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message 1: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (last edited Sep 14, 2012 06:29AM) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) In this thread players will post the items they have found to claim points.

Please only put posts to claim items in this thread, all questions should go in the discussion thread.

To claim points your post must include a link to the book, the author, the date you read it, a 1-5 star rating, the location & the sentence you found the item in. The book must also be marked "read" on your bookshelf.

message 2: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (last edited Nov 05, 2012 09:54AM) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Photobucket

Chaitra = 60
Pat = 60
Angie = 59
Camilla = 59
CaroB = 57
Shosho = 55
Paris = 55
Jennifer= 54
Jenne = 49
Cathy = 48
Cindy = 46
Melissa = 44
TurtleCollector = 42
Gina = 42
Dawn = 41
Michelle= 40
Ashley = 38
Lizz = 36
Kat = 33
Megan L = 29
Dusty = 24
JenniferJ= 23
Gisbelle= 20

Jade aka MrsTosh

Points Spreadsheet

message 3: by ShoSho (last edited Sep 24, 2012 04:25PM) (new)

ShoSho  (shoshost) Book: Taking Heart by Wilette Youkey by Wilette Youkey
Read: from 24/9/12 to 25/9/12 (the last 20% counts)
Rating :★★★★
The word: This convention is a bust, Ren thought as she walked along tables swathed in white cloth, displaying cakes of all shapes and sizes.

(Kindle Locations 3108-3109)

She has lived on four different continents and most recently inhabited a 240-year-old castle in rural Germany owned by a Graf.

(Kindle Locations 3793-3794)

message 4: by Camilla (new)

Camilla (cyqua) Book: The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides by Jeffrey Eugenides
Read: From 22/09/12 to 25/09/12 (from 23% counts)
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Claimed word: Kilt
"...summoned only a hazy memory of her wearing it in class - one bored hand fiddling with the silver kilt pin..."
Kindle location 2011

Claimed word: Telescope
"Angling Carl Tagel's telescope out the tree-house window..."
Kindle location 2178

Claimed word: Sunblock (zinc oxide)
" ...allowing a lifeguard to reach down from his chair and apply zinc oxide to her bunnyish nose."
Kindle location 2405

Claimed word: Cake
" ...the Lisbon house was transformed into a giant wedding cake dripping frosting,... "
Kindle location 2596

message 5: by Megan L (last edited Sep 24, 2012 05:38PM) (new)

Megan L Harnett Book: Sizzle and Burn (Arcane Society, # 3) by Jayne Ann Krentz
Finished: 9/24/12
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Claimed word: parking lot
"a car that was stolen from the hospital parking lot was found...."

Audiobook - Chapter 59 at 5 minutes 48 seconds

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Megan L wrote: "Book: Sizzle and Burn (Arcane Society, # 3) by Jayne Ann Krentz
Finished: 9/24/12
Rating: ★★"

Megan there are no items listed.

message 7: by Megan L (new)

Megan L Harnett My post has been updated

message 8: by Gina (last edited Sep 24, 2012 09:00PM) (new)

Gina I just joined and finished up the last few chapters of the book I was reading and found CAKE!

BookThe Keeper by Sarah Langan The Keeper (Keeper, #1) by Sarah Langan

Finished 9/24/12
Rating 3/5

Claimed word #1: cake
"...and remembered why her stomach was so full. A cake. A heart. In her mouth. Down the hatch."

Kindle location 3912. First page of Chapter 41

Claimed word #2: parking lot
"That's right, in the parking lot."

Kindle location 3961. In Chapter 42

Claimed word #3: wrinkles
"...her fingers were long wrinkles and hairy. An animal's fingers.

Kindle location 3278 In Chapter 32

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Book: A Week At The Beach by Virginia Jewel by Virginia Jewel
Finished: 9/24/12
Rating: ★★★★

Words claimed: Bassinet
She left my bed and walked quickly over to the small clear crib sitting next to my bed.

message 10: by Gina (last edited Sep 24, 2012 09:11PM) (new)

Gina I am re-posting because I found more words once I thought about the end of the book.

