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message 1: by Jonetta (last edited Dec 15, 2017 03:26AM) (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
 photo image_zpsrov4ysil.png

1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
5. Overall summary of your reading month?


message 2: by Melissa (new)

Melissa (melissasd) | 1610 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Almost... I'm about 40 pages from getting up to date in the Harry Dresden Files.

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
No..trying to wait till January to start anything new.

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
I read Tell Me Exactly What Happened: Dispatches from 911 by Caroline Burau. I'm a dispatcher for an ambulance service and I can relate to many of her stories.
Tell Me Exactly What Happened Dispatches from 911 by Caroline Burau

5. Overall summary of your reading month?
I was only able to read 2 books this month, but I enjoyed them both.

message 3: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments 1.Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Twirled World Ink Series by J.M. Dabney & Raven Riders by Laura Kaye
Played (Gridiron, #4) by Jen Frederick another series that caught up with but I think this will be my last in this series.

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
Yes I started a few. Kennedy Ink by Jenny Wood. a m/m series. As the series is progressing so the author's style of writing is improving as well. I think I might just continue with this series.
Twirled World Ink by J.M. Dabney. Another m/m that has an awesome cast of characters. this one I'm up to date with but there are a few off shoot series which I'll be starting soon
I read a few first of the series but I'm unsure if I'll be continuing:
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield Stealing the Wind (Mermen of Ea #1) by Shira Anthony

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
just two besides those already mentioned

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
Sadly nothing this month really grabbed me. I had a few very enjoyable reads but that's it

5. Overall summary of your reading month?
Overall I think it was a very blah month. I've started a few series that isn't really worth mentioning as it was more fillers or binge reading and a few standalones. The only thing that stood out was that I've made new friends that love doing buddy reads and through them I'm discovering new authors . Thank goodness for my virtual tbr shelf or I'd be in series trouble

message 4: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinmy) | 3232 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
I completed/got up to date on 5 series!!!
- The Bullet Catchers - Roxanne St. Claire
- Black Ops, Inc. - Cindy Gerard
- Spindle Cove - Tessa Dare
- Kowalski Family - Shannon Stacey
- Girl-Bachelors - Laura Lee Guhrke

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
Along with the 5 series I completed, I moved forward in two more:
- Mickey Haller - Michael Connelly
- Kate Burkholder - Linda Castillo

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
Do You Want to Start a Scandal (Spindle Cove, #5, Castles Ever After, #4) by Tessa Dare Among the Wicked (Kate Burkholder #8) by Linda Castillo

5. Overall summary of your reading month? I had a great month. Most of my books were 4 Stars or better.

message 5: by Karen ♐ (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 444 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Yes, two series - Virgin River - My Kind of Christmas (Virgin River, #18) by Robyn Carr
Infidelity - Fidelity (Infidelity, #5) by Aleatha Romig

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
The Stanislaskis by Nora Roberts - Definitely will continue
Thoughtless by S. C. Stephens - Won't continue - hated the heroine!
Mitchell & Associates by Sandra Brown - Definitely will continue. Love Sandra Brown books
McLendon Family Saga by D.L. Roan - Will continue
Patterson-Cannon Family by Linda Howard - Will continue - My first book by this author - loved it
Stark International Trilogy by J. Kenner - Will continue
Mount Trilogy by Meghan March - Definitely will continue
Into The Fire by Amanda Usen - Undecided
Southern Alphas - Undecided

3. Did you move forward in any series? Yes How many?10

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Yes Why did you love it/them?
Entrapment (Infidelity, #4) by Aleatha Romig & Fidelity (Infidelity, #5) by Aleatha Romig - Loved this series. Dark and surprising. Another hit by Aleatha Romig
My Kind of Christmas (Virgin River, #18) by Robyn Carr - This series had everything. A small town full of great characters. So sad this was the last book in the series.
Survivor In Death (In Death, #20) by J.D. Robb - Every book in this series is fantastic! The characters make this series for me.
The Woman on the Orient Express by Lindsay Jayne Ashford - This wasn't a series book but it was outstanding. Great characters and a fantastic story.
Ruthless King (Mount Trilogy, #1) by Meghan March - Great first book in the series. Held me spellbound.
Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga, #6) by Helen Hardt - This series continues on with a story of 3 brothers and trying to solve one's kidnapping/abuse when he was a child. Fantastic series!
Tracker's Sin (Hell's Eight, #4) by Sarah McCarty - Love this historical western series. Alpha men, strong women...
Burn Down the Night (Everything I Left Unsaid, #3) by Molly O'Keefe - Great series with strong characters.

