The Marriage Plot Book Discussion

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smut and whatever...: First Book! Zachary 13 6 May 04, 2023 04:43PM  
Reading 1001: The Marriage Plot by Eugenedies Kelly_Hunsake… 3 24 Jul 01, 2022 02:23PM  
Play Book Tag: The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides - 3 stars Joy D 1 7 Jul 30, 2021 07:52AM  
irony Hannah 4 108 Aug 09, 2018 07:04AM  
Play Book Tag: The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides - ★★★ Susie 23 35 Aug 28, 2016 07:24PM  
Play Book Tag: The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugendies, DNF Sara 7 33 Jul 25, 2016 04:49PM  
Play Book Tag: The Marriage Plot/Jeffrey Euginedes: 3 stars JoLene 2 16 Jun 13, 2016 01:17PM  
Love it? Hate it? Charles 39 485 Mar 21, 2016 02:01PM  
Humboldt Park Bra...: May Title is Available for Pick Up! Sarah 3 7 May 15, 2014 08:13AM  
the "divorce" Rosella 7 173 Dec 07, 2013 09:28PM  
Readers in Wonder...: The Marriage Plot Discussion Questions Jessica 1 32 Jun 04, 2013 06:47PM  
Literary Sex Writ...: Marriage Plot/Freedom/Semen Sarah 3 43 Dec 27, 2012 02:44PM  
Eclectic Readers: The Marriage Plot Jeannette 15 39 Sep 20, 2012 01:49PM  
How many authors and books were mentioned in this book. Patty 18 278 Aug 21, 2012 08:02PM  
BookPlate Book Club: The Marriage Plot Terri-Jane 3 25 Jul 10, 2012 04:12AM  
Tackling the Puli...: The Marriage Plot (Jeffrey Eugenides, 2012) Leslie 6 57 Jun 14, 2012 05:14PM  
Did anyone really see a love triangle? Patty 7 199 Jun 03, 2012 09:12AM  
21st Century Lite...: The Marriage Plot - General Discussion, No Spoilers Please! (May 2012) William 22 72 Jun 02, 2012 03:32AM  
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