The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

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message 1: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (last edited Feb 14, 2017 04:02PM) (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments
Team Ty & Zane

Team Members:
♦ Emma White (Captain)
♦ Melissa (Co-captain)
♦ Camilla
♦ Cat
♦ Karen Shaw
♦ Sarah C.
♦ Andrea

Brianna Andreda

Team Spreadsheet

message 2: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (last edited Feb 12, 2017 01:43PM) (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments
“Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped.”
― Andy Weir, The Martian

message 3: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments r

message 4: by Emma (last edited Feb 16, 2017 05:52AM) (new)

message 5: by Emma (last edited Mar 02, 2017 09:30AM) (new)

Emma | 757 comments colour checking site

message 6: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments r

message 7: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments r

message 8: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments r

message 9: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments [pokes head around door]
Hello? Can I say hello yet? I'll go away & come back again later if I'm too early!

message 10: by Camilla (last edited Jan 23, 2017 03:58AM) (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments I was thinking the same a few hours ago, but waited a while, since the captain and co-captains haven't introduced themselves yet.

Duh, never mind... I'm Camilla from Finland, my hobbies include reading (no kidding!), travelling and gardening. My fav genres include fantasy, horror, scifi and thrillers. Looking forward to playing UNO with you!

message 11: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments Hi Camilla! Yeah, I waited a bit, but then I couldn't any longer!

I'm in London, UK. I spend a lot of time being doting aunt to two niblings (a word meaning nephews & nieces, gender neutral - like siblings. it's my goal in 2017 to get traction for its wider use), and hoping that my brother & his soon-to-be husband get an adoptee soon. Family is VERY important - as, of course, is reading!

Genres: fantasy, sci-fi, fiction, non-fiction.
Not a great fan of horror or romance.

Over the last couple of years I've been making a concerted effort to read more diversely than dead white men (or indeed living white men!), which leads me on to...

Book I am currently raving about: Kindred by Octavia E. Butler. Brilliant time-travel exploration of slavery & humanity & how humanity & morals adjust to slavery. Utterly fantastic!

message 12: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Oh, I love London, have visited it several times!

I've yet to read anything from Octavia E. Butler, but I've slotted in Parable of the Sower for a year-long challenge this year, so I'll get to her eventually. Too many books, too little time...

message 13: by Emma (last edited Jan 23, 2017 04:47AM) (new)

Emma | 757 comments Hi all. I am Emma and I am the Captain of this team. I live in Scotland. This is the 3rd time I have done UNO and the second time being a Captain. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better and for this challenge :)

I mainly read fantasy, YA and historical fiction although I do venture out sometimes.

message 14: by Melissa (last edited Jan 23, 2017 06:18AM) (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Hello everyone!

My name is Melissa and I'm from right outside of Philadelphia in the US. I am really excited to be a co-captain and to get started on this challenge! I have co-captained before and participated in UNO last year and it was so much fun!

I mainly read YA, historical fiction, fantasy, mystery but with challenges I am pretty flexible to read anything that interests me.

Is this anyone's first Uno challenge? First challenge at all? How many books do you think you all will read a month for this challenge?

message 15: by Camilla (last edited Jan 23, 2017 06:50AM) (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Melissa wrote: "Is this anyone's first Uno challenge? First challenge at all? How many books do you think you all will read a month for this challenge? "

It's my second time playing UNO, at least I think so. Well, I'm sure it's not the first, but not sure between second and third. I have given the number of books per week as 4 when signing up, so that would result in approx. 16-18 books per month. I'm usually in the middle of several books: a couple of paper books, one or two on my kindle, possibly one Overdrive ebook from the library as well as one or two audiobooks (one on CD in the car, another one Overdrive library on the phone). I'll try to finish as many as possible before the end of the month.

message 16: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Oh, just realized I've forgotten to give the link to my UNO shelf:

message 17: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments My first uno, but I've done team challenges over on NBRC (Wobble! Tower Teams & Gladiators) and do the SRC (hating it this season!). I keep trying AMMP, but it doesn't really gel for me somehow.

I was recommended Uno by some of by Wobble team mates. They promised me that it was pretty easy - the book choices aren't straight-jackets, and that it was generally a laidback team game, which will be good :)

My uno shelf:
(I assume, like Wobble, we add books to it AFTER we read them, it's not a TBR shelf, right?)

message 18: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Glad to meet you both!

