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David Hunter #2

Written in Bone

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' I took the skull from its evidence bag and gently set it on the stainless steel table. 'Tell me who you are...'Forensic anthropologist Dr David Hunter should be at home in London with the woman he loves. Instead, as a favour to a beleaguered colleague, he's on the remote Hebridean island of Runa to inspect a grisly discovery.Hunter has witnessed death in many guises, but even he is shocked by what he a body almost totally incinerated but for the feet and a single hand. Could it be a textbook case of spontaneous human combustion? The local police are certain it's an accidental death but Hunter is not convinced. Examining the scorched remains, he finds the evidence he feared. It's clear to him that this was no accident, this was murder.But as the small, isolated community considers the enormity of Hunter's findings, a catastrophic storm hits the island. The power goes down, communication with the mainland ceases, and then the killing begins in earnest...Exploding in a series of violent acts and shocking twists, this is the compelling new crime thriller from a brilliant British storyteller.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2007

About the author

Simon Beckett

31 books1,885 followers
After an MA in English, Simon Beckett spent several years as a property repairer before a stint teaching in Spain. Back in the UK, he played percussion in several bands. He has been a freelance journalist since 1992, writing for The Times, The Independent on Sunday Review, The Daily Telegraph, The Observer and other major British publications. In 2002, as part of an article on the National Forensic Academy, he visited the Body Farm in Tennessee. This last commission was the inspiration behind the internationally bestselling The Chemistry of Death, which was shortlisted for the CWA's Duncan Lawrie Dagger and has been translated into 21 languages. Simon Beckett is married and lives in Sheffield. The author of six novels, his second David Hunter thriller, Written in Bone, is published as a Bantam paperback in April 2008.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,124 reviews
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
3,781 reviews552 followers
July 24, 2021
Der Rechtsmediziner David Hunter untersucht eine verkohlte Leiche auf der schottischen Insel Runa. War es ein tragischer Unfall oder gar Mord? Der Fall scheint äußerst mysteriös zu sein. Bevor David Hunter sich näher mit dem Superintendenten auf dem Festland besprechen kann, wird die kleine Insel durch ein Unwetter von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten. Und dann wird der Polizist, der den Fundort der Leiche bewachen sollte, tot aufgefunden… ermordet. Der Täter muss auf der Insel sein…
Ich habe Band 1 dieser Reihe vor ziemlich genau drei Jahren gelesen. Das Buch hatte damals auch fünf Sterne von mir bekommen, und ich kann mir gar nicht erklären, warum ich damals nicht gleich weitergelesen habe!? Nun musste dieser zweite Band gute drei Jahre warten… Ich habe mir fest vorgenommen, Band 3 nun möglichst bald zu lesen!
…denn ich mag diese Reihe wirklich sehr gerne! Rechtsmedizin finde ich grundsätzlich schon sehr spannend, und David Hunter ist ein sympathischer Protagonist.
Der Fall mit der verkohlten Leiche war sehr geheimnisvoll und spannend. Ich habe miträtseln können, wurde dann am Ende doch überrascht. Ich liebe überraschende Wendungen in Büchern, wenn sie schlüssig und nachvollziehbar sind. Das war hier für mich der Fall.
Auch das Setting fand ich super! Schottland sowieso, und dann diese kleine Insel, die plötzlich ganz abgeschnitten ist vom Festland… Schon eine gruselige Vorstellung unter diesen Umständen!
Für mich hat alles gepasst. Handlung, Charaktere, Setting. Der Spannungsaufbau war da, die Spannung auch immer sehr hoch.
Ich freue mich nun auf den nächsten Band!
Profile Image for Gosia.
60 reviews10 followers
March 8, 2013
After enjoying the hell out of "The Chemistry of Death" I was very eager to start reading the second book about Dr Hunter. And... oh boy. I don't really know where to begin.
The book starts interestingly enough: gruesome murder, interesting location, good ol' Dr Hunter... But then it takes over a hundred pages until something, ANYTHING happens. Some of the characters in the book were so cartoonish I was afraid I might injure my eyes with all the eyerolling. Here's your token single mother with a dark past, there's your incompetent and drunken police officer who is completely oblivious to the most obvious facts, there's your spunky young journalist who "just wants to get to the bottom of things". The only reason we know that the retired detective Brody is "meticulous", is because we are told so about ten times, without actually ever really witnessing it through his actions. Dr Hunter is equally infuriating with his sixth sense telling him multiple times "something doesn't quite add up" but we never really get to find out why until it's too late. Come on, Mr. Beckett, let your readers join in on the fun, let them think a little! And then the plot... oh the plot. Formulaic (albeit entertaining) at first, but then within 50 pages it's plot twist after plot twist after plot twist to the point where it was giving me a major headache. What's even worse, by the time I got to the end of the book I realised I don't even care anymore what happens to Dr. Hunter or, for that matter, who the killer is.
I gave the book 3 stars because it's still a kind of entertaining read. The reason I'm so harsh is because my expectations were high after Beckett's first David Hunter book. Sadly, "Written in Bone" wasn't half as entertaining as I wanted it to be.
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
613 reviews480 followers
April 10, 2020
Mir fällt es ehrlich gesagt immer schwer Thriller zu bewerten, da das einfach nicht (mehr) mein Genre ist. Aber trotzdem überkommt mich ab und an mal das Verlangen wieder einen zu lesen. Und SuB sei dank hatte ich noch den zweiten Teil der David Hunter Reihe da (so wie auch noch Band 3...).
Band 1 hatte mir damals gut gefallen, auch Band 2 glänzte mit tollem Schreibstil und einem interessanten Fall. Außerdem ist David Hunter einfach ein super spannender Protagonist und ich finde seinen Job auch echt cool. Das Setting fand ich auch gut gewählt mit dieser kleinen einsamen Insel.
Allerdings wurde mir die Handlung gegen Ende etwas zu diffus und wirr. Es wurde irgendwie permanent versucht noch einen drauf zu setzen, obwohl der Fall auch so schon "abgefahren" genug war... Und was war das für ein seltsames Ende mit einem echt übertriebenen Cliffhanger? Also muss ich dann wohl doch mal den dritten Teil lesen, gut dass ich den sowieso schon da hab :D
Profile Image for Metodi Markov.
1,553 reviews383 followers
July 17, 2024
Чудесен втори трилър от поредицата за д-р Хънтър.

