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MY FAVORITE > Best Reads, April 2021

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message 1: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
Let us know which book(s)blew you away!!

message 2: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next #1) by Jasper Fforde

message 3: by Leigh (new)

message 4: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
The Forever War (The Forever War, #1) by Joe Haldeman

message 6: by Leigh (new)

message 7: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments The Quickie by James Patterson it will keep you guessing until the end.

message 8: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
Demon Hunting in Dixie (Demon Hunting, #1) by Lexi George

message 9: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Back from Florida--sunburned, as usual. Had a great time. Demons are tricky--lots of varieties. Have fun hunting them!

message 10: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
hey Judith! :-)

message 11: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Hi! We left Florida and 88 degrees to come home to good, old Indiana and 38 degrees. But our daffodils are blooming. Spring has to be close behind! How's everything with you?

message 12: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
I have been sick and still am on a strict diet! Want to go out and have a junk food orgy lol

message 13: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments :) Strict diets are torture. Do you maybe have food allergies? You've been sick a few times this year. Our writers' group is a treat to cook for. I can't have milk or milk products. Ann can't have any foods with acids. Mary Lou's allergic to wheat, and Paula's Kosher. Talk about planning a menu! But it can be done.

message 14: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
no, it was my liver. I kept going to the hospitals and getting the usual shots..gravinate & stuff. But then my liver decided it had had enough and went all jaundiced on me!

message 15: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Hmmm, do you look good in yellow? Okay, bad joke. What do they do? Have you drink lots of water? Or fluids to wash your liver out? Livers are serious health problems. Be nice to yours.

message 16: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
have me eat food that has no fats in it. Lotsa carbs and some protein (chicken mostly)

message 17: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
there's this local superstition about not wearing yellow when you have jaundice :-D

message 18: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments I wouldn't have thought of that. Lots of lean meat for you. And veggies. I love noodles. Sounds like a great health plan to me:)

message 19: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Midu, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well I hope you feel better soon.

message 20: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
thanks,Leigh. You doing awrite?

message 21: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Yes, I am doing well. My husband just got a new job and we are very excited about that. :)

message 22: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
congrats! :-D

message 23: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Thanks :)

message 24: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
Brief Encounters with Che Guevara Stories by Ben Fountain

message 25: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Leigh wrote: "Yes, I am doing well. My husband just got a new job and we are very excited about that. :)"

Hooray, Leigh! All the best.

message 26: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Thank you, Judith. Glad you had a good time in Florida.

message 27: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments It's always fun to pamper and be pampered by grown kids:)

message 28: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments That sounds like fun!

message 29: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments It was great. Now I'm back to the old computer, trying to get some writing done and working on ways to promote my 2nd Fallen Angels novel, Blood Battles. That should keep me busy for a while.

message 30: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Midu wrote: "there's this local superstition about not wearing yellow when you have jaundice :-D"

Probably a good thing. Unless you and your clothes match:)

message 31: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Judith wrote: "It was great. Now I'm back to the old computer, trying to get some writing done and working on ways to promote my 2nd Fallen Angels novel, Blood Battles. That should keep me busy for a while."

Let me know when Blood Battles comes out. I ready to read the next installment.

message 32: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments It's out. I just put it up for Read to Review. Let me know what you want when you're ready for it.

message 33: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments I could do it by the end of May.

message 34: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments I'm sorry I didn't see it out.

message 35: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments It came out right when we were going to Florida for 11 days, so I haven't done anything with it yet. My fault. Timing got away from me. I'm just appreciative that you're interested in it. Thanks for encouragement. Whenever you want me to send it, that works for me.

message 36: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments I enjoy your writing and I will do what I can do support you.

message 37: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Thanks! You guys are all awesome, but you're busy right now, aren't you? Will you have a new schedule with your husband's new job? Life happens. The book will be there whenever you want it:)

message 38: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments I have five reviews to do first but then I will send you a message about the book. I am looking forward to it.

message 40: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments You are SO nice! Hope your next 5 books are all awesome. And thanks again.

message 41: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments I try to be as wonderful as the friends I surround myself with, you and Midu included.
You should check out Shooting Stars (A Surah Stormsong Novel, #1) by H.D. Gordon . I loved it!

message 42: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
awwwww! *hugs*

message 43: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Midu's not too bad:) I'm sort of fond of her. Cool cover for the book! Read the blurb. Sounds good.

message 44: by Midu, loves Ratatouille (new)

Midu Hadi | 6726 comments Mod
not too bad? lol

message 45: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Lol

The cover caught my attention. My favorite color is purple and I love tigers so a win, win for me.

message 46: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments Couldn't resist teasing you, Midu:)

message 47: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments Timeless (Parasol Protectorate, #5) by Gail Carriger Loved it!

message 48: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments I haven't tried that series yet. Are they all good?

message 49: by Leigh (new)

Leigh | 697 comments I really liked them. Alexia is sarcastic, spunky and has a mind of her own. She doesn't depend on a man, werwolf or vampire to do something for her. She can do it herself, usually the hard way though.

message 50: by Judith (new)

Judith Post | 622 comments I have to put them on my tbr list. They sound fun! I have more reading time in the summer.

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