Horror Aficionados discussion

Lists & Reading Challenges > Horror Aficionados 2017 Pages Read Challenge!!

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message 1: by Char (last edited Apr 17, 2017 07:49AM) (new)

Char | 17269 comments Fellow HA member Marie suggested this challenge, the idea for which she got from another group. Here's how it works:

As each of you finishes a book, you come here and add the page count to our running total. For instance, if the total pages read are at 100, and you just read a book that was 100 pages you would post the name of the book you just finished, along with the page count, (100 in our example), and then you would ADD your page count to the count in the post before yours, (200 total in our example.) Easy Peasy!

For audiobooks, look up the page count for the paper book and post that.

This challenge applies to ALL books, not just the horror genre!

DNF books do NOT count towards this challenge. Only books that have been completed will apply.

This is a new challenge for us, so I've randomly set the goal at 1,500,000 pages. There are over 12,000 members here, so I think that's attainable. If we attain our goal too early, we'll up it and see just how many pages our Aficionados read during the year. (In my opinion, WE ROCK and I think we'll make over 2 million.)

This challenge starts on January 1st and will run to December 31st at midnight! Rock on Aficionados and show us what you've got!

message 2: by Lena (new)

Lena | 2612 comments Excellent idea!

message 3: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Lena wrote: "Excellent idea!"

I thought so too-I think it's going to be fun. :)

message 4: by WendyB (new)

WendyB  | 4522 comments Mod
Good times indeed.
I already try to beat my "pages read" total each year and now I can contribute them to the group goal. If we don't hit at least 1.5 million it won't be for lack of trying. C'mon, HA! I know you can do it!!

message 5: by Kelly B (new)

Kelly B (kellybey) | 630 comments I did this in another group; it is fun:-).

message 6: by Marie (new)

Marie | 3973 comments It looks awesome, Char! I do believe that we at HA could easily make it past the 1.5 million mark! We have way more members than the other group and I do think we shall surpass that mark! Rock on, HA! I will be ready! :)

message 7: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 922 comments Tunnel vision --464 pages

message 8: by Marie (new)

Marie | 3973 comments John wrote: "I guess that with kindle books we use the advertised page numbers? How about audio books? Same thing?"

Yes, any format, John. Regular books, kindle books, and audio books. :)

message 9: by Marie (new)

Marie | 3973 comments Sonya wrote: "Tunnel vision --464 pages"

It starts in January, Sonya. I see you are as eager as I am :)

message 10: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Marie wrote: "It looks awesome, Char! I do believe that we at HA could easily make it past the 1.5 million mark! We have way more members than the other group and I do think we shall surpass that mark! Rock on, ..."

Thank you and thanks, once again, for the suggestion!

message 11: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments John wrote: "I guess that with kindle books we use the advertised page numbers? How about audio books? Same thing?"

I suggest looking up the audios as regular books on Amazon and using that total.

message 12: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Sonya wrote: "Tunnel vision --464 pages"

I like your enthusiasm, Sonya! It doesn't start until January 1st and it's supposed to be pages READ in 2017. So after you read your first book of 2017, please come and post. :)

message 13: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 922 comments Ok

message 14: by Badseedgirl (new)

Badseedgirl | 1023 comments I'm totally in to this challenge. I read over 31,000 pages so far this year. I find it a better measure of reading then book count. I've read several of the tor.com shorts this year and it scewed my book count. I also read several 500+ page books. This is my kind of challenge.

message 15: by Myst (new)

Myst | 408 comments Are we only counting horror books or any/all books?

message 16: by Karen (new)

Karen (hmssparky) | 199 comments Myst wrote: "Are we only counting horror books or any/all books?"

I would suggest that we only use horror books, considering the genre of this group! I'm in! I can't wait to see what kind of totals we get!

message 17: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments All books apply!

Indeed, we are a horror group, but there are crossovers with thrillers and mysteries and we'd rather not get bogged down with all that.

message 18: by Myst (new)

Myst | 408 comments I expected that answer, but thought it should be clarified.

A different group who does this sort of thing is a general book type group where anything goes. They have 8600 members and (so far) in 2016 have 1,134,293 pages recorded. (Obviously not every member contributes, and some only sporadically update. I haven't updated the last 10 books I read yet...oops!)

message 19: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Myst wrote: "I expected that answer, but thought it should be clarified.

A different group who does this sort of thing is a general book type group where anything goes. They have 8600 members and (so far) in 2..."

I suspect that we will easily beat this goal, but I had to start somewhere.We can always up it if we need to. Not all of our members will participate and many have busy lives. It's hard to guess!

message 20: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly (kimberly_3238) | 7643 comments Mod
I've never done a page tally before--this could be interesting!!! :D

Jen from Quebec :0) (muppetbaby99) | 397 comments For the TBR challenge, I am assuming THAT is for horror only?

message 22: by Elke (new)

Elke (misspider) | 646 comments Love that idea, as it would help to calculate my average page count per title/year - I have the suspicion that my total number of books read per year only works with an average of novella length titles ;) I really miss an automatism in the general GR challenge doing that calculation for me...

message 23: by Holly (new)

Holly (goldikova) If the page count challenge is open to all books and not just horror genre books I will join this challenge. My contribution will be 90% greater if I can count all the books I read!

message 24: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments We are counting ALL books, NOT just horror.
I'm going to edit the opening post to say that.

message 25: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Jennifer Lynn wrote: "For the TBR challenge, I am assuming THAT is for horror only?"

