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Archive > Cora's Reviews 2013

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message 1: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (last edited Jul 06, 2013 12:17PM) (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
I've never made my own review thread before, so here goes!

I'll be posting reviews written from June 2013 onwards.

I read often, about one third of my reading is pre-publication galley's and advanced reading. The rest is books I either own or lend from the library.

I read a mixture of genres, but LOVE crime, young adult and romance. I will give anything a go.

I'd love some feedback on my reviews, if you comment on here or on a review I'll reply. And I always look at recommendations, but they tend to have to wait until the library gets them in as I'm a poor bookworm!

message 2: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (last edited Jul 18, 2013 02:54AM) (new)

message 3: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read June 8th to June 14th in order read.

Had a busy week, so not so many, I kind of feel bad for only getting through these three in a week, although Love is a Thief was quite long.

In Too Deep by Bea Davenport
by Bea Davenport

Love is a Thief by Claire Garber
by Claire Garber

The Elite (The Selection, #2) by Kiera Cass
by Kiera Cass

message 4: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read June 15th to June 21st in order read.

Another busy week, started volunteering for the library so quite exciting :) Means a lot of children's books to come in the future.

I also read Buzz Books 2013: Fall/Winter but didn't properly review it - there were 40 extracts and that would have taken forever!

Every Breath You Take by Sheila Quigley
by Sheila Quigley

The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh Talbert Moore
by Leigh Talbert Moore

A Taste for Blood by David Stuart Davies
by David Stuart Davies

message 5: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read June 22nd to June 28th in order read.

I had a very disappointing DNF this week. It's one of only four books I haven't been able to finish, but I don't think I'll go back to it. Definitely not my cup of tea. I spent ages trying to read it too :(

This Northern Sky by Julia Green
by Julia Green

The Herbalist by Niamh Boyce
by Niamh Boyce

White Trash Beautiful (White Trash, #1) by Teresa Mummert
by Teresa Mummert

Ink (Paper Gods, #1) by Amanda Sun
by Amanda Sun

Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend (Confessions, #2) by Louise Rozett
by Louise Rozett

message 6: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read June 29th to July 5th in order read.

I started doing a buddy read this week and the book's longer than I thought it would be so I haven't read as much as I would have liked.

I was also volunteering at the library so that cut into reading time too.

The BEST book I read this week was Stalking Sapphire, my first read. It was really really good and I cannot wait for the next one!

Stalking Sapphire by Mia Thompson
by Mia Thompson

The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates
by Joyce Carol Oates

Carrie's War by Nina Bawden
by Nina Bawden

Maelyn (The Nine Princesses Novellas, #1) by Anita Valle
by Anita Valle

Rivers of London (Peter Grant, #1) by Ben Aaronovitch
by Ben Aaronovitch

message 7: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read July 6th to July 12th in order read.

It's been too hot to properly read and I've been volunteering again, so not as much as I'd have liked. Also been taking a walk in the past with some books I used to love as a child and teen!

Best book this week was Gemini Rising.

Struggling with a current read too, so that's slowed me down a lot.

The Magic Ballet Shoes (Magic Ballerina, #1) by Darcey Bussell
by Darcey Bussell

Parasite (Parasitology, #1) by Mira Grant
by Mira Grant

Mates, Dates, and Inflatable Bras (Mates, Dates, #1) by Cathy Hopkins
by Cathy Hopkins

Gemini Rising by Eleanor Wood
by Eleanor Wood

Mates, Dates, and Cosmic Kisses (Mates, Dates, #2) by Cathy Hopkins
by Cathy Hopkins

message 9: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read July 20th to July 26th in order read.

The library site was down so my reading was curbed :( And without much reading material I went on a NetGalley spree. Whoops!

Mates, Dates And Mad Mistakes (Mates Dates, #6) by Cathy Hopkins
by Cathy Hopkins

Witch Hunt by Tabitha Morrow
by Tabitha Morrow

In the Summertime by Judy Astley
by Judy Astley

The New Girl (Webster Grove, #1) by Tracie Puckett
by Tracie Puckett

Fancy a Cuppa by the Cathedral? by Simon Duffin
by Simon Duffin

message 10: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read July 27th to August 2nd in order read.

I've just started a new job so not much time for reading, especially when I forget to charge my kindle and leave my spare books at home!

Shout out for most messed up book of the year so far goes to Carnival and I hope I never read it again. Not that it was bad, it was just so SO messed up.

