You'll love this one...!! A book club & more discussion

Challenges: Year Long Main 2021 > Ada´s Low Octane 2013 Challenge Author´s Last Name A-Z

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message 1: by Ada (last edited Dec 16, 2012 11:45PM) (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments I will do the Low Octane Challenge with the Author´s name, from A-Z :)

Just went through my embarassing "own-but-have-not-read-yet" TBR pile of books at home, looking for books I can use for the challenge. It drives me crazy how many I have, and cannot use grrr :D

Okay, so here is a first draft of books I plan to read. I will add, change, remove, and add again for sure but it will help me to get (and stay!) organized for now.

A) Monica Ali - Brick Lane
B) A.S. Byatt - The Children's Book
C) J.M. Coetzee - Disgrace
D) Emma Donoghue - Room
E) Esi Edugyan - Half-Blood Blues
F) Nick Flynn - Another Bullshit Night In Suck City: A Memoir
G) Petina Gappah - An Elegy For Easterly
H) Tupelo Hassman - Girlchild: A Novel
I) Eowyn Ivey - The Snow Child
J) Elfriede Jelinek - The Piano Teacher
K) Nicole Krauss - The History of Love
L) Arnošt Lustig - Lovely Green Eyes
M) Gerald Murnane - Barley Patch
N) Anaïs Nin - Delta of Venus
O) Michael Ondaatje - Divisadero
P) Milorad Pavić - Dictionary of the Khazars
Q) Raymond Queneau - Exercises in Style
R) Arundhati Roy - The God of Small Things
S) Szabó Magda - The Door
T) Amy Tan - The Joy Luck Club
U) Linn Ullmann - Stella Descending
V) Vanessa Veselka - Zazen
W) Virginia Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway
X) Gao Xingjian - One Man's Bible
Y) Mo Yan - Red Sorghum
Z) Juli Zeh - Eagles and Angels

If someone is wondering about the letter S .. Magda Szabó was a Hungarian writer and they do write their family name first before the given name, so Szabó is indeed correct.

message 2: by Shirley (new)

Shirley (shirleythekindlereader) You might enjoy these groups

and especially

I like to read a book and use it in more than one challenge. :)

message 3: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Haha, thanks Shirley, I have bookmarked the links and will take a look at a later date maybe. For a starter I will focus myself on - is there an abbreviation? "You´ll love this one...!! A book club & more" is for sure a long name to type :D And one challenge is more than enough for me. Dont want to overload myself with too many at a given time.

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

That's a pretty good start, Ada. Dive in! I think most of us shorten the group's name to YLTO.

Some interesting books on there (adds some to my ever growing list) I read The Children's Book, which didn't turn out at all the way I expected. But it certainly sucked me in.

message 5: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments YLTO it should be then :)

I love Possession but sure have heard complaints before about "The Children´s Book". She is a show-off and her novels drives me constantly up the wall and on the search for a dictionary but she is one of the best imho :)

message 6: by Shirley (new)

Shirley (shirleythekindlereader) Ada wrote: "Haha, thanks Shirley, I have bookmarked the links and will take a look at a later date maybe. For a starter I will focus myself on - is there an abbreviation? "You´ll love this one...!! A book club..."

Good idea they will be there when you are ready.

message 7: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57249 comments You've got some interesting books on your list!

Yes, YLTO is the abbreviation we use for this group.

message 8: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Janice wrote: "You've got some interesting books on your list!

Yes, YLTO is the abbreviation we use for this group."

:) I am pretty sure they are not really all that bad lol I may replace Lidia Yuknavitch with Mo Yan then, but have not decided yet what to do. I am too intrigued by her memoir, and would rather read it sooner then later.

message 9: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Updated my list per Dec, 16th. I, U and X still missing

message 10: by Kat (new)

Kat (katzombie) | 2478 comments Great list, Ada! I read Lovely Green Eyes a couple of months ago - it was, as expected, a very sad story but I really liked the writing style, almost dream-like.

message 11: by Rusalka, Moderator (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18907 comments I was going to use Kazuo Ishiguro as my I read if I go with last names. Not sure if he's your kinda thing but have a look-see.

message 12: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Kat wrote: "Great list, Ada! I read Lovely Green Eyes a couple of months ago - it was, as expected, a very sad story but I really liked the writing style, almost dream-like."

I have read one book before by himWaiting for Leah and it was sad but lovely. "Lovely Green Eyes" is collecting dust now for a year (?) so it´s about time I´d read it finally and the challenge is a good opportunity :)

message 13: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Rusalka wrote: "I was going to use Kazuo Ishiguro as my I read if I go with last names. Not sure if he's your kinda thing but have a look-see."

Right, thanks for the reminder. I have read The Remains of the Day and found it truly amazing. Might be a very good choice for the letter I :) Never Let Me Go? Will have to see, not sure, the blurb sounds a bit odd.

message 14: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Judy wrote: "Ada, I love the variety in your book selections: old, new; a range of countries; a many styles of writing. Well done!"

Thanks Judy, just seen the comment. Another one I have missed.

I might replace the Jelinek novel with Miranda July - No One Belongs Here More Than You, U might be John Updike but I am not sure I actually want to read him lol. X is mind-boggling, the ones I have found are a) too short grrr or b) some porn novels :D

message 15: by Ada (last edited Dec 16, 2012 11:51PM) (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Yeah, completed my list and found writers for the missing letters too. I am proud of myself, what should I say :D I will stick to the list and dont think I will change anything anymore.

message 16: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57249 comments In such a short time, you have demonstrated that you are indeed one of us list-making, spreadsheet analyzing, addicted YLTO members!

message 17: by Ada (new)

Ada Bonnefoi (adabonnefoi) | 27 comments Janice wrote: "In such a short time, you have demonstrated that you are indeed one of us list-making, spreadsheet analyzing, addicted YLTO members!"

I know there is a reason why I am buying books all the time, for a challenge like this :D

Thank you, there is alot of encouragement in the group & seeing the other lists makes me a tiny bit competitive *blush*. Sooner or later I would have come around to read them anyway, now its sooner and not later. And its all because of the spirit of the YLTO - so thank you ladies :)

@Judy, I would have probably read some M/M romance with my eyes closed if I wouldnt have found anything else to read lol

message 18: by jaxnsmom (new)

jaxnsmom | 8341 comments What a wonderful variety of books! I've had to add some to my tbr. I have Brick Lane, so I look forward to your thoughts on it.

Is that your special power, being able to read with your eyes closed? ☺

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