The TBR challenge can be for any books you like. That's the beauty of it, you can choose whichever books you want.

message 26: by Albert (new)

Albert | 443 comments So its decided now? I remember a mod or someone saying page read challenge is any genre, tbr challenge horror only. Now both challenges are any genre? Are we going to be doing some kind of Horror only challenge?

message 27: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I saw no mod say anything was horror only.

You can decide yourself if you want your TBR challenge to be only horror.
The pages read challenge is all books.

message 28: by WendyB (new)

WendyB  | 4522 comments Mod
Albert wrote: "So its decided now? I remember a mod or someone saying page read challenge is any genre, tbr challenge horror only. Now both challenges are any genre? Are we going to be doing some kind of Horror o..."

I personally made my TBR challenge horror because I have such a backlog of those books. But please choose ANY books you've had on your own TBR list for a long time and want to read. That is the idea of this challenge.

message 29: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments WendyB wrote: "Albert wrote: "So its decided now? I remember a mod or someone saying page read challenge is any genre, tbr challenge horror only. Now both challenges are any genre? Are we going to be doing some k..."

This is a going to be a lot of fun!

message 30: by WendyB (new)

WendyB  | 4522 comments Mod
Char wrote: "WendyB wrote: "Albert wrote: "So its decided now? I remember a mod or someone saying page read challenge is any genre, tbr challenge horror only. Now both challenges are any genre? Are we going to ..."

I hope so. :)
Seems to be a bit of confusion about the challenge.

message 31: by Albert (new)

Albert | 443 comments It's clear to me now. Just thought one of the challenges was horror only, looking back someone made this suggestion for the TBR challenge, but I understand that it's a personal preference on what a person reads.
Either way should be a rewarding year concerning challenges.

message 32: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments WendyB wrote: "Char wrote: "WendyB wrote: "Albert wrote: "So its decided now? I remember a mod or someone saying page read challenge is any genre, tbr challenge horror only. Now both challenges are any genre? Are..."

I added a statement to the opening post on both challenges, so it should be clearer now. No worries. :)

message 33: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Dominic wrote: "I'm planning on 75 books for the TBR challenge. I have a few books backed up so this is a good opportunity."

You guys are making me feel like a slacker at only 40.

message 34: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Wildflower | 58 comments Ohh such a good idea! Like that we are counting pages!!!

message 35: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly (kimberly_3238) | 7643 comments Mod
Char wrote: "Dominic wrote: "I'm planning on 75 books for the TBR challenge. I have a few books backed up so this is a good opportunity."

You guys are making me feel like a slacker at only 40."

I put 20! Now I'm going to have to change that--besides, ten are Valancourt releases, so those are guaranteed reads. ;)

I didn't see anyone say anything about only horror books; I took the challenge to mean ANY books on your TBR pile, and any books would apply to the pages read challenge.

I'm excited for these!!!

message 36: by Marie (new)

Marie | 3973 comments I am happy that the confusion has been cleared up. lol

Wow, I got on here to HA and saw there was lots of posts to this thread and thought cool, HA members are wanting to join the page challenge, then saw where the mods had to explain everything.

I want to commend All the Mods for their patience and understanding on helping to clarify everything. All of you are great!

message 37: by Char (last edited Dec 08, 2016 07:29AM) (new)

Char | 17269 comments Thanks a lot, Marie! We're working hard to make HA the best horror group, not only on Goodreads, but on the web itself. :)

It helps to have great members like yourself who take the time to make helpful suggestions.

message 38: by Marie (new)

Marie | 3973 comments Char wrote: "Thanks a lot, Marie! We're working hard to make HA the best horror group, not only on Goodreads, but on the web itself. :)

It helps to have great members like yourself who take the time to make he..."

You are welcome, Char! I have never felt more at home than I do right here in HA! :)

message 39: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 26 comments Char wrote: "Fellow HA member Marie suggested this challenge, the idea for which she got from another group. Here's how it works:

As each of you finishes a book, you come here and add the page count to our run..."

THIS IS WONDERFUL!! I'm super excited. :)

message 40: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Kelly wrote: "Char wrote: "Fellow HA member Marie suggested this challenge, the idea for which she got from another group. Here's how it works:

As each of you finishes a book, you come here and add the page cou..."

I am too. I think it's pretty cool. :)

message 41: by Eric (new)

Eric (eterrell3) | 97 comments Sounds good to me, I'll be sure to join in on both challenges! Thanks for putting this together!

#SaveDaredevil #AndAMovie  (savedaredevil_andamovie) This seems fun (like a lot of other stuff in this group)! I've bookmarked this page and I'll probably update later in 2017 rather than posting regularly throughout the year, if that's okay.

message 43: by Troy (new)

Troy (robotroym) Sounds like fun. I'm in.

message 44: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Excellent! We're happy to have you.

message 45: by Kasia (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 4336 comments Mod
Page count tracking is a great way to gauge how much reading I'm doing even better than a book count and it's been dropping so I'm in! It's funny I was thinking of looking it up when I saw this post.

message 46: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Kasia wrote: "Page count tracking is a great way to gauge how much reading I'm doing even better than a book count and it's been dropping so I'm in! It's funny I was thinking of looking it up when I saw this post."


message 47: by Meagan (new)

Meagan (sarafina1977) | 28 comments Fun! :) I'm in!

message 48: by Kate (new)

Kate | 3522 comments My first book of the year (audiobook) :)

Psycho Psycho by Robert Bloch 208 pages

message 49: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 01, 2017 01:58AM) (new)

My first book of the year (paperback):

Hammer Wives Hammer Wives by Carlton Mellick III 152 pages

208 + 152 = 360

message 50: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments (AWESOME START!!)

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