BookThe Keeper by Sarah Langan The Keeper (Keeper, #1) by Sarah Langan

Finished 9/24/12
Rating 3/5

Claimed word #1: cake
"...and remembered why her stomach was so full. A cake. A heart. In her mouth. Down the hatch."

Kindle location 3912. First page of Chapter 41

Claimed word #2: parking lot
"That's right, in the parking lot."

Kindle location 3961. In Chapter 42

Claimed word #3: wrinkles
"...her fingers were long wrinkles and hairy. An animal's fingers."

Kindle location 3278 In Chapter 32

Claimed word #4: magnet
"They cowered in their homes, even while thick smoke blackened their lungs. But most followed her like a magnet."

Kindle location 4034. In Chapter 44

message 11: by Megan L (last edited Sep 25, 2012 03:23AM) (new)

Megan L Harnett Book: Sizzle and Burn (Arcane Society, # 3) by Jayne Ann Krentz
Finished: 9/24/12
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Claimed word: parking lot
"a car that was stolen from the hospital parking lot was found...."

Audiobook - Chapter 59 at 5 minutes 48 seconds

message 12: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Book: Nexus (Supernova Saga, #3) by C.L. Parker
Finished: 25/9/12

Claimed Word: Wrinkles (Crow's Feet)

"Faint crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, a little less elasticity to her skin, a dullness in the baby blue color of her irises."

Location - 7% of eARC.

message 13: by ShoSho (last edited Sep 25, 2012 02:37PM) (new)

ShoSho  (shoshost) Book: Midnight in Death (In Death, #7.5) by J.D. Robb by J.D.Robb
Read(listened): from 23/9/12 to 26/9/12 (a 3 hour audio and the last 2:30 counts )
Rating :★★★
The word: Mira adjusted the sunscreen on a window...
Audiobook-second track Chapter 5 at 22:39

3 words claimed - 7 to go

message 14: by Gina (last edited Sep 25, 2012 03:32PM) (new)

Gina Book Heartsick by Chelsea Cain Heartsick (Gretchen Lowell, #1) by Chelsea Cain

Finished 9/25/12
Rating 5/5

Claimed #1:Ax
"He had felt the edge of the brass's ax on his neck during his entire tenure."

Kindle Location 640. Chapter 6

Claimed #2:Castle
"Castle really did it, didn't he?"

Kindle location 3615. Chapter 33

Claimed #3:kilt- Not sure if this will work but I will post it until it rules otherwise.
"The truth was that Archie Sheridan made her feel off-kilter."

Kindle location 2615. Chapter 25

7/10 words claimed

message 15: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Everyone is updated to here.

message 16: by Dusty (last edited Sep 28, 2012 05:00PM) (new)

Dusty BOOK Discovery A Far Out Romance by T.M. Roy w/a Terran Moffat
Finished 9/24/12
Author- T.M. Roy
Give four stars
Claim parking lot loc 2956
Kent peeled out of the parking lot.

message 17: by Gisbelle (new)

Gisbelle Existence (Existence Trilogy, #1) by Abbi Glines
Finished: September 26, 2012
Rating: descriptiondescriptiondescription
My Review

Claimed #1: Parking Lot
...I walked past him and into the dark parking lot. (chapter 6)

Claimed #2: Wrinkle
There is this little wrinkle between your eyebrows... (chapter 3)

Claimed #3: Cake
...two empty pizza boxes, and half of a chocolate cake... (chapter 18)

Claimed #4: Axe
..."Things a school bully would do, not an axe murderer, calm down." (chapter 16)

Claimed #5: Castle
You were meant for castles and living in the sun. (chapter 7)

message 18: by Ashley (last edited Sep 25, 2012 09:49PM) (new)

Ashley Riders of the Purple Sage (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) by Zane Grey
Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey
Finished: 9/25/12

Page 96: His outfit consisted of a small handled axe, a hunting knife....

message 19: by Chaitra (new)

Chaitra (chaitra_ganesh)

Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson

Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson
Read: Sep 25
Rating: ★★★

