The Macabre & Creepy Edgar Allan Poe group discussion

The Cask of Amontillado
This topic is about The Cask of Amontillado
The Cask of Amontillado

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message 1: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Wymer (tracyewymer) | 1 comments I saw this short story about revenge performed on stage in fifth grade on a school field trip. First of all, what teachers I must've had!!! The theater group made the character being walled-in disappear on stage. I'll never forget it. It was amazing, and I still don't know how they did it.

Gary | 305 comments Mod
I read Poe to my students in 5th grade. They are still talking about it. Also a chapter from Moby Dick when we study whaling in the colonies, and soon A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens. Then after the first of the year....Tom Sawyer.....

Franky The ending of this story is quite unnerving to say the least, I can't imagine this being performed on stage.

message 4: by Trixie (new)

Trixie (misukochan) | 3 comments I thinkwe studied that around 3rd year high school. And if I read that during grade school, I dont know what I could have said. Although I enjoyed it in hs and opened my eyes in a different kind of genre.

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