personal Finance by Antoine Boyd 4* 11/20/18 (59)
Weihnachtsbäckerei by Naumann & Göbel Verlag 2* 11/20/18 (57) lit. transl: Baking for Christmas
Beast, Part One by Ella James 3* 11/21/18 (65) Beast #1
The Last Witness by K.T. Roberts 4* 11/22/18 (337) Kensington-Gerard Detectives #1
Lebkuchen by Naumann & Göbel Verlag 3* 11/23/18 (61) lit. transl: Gingerbread or Lebkuchen
Color Me Grey book 1 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books One Through Three by J.C. Phelps 5* 11/24/18 (214) Alexis Stanton Chronicles #1
In Liebe und Tod=Born in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 11/27/18 (496) Eve Dallas = In Death #23
Shades of Grey book 2 of The Alexis Stanton Chronicles Books One Through Three by J.C. Phelps 4* 11/29/18 (214) Alexis Stanton Chronicles #2
A Killing Truth by D.V. Berkom 5* 11/30/18 (171) Leine Basso #0.5

King Henry's Christmas by Loretta Jackson & Vickie Britton 3* 12/1/18 (37) High Country Mystery #7.5
Santa Baby by K.B. Winters 6* 12/2/18 (176)
Das Lachen des Weihnachtsmanns: Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte by Dörte Jensen 4* 12/2/18 (11) lit. transl: Santa's Laugh: A Christmas Story
Sanft kommt der Tod=Innocent in Death by J.D. Robb 5* 12/3/18 (529) Eve Dallas = In Death #24
Unwrapped by K.B. Winters 5* 12/3/18 (80)
Filthy Scrooge by Taryn Quinn 5* 12/5/18 (208)
Eternity in Death book 1 of Time of Death by J.D. Robb 3* 12/5/18 (115) Eve Dallas = In Death #25.5 (set in April - book #25 is set in March)
Hardcore Twenty-Four by Janet Evanovich 2* 12/5/18 (320) Stephanie Plum #24
Christmas Cookie Baby by Laura Marie Altom 3* 12/6/18 (170) SEAL Team: Holiday Heroes #1
All Through the Night by Maggie Robinson book 1 in Holiday for Two 4.5* 12/7/18 (99)
While It Was Snowing by Elyssa Patrick book 2 in Holiday for Two 3.5* 12/7/18 (70)
Santa's Secret by Serenity Woods 4* 12/8/18 (146) Christmas Wishes #1
White-Hot Christmas by Serenity Woods 4* 12/10/18 (182) Christmas Wishes #2
Abound in Love by Rosemarie Naramore 4* 12/10/18 (170)
Christmas Romance: 25 Dazzling Days to Romance Your Spouse Through Christmas by Sheila Holmes 3* 12/10/18 (44) Christmas Romance Plans #1
Holiday Heat by Noelle Adams 3* 12/11/18 (88)
Mistletoe, Moonlight, & Murder by Carolyn L. Dean 3* 12/12/18 (132) Ravenwood Cove Mystery #3
A Pony For Christmas by Bev Pettersen 6* 12/12/18 (91)
Mörderische Sehnsucht=Creation in Death by J.D. Robb 4* 12/13/18 (480) Eve Dallas = In Death #25
Wie Schneeflocken im Wind=Falling Like Snowflakes by Denise Hunter 5* 12/18/18 (398) Summer Harbor #1
Stille Nacht, stillere Nacht by Andreas Eschbach 3* 12/20/18 (56) lit. transl: Silent Night, Silenter Night (2 short stories)
Das Geschenk: Lovestory by Lana Stone 3* 12/22/18 (36) - lit. transl: The Gift: Lovestory
The Billionaire's First Christmas by Holly Rayner 5* 12/22/18 (189) Winters Love #1
The Gift: A Short Story for Christmas by Amanda Hamm 4* 12/24/18 (5)
The Gift: A Salvation Skit for Christmas by Cheryl Rogers 2* 12/24/18 (9)
Merry Christmas, Santa by Cailin Briste 0* 12/25/18 (36)
Snow Kissed by the Billionaire by Lizabeth Scott 4* 12/26/18 (125) Kissed #1
Candy for Christmas by Novalee Swan 4* 12/27/18 (68)
Curious Minds by Janet Evanovich & Phoef Sutton 2* 12/29/18 (337) Knight and Moon #1
Die Retterspitz Wickel-Schule: Heilen, pflegen und wohlfühlen by Retterspitz 2* 12/30/18 (20) - lit. transl: The Retterspitz Packing (or Wet Pack) School: Heal, Care and Feel Good