Uno is definitely a fun challenge! The books are pretty open as far as choices - there usually is a book that you want to read that will fit in a spot.

I'm not sure how Emma wants to run the challenge - as far as claiming spots, etc - but once we work that out we will let you all know :)

message 19: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Catherine wrote: "My first uno, but I've done team challenges over on NBRC (Wobble! Tower Teams & Gladiators) and do the SRC (hating it this season!)."

I've done several over on NBRC as well (it seems many people are lured over from one group to the other or vice versa). Why don't you like SRC this season? I'm finding it pretty easy this time, only skipping two tasks (not that I ever have time to finish them all, but planning books for almost all tasks).

message 20: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments Camilla wrote: "Why don't you like SRC this season? I'm finding it pretty easy this time, only skipping two tasks (not that I ever have time to finish them all, but planning books for almost all tasks)."

so many airplanes on cover tasks!
so many set in Greece tasks!
The BINGO one is irking me - seems like all the books I am reading are starting with The!

I dunno really, they are just not really sitting well this season. I think because, rather than planning obsessively, I am just fitting in books. It worked OK last season, but just isn't this time. Doubt I'll finish it (for only the second time since I started)

message 21: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Well, I've done SRC for about two years now and have never been close to finishing, but it doesn't matter, I like planning and playing it anyway. Didn't have any problems with the airplanes, can't remember having lined up any book set in Greece... hmmm.... *runs of to check reading plan*

message 22: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments actually, the ones I am REALLY hating are the Bookends one (title starting & ending with the same letter?!); the Podcast one (I am lazy and hate hate hate looking through multiple lists); the This And That one and Pros & Cons (family relationship books not my thing, so I've taken against the list on principle - not really scoured it yet mind)

message 23: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments I didn't think Bookends was that difficult, in fact I'm currently reading both The Savant of Chelsea and MaddAddam for that task. Yes, I know what you mean by not liking looking through multiple lists, and usually I have trouble finding anything suitable. Now I surprisingly found The Likeness (which was better than I expected based on the first book in the series) and The Young Elites (haven't started it yet), both of which were on my TBR. This and that was a bit of a headache, but managed to find books that I already owned for it, although not read yet, and Pros and cons I've already done. I haven't found anything yet for 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9, and I'll skip 20.10, 30.9 (I don't like rereads) and the 50-point task.

message 24: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments the outrage! you are skippping my task?!

message 25: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments I'm going to let Emma take lead on the tasks and claiming and such but has everyone gotten a chance to review our spreadsheet? Our tasks for February are already posted - if anyone has any questions please let us know :)

If you want you can start setting up your individual books that may work for February (even if we aren't claiming them yet)

message 26: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments also, see: 10.8 - Greece! it's a pain!

message 27: by Emma (last edited Jan 26, 2017 05:33AM) (new)

Emma | 757 comments I am up for the first hand or two being claimed, Means we can all start as soon as we can, after the challenge starts. There is the same amount of us as cards in each hand so why don't we take one each for the first two then the rest we can claim as we go, depending who is faster readers etc. Does that sound okay to every one.

Hand one
9- Camilla
4- Melissa
3- Shaw
4- Sarah
Wild draw 4- Brianna
2- Catherine

Hand 2
reserve- Brianna
4- Sarah
2- Melissa
7- Shaw
2- Emma
2- Catherine

I have loads of books to read so can easily find books, so I can pick last. Once you have decided which one you like please tell me and I will place your name next to the card so people know it is no longer available.

message 28: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Sounds good Emma!

I'm pretty flexible too so I can pick after others have chosen as well.

message 29: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Catherine wrote: "the outrage! you are skippping my task?!"

LOL, sorry, didn't realize it was your task! But yes, I'm skipping it, since I don't do rereads. With over 8,000 books on my TBR I don't have time for rereads. Otherwise the task would have been doable.

And 10.8 has lots of other countries, you're just fixated on Greece :-D

message 30: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments I'll look at what I have lined up for early February and let you know some of my options later this evening, now I've got the feed the horde.

message 31: by Shaw (new)

Shaw | 722 comments Hi everyone! I'm Shaw and this is a first for both UNO and any reading challenge for me but I am looking forward to it.

message 32: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Karen wrote: "Hi everyone! I'm Shaw and this is a first for both UNO and any reading challenge for me but I am looking forward to it."