5. Overall summary of your reading month? Great. I had mostly 4-5 star reads with a few 3's thrown in and one 2 star.

message 6: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Loved Linda Howard. She had my old time favorite books going for years. Don't know if it will still hold up.
Shades of Twilight by Linda Howard & Now You See Her by Linda Howard .
And I really have to get back to Sandra brown she was another author I have fond memories of as a teenager.

message 7: by Karen ♐ (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 444 comments I'm in a BR where we are reading one Sandra Brown book a month. Love them. I put those Howard books on my TBR. They look good.

message 8: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Karen ♐ wrote: "I'm in a BR where we are reading one Sandra Brown book a month. Love them. I put those Howard books on my TBR. They look good."

Their a few other that was also good.

Thanx for telling me about the Sandra group but I'll have to pass. As much as I'd want to join I know myself. If I join to many things I'd land up reading for to many challenges as it were. Lol

message 9: by ~ Giulia ~ (new)

~ Giulia ~ | 104 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Warcross by Marie Lu (only one book currently out)

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
- Warcross by Marie Lu - likeable characters, cool ideas, messy execution. I'll probably continue.
- The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. Sullivan - I know, weird place to start with the series (middle of the prequels). I definitely want to read the rest.
- Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - didn't like it much (double insta-love, ugh) but I got the second one as a gift and I'd feel bad if I didn't at least try it at some point.
- Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs - will continue.

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
I read Peter Grant #2

5. Overall summary of your reading month?
I was doing quite well in trying to contain the number of new series started, then this month I went and added 4 of them. *sigh*
Overall I'm satisfied, I got around to read a couple of titles that had been in my tbr for years.

message 10: by Lieke (new)

Lieke | 1562 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
Yes, 4 new series: Reavers' Ransom by Emily Diamand, Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling) by Nalini Singh, The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Jenna Fox Chronicles) by Mary E. Pearson and Het Medallion by Tot.
I want to continue all of them, but I'm not sure when I will continue them.

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
I moved forward in two other series (and reread two old children's book from my mother that are in a series): Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop and A Touch of Dead by Charlaine Harris.

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
I read a lot of good books, but no five star reads.
I think I enjoyed Slave to Sensation the most, because I didn''t know what to expect and I really liked the world it is set in.
Close behind where Het Medallion and The Adoration of Jenna Fox.

5. Overall summary of your reading month?
Overall is was another good month with 10 books read and only two books left to read in my Around the Year in 52 books challenge.

Reavers' Ransom by Emily Diamand Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling, #1) by Nalini Singh The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Jenna Fox Chronicles, #1) by Mary E. Pearson Het Medallion (Pandala #1) by Tot Marked in Flesh (The Others, #4) by Anne Bishop A Touch of Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #4.1, #4.3, #5.1, #7.1, #8.1) by Charlaine Harris

message 11: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Lieke I love the psy/changeling series and will say worth trying to find the time for it. Also the author actually ended one story arc and has just started the next one.

message 12: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Melissa wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Almost... I'm about 40 pages from getting up to date in the Harry Dresden Files.

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what we..."

Hey, you got up to date in a really big series. That’s a win! Keep enjoying your reading.

message 13: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "1.Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Twirled World Ink Series by J.M. Dabney & Raven Riders by Laura Kaye
Played (Gridiron, #4) by Jen Frederick another series that caught u..."

Here’s hoping you have a better reading experience this month. Good luck with your new friends and buddy reads. That sounds encouraging.

message 14: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Robin wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
I completed/got up to date on 5 series!!!
- The Bullet Catchers - Roxanne St. Claire
- Black Ops, Inc. - Cindy Gerard
- Spindle C..."

You had a fantastic month! You’ve got me excited to start the Spindle Cove series next year.

message 15: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Karen ♐ wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Yes, two series - Virgin River - My Kind of Christmas (Virgin River, #18) by Robyn Carr
Infidelity - Fidelity (Infidelity, #5) by Aleatha Romig

2. Did you..."

Wow, Karen! I’m in awe of your reading prowess.

I LOVED Virgin River and still miss it. Thanks for the feedback on Romig’s series, which I own. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Stanislaski series...wondering if it’s too dated.

message 16: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
~ Giulia ~ wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Warcross by Marie Lu (only one book currently out)

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
- ..."

Looks like you had a good month! Don’t worry about those new series you added:)

Too bad about Daughter of Smoke & Bone. I listened to it and the narrator adds a lot to the experience. I’m almost done with the second book and it has tons of surprises, especially involving Karou & Akiva. There’s lots behind their relationship. I’m just sayin’....

message 17: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Lieke wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
Yes, 4 new series: Reavers' Ransom ..."

