Literary Horror discussion

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message 1: by Canavan (new)

Canavan | 374 comments I received a notice from Robert Morgan of Sarob Press today announcing the forthcoming (April or May of this year) publication of Ron Weighell's The Summoning. Weighell has long been one of my favorite authors in the supernatural genre. For more info, see here.

Sarob had closed shop back in 2007, but then (happily) re-entered the publishing fray in 2010. Since their re-emergence, they’ve put out a number of really nice titles.

message 2: by Sirensongs (new)

Sirensongs | 6 comments Yes, I am so excited about this! I had no idea this book was in the making. I am particularly looking forward to the previously unpublished tales!

message 3: by Jordan (new)

Jordan West | 17 comments This is great news; Weighell's 'White Road' had become prohibitively expensive - even by small press horror standards - by the time I became aware of his work, so a new collection is something I better start saving for.

message 4: by Canavan (new)

Canavan | 374 comments I recall paying something like $150 US for a used copy of the GSP edition of The White Road and wondering at the time whether it was money wisely spent. That was about 12 years ago. I see there’s a copy currently available on AbeBooks for $700. Sheesh!

Every once in a while I’ll hear rumors that some publisher is thinking about re-issuing this book. Barbara and Chris Roden once talked about it.

message 5: by Canavan (new)

Canavan | 374 comments Robert Morgan of Sarob Press has just announced the forthcoming (September) publication of the second volume of The Ghost & Scholars Book of Shadows, edited by Rosemary Pardoe. Like the first, it will consist of sequels and prequels to the stories of M. R. James, so would presumably be of interest to anyone participating in the July book discussion. The line-up of authors looks very promising. More details here. The first volume sold very quickly.

message 6: by Canavan (new)

Canavan | 374 comments The aforementioned second volume of The Ghost & Scholars Book of Shadows showed up in my mailbox today. I know what I'll be looking at this weekend.

message 7: by Canavan (new)

Canavan | 374 comments This is not precisely new news. (It’s about a month old.) But I was thinking about M. R. James since I’m in the midst of reading a collection of stories that the publisher describes as being similar to those of James. In fact, they’re not much like James’ at all. James is never going to be the household name that Stephen King is, but there does seem to be a tiny resurgence of interest in his stories and the level of name recognition is sufficient to cause publishers and authors to make these (usually erroneous) claims of kinship. Personally, I imagine it’s really, really hard to write a decent James pastiche and I don’t think there are more than a handful of living authors who do it well. One of the better ones is C. E. Ward and he has a collection forthcoming from Sarob Press entitled Malevolent Visitants due out in January. Downsides: it’s pricey (as are most of the limited edition releases these days) and slim (eight stories). On the plus side, I’ve never yet been disappointed in the workmanship of a Sarob book and Ward is (my opinion, of course) a good writer. More details here.

And, speaking of Sarob and James, if it hasn’t already been mentioned here, I’ll note that the publisher intends to bring out a third Book of Shadows (no publication date, but presumably sometime in 2016) following the success of the first two. (The included stories are prequels and/or sequels to James’ original stories. Authors in the first two volumes include Reggie Oliver, Mark Valentine, John Howard, etc.).

message 8: by Ronald (new)

Ronald (rpdwyer) | 571 comments NEW TITLE NEWS ~ PAGAN TRIPTYCH



ROMANCES OF THE WHITE DAY, a volume in tribute to Arthur Machen by three (new) impostors, appeared from Sarob Press in May 2015. Rosemary Pardoe (in ‘The Ghosts & Scholars MR James Newsletter’) called the volume “... the most consistently excellent collection of stories I’ve read for years.”
Encouraged by the success of the Machen homage the impostors turned their thoughts toward ALGERNON BLACKWOOD ... PAGAN TRIPTYCH is the rather fabulous result. Here are three spectacular novelettes inspired by the writings of ‘The Ghost Man’.
Once again each ‘impostor’ has added an afterword to their story. And Paul Lowe has provided a splendidly evocative full colour wrap jacket painting and a deliciously creepy B&W illustration for the signature page.
No further preamble is required ... you all know this one won’t be around for long!

Ron Weighell ... THE LETTER KILLETH ... a tale of ancient secrets, a book of shadows and dark magic
John Howard ... IN THE CLEARING ... the mystery of trees, new beginnings and the truth of things
Mark Valentine ... THE FIG GARDEN ... a childhood game, strange rituals and pagan worship

PAGAN TRIPTYCH is a Lithographically Printed, Hand Numbered Limited Edition Hardcover, Bound in Wibalin (fine linen style), Foil Blocked to spine, Colour Dust-Jacket with wrap cover art, 80gsm Munken Premium Cream Bookwove, 16pp Section Sewn Binding, Head & Tailbands, Ribbon Marker & Coloured Endpapers. Tipped-in SIGNATURE PAGE on fine ivory parchment paper with extra B&W art and SIGNED by all three authors.

Publication currently scheduled for May 2016.

message 9: by Canavan (new)

Canavan | 374 comments I placed an order for this title a few days ago. Looks very promising.

message 10: by Paul (new)

Paul | 75 comments Sarob's new edition of Ron Weighell's infamously hard to find The White Road is now officially available for ordering, with a plethora of new details:

message 11: by Neutrino (new)

Neutrino Increasing | 62 comments Bit disappointing that they wont include original interior illustrations (see here: but this is great nonetheless.

message 12: by Ronald (new)

Ronald (rpdwyer) | 571 comments NEW TITLE NEWS ~ THEIR DARK & SECRET ALCHEMY

message 13: by Benjamin (new)

Benjamin Uminsky (benjaminu) | 368 comments Yeah... this one looks amazing

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