1. Parking Lot
"I am the only one who walks outwith the parking place"
- p72

2. Axe
"...he flung out one quip after another as he swung his axe..."
- p83

3. Wrinkles
"...the features I have barely become familiar with shrink into wrinkles..."
- p170

Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (wolffaerie17) | 1469 comments The Last Grimm Red's Hood by H.L. Wampler finished 9/25/12

Rating:5 stars

Items Claimed 5/10
Parking Lot:
I sat in the parking lot of the mall, gripping the steering wheel, just watching the people go from their cars to the doors. Kindle App for PC Location 1800

Axe:If you were out of the picture, he just has to avoid me and the axe. Kindle App for PC Location 2107

Bassinet:I felt like I was suspended by some invisible force in the air, being cradled by amazing warmth. Kindle App for PC Location 2487

Wrinkles:Small wrinkles formed on his usually smooth forehead and the corners of his mouth tugged down at the corners. Kindle App for PC Location 518

Castle:It reminded me of a giant, reflective castle. Kindle App for PC Location 311

message 21: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) A Jaguar's Kiss by Katie Reus
Read: 25/9/12
Rated: 4★

Item claimed: Magnet

"Owen took a step closer, as if he was being pulled by an invsible magnet."

Location: 356 of 1035 Kindle copy.

message 22: by Camilla (new)

Camilla (cyqua) Book: The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender by Aimee Bender
Read: From 25/09/12 to 26/09/12
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

Claimed word: Magnet
"He leans against the refrigerator and a magnet drops to the floor."
Kindle location 229

Claimed word: Parking lot
"Back in the parking lot, she held out her hand and grasped his for a second."
Kindle location 372

Claimed word: Wrinkles
"He has green eyes and no wrinkles yet."
Kindle Location 653

Claimed word: Castle
" ...lived in a castle with a butler and several spoiled cats."
Kindle location 1526

message 23: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) Read Crimson Moon (Crimson Trilogy, #1) by J.A. Saare
Rating: ★★★★
Finished 9/26/12

Items Found:
and I stumbled off the parking lot sidewalk. K.L. #590
What a cradle robber! KL #1083
Hes going to have premature wrinkles KL#1640
With Caleb beside me it would be cake KL#2105

message 24: by Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos), Group Creator (last edited Sep 28, 2012 08:15PM) (new)

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 3564 comments Mod
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1) by Ilona Andrews by Ilona Andrews
Rating5 Stars

I am so glad I finally got to read this book.

Cradle-Page 7 I cradled myself with my arms
Castle-Page 115 Like an ethereal castle

message 25: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Serpent's Kiss (Elder Races, #3) by Thea Harrison

Read: 26/9/12
Rated: 4★

Item Claimed: Bassinet (Crib)

"...who had returned from putting Max to sleep in his crib."

Pg. 280

Item Claimed: Sunscreen (Sunblock)

"...Rune had gone shopping online for cloaks, SPF +100 sunblock,..."

Pg. 307

message 26: by Paris (last edited Sep 26, 2012 05:42PM) (new)

Paris (pah13) Please let me know if any of these don't work Dawn!

Book: Windfall (Weather Warden, #4) by Rachel Caine by Rachel Caine
Read: 9/24/12 to 9/25/12
Rating: ♥♥♥♥
Items Claimed: 9

Claimed Word: Bassinet (Cradle)
"And held my breath as I slid it into the cradle."
Kindle Location: 1084

Claimed Word: Sunblock (Zinc Oxide)
"Or standing in walking shorts, an I Love Florida! T0shirt, and oversized sunglasses with zinc oxide all over my nose."
Kindle Location: 150

Claimed Word: Kilt
"He had a nice voice, vaguely Canadian, and there was an off-kilter tilt to one of his eyes that made him seem sly."
Kindle Location: 2617

Claimed Word: Parking Lot
"I blinked and focused and saw three bright centers of energy approaching me on foot across the parking lot."
Kindle Location: 195

Claimed Word: Telescope
"...and as the world telescoped to a black pinpoint I felt a warm pulse of power go through my skin..."
Kindle Location: 3598