Congrats on a good month, especially your progress in the Around the Year challenge. That’s a tough one.

I’ve had the Psi-Changeling series on my shelf for years. Glad you enjoyed the first book and I’m hoping to start it in 2018.

message 18: by Delitealex (last edited Dec 06, 2017 10:31AM) (new)

Delitealex | 330 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
Night of the Living Deed
The House of the Four Winds
Dead Is the New Black
Blind Goddess
Until the End
Front Lines
Yes I plan to continue with all of them except maybe until the end
3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
Deadly Spells
Lying Season
Lumberjanes, Vol. 2: Friendship to the Max
Lumberjanes, Vol. 3: A Terrible Plan
Rest In Pizza
Curtsies & Conspiracies
4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
Steeplejack (Alternative Detective, #1) by A.J. Hartley and Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour were both 5 stars for me
5. Overall summary of your reading month?
I read 16 books and made decent progress on series.

message 19: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Jonetta wrote: "Michelle wrote: "1.Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
Twirled World Ink Series by J.M. Dabney & Raven Riders by Laura Kaye
Played (Gridiron, #4) by Jen Frederick another ser..."

Oh Jonetta. They are so corrupting me in the best way. So if I'm silent it's because they're keeping me busy. But I'll never leave my other groups. I've got yo many good friends everywhere. ;-))

message 20: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Jonetta wrote: "Lieke wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
Yes, 4 new series: [book:Reavers' Ra..."

I was so hoping psy/ changeling would have gotten more votes on the poll but alas I'm sure we could still do a buddy read when time permits. Would have loved to hear what everyone else thinks of them.

message 21: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "Oh Jonetta. They are so corrupting me in the best way. So if I'm silent it's because they're keeping me busy. But I'll never leave my other groups. I've got yo many good friends everywhere. ;-)) ..."

Well, that’s great to hear!! Just have fun.

message 22: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "I was so hoping psy/ changeling would have gotten more votes on the poll but alas I'm sure we could still do a buddy read when time permits. Would have loved to hear what everyone else thinks of them...."

There were SO many good series nominated. I’d have been happy if this one was selected, too. Maybe later in 2018 when some of my series reads end.

message 23: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Always Jonetta. How are you doing?

message 24: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Jonetta wrote: "Michelle wrote: "I was so hoping psy/ changeling would have gotten more votes on the poll but alas I'm sure we could still do a buddy read when time permits. Would have loved to hear what everyone ..."

Jonetta I'm always open to reading this series. Some of the books are my go to books. Series love them. Just send out the call and I'm there , waiting.

message 25: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Will do!

message 26: by Jonetta (last edited Dec 06, 2017 11:37AM) (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "Always Jonetta. How are you doing?"

Okay. Daily ups and downs but pretty much okay.

Thanks for asking.

message 27: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Delitealex wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
Night of the Living Deed
[book:The H..."

I was first looking at your new series started but then saw how you balanced it out with your existing series progress! Nice move;) Hope you enjoyed your reading.

message 28: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3072 comments Jonetta wrote: "Michelle wrote: "Always Jonetta. How are you doing?"

Okay. Daily ups and downs but pretty much okay.

Thanks for asking."

Ja. I had a moment the other day. Just really missed my dad. And I can't even tell you what set me off. Just take it easy and allow yourself to grieve.

message 29: by Allison (new)

Allison (rainy-day-reads) 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

I completed 2, and got up-to-date in 1.

Dawn Study (Soulfinders, #3; Study, #6) by Maria V. Snyder The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms, #4) by Cinda Williams Chima
A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3) by Sarah J. Maas

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?

I started and finished Soulfinders by Maria V. Snyder. I had planned to binge read it over Thanksgiving break and that worked out well. :D

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?

1 series - In Death by J.D. Robb.

Vengeance in Death (In Death, #6) by J.D. Robb

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?

I spoiled myself last month with favorite authors and series, so had several 5 star books.

The Gray Wolf Throne (Seven Realms, #3) by Cinda Williams Chima The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms, #4) by Cinda Williams Chima A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3) by Sarah J. Maas The Other Side of Midnight by Simone St. James Shadow Study (Soulfinders #1; Study, #4) by Maria V. Snyder Night Study (Soulfinders, #2; Study, #5) by Maria V. Snyder Dawn Study (Soulfinders, #3; Study, #6) by Maria V. Snyder

5. Overall summary of your reading month?

Wonderful :)

message 30: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Allison wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

I completed 2, and got up-to-date in 1.

