The Geek Girls Book Club discussion

Sleeping Beauties
This topic is about Sleeping Beauties
General Info > October 2017 Read!

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message 1: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (nikkisticks) | 413 comments Mod
The October Geek Girls Book Club read will be @OwenKingwriter and @StephenKing's brand new novel, Sleeping Beauties! Read starts Oct. 1st!

message 2: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (bumfair) | 1 comments Nice!! Excited to start reading it, very interesting premise.

message 3: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (nikkisticks) | 413 comments Mod
Ashley wrote: "Nice!! Excited to start reading it, very interesting premise."

I'm so glad Ashley! I'm really excited to see how this story plays out.

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