Claimed Word: Wrinkles
"Wrinkles. My God. Sarah had wrinkles."
Kindle Location: 536

Claimed Word: Castle
"And don't tell us he's got some kind of title and a castle, or I really will commit suicide by Marvin."
Kindle Location: 887

Claimed Word: Cake
"I'd thought it was, well, for the cheesecake value, and I'm sure that made the deal sweeter for him."
Kindle Location: 3263

Claimed Word: Magnet
"There's a white van with dark-tinted windows and a magnetic sign that says it's from a flower shop."
Kindle Location: 645

message 27: by ~Melissa~ (last edited Sep 28, 2012 08:54PM) (new)

~Melissa~ | 1691 comments Read The Darkest Hour (KGI, #1) by Maya Banks by Maya Banks
Rated 4 1/2♥
Finished 9/26/12

Items claimed:4/10

p. 125 He bent down and kissed away the wrinkle.
p. 179 As a matter of habit, Geron Castle had an array of local newspapers.... (yup Dawn it was castle for the person's name☺)
p. 190 ....she thrust the truck into gear and roared out of the parking lot......
p 202 Piece of cake.

message 28: by ShoSho (last edited Sep 28, 2012 03:47PM) (new)

ShoSho  (shoshost) Book: Bite Me If You Can by Lynsay Sands by Lynsay Sands
Read: 24/9/12 to 27/9/12

Word #4: Cradled
The protective way Morgan had cradled Leigh in his arms as he ...
(24% ebook)

Word #5: Kilter
This experience had temporarily left her off kilter, but that was to be expected.
(43% ebook)

Word #6: Parking lot

They chose it based on the fact that the parking lot was half full.
(53% ebook)

Word #7: Wrinkly

The way the jowls of his silly wrinkly face swung back and forth as he charged didn’t seem amusing now..
(96% ebook)

message 29: by Megan L (new)

Megan L Harnett Biting Cold (Chicagoland Vampires, #6) by Chloe Neill
Finished: 9/26/12
Rating: ★★★★★

Items: 2/10
Total Items: 3/10

1. Wrinkles
"I wanted a long, steamy, environmently irresponsible shower that wrinkled my skin.."
Audiobook Chapter 8 - 3:32:34

2. Cake
"She was also responsible for stocking the kitchen with mallow cakes."
Audiobook Chapter 11 - 4:31:21

message 30: by Megan L (last edited Sep 26, 2012 04:47PM) (new)

Megan L Harnett The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2) by Julia Quinn
Finished: 9/26/12
Rating: ★★★★★

Items: 2/10
Total Items: 5/10

1. Cradle(Bassinet)
"...used to bring your cradle outside and rock you..."
Page 304

2. Castle
"...the landscape like a misplace medieval castle."
Page 125

message 31: by Chaitra (last edited Sep 26, 2012 05:09PM) (new)

Chaitra (chaitra_ganesh)

Silence by Shusaku Endo

Silence by Shusaku Endo
Read: Sep 24 - Sep 26
Rating: ★★★★★

4. Castle
"...but then he had given himself up at the castle of the feudal lord, Umura..."
- p111

5. Telescope
" be kind enough to lend us lenses and telescopes."
- p219

6. Cake
"When his work was done, he would receive some cakes or money..."
- p265

message 32: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Finished: 9/26
Rated: 4/5

*...Karou had learned from the cradle in the natural way... page 53

*...used a handful of scuppies to flatten the wrinkles out of a 141

message 33: by Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (last edited Sep 27, 2012 06:53PM) (new)

Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (wolffaerie17) | 1469 comments Lace & Leather (An Erotic-Paranormal Western) by Leanore Elliott finished:9/26/12

Rating:4 stars

Item Claimed~2=7/10
His gut clenched while he leaned lower over the dust-caked saddle. Kindle App for PC Location 26

Telescope:Lacey loved the heavy feel of the old brass in her hands; an antique her father gifted to her when she’d landed this job a year ago. Kindle App for PC Location 69

message 34: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H Poltergeist (Greywalker, #2) by Kat Richardson
Poltergeist by Kat Richardson
Rating:3.7 stars

