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Group Reads Archive > October Memorable Sidekicks Group Read Nominations Thread

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message 1: by Danielle The Book Huntress , Literary Adrenaline Junkie (last edited Sep 03, 2013 06:38PM) (new)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5047 comments Mod
Our October group read theme is Memorable Sidekicks. Each member is welcome to make one nomination for an action/adventure novel that has a 'memorable sidekick' by adding the title or bookcover link (using the add book/author tab above the comment box) on Goodreads. If your book is not added by using the link on Goodreads, it will not be added to the poll.


*The book must be readily available--new in print (not just used) or in ebook.
*The book must be the first in an ongoing connected series or a standalone (or it can be a later book in a series that is not interconnected to the other books).
*Any books that have previously been featured as group reads on Action/Adventure Aficionados are ineligible for nomination. You can see which books have been group reads by going to this thread:

The poll will be posted on September 8th.

Nominations so far:

Ice Station by Matthew Reilly
Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds by Brian Daley
For Love of Mother-Not by Alan Dean Foster
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes anthology

message 2: by Henry (new)

Henry (henoir99) | 20 comments I am going to kick this off by recommending the book where my favourite sidekick first appeared. Ice Station (Shane Schofield, #1) by Matthew Reilly , the first "Scarecrow" book by Matthew Reilly. Captain Shane "Scarecrow" Schofield is A Marine Force Recon unit leader and has a number of sidekicks. The best by far is Gena Newman AKA Mother. She is the most non stereotypical female character I have ever encountered in an A/A book and god help anyone who crosses her or Scarecrow.

message 3: by Lisa P, My weekend is all booked up! (new)

Lisa P | 2053 comments Mod
Henry wrote: "I am going to kick this off by recommending the book where my favourite sidekick first appeared. Ice Station (Shane Schofield, #1) by Matthew Reilly, the first "Scarecrow" book by Matthew Reilly. Captain Shane "Scarecr..."

Great choice...Mother is one of my favorites too!

message 4: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
Mother's cool!

message 5: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (last edited Sep 02, 2013 04:19PM) (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
How about Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds or the Adventures of Alacrity Fitzhugh and Hobart Floyt!

This is going old school Sci-fy, but as I recall, there was a lot action from space yacht racing to assasins and all sorts of things. This is written by Brian Daley and a fun story.

Available at Amazon in Paperback in the States as low as $3.99 with the Kindle version available for less than 6 dollars.

Paperback and Kindle available Available at Amazon in Paperback and Kindle in the UK

Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds (Alacrity FitzHugh & Hobart Floyt, #1) by Brian Daley

message 6: by Travis (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 362 comments I'm not nominating this just stating mention memorable sidekick and my brain can't get past Sancho Panza from Dan Quixote

message 7: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) Hugh got me thinking about old duo's. I like his pick, but I'll toss Pip & Flinx into the mix with For Love of Mother-Not, the first of the series. Orphan & pet mini-dragon in an SF setting by Alan Dean Foster.

message 8: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
I almost wient with Pip & Flinx! Good choice!

message 9: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
Travis of NNY wrote: "I'm not nominating this just stating mention memorable sidekick and my brain can't get past Sancho Panza from Dan Quixote"

Great, now I can't get my brain past Quickdraw McGraw and .... damn... I'll never sleep until I remember the name of his little burro sidekick! Guadalupe.... no, no, that's not it... Damn.

message 10: by Magiccats (last edited Sep 03, 2013 05:46AM) (new)

Magiccats | 285 comments I, Curmudgeon wrote: "Travis of NNY wrote: "I'm not nominating this just stating mention memorable sidekick and my brain can't get past Sancho Panza from Dan Quixote"

Great, now I can't get my brain past Quickdraw McGr..."

Babba Looey Haha, I can't spell .

message 11: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
ba-ba LOOEY! that's right. He was El-KaBong's! Sidekick. El-Kabong's Secret Identity was Quickdraw McGraw!

Thank you (Sigh of releif) now I can sleep tonight).

And Arthur was "THE TICK's" Side kick.... but thats going a whole other direction.

message 12: by Travis (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 362 comments I, Curmudgeon wrote: "ba-ba LOOEY! that's right. He was El-KaBong's! Sidekick. El-Kabong's Secret Identity was Quickdraw McGraw!

Thank you (Sigh of releif) now I can sleep tonight).

And Arthur was "THE TICK's" ..."

Where did he pull all those guitars out of?!

I should have written Don not Dan I blame auto correct it doesn't think don is a word

message 13: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
Travis of NNY wrote: "I, Curmudgeon wrote: "ba-ba LOOEY! that's right. He was El-KaBong's! Sidekick. El-Kabong's Secret Identity was Quickdraw McGraw!

Thank you (Sigh of releif) now I can sleep tonight).

And Ar..."