Unmasking the Spy by Janet Kent
by Janet Kent

Just a Little Crush (Just a Little #1) by Tracie Puckett
by Tracie Puckett

Out-Of-Style A Modern Perspective of How, Why and When Vintage Fashions Evolved by Betty Kreisel Shubert
by Betty Kreisel Shubert

Carnival by Rawi Hage
by Rawi Hage

message 11: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read August 3rd to August 9th in order read.

I hit my revised 100 book target for this year so have changed it again - this time to 175. Again not read as much as I'd have liked :( But work and the epic length of Lesley Lokko's Bitter Chocolate have meant that I couldn't.

Bitter Chocolate by Lesley Lokko
by Lesley Lokko

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) by J.R. Ward
by J.R. Ward

Witchfall by Victoria Lamb
by Victoria Lamb

message 12: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read August 10th to August 16th in order read.

I feel great this week, finally settling into a routine. Definitely read more than last week! It feels good to get back to my average 5 book/week. Saxon's Bane was definitely my favourite this week. AMAZING writing.

Saxon's Bane by Geoffrey Gudgion
by Geoffrey Gudgion

Watershed (Love Where You Roam #1) by Cd Brennan
by Cd Brennan

Double Dare by Rhonda Nelson
by Rhonda Nelson

Love, Eternally (Roman Time Travel, #1) by Morgan O'Neill
by Morgan O'Neill

A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar by Suzanne Joinson
by Suzanne Joinson

message 13: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read August 17th to August 23rd in order read.

A real mixture of good and awful this week. I had a lot of fun with most of my reads, but then some were pure torture.

Balloon Wishes by Regina Puckett
by Regina Puckett

In Defense of the Queen (Susanna Horenbout & John Parker, #3) by Michelle Diener
by Michelle Diener

Leftovers by Stella Newman
by Stella Newman

Blogger Girl by Meredith Schorr
by Meredith Schorr

Starcrossed (Starcrossed, #1) by Josephine Angelini
by Josephine Angelini

message 14: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (last edited Sep 14, 2013 11:04AM) (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read August 24th to August 30th in order read.

Not many, I've been far too busy with work. But hopefully I can start making up for it this weekend and on my commute!

Beasthood (The Hidden Blood Series, #1) by A.Z. Green
by A.Z. Green

Viral Nation (Viral Nation #1) by Shaunta Grimes
by Shaunta Grimes

Tampa by Alissa Nutting
by Alissa Nutting

message 15: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

message 16: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (last edited Sep 27, 2013 04:36AM) (new)

message 17: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read September 14th to September 20th in order read.

Why did I torture myself with Dreamless this week? I don't know. But A Study in Silks was all kinds of steampunk awesome. I don't feel so bad about the few books read as A Study in Silks is very long, and definitely not a book you can read quickly.

Dreamless (Starcrossed, #2) by Josephine Angelini
by Josephine Angelini

A Study in Silks (The Baskerville Affair, #1) by Emma Jane Holloway
by Emma Jane Holloway

The Silencer by Paul Alkazraji
by Paul Alkazraji

message 18: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read September 21st to September 27th in order read.

I feel quite accomplished this week despite my heavy work load. The novellas and the short non-fiction make it look like I read more than I did, but mostly everything was good. Popping the Cherry gets a special mention for being a pretty awesome YA/NA that cheered me up to no end.

Gibside by Margaret Wills
by Margaret Wills

Lust (Sorority Sinners #1) by Kitty Alba
by Kitty Alba

Gluttony (Sorority Sinners #2) by Kitty Alba
by Kitty Alba

Popping the Cherry by Aurelia B. Rowl
by Aurelia B. Rowl

Chasing the Dead by Tim Weaver
by Tim Weaver

The Merchant's House The First Wesley Peterson Murder Mystery by Kate Ellis
by Kate Ellis

Wrath (Sorority Sinners #2) by Kitty Alba
by Kitty Alba

message 19: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Books read September 28th to October 4th in order read.

Phew, that was a lot! The Screaming Staircase was definitely my favourite read this week, although there were a few fantastic books. There was also a pretty naff read, but the better books more than made up for it.

Faeries, Elves and Goblins The Old Stories by Rosalind Kerven
by Rosalind Kerven

Never Coming Back by Tim Weaver
by Tim Weaver

A Study in Darkness (The Baskerville Affair, #2) by Emma Jane Holloway
by Emma Jane Holloway

The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co., #1) by Jonathan Stroud
by Jonathan Stroud

Someone to Watch Over Me by Madeleine Reiss
by Madeleine Reiss

Little Red Lies by Julie Johnston
by Julie Johnston

The Armada Boy (Wesley Peterson, #2) by Kate Ellis
by Kate Ellis

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