Magnet :...feeding a grid of tiny electromagnets embedded...Audiobook-Disc 1, Track 17 (01:11)
Parking Lot :...trailed me all the way to the parking lot door...Audiobook-Disc 3, Track 3 (04:34)
Cake a bakery called Cake House...Audiobook-Disc 10, Track 12 (01:02)
Telescope :...there would be cameras and telescopes trained on...Audiobook-Disc 10, Track 12 (04:34)

message 35: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) Read Unspoken by Kerrigan Byrne finished 9/27/12

Items Found:

To fill his family's silent castle with happy chaos
in nothing but a heavy blue, green, and black kilt.

Items Found to Date: 6

message 36: by Cindy (new)

Cindy (cynx) | 408 commentsWeek 1

Book: Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor, #6) by Jill Shalvis by Jill Shalvis
Finished: 9.26.12
Rating: ♥♥♥♥
Parking Lot: " think about teaching Toby to ride in a deserted parking lot instead..." pg 172
Wrinkles: "She forced herself to smooth her fingers over the wrinkles she'd left." pg 201
Cake: "...meeting over chocolate cake had become habit..." pg 8

message 37: by Camilla (new)

Camilla (cyqua) I found the last two items for the week! :)

Book: Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad, #5) by David Eddings by David Eddings
Read: From 25/09/12 to 27/09/12
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

Claimed word: Axe
" ...raising it like an axe to smash his enemy forever."
Kindle Location 3747

Claimed word: Cradle (Bassinet)
"...the crown prince of Arendia, cooed and gurgled in his cradle as he played with the string of brightly colored beads..."
Kindle Location 2304

message 38: by PepperP0t (new)

PepperP0t  | 2106 comments Great Camilla!

message 39: by Lina (last edited Sep 28, 2012 09:58PM) (new)

Lina Power Play by Charlotte Stein
Book:Power Play by Charlotte Stein
Rating: ★★
Finished: 25-09-12
1/ WRINKLES: Location 881, Kindle > "He shakes his head, wrinkles his brow"
2/ CAKE: Location 566, Kindle > "It's like he's just finished cramming a box of cakes into his mouth a second before you see him."
3/ MAGNET: Location 2546, Kindle > "I think I go numb below the waist, once the electromagnetic pulse of pleasure has finished wiping out my groin."

Magic Study (Study, #2) by Maria V. Snyder from the The Study Series Bundle
Book:Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder
Rating: ★★★★
Finished: 27-09-12
4/ CASTLE: Pg 375 > "I had vi­su­al­ized the Citadel as one large build­ing, like the Com­man­der’s cas­tle in Ixia, but this was far be­yond any­thing I could have imag­ined."

On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Book:On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Rating: ★★★★
Finished: 28-09-12
5/ KILT: Pg 171 > "He and Adam had de­cided to forgo wear­ing a tra­di­tional kilt since No­vem­ber in Scot­land was ‘baltic’ as they said."
6/ PARKING LOT: Pg 206 > “The hos­pi­tal was kind of con­fus­ing with lots of a lit­tle park­ing lots and dif­fer­ent en­trances and yel­low bar­ri­cades.”

message 40: by PepperP0t (last edited Sep 28, 2012 09:28PM) (new)

PepperP0t  | 2106 comments Items:

Bassinet: Unleashed] -- pg 155;He cradled her face with both hands and wiped one big fat tear away with agonizing tenderness.
Sunblock: Unleashed -- pg 21;Quickly, he stepped away from the window and let the drape fall down to block out the sun.
Kilt: Siren Song -- pg 251: Though the bride tried to convince him to wear a kilt, the groom still managed to look quite dashing in his black tuxedo.
Parking Lot: Grave Witch -- pg 163: I shrugged away from him as soon as we reached the parking garage.
Telescope: Unleashed] -- pg 190;The last thing that he noticed was a telescope.
Axe: Siren Song -- pg 57: “That’s why I asked Mr. Tremain to give you a chance before he axed your column out of hand.
Wrinkles: Grave Witch -- pg 96: I finally found it and folded it, ignoring the wrinkles:Grave Witch -- pg 96: I finally found it and folded it, ignoring the wrinkles.
Castle: Unleashed -- pg 154: It was not what someone would expect in a beach house, more like something in an old English castle.
Cake:Grave Witch -- pg 27: Maybe Maria will let us snag some of her upside-down cake before the meal.
Magnet:Siren Song -- pg 61: She glanced at him from beneath her lashes and had to bite back a groan; did he have to be so…magnetic?