Превъзмогнал личната си драма от предната книга, той се занимава отново със съдебна антропология. На връщане от случай в Шотландия е повикан на остров от външните Хебриди, за да разследва предполагаемо самозапалване.

Но истината се оказва много по-зловеща и объркваща...

Саймън Бекет покачва стремглаво залозите, тази част е определено по-добра от предишната и завършва с обещание за нови мрачни загадки!
Profile Image for Geles.
179 reviews32 followers
March 30, 2021
En esta segunda entrega el autor nos lleva, al igual que en la primera, a un lugar con una comunidad cerrada y reticente con los extraños, creando una atmósfera de tensión, donde todo el mundo guarda algún secreto.

Beckett nos aporta detalles forenses muy interesantes pero con un lenguaje sencillo, que hace de este libro una lectura amena y entretenida.

Con un ritmo pausado pero no exento de algunos giros, iremos desgranando los entresijos de esta nueva investigación, llegando a un final abierto que nos empuja a continuar con la siguiente entrega.
Profile Image for Josiemaus85.
379 reviews
September 25, 2017
Wow, da waren dann doch noch ein paar Wendungen, die ich nicht habe kommen sehen 😅 hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen.
Profile Image for Paul Weiss.
1,364 reviews405 followers
February 6, 2024
"It's the things you never see coming you have to watch out for."

With WRITTEN IN BONE, a solid sequel to his debut novel THE CHEMISTRY OF DEATH, Author Simon Beckett continues to effectively cash in on his real life anthropological experience working with Bill Bass of Tennessee's world famous Body Farm. Unlike many of his competitors in the crowded medical thriller genre who have concentrated on thrill and suspense at the expense of science and medicine, Beckett writes a solid forensic procedural with plenty of interesting details on such minutiae as the rate of decay of human bodies under a variety of conditions, the nature of pre- and post-mortem wounds and the tiny differences between slashing and stabbing wounds and their effects on soft tissue and bones that is superbly balanced with the bloody bits and the actual action. Nor has he forgotten about suspense, twists, turns, red herrings and surprise endings!