Hi Shaw! I'm sure you'll love UNO, it's not too hectic and lots of options on what to read.

message 33: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Hi Shaw! Check over the spreadsheet and if you have any questions ask!

message 34: by Camilla (last edited Jan 23, 2017 11:39AM) (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments Some of the books I've planned to read in February:
- Bone Box, works at least for cards 0 (standalone), 2 (char Joseph Travers), 6 (char Sophia Altay)
- Vanishing Midnight cards 0 (standalone), 3 (char Mathias Harris), 7 (title), 8 (author)
- The Underground Girls of Kabul: In Search of a Hidden Resistance in Afghanistan card 9 (author), skip (setting Kabul)
- Twisted Tales From The Universe cards 0 (standalone), 2 (title)
- Far Eastern Tales cards 0 (standalone), 4 (title)
- The Young Elites cards 1 (#1 in series), 2 (char Teren Santoro), 6 (char Teren Santoro), 7 (char Enzo Valenciano), 8 (char Enzo Valenciano), skip (setting Kenettra)
- The Girl At The Lion D'or cards 0 (standalone), 4 (author), 6 (author)

I'll be reading other ones as well, but these are certain. They will probably fit other cards as well, as I don't know the characters of all of them.

message 35: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Andreda | 121 comments Hey everyone. I'm Brianna and I'm excited to be a co-captain. This is my 3rd time playing, but my first time being a co-captain. I'm from Ohio. I read just about everything except erotica. My favorite genre is fantasy.

Im up to reading for any card for the first 2 hands. So after everyone has chose a card, I'll take what's left.

message 36: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Hi Brianna :)

Looks like we need a few 2s and 4s so I'll take one of each. I'll fill in the books when I decide which one.

message 37: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments I've updated what's left

message 38: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments I can't think that far ahead at the moment!

start date has to be 1 Feb doesn't it?

I can certainly do a 2 and can pick up something else later - if I can be an annoying floater? ;-P

message 39: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments Ye the start date has to Feb 1st or later. Okay that's fine. I'll give you what's left is that cool?
After the first 2, I was just planning to let people say as they read.

message 40: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments It might be a good idea for everyone to add each other as friends, so we can see each others bookshelves :)

message 41: by Shaw (new)

Shaw | 722 comments I can take the 3 for Hand One and the 7 for Hand Two if those are still available.

message 42: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments I think I've added everyone as a friend - If I missed anyone you can just add me :)

Shaw - should be. Do you know what books you will be reading to cover those spots?

message 43: by Shaw (new)

Shaw | 722 comments I think I got this right-I would read The Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton for the author name with an H and The Persuader by Lee Child which is the 7th book in the Jack Reacher Series.

message 44: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Yep that's right :)

I read The Rebel of the Sands and really enjoyed it - let me know what you think when you are done.

message 45: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments Shaw I have put you in for them just now but since Reverse is really hard to fill I might put Rebel of the sands in for that at some point. That would mean you were doing 2 from Hand 2 and none from hand 1. I would then just just take 2 from Hand1. Do not worry about I will sort it out if it comes to it :)

I hope you enjoy Rebel of the sands. I really didn't.

message 46: by Shaw (new)

Shaw | 722 comments Ok-I'm good with whatever works for the game best. I'm sure I can think of another book if needed-My TBR list is kinda crazy.

message 47: by Emma (new)

Emma | 757 comments You wouldn't need to change your books don't worry about. I will sort out any changes needed :)

message 48: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments Ok, so my IRL bok club (for 22 Feb) is The Paying Guests, so I'll definitely be reading that in February. So, where ever that fits, you can put be down :)

message 49: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1251 comments I rather liked The Paying Guests. Have you read anything by Sarah Waters before this?

message 50: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments Camilla wrote: "I rather liked The Paying Guests. Have you read anything by Sarah Waters before this?"

I've read Fingersmith, which I was ambivalent about. It felt pastiche-y, unintentionally so, and just, when I read it at least, didn't gel. But I live in the S London neck of woods she's writing about in Paying Guests, so that'll be interesting.
I'll feedback!

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