Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

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Book & Author Page Issues > The Please Add to the Disambig Thread Thread

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message 1: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
(Subtitled: Making Not-the-Michael's inbox a friendlier place)

With a great deal of thanks for the huge amount of work Michael has been doing, I thought it might be helpful to have a thread to put all the "please add these authors to the disambig list" requests.

message 2: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
I'll start us off.

Pamela^Johnson: Various
Pamela^^Johnson: Romance

(If someone else wanted to separate out some of the others subsumed in the first one, that would be great.)

message 3: by mlady_rebecca (new)

mlady_rebecca | 590 comments Good idea.

Should someone make this a stared (sticky) thread so it stays at the top?

message 4: by rivka, Former Moderator (last edited May 14, 2009 03:37PM) (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
I thought about it. But we have a whole slew of stickied topics in this folder, and if there's a new post, it will get bumped back up to the top.

message 5: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Deborah^Davis: Various
Deborah^^Davis: Young Adult, Parenting & Families

message 6: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Myra^Johnson: Romance
Myra^^Johnson: Women's issues

message 7: by Paula (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments Pamela^^^Johnston - Children Drawing books (? to be NOT A BOOK'd)

message 8: by Cait (new)

message 9: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Eugenia^Kim: Novelist
Eugenia^^Kim: Hatmaker

message 10: by parrais (last edited May 20, 2009 03:05PM) (new)

parrais | 7 comments Tim^Hitchcock: History
Tim^^Hitchcock: Role-playing games

(First time I've done this; I hope I've got it right!)

message 11: by parrais (new)

parrais | 7 comments David^Schwartz: Various
David^^Schwartz: Role-playing games

message 12: by parrais (new)

parrais | 7 comments Christine^Schneider: Various
Christine^^Schneider: Role-playing games

message 13: by Stuart (new)

Stuart | 3 comments David^Thomson:Film Critic
David^^^Thomson:Children's Author
David^^^^Thomson:Only one work, 'In the Shining Mountains'.

message 14: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Rosemary^Jones: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Children's Books
Rosemary^^Jones: Scientific & Medical

message 15: by vicki_girl (new)

vicki_girl | 2764 comments Gordon^West - Amateur Radio and Electronics
Gordon^^West - Christian Youth Ministry
Gordon^^^West - Single Novel "Jogging Round Majorca"

message 16: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian | 26582 comments Joe^Bennett - Travel, Dogs, Humour

Joe^^Bennett - Guitar Instruction

message 17: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian | 26582 comments James^Lovelock -- scientist, environmentalist

James^^Lovelock -- climbing, caving, tv producer

message 18: by Paula (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments Brian^McNeill - Scottish Folk Musician and Author
Brian^^McNeil- ? New Zealand playwright
Brian W. Mcneill - Healing and psychology

message 21: by Paula (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments (1)Ann Jacobs - Erotica
(2)Ann Jacobs - History

message 22: by Cynthia (last edited Jun 07, 2009 08:13AM) (new)

Cynthia Armistead Newman (technomom) | 159 comments (1)Michael Marshall - Christian
(2)Michael Marshall - actors' monologues
(3)Michael Marshall - geography & fishing
(4)Michael Marshall - German children's book

message 23: by Paula (last edited Jun 07, 2009 02:43PM) (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments (1)Anne Rainey - Erotica
(2)Anne Rainey - Roman History

message 24: by Paula (last edited Jun 07, 2009 02:44PM) (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments (1) Shawna Moore - Erotica
(2) Shawna Moore - African Studies

message 25: by Paula (last edited Jun 07, 2009 02:42PM) (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments (1) Eve Adams (aka Allie K. Adams) - Erotica

(2) Eve Adams -

(3) Eve Adams - Various

message 26: by Cait (new)

Cait (tigercait) | 4988 comments (Paula, you should include links to the profiles, otherwise it'll be hard to find the rarer authors.)

message 27: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Thanks, Paula!

Dawn^Murphy: social justice
Dawn^^Murphy: church records

message 28: by mlady_rebecca (new)

mlady_rebecca | 590 comments New one to add:

Adrian^Hunter - erotica

Adrian^^Hunter - how to on writing

message 29: by mlady_rebecca (new)

mlady_rebecca | 590 comments Another one:

Claire^Thompson - erotica

Claire^^Thompson - physics

message 30: by Paula (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments M.A.Ellis - Erotica

(1)M.A. Ellis - Software Programming

message 31: by This Is Not The Michael You're Looking For (last edited Jun 12, 2009 03:52PM) (new)

This Is Not The Michael You're Looking For | 949 comments Note to self: I am caught up through #22.