Forensic anthropologist David Hunter has been dispatched to Runa, a God-forsaken barren spit of land in the remote Outer Hebrides in the frigid Atlantic north of Scotland, to investigate a death so bizarre that the first cause coming to everyone's mind is spontaneous human combustion. When a ferocious Arctic storm eliminates all communication with the mainland and clues finally surface that prove the death was in fact murder, the game, as Sherlock Holmes would have said, was definitely afoot! Hunter, cut off from any possible assistance from his police colleagues in Britain and Scotland, is forced to investigate the murder with the only assistance available on the island - Neil Fraser, an unhappy, angry officer who wants nothing more than to stay under the radar until his retirement quietly drinking his way to oblivion and Andrew Brody, an embittered former investigator who retired to the seclusion of Runa after the mysterious unsolved disappearance of his daughter many years earlier.

WRITTEN IN BONE is most definitely NOT a cozy mystery in the style of Agatha Christie. That said, the resemblance to AND THEN THERE WAS NONE is unmistakable as the body count on the foul weather-locked island mounts and the only possible suspects are the remaining inhabitants who are looking over their shoulders with growing fear and suspicion. But no potential reader should get the mistaken impression that I'm suggesting WRITTEN IN BONE is derivative. Absolutely not! The characterization is superb, the relationships are as edgy, angsty and as dark as any thriller available today, the dialogue is natural and credible, the twists and turns are devious and ... oh my goodness ... that ending out of left field will leave every reader with a smile knowing that entry #3 in the David Hunter series is just around the corner.

Highly recommended.

Paul Weiss
Profile Image for  Li'l Owl.
398 reviews271 followers
August 6, 2019
Creepy! Like tiny hairs buzzing on the back of your neck, creepy!

"Our lives, and sometimes our deaths, are stories written in bone. It provides a telltale record of injuries, neglect or abuse. But in order to find what was written here, first I had to be able to see it."

When a body, burned beyond recognition, is found in an abandoned hut on the island of Runa, the local authorities call forensic pathologist, Dr. David Hunter for help.
At first, David refuses, wanting to continue his journey home. He wants nothing to do with it. But David's sense of duty to help the deceased find his or her way home is too much to turn his back on. After all, David will only there to assist the local police in setting the perimeters of sex, approximate age, and, with any luck, the cause of death. Then the case will be turned over to them to carry in whatever direction is necessary. It's only supposed to take a couple of days, then he can return home to his wife.
But things don't go that way.
Not by a long shot.

Written in Bone by Simon Beckett takes place in the Western Isles, a coastal island chain that's separated from the Scottish mainland. The small, sparcly populated island of Runa is even more isolated which sets the scene perfectly for an eerie, ominous feeling, beginning from the very start and becoming more nightmarish and terrifying as the story goes on. The story has plenty of twists and turns that kept me completely unbalanced throughout, all the way to the startling conclusion.

This is the second book in the David Hunter series and I loved it just as much as the first book, The Chemistry of Death. Both books are chilling, with likable characters, a rapid pace, and lots of authentic forensic evidence. I'm a huge fan of factual forensic science and this series has plenty of it! I devoured the story from beginning to end and the disturbing, macabre factor is off the scales! Perfect!
I am looking forward to the next book in this series!
Profile Image for Justina Neliubšienė.
317 reviews46 followers
September 11, 2023
Patinka man ši serija ir net labai. 😉
"Iš dalies patologinė anatomija, iš dalies archeologija - tai, ką veikiu, peržengia abiejų ribas. Netgi suirus žmogaus kūnui, net jame plastėjusiai gyvybei virtus pūvėsiais, dūlėsiais ir senais, sausais kaulais, mirusieji vis dar gali liudyti. Jie gali papasakoti savo istoriją, jei tik gebi ją suprasti. "
Profile Image for Matt.
4,190 reviews13k followers
June 16, 2013
Beckett returns with a stellar sequel to his opening book, which captured the hearts of readers. When an apparent spontaneous combustion case pops up on the remote Scottish island of Runa, what looks like an open and shut case soon reeks of murder. Before long, a murder spree commences and the small island population begins to wonder who among its own is wielding the knife and setting fire to the victims. With a collection of new small-town characters, Beckett returns with a great new plot as wonderful narrative to bring the story to life. The reader will surely devour this book as they did the opening in the series and scramble for the latter two as well. Absolutely spectacular last 50 pages has the reader picking their jaw off the floor more than once. Mystery at its best!!!!

