Discussion > Archives - Book Discussions

topics Showing 1-27 of 27 started by posts views  last activityUp arrow  
This topic has been closed to new comments. * WHAT BOOKS HAVE YOU FINISHED? Barbara 1178 112 Dec 29, 2023 11:45AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. * WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? Barbara 768 152 Dec 31, 2023 08:03AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. * BOOKS AND WRITINGS BY MEMBERS Rick-Founder … 4001 2174 Oct 21, 2021 03:43AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. * WHAT BOOKS HAVE YOU FINISHED RECENTLY? Barbara 1795 217 Sep 10, 2021 10:57AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. * WHAT ARE YOU READING AND WHY!! Rick-Founder … 10670 4162 Feb 12, 2021 11:14AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. * Mudbound by Hillary Jordan deleted member 59 49 Aug 08, 2010 05:25AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. WHAT IS YOUR PET PEEVE WITH NOVELS Gary F 1341 1213 Apr 26, 2021 04:43AM  
Best Books of 2020? Love to hear what are everyone's choices? Gary F 1 4 Nov 29, 2020 11:00AM  
Call for Submissions: 31 Days of October Vol. III Glenda 1 6 Mar 26, 2019 02:08PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. YOUR TOP READS OF 2011- YES IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!! Rick-Founder … 88 225 Mar 15, 2012 08:33PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. YOUR TOP READS OF 2010- Beth 158 297 Nov 09, 2011 08:19PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games John 20 81 May 18, 2011 08:39PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. THE NAME OF THE ROSE Rick-Founder … 429 167 May 12, 2011 06:25AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. THE PASSAGE Rick-Founder … 102 136 May 10, 2011 08:22PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH Rick-Founder … 250 164 May 10, 2011 07:52PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Wuthering Heights Shay 31 84 Mar 18, 2011 03:03AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. The Dead Secret by Wilkie Collins Shay 100 69 Mar 05, 2011 07:07PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. War and Peace Marialyce 347 138 Dec 19, 2010 04:25PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Fall of Giants - Spoilers Likely Shay 31 56 Oct 15, 2010 08:28PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Lady Susan by Jane Austen Shay 35 29 Oct 11, 2010 06:51AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. The Invisible Bridge Marialyce 33 32 Oct 08, 2010 07:28AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen deleted member 135 82 Sep 30, 2010 01:00PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Sensation Fiction Lev 25 36 Sep 14, 2010 06:08PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Rick-Founder … 50 120 Aug 08, 2010 05:24PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. Prodigal Summer deleted member 32 54 Jul 25, 2010 06:36AM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter deleted member 53 66 Jul 11, 2010 10:15PM  
This topic has been closed to new comments. The Razor's Edge - W. Somerset Maugham Carly 24 25 Apr 04, 2010 09:48AM