Total Items Claimed: 10/10
Books Read:
Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1) by Kalayna Price -- Finished 9/25: 4.25stars
Siren Song by A.C. Warneke -- Finished 9/26: 3stars
Unleashed by Sara Humphreys -- Finished 9/28; 4stars

message 41: by Dusty (last edited Sep 28, 2012 05:06PM) (new)

Dusty BOOK The Ugly Kids. By Rachel Hanna
Castle The mountain, strangely enough, was shaped vaguely like a castle. Pg 40
READ 9/26/12
3 Stars

BOOK Love In The Falls - Sam & Camden
CAKE You've always been one for high drama, but this realy takes the cake. Loc 1556
Read 9/27/12
4 Stars by Renee Adams

message 42: by Chaitra (last edited Sep 27, 2012 07:03PM) (new)

Chaitra (chaitra_ganesh)

Shine Shine Shine by Lydia Netzer

Shine Shine Shine by Lydia Netzer.
Read: Sep 25 - Sep 26
Rating: ★★★

7. Magnet
"Maxon swept the magnets off the fridge..."
- p116

8. Kilt (Hopefully this will work...)
"You kilt him!"
- p174

9. Bassinet
"...the drapes around the bassinet were dusty and still..."
- p297

message 43: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Paris wrote: "Please let me know if any of these don't work Dawn!

Book: Windfall (Weather Warden, #4) by Rachel Caine by Rachel Caine
Read: 9/24/12 to 9/25/12
Rating: ♥♥♥♥
Items Claimed: 9


Wow, that had to be the perfect book for this week.

message 44: by Paris (new)

Paris (pah13) Dawn (Kat N Hat) wrote: "Wow, that had to be the perfect book for this week. "

I was actually a little surprised that it didn't have axe in it, but I'm finishing that book now...ish. lol

message 45: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Camilla wrote: "I found the last two items for the week! :)

Book:Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad, #5) by David Eddings by David Eddings
Read: From 25/09/12 to 27/09/12
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

Claimed word: Axe
" ...raising it like an ax..."

Congrats Camilla!

message 46: by Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos), Group Creator (last edited Sep 28, 2012 08:16PM) (new)

Lizz (Beer, Books and Boos) | 3564 comments Mod
Royal Street (Sentinels of New Orleans, #1) by Suzanne Johnson by Suzanne Johnson
Finished: 9/27

Glad I found this book at my library

Axe Page 23 and urged everyone within hearing to hustle out and buy an ax
Parking Lot Page 97 "I'll Drive," he said, heading toward the small parking area behind my house. It had enough space for both my truck and the vehicles belonging to the young couple
Wrinkles Page 209 Alex returned from the back. His jacket wasn't even wrinkled

message 47: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (last edited Sep 27, 2012 08:45PM) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse, #12) by Charlaine Harris by Charlaine Harris
Finished 9/27/12

Kilt I'd seen him in a sort of kilt and a one-shouldered T-Shirt..

Parking Lot There was no one lingering in the parking lot on a day this hot.

Cake Halleigh had made her version of Caroline Bellefleur's chocolate cake...

Angie ~aka Reading Machine~ (wolffaerie17) | 1469 comments Masters at Arms (Rescue Me, #1) by Kallypso Masters finished 9/27/12

Rating:4 stars

Item Claimed:1~8/10
Magnet:With that wild pink hair, she was nothing but a trouble magnet. Kindle App for PC Location 414

message 49: by Camilla (new)

Camilla (cyqua) @ Pat & Dawn: Thanks guys! :)

message 50: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) All items are updated to here.

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