Beckett sets himself up to possibly be the UK's Jefferson Bass. While the books do have a great forensic aspect to them, the level of scientific osteo-based learning is less intense. A strong murder theme with wonderful medical references that keeps the reader hooked, I will not deny. I like the idea of using our main character as one who is parachuted into small-town scenarios, as it keeps the story fresh and rids any wonder about Jessica Fletcher syndrome (wherever you go, murder follows or your small town is repeatedly victim to a killer when you are around)!

Kudos Mr. Beckett for a sensational piece of work. Bring on Book #3!
Profile Image for Inna.
737 reviews199 followers
November 1, 2023
На мій смак, перша частина серії була цікавішою.
Ще й закінчення нащось таке🙄
Profile Image for Cynnamon.
684 reviews129 followers
March 11, 2023
English version below


Der vorliegende Roman ist unbestreitbar (vor allem gegen Ende zu) äußerst spannend. Die medizinischen Erläuterungen zum Feuertod der Opfer fand ich sehr interessant und lehrreich. Das Setup der Geschichte auf einer kleinen, abgelegenen Insel nahe Schottland, die dann auch noch durch eine Unwetter von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten wird, ist zwar nicht unbekannt (man denke nur an die durch Schneesturm im Scvhloss eingeschlossenen Weihnachtsgäste), dennoch aber immer wieder spannend zu lesen.

Zwei Aspekte haben mich aber dennoch gestört:

Zum einen die bis zum Gehtnichtmehr ausgewalzten Stereotypen, z.B. der versoffene und größtenteils unfähige Dorfpolizist, die überaus neugierige und und unvorsichtige Lokaljournalistin oder die übermäßig verschworene Dorfgemeinschaft, die jeden Außenseiter mit Zähnen und Klauen abwehrt. Hier wäre meiner Ansicht nach weniger mehr gewesen.

Enorm gestört hat mich, dass in der zweiten Hälfte des Buches eine unerwartete Wendung nach der anderen hochpoppt. Und das sind beileibe kleine Kleinigkeiten, die der geneigten Leserin hier um die Ohren gehauen werden, sondern echte Hämmer. Und dann holt der Autor noch auf der letzten Seite den Schachtelteufel raus und lässt uns mit einem brutalen Cliffhanger zurück.

Da das Buch dennoch ein spannender Lesestoff war, auch wenn ich mich öfter als ich mir gewünscht hätte, ärgern musste, vergebe ich so gerade noch 3 Sterne.


The present novel is undeniably (especially towards the end) extremely exciting. I found the medical explanations of the victims' deaths by fire very interesting and instructive. The set-up of the story on a small, remote island near Scotland, which is then cut off from the outside world by a storm, is not unknown (just think of the Christmas guests locked in the castle by a snowstorm), but it is always an exciting read.

However, two things bothered me:

On the one hand, the stereotypes that are rolled out to no end, e.g. the heavily drinking and mostly incompetent village policeman, the extremely curious and careless local journalist or the overly conspired village community, who fends off every outsider with teeth and claws. I think less would have been more here.

What bothered me enormously was that in the second half of the book one unexpected twist after the other popped up. And these are by no means trifles that the willing readers are hit in the face with, but real hammers. And then the author pulls out the jack-in-the-box on the last page and leaves us with a brutal cliffhanger.

