Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2013! Yay! > Elisabeth's 50 Book Challenge 2013

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message 2: by Jess (new)

Jess (jesscatt) | 217 comments Good luck Elisabeth! Is this your first time reading Harry Potter or are you a slave to re-reading it like the rest of us? ;)

message 3: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 205 comments I understand Elizabeth. I didn't read the Harry Potter series till last year! I was never into magic or fantasy till then.

message 4: by Elisabeth (last edited Jan 26, 2013 06:47PM) (new)

Elisabeth O'Brien (elisabethjoe) | 27 comments 6. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien - 1/26/13

message 5: by Elisabeth (new)

Elisabeth O'Brien (elisabethjoe) | 27 comments Jess wrote: "Good luck Elisabeth! Is this your first time reading Harry Potter or are you a slave to re-reading it like the rest of us? ;)"

Thanks! This is actually my first time reading it. Just never got to them until now.

message 6: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Heinzman (vasandra) | 138 comments I've read (listened on audio) to the first 4 in 2012. The narrator is fantastic. My book club threatened to stage an intervention until I read them, lol. I love them. Will read the last 3 this year, probably.

message 7: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 205 comments How did you like the Hobbit?

message 8: by Elisabeth (new)

Elisabeth O'Brien (elisabethjoe) | 27 comments Kelani wrote: "How did you like the Hobbit?"

I enjoyed it! I have to admit that I haven't read or watched any of The Lord of the Rings. So I started it all from the beginning. I read the first third of the book, saw the new movie, and then read the rest of the book. It's just one of those classics everyone needs to read.

message 9: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 205 comments I've been teetering back and forth on trying to read it because I wasn't sure I'd like it! But i think I will give it a try! :-) thanks

message 10: by Alison (new)

Alison G. (agriff22) | 540 comments Kelani- Its a good book. I read it in high school and enjoyed it. I can't wait to see the movie. I do think I should reread it though because seeing some of the discussion, I forgot a few parts!

message 11: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 205 comments Thanks. I have a dumb question. Is the Hobbit part of the Lord of the Rings series? I think I will give them all a try!

message 12: by KenziTheRagin, Group Read Curator (new)

KenziTheRagin | 295 comments Mod
Kelani wrote: "Thanks. I have a dumb question. Is the Hobbit part of the Lord of the Rings series? I think I will give them all a try!"

The Hobbit precedes the Lord of the Rings, but they are really two separate stories. The Hobbit follows Bilbo when a wizard named Gandalf kind of conscripts him into an adventure with thirteen dwarves. The trilogy takes place decades later, with Bilbo's nephew Frodo as one of the main characters. I found the writing in the Hobbit much more digestible, but both are good stories.

message 13: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 205 comments Awesome Thanks Mackenzie.

message 15: by Christine (new)

Christine (christinekinsella) | 17 comments Elisabeth wrote: "7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling - 2/2/13

8. Crazy Little Thing by Tracy Brogan - 2/16/13

9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling - 2/23/13

10. Whil..."

Hey Elisabeth, I see you're working your way through the Harry Potter series. Hope you are enjoying that magical world! I also enjoyed the audio books, narrated by Jim Dale - he's just awesome!

message 18: by KenziTheRagin, Group Read Curator (new)

KenziTheRagin | 295 comments Mod
I see you got around to the Fellowship of the Ring. How did you like it?

message 19: by Elisabeth (new)

Elisabeth O'Brien (elisabethjoe) | 27 comments Mackenzie wrote: "I see you got around to the Fellowship of the Ring. How did you like it?"

I enjoyed it! But it's def a slow read... I've been halfway through The Two Towers for a while now but I've just been more interested in other books that I haven't picked it back up to finish it. I'm hoping to get back to it soon!

message 20: by Alison (new)

Alison G. (agriff22) | 540 comments The Two Towers was slow for me too. It took me way longer than it should have!

message 23: by Elisabeth (new)

Elisabeth O'Brien (elisabethjoe) | 27 comments 36. The Litigators by John Grisham - 12/31/13

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