Note to others: You've been very busy.

message 32: by mlady_rebecca (new)

mlady_rebecca | 590 comments Nancy^Nelson - art therapist
Nancy^^Nelson - biographer
Nancy^^^Nelson - unknown

message 33: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Armistead Newman (technomom) | 159 comments (1) Steven M.^Johnson - computer software manuals b. 1961
(2) Steven M.^^Johnson - inventor

(1) David M.^Richardson - civil tax procedure
(2) David M.^^Richardson - ecology/biology

(1) Steve^Johnson - illustrator b.1960
(2) Steve^^Johnson - sales, b.1962
(3) Steve^^^Johnson - mysteries
(5) Steve^^^^^Johnson - holistic healing
(6) Steve^^^^^^Johnson - biking, hiking, sports b.1965
(7) Steve^^^^^^^Johnson - beer/pubs, "The Portland book" b.1945
(8) Steve^^^^^^^^Johnson - employment, community development b.1943
(9) Steve^^^^^^^^^Johnson - book about dating Charlotte Church b.1984-85?
(10) Steve^^^^^^^^^^Johnson - b.1949 civil tax procedure
(11) Steve^^^^^^^^^^^Johnson - The folk festival book : the stories of the Winnipeg Folk Festival
(12) Steve^^^^^^^^^^^^Johnson - artist? b.1953
(13) Steve^^^^^^^^^^^^^Johnson - credit repair
(14) Steve^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Johnson - Life coach, "Personal Life Mission" book
(15) Steve^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Johnson - ESL text

Yes, I am aware that I skipped the "4" guy - I found that he uses a middle initial at times, so I removed him. But by then the others were done, and I really wasn't willing to go back and fill in. Sorry.

And for the sake of our sanity, if you know anyone named Steve Johnson who even owns a writing instrument, PLEASE encourage him to use a middle initial or, better yet, go by another name!

message 34: by Cait (new)

Cait (tigercait) | 4988 comments Micheal, could you put a link to this thread in the master disambiguation thread? That way we don't have to go looking for it through the archives....

Robert Frank:

(1) photographer

(2) parenting

(3) misc/multiple authors

message 35: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Armistead Newman (technomom) | 159 comments (1) Franz^Joseph - Star Fleet Technical Manual
(2) Franz^^Joseph - Emperor of Austria

message 36: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Armistead Newman (technomom) | 159 comments Zooworld commented: Wow! How many Steve Johnsons are there in the world...

Those are just the ones that never use a middle initial, and don't go be Steven or Stephen.

I remember reading that some important actors' group in the U.S. which insists that each new actor choose a name that nobody else is using--that's how Michael J. Fox got that middle initial that doesn't actually stand for anything. I wish the same thing were true of authors!

message 37: by BJ (new)

BJ | 27 comments I believe you have to have a unique name to be in the Screen Actors Guild. You can't use a name that was ever used, even if it was 50+ years ago by someone in one film. That's where all the weird names come from.

Someone else might know this for sure.

message 38: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Yup, that's the one.

But it's not like authors have to register with Central Casting. ;)

message 39: by Cait (new)

Cait (tigercait) | 4988 comments rivka wrote: "Margaret^Cruikshank: Gay & Lesbian studies
Margaret^^Cruikshank: Aging"

rivka, I don't think those are different authors: see here.

message 40: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
That'll learn me to take an author's word for it! ;)

message 41: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Armistead Newman (technomom) | 159 comments (1) Elizabeth Webster - fiction
(2) Elizabeth Webster - Intellectual Property Rights

message 42: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Christina^Thompson: Come on Shore
Christina^^Thompson: Various

message 43: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Armistead Newman (technomom) | 159 comments
Benjamin^Miller - general non-fiction
Benjamin^^Miller - MD, health

I think there may be more than one person represented in the first author profile, but I'm coming to the end of my energy.

message 44: by Paula (last edited Sep 28, 2009 07:31AM) (new)

Paula (paulaan) | 7013 comments (1) Carole Sutton - Psychology

(2) Carol Sutton - Thrillers

message 45: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
John^F.^McDonald: Genetics
John^^F.^McDonald: Urban Economics
John^F.^^McDonald: Novels

message 46: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Travis^Nichols: Punk Rock
Travis^^Nichols: Poetry

message 47: by Lindig (new)

Lindig | 167 comments Maybe this is where I should mention an author I know about?

Peter O'Donnell, author of the Modesty Blaise works
Peter O'Donnell, author of children's/YA books

message 48: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Already listed. See message #12.

message 49: by Lindig (new)

Lindig | 167 comments Ah. Thanks.

message 50: by Montana (new)

Montana (montana_harper) | 5 comments Richard^Stevenson: writes LGBT mysteries
Richard^^Stevenson: Canadian poet
Richard^^^Stevenson: history (India and Britain)

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