Tell that to the Sopranos

message 14: by Travis (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 362 comments Great so far off topic now I can't think of Zorro's sidekick

message 15: by Travis (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 362 comments Wait not zorro I mean the lone ranger

message 16: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
Travis of NNY wrote: "Great so far off topic now I can't think of Zorro's sidekick"

Ah-crap...thanks a lot Travis. MAGICATS! a little help please.

message 17: by Magiccats (new)

Magiccats | 285 comments I, Curmudgeon wrote: "Travis of NNY wrote: "Great so far off topic now I can't think of Zorro's sidekick"

Ah-crap...thanks a lot Travis. MAGICATS! a little help please."


message 18: by Magiccats (new)

Magiccats | 285 comments Travis of NNY wrote: "Wait not zorro I mean the lone ranger"


message 19: by Magiccats (new)

Magiccats | 285 comments Hey guys, I am going out now. You are on your own. LOL!

message 20: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
and for those of you "on track" and wondering where this is going...

there are some wonderful side kicks that haven't been mentioned and are in books for adults rather than cartoons for... adults... ::cough::

Like Joe Kowolski who started in "Ice Hunt" but has been a running partner of Gray Pierce for all of the Sigma Force Novels by James Rollins (not a nomination...just gettin' us back on track.

Al Giordino from Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt Series.

Harry from Konrath's "Jack Daniels" series. (I don't want to know where he got the monkey okay. Just don't tell me.)

The Chess Team Adventures by Jeremy Robinson where an entire team of cool bad-assed dudes hang out.

and for a more recent read that I enjoyed, a wonderful host of Sidekicks in Earthman Jack by Matthew Kadish, including a robot evil genius!

(Hecubus for Evil Genious of the Millenium!)

The Spinward Fringe Series by Randolf Lalonde has Stephanie (sigh), she's ::blink, blink::) (cough) Um I mean Stephanie and Frost her buttheaded sometimes Side-kick sometimes Boyfriend (sometimes get the idea).

And Salley and Keith Pomeroy's Buttler and Tommy! (Tommy's cool!)

message 21: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
Magiccats wrote: "Hey guys, I am going out now. You are on your own. LOL!"

Thanks for the Emergency Rush on Side-kick naming help. Who else would have remembered Bernardo? .. only you.. we are forever in your debet.

(Travis, She's my hero!)

(and I'm proud to be Eileen and Lady D's Sometimes moody sidekick too.)

message 22: by Travis (new)

Travis (travistousant) | 362 comments Holy make sure to never play trivial pursuit with magiccats Batman!

message 23: by Eileen (new)

Eileen You all have been very funny this morning!

(Curmudgeon, never a dull moment)

message 24: by Lisa P, My weekend is all booked up! (new)

Lisa P | 2053 comments Mod
Not sure if we are able to nominate an anthology, but if so, thought this one might be fun. The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by John Joseph Adams . It's a collection of short fiction stories that feature Holmes and Watson across a multitude of genres including fantsy, sci-fi, horror, etc., by such authors as Stephen King and Neil Gaimen.

message 25: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
It sounds like a good nomination to me. We haven't done short stories, but, why not? Their viable parts of the writing and book worlds. Heck Chicks in Chainmail wouldn't be a bad nomination...(cept I already made one).

message 26: by Lisa P, My weekend is all booked up! (last edited Sep 03, 2013 09:29AM) (new)

Lisa P | 2053 comments Mod
I, Curmudgeon wrote: "Heck Chicks in Chainmail wouldn't be a bad nomination...(ce..."

Ha Ha, nobody would have been able to resist a book with that title!

message 27: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
I didn't nominate it because it doesn't come in a kindle version..

(view spoiler)


message 28: by Lisa P, My weekend is all booked up! (last edited Sep 03, 2013 10:19AM) (new)

Lisa P | 2053 comments Mod
I, Curmudgeon wrote: "I didn't nominate it because it doesn't come in a kindle version..

[spoilers removed]


(view spoiler) :)

message 29: by Patricia (new)

Patricia (pattipunkin) | 267 comments I, Curmudgeon wrote: "How about Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds or the Adventures of Alacrity Fitzhugh and Hobart Floyt!

This is going old school Sci-fy, but as I recall, there was a lot action from space yacht racing ...Brian Daley "

I used to like Brian Daly. I like Kowalski. Dr. Watson is outstanding.

It is my experience that Trivial Pursuit and related games favor the oldest person in the group. ;-)

message 30: by Danielle The Book Huntress , Literary Adrenaline Junkie (last edited Sep 03, 2013 06:41PM) (new)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5047 comments Mod
@ Lisa P, we don't have a rule against anthologies, although we did rule out omnibus collections. So why not? It's only 454 pages.

message 31: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
Lisa P wrote: "I, Curmudgeon wrote: "I didn't nominate it because it doesn't come in a kindle version..

[spoilers removed]


[spoilers removed] :)"

(view spoiler) LOL


message 32: by The Pirate Ghost, Long John Silvers Wanna-be (new)

The Pirate Ghost (Formerly known as the Curmudgeon) (pirateghost) | 5326 comments Mod
I'm good with my nomination, still, but there are a lot of good sidekicks out there. I was thinking maybe Gilgamesh and Enkidu, but, nobody wants to be dragging around stone tablits and my cuneiform is a little rusty. (Yes, that means even the first written story anybody has found and documented (Oldest) had a side-kick in it. And it was a bit James Rollins-ish but there was some action and adventure in that, and a Goddess and a Preistess and all. Or so I'm told.

That's the history lesson for today.

message 33: by Danielle The Book Huntress , Literary Adrenaline Junkie (new)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5047 comments Mod
The poll is up:

It closes on the 15th.

message 34: by Danielle The Book Huntress , Literary Adrenaline Junkie (new)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 5047 comments Mod
Ice Station won the poll. Join us in October for the discussion!

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