Since the book was an exciting read, even if it annoyed me more often than I would have liked, I awarded 3 stars.
Profile Image for Amélie.
174 reviews45 followers
August 23, 2018
Es gab so viel coole Wendungen in der Geschichte! Hat mir sehr gut gefallen! Ich liebe halt auch einfach David Hunter 😩😍 der nächste Teil der Reihe ist natürlich bereits heruntergeladen 😌
Profile Image for MasSugar.
24 reviews8 followers
August 3, 2021
Das Ende hat mich echt umgehauen! Fesselnd, erbarmungslos und mal wieder ein grandioses Meisterwerk von Simon Beckett.
Profile Image for İlkim.
1,433 reviews11 followers
August 20, 2020
3 veriyorum ama 5 yıldızlık hikaye gibi geliyordu başta. Hala emin değilim ama bu kitap beni sinirlendirdi garip bir şekilde. Şimdi kurgu şahane bence - muhtemelen spoiler ile devam edeceğim onu söyleyeyim - adada mahsur kalınıyor, çıkış yok, bir katil başı boş dolaşıyor felan filan... Tess'in Buz Gibi Soğuk kitabıydı sanırım, bir de onda böyle bir tekinsiz gerilim yaşamıştım; kısacası her şey şahane. David bir şeyler çözmeye çalışıyor, zaten adada azınlık bir sayıdalar, tabi ölümler artıyor vs. Yavaşça sonuna geliyoruz değil mi? Şimdi önceki kitapta yazarın sevdiği şeyi anlamıştım, böyle dan diye ters köşe yapıyor, siz ne olduğunu anlamadan beyin ambelesi yaşıyorsunuz biraz. Dedim bu da kesin öyle, okurken hiç olmayacağını düşündüğüm karakterlerden kıllanıyorum felan. Netice olarak şöyle bir son var, duble ters köşe. Yani birinden şüphelendik hep birlikte - tabi ben yemedim biliyorum ki o değil - sonra asıl kişiyi öğrendik... Ve dan! Bitmemiş. Yani sevgili yazar, niye bu kadar zorluyorsun. Ben ters köşeyle biten polisiyelere bayılan biriyim, ilk defa - ciddiyim - fazla geldi. Bir de en son sahne var, kaç oldu dört ters köşe mi... Gerçi o kısımdan içten içe şüphelenmiştim ama bu kadar da olmaz heralde demiştim. Sanki ikinci-üçüncü sınıf bir aksiyon filmi izlemişim de o tip bir filmi izlerken sürekli göz devirdiğim sahneleri tek tek okumuşum gibi. İnanılmaz akıcıydı, hakkını yiyemem. Ama bir de sinir olduğum büyük bir şey daha var; o da tam biri bir şey söyleyecek oluyor, söyletmiyor yazar. Yani bir kez olur anlarım, her defasında da olmamalı. Bu kitap beni çok yordu, sinirlendirdi, bence herkes benim gibi düşünmüyor; zaten listemdeki herkes 5 vermiş... Bir de utanmadan cliffhanger ile bitirmiş sanki yeterince şey yaşamamışız.

Böyle olmamalıydı kısacası. Yorumlarda şey görmüştüm twist over twist diye, aynen öyle. Bu kadar zorlamaya gerek yok, gerçekten. Bitmiş olması gereken yer iyiydi, bırak orada. İnsanları nasıl daha da şaşırtabilirim diye düşünmekten gözüne uyku girmiyor sanırım yazarın. Devam kitabına da geçtim çünkü nasıl ilerleyeceğini bilsem de cliffhanger beni çok rahatsız etti. Sinirimi hala üzerimden atamadım. Üşenmeden pc'yi açtım ki bu yorumu sıcağı sıcağına içimden atabileyim. Yarın kitabın puanını aşağı çekebilirim bile emin değilim, duygularım da karışık. Klişe dolu bir hikaye bir de ayrıca, anlatım tarzı bir üçüncü tekil şahıs - sonra David'e geçiyoruz hop birinci tekil şahıs felan... Neyse kısacası benim bu siteye yazdığım en uzun yorumlardan oldu sanırım. En son bu kadar sinirli hissettiğim kitap Sarı Odanın Esrarı'ydı diye düşünüyorum, orada bir şeyler eksik gelmişti; burada ise bunların fazlalığı beni yordu. İronik.
Profile Image for Ira Bartoschyn.
147 reviews5 followers
January 19, 2024
Кінцівка витягнула майже всю книгу, до такого я була не готова
Profile Image for Gavrish Nastya.
158 reviews262 followers
July 29, 2024
Для мене ця книга трошки довше розкачувалася, ніж минула. Але фінал просто перевершив все і залишив прям вау емоції. Особливо, коли наче все уже зрозуміло, а тут ще й фінальний акорд, який все перевертає з ніг на голову.