message 9: by Agnieszka (last edited Jan 09, 2019 12:12PM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Currently reading:
Covenant Child by Terri Blackstock 4?* 12/?/18 (336)
Expressplätzchen by Christina Kempe ?* 12/?/18 (64) lit. transl: Express Cookies
Pięćdziesiąt twarzy Greya=Fifty Shades of Grey book 1 of Pięćdziesiąt twarzy Greya. Pakiet=Fifty Shades Trilogy by E.L. James ?* 12/?/18 (608) FSoG #1
Wintermuffins by Hanna Renz ?* 12/?/18 (96) lit. transl: Winter Muffins

Bel Canto=Bel Canto by Ann Patchett ?* ?/?/18 (384)
Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden ?* 11/?/18 (368)
Changes That Heal: The Four Shifts That Make Everything Better…And That Anyone Can Do by Henry Cloud ?* ?/?/18 (368)
Dead End=Dead Scared by Sharon J. Bolton ?* 12?/?/18 (432) Lacey Flint #2
To Protect & Serve by Staci Stallings ?* 11/?/18 (352) Courage #1

message 10: by Susy (new)

Susy (susysstories) Wow, more than 250 books? Impressive! It would be my dream come true if I could read that many books. I wish you the best of luck Agnieszka and above all, happy reading!

message 11: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Kristin wrote: "Good luck on your reading goal, Agnieszka! Happy to have you here!"

Susy wrote: "Wow, more than 250 books? Impressive! It would be my dream come true if I could read that many books. I wish you the best of luck Agnieszka and above all, happy reading!"

Thank you! The only good thing about being sick often is you have much time to read :-)

message 12: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments Best of luck in the coming year!

message 13: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Blagica wrote: "Best of luck in the coming year!"

Thank you!

message 14: by Lisa, Cheerleader (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments Agnieszka wrote: "Thank you! The only good thing about being sick often is you have much time to read ..."

I sleep when I'm sick :D Perhaps I enjoy it a tad bit too much :D
Good luck reaching your goal in 2018!

message 15: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments You are doing great keep it up!

message 16: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments Two months down ten to go. I hope you are enjoying your book adventures so far this year you are doing great!

message 17: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Blagica wrote: "Two months down ten to go. I hope you are enjoying your book adventures so far this year you are doing great!"

Thank you!

message 18: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments You are so welcome!

message 19: by AmbWitch (new)

AmbWitch | 269 comments Wow, you are doing really well. I couldn't even dream of reading that many books in 2 and a bit months.

message 20: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. I hope that April brings you many more five star reads. Do you have a stand out book so far this year?

message 21: by Agnieszka (last edited Apr 09, 2018 09:46AM) (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 745 comments Blagica wrote: "A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. I hope that April brings you many more five star reads. Do you have a stand out book so far this year?"

Outstandig great:
I Can't But Jesus Can: Experiencing the Power of Surrender by Adam Houge 6* 3/15 - very challenging but still giving hope change is possible
Love Letters by E'yen A. Gardner 6* 2/25 - moving, uplifting and giving hope (a fictional collection of love letters from God)
Das Schneemädchen=The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey 6* 3/24
Nacht im Central Park by Guillaume Musso 6* 3/5 lit. transl. A Night in Central Park - enjoyed the book for the second time and despite knowing the ending I loved it again, a great genre-mix: drama, suspense, mystery, romance - unfortunatelly not translated into English yet

Outstanding bad:
Cel Bourne'a=The Bourne Objective by Eric Van Lustbader 1* 1/26 - and the end of the series for me and only finished because of the Polish translation and I needed it for a challenge
Miłość w wielkim mieście=Love and the City by Jessie Valetta 1* 2/26 - I suppose it was the second worst book I read ever and only finished because of the Polish translation and I needed it for a challenge (luckily it was rather short)
Der Kuss des Killers=Ceremony in Death by J.D. Robb 2* 2/7 - still my least favortie in this series (up to book #34) and the last time I ever read it

message 22: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments April Showers bring May flowers I hope May brings lots of great reads and sunshine!

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