Dawn Study (Soulfinders, #3; Study, #6) by Maria V. Snyder The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms, #4) by Cinda Williams Chima
[bookcover:A Co..."

Oh, I love that "Wonderful!" Congrats on a solid month and what appears to be an excellent reading experience.

You had a true fantasy experience didn't you?

message 31: by Allison (new)

Allison (rainy-day-reads) Jonetta wrote: "You had a true fantasy experience didn't you? ..."

Yes, it does look that way, doesn't it! It was a great escape.

message 32: by Laura (new)

Laura 1. I got up to date in one series The Final Score (Play by Play, #13) by Jaci Burton #13. I've loved this series but after 13 they have become same old same old.

2. I started one new series Jamison Valley The Coppersmith Farmhouse (Jamison Valley, #1) by Devney Perry I loved it will continue.

3. I moved forward in 3 series
I read 2 Rough Riders #9&10 Raising Kane (Rough Riders, #9) by Lorelei James Cowgirls Don't Cry (Rough Riders, #10) by Lorelei James
2 Tracers #7&8 Exposed (Tracers #7) by Laura Griffin Beyond Limits (Tracers, #8) by Laura Griffin
3 Rock Chick #4,5&6 Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, #4) by Kristen Ashley Rock Chick Revenge (Rock Chick, #5) by Kristen Ashley Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick, #6) by Kristen Ashley
4. Standout books - 2 standalones Dating You / Hating You by Christina Lauren this author never disappoints, and The Fortunate Ones by R.S. Grey She is the queen of romantic comedies. I've read two by her so far and they are laugh out loud funny.
Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, #4) by Kristen Ashley Rock Chick Revenge (Rock Chick, #5) by Kristen Ashley over the top action and alpha heroes
Exposed (Tracers #7) by Laura Griffin Beyond Limits (Tracers, #8) by Laura Griffin I loved the mix of romance and suspense in these two.
5. Overall- I loved my books was in the mood to binge. I'm deep into these series now so soon should be able to catch up or finish early next year.

message 33: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Laura wrote: "1. I got up to date in one series The Final Score (Play by Play, #13) by Jaci Burton #13. I've loved this series but after 13 they have become same old same old.

2. I started one new series Jamison Valley [boo..."

Nice month, Laura! Oh, how I love a binge read:)

I’m hoping to get back to the Rock Chick series next year. I switched to audio so I’m looking forward to that.

message 34: by Jonetta (last edited Dec 15, 2017 03:25AM) (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
I got up to date in two series, Black Ops, Inc. by Cindy Gerard and Colorado High Country by Pamela Clare.

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
No knew series this month.

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
I moved forward in two series, Tracers by Laura Griffin and Bullet Catchers by Roxanne St. Claire.

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
I had two books I thought outstanding, Close to Heaven by Pamela Clare and The Summer That Made Us by Robyn Carr. Clare’s book is such a feel good story, perfect for the holiday season. Carr continues to flex her writing chops in the contemporary fiction genre. It’s a very good story.

5. Overall summary of your reading month?
I didn’t get to read very much but enjoyed everything I read. A highlight was reading Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon and immediately watching the movie afterwards. The book is a stronger story but the movie was a visual orgasm!!!
Close to Heaven (Colorado High Country, #5) by Pamela Clare The Summer That Made Us by Robyn Carr Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

message 35: by Karen ♐ (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 444 comments Jonetta wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
I got up to date in two series, Black Ops, Inc. by Cindy Gerard and Colorado High Country by Pamela Clare.

2. Did you start any..."

Looks like some great books there, Jonetta. Added Robyn Carr's as I love her books.

message 36: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
I think you’ll enjoy it, Karen.

message 37: by Laura (new)

Laura Jonetta wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
I got up to date in two series, Black Ops, Inc. by Cindy Gerard and Colorado High Country by Pamela Clare.

2. Did you start any..."

It's quality not quantity so I'd say it was successful. I'm loving the Rock Chicks. At the time that I read book one I wasn't that thrilled with it, but my feelings changed when I got back to it with book 2. I usually don't do re-reads but I may have to read book one again.

message 38: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12491 comments Mod
Laura wrote: "It's quality not quantity so I'd say it was successful. I'm loving the Rock Chicks. At the time that I read book one I wasn't that thrilled with it, but my feelings changed when I got back to it with book 2. I usually don't do re-reads but I may have to read book one again. ..."

That's GREAT to hear, Laura. I liked the first book but wasn't wowed by it and switched to her Colorado Mountain series on audio. Since then, I've gotten the audiobooks for Rock Chicks because I think KA's books are best served up on audio.

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