Деякі мої підозри зіграли, а дещо автор закрутив так, що я навіть і не припускала такого. І це прям вражає.

Мені дуже подобається, як автор описує вбивства і те, що вони дійсно нешаблонні та цікаві. Але після цього в моєму Гуглі є доволі дивні пошукові запити, якщо мене заарештують і подивляться ці запити, то у мене можуть виникнути серйозні проблеми.

В основі сюжету — острів Рута та згорілий труп. Невідомо це нещасний випадок чи все ж таки вбивство, Девід Гантер має у цьому розібратися. Але, авжеж, на острові його чекає не тільки труп, а таємниці, котрі мають острів’яни.

І, авжеж, не можу не сказати те, що закінчувати так книги — це брати гріх на душу. Не можна так робити з читачами, не можна.

Саймон Бекетт — це моє відкриття в жанрі трилеру і я таки стала його фанаткою.
Profile Image for Thessia.
97 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2017
besser als Band 1. Aber umgehauen hat es mich trotzdem nicht.
Profile Image for Anastasiia.
215 reviews11 followers
March 8, 2024
5/5 ⭐️

І так, почнемо
Перша частина була більш динамічною, тут перші відсотків 60% все було повільно, місцями нудно. Але потім все набрало обертів, і важко мені було покласти книгу.
Так, а ви знали про таке явище як "самозаймання людини"? Я ні, але завдяки книзі дізналась та трошки погуглила. В другому розслідуванні немає паранормальних явищ, якщо ви могли так подумати з вказаного вище терміну, все дуже реально і все пояснюється науковими фактами. Взагалі про те, як тіло може згоріти було цікавенько почитати.

Дія у нас відбувається на острові, на який через шторм неможливо дістатися та виїхати звідти. Я собі уявляла Фарерські острови. Дякую, Антон Птушкін, за влог, це мені допомогло з візуалізацією історії. А описи шторму, цього вітру і дощу, мені самій ставало холодно іноді. Лайк :)

Щодо самого розслідування та вбивці. Я ніяк не могла сама визначити хто ж вбивця, мені багато хто був підозрілим, але не дарма, там багато хто в чомусь і замішаний.
У нас, як і в першій частині, виявляється неочікуваний поворот після знаходження вбивці.
А потім епілог 😳 (я в шоці).
Але повернемося до вбивці, я просто аплодую йому, так все показувати в необхідному світлі, з вигодою для себе. Я про нього думала найменше.

Так ось до яких 2 висновків я дійшла:
1. Треба шукати 2 винних після прочитання 2 частин :)
2. Мені здається головному герою можна одразу називати вбивцю, бо всі з ким він зближується і є ним.

Я весь час думала ставити 4, бо мені книги була слабкішою ніж перша. Але розвиток подій під кінець закрив мені очі на першу половину книги)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lada.
1 review
March 23, 2024
Фінал книги викликав спектр усіх можливих емоцій. Вона однозначно стане однією з моїх улюблених
Profile Image for Tobias Grey.
326 reviews
March 9, 2022
David Hunter va a ayudar a esclarecer unos asesinatos sucedidos en un pequeña Isla, donde cualquiera puede ser el culpable.
Una trama, una ambientación y unos personajes bien trabajados con un final inesperado.
Muy recomendable.
Profile Image for Ivy.
1,036 reviews61 followers
March 25, 2018
Von Anfang bis Ende spannend, wobei sich mehrere Interessante Themen verflechten
und die Spannung immer mehr aufbaut.
Alle Charaktere, die Stimmung auf der Insel und die Umgebung
sind so toll beschrieben, dass man praktisch dabei ist.
Das nächste Buch in der Reihe wird auf jeden Fall auch bald gelesen!
Profile Image for Olia.
99 reviews19 followers
March 3, 2024
Ну щось таке я й очікувала, але було дуже цікаво і динамічно читати, особливо десь після половини книги.

Основного злочинця я почала підозрювати ще на початку книги, але весь час нам підкидали нові факти і "очищали" його.

Profile Image for Anna.
230 reviews35 followers
November 1, 2018
Ein wirklich spannender Krimi, welchen ich sehr genossen habe und welcher am Ende super spannend war und wirklich nicht vorhersehbar.
Profile Image for Sarah.
825 reviews157 followers
July 21, 2021
As a forensic anthropologist, Dr. David Hunter is reminiscent of Dr. Nikki Alexander of television's "Silent Witness". He frequently gets far too close to suspects and police investigators of the cases he consults on, putting his personal relationships under strain and inevitably leading to dramatic life-or-death confrontations near the conclusion of each book. They are thrillers, after all. Written in Bone is the second solid instalment in the Dr. David Hunter series by Beckett and revolves around the discovery of burned bones in a remote cottage in the Outer Hebrides. Fans of Ann Cleeves' D.I. Perez (Shetland) series will appreciate the bleak and isolated setting. While the actions of the central character defied realism, this was an entertaining and evocative read.
Profile Image for Marty Fried.
1,121 reviews114 followers
April 1, 2019
The story moves along at a fairly leisurely pace for most of the book, then suddenly starts taking off near the end like a rocket with action and surprises galore (not to mention gore). Some of the characters I liked didn't fare too well, but I'll get over it, I think.

Much like the first book in the series, it takes place in a small town that makes city living sound ideal. Lots of people either die, come close to dying, or come back to life when seemingly dead. It gets pretty weird towards the end, and ends with an unsatisfying cliffhanger. I think I'll need to read the next one right away to see if it resolves any of the issues.

David Thorpe narrated the audiobook, and in my opinion did an excellent job with the accents. He made it all sound more authentic, but was still easy to understand.
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,172 reviews36 followers
March 13, 2023
Мрачен трилър с мистериозни пейзажи, постепенно натрупване на напрежението и неочакван край... няколко пъти. Чете се лесно и бързо, авторът много добре е описал работата на съдебния антрополог Дейвид Хънтър, който се оказва затворен на остров Руна, Шотландия. Бурята унищожава всички комуникации, а убиец се разхожда в мрака и дъжда. Дейвид е принуден да ползва помощта на местната полиция, на един пенсиониран детектив и на хората от острова, които не желаят да му съдействат. На няколко пъти той почти се сблъсква със смъртта и на косъм успява да се измъкне. Оказва се, че на острова живее психопат. Времето напредва, загадката кой е убиецът трябва да се реши, защото са застрашени много невинни животи.
Авторът умее да държи в напрежение, а описанието на мрачния пейзаж подсилва зловещата обстановка. Прекалено ми се стори само, че авторът на няколко пъти застраши живота на доктор Хънтър, постави го в много трудни ситуации и не се размина без многобройни рани. Дори и краят е такъв и не се разбра жив или мъртъв е главният герой, което е прелюдия към следващата книга от поредицата.
Profile Image for Daniela.
493 reviews23 followers
August 18, 2021
Nach dem tollen Reihenauftakt waren die Erwartungen groß.
Kalte Asche ist wieder ein spannender Thriller, der mit unerwarteten Wendungen und interessantem Fachwissen überzeugen kann.
Auch wenn mir die Geschichte insgesamt gut gefallen hat, war sie in meinen Augen doch schwächer als der erste Band.
Möglicherweise lag das an den wirklich vielen Charakteren, mit denen man schon relativ zu Beginn der Geschichte konfrontiert wurde - irgendwie kam jeder als potentieller Mörder in Betracht, weil man einfach deren Rolle im großen Ganzen noch nicht absehen konnte.
Zum Glück hat sich das aber im Laufe der Seiten etwas gelichtet - Spannung kam so aber auf jeden Fall auf und bis fast zum Schluss hatte ich den echten Täter nicht auf dem Schirm.
Das macht für mich einen guten Thriller aus - es langweilt mich, wenn ich schon früh weiß, wer der Täter ist und der Ermittler noch im Dunkeln tappt ;-)
Profile Image for Hannah.
801 reviews
March 23, 2010
Excellent, gripping police procedural mystery. A slow start, but midway it takes off and there are several twists at the end that took me totally by surprise, especially the final few paragraphs - WHAT??!!

If you enjoy the *locked room* variety of murder mystery, Written in Bone should satisfy. Gruesome in places, and a plot twist that's creepy to say the least, but a quick and satisfying read.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,124 reviews

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