Mitch's Reviews > Allegiant

Allegiant by Veronica Roth
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did not like it
bookshelves: 0-star-cesspool, no-just-no

Obviously, I just don't get it.

What a Divergent fan apparently sees:
531 pages of awesome!

And what I see:
Faction crap. Faction crap. Faction crap. Tris and Four. Faction crap. Faction crap. Tris and Four. Some nonsense with genetics. Faction crap. Wtf moment. The end.


Admittedly, I've always been a skeptic of Veronica Roth's books - Divergent was nonsense dressed up as a dystopian, Insurgent pretty much failed at everything except piling on the bullshit - but, as I predicted in my Insurgent review, there was just something about Roth's end game that had me curious. Something I thought I'd either love or absolutely despise. Well, after finishing Allegiant, I think I've finally figured out why these books never clicked for me like they have for a lot of other people - Veronica Roth has some really good ideas and a good message, but the way she constructs her world to develop that message is just so heavy handed to the point the whole thing ends up flying in the face of common sense.

Here's the thing, Divergent as a series is built around one very simple, very obvious proposition: we should all be treated as individuals rather than stereotyped into some faction, Dauntless or Erudite or Candor (except Roth's doing the stereotyping anyway, like what's up with only the Erudite wearing glasses?). Don't believe me? That's straight up paraphrased from one of Tris's many lines to Four. The idea itself gets no argument from me, not when it's like one of those universal truths only a douche could disagree with, but, problem is, rather than writing the kind of story that makes me want to believe it, Roth writes the kind of story that so obviously shoves it down my throat in the most unpleasant way possible it hurts - starting with the whole faction system, which, at the risk of sounding repetitive, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Now, I'm not saying for a fictional book everything has to make perfect sense, but in this case, it's not so much that the factions make no sense (even after all the mumbo jumbo experimental crap Roth's concocted to force some logic onto the system - crap I saw coming ever since Insurgent's out of nowhere ending) as much as the factions are so obviously written the way they are to reinforce Roth's message of how stereotyping is bad that they make no sense outside of that context. In other words, Roth needs them so Tris can repeatedly tell me how everyone should be judged for who they are rather than for which faction they belong to (or, as is the case later on in this one, rather than for how their genes are), and not because the factions do anything for the whole exploration of human nature thing everyone tells me this book is really supposed to be about. Maybe that's not a flaw for anyone else, but as I see it, the whole thing is just a critique of a straw man spread out over three books padded by filler to make the straw man's existence nominally logical but not really, and that for me is the ultimate waste of time.

Nowhere is any of this more obvious than with the whole genetically damaged versus pure thing Roth's got going throughout the middle of this one. I hate to say it, but the damaged versus pure storyline is even worse than the regular faction A versus faction B storyline we've had for two books now, not only because it's basically the same thing she's been trying to sell for two books now only now a hundred times more obvious what she's doing (People are unique! The status quo is bad!), but also because to cover up how shoddily constructed THAT backstory is we've had to pile on even more bullshit and crap to hand wave it away that the whole thing falls apart like a house of straw anyway and the only thing left is a good idea surrounded by a whole lotta nonsense to validate it. I mean, the whole genes personality persecution angle? What? Does it make sense outside of Tris saying how people shouldn't be persecuted based on their genes? And doesn't it get on anyone else's nerves that Tris is always right, 'the system' is always wrong, yet despite how bad everything is certain characters still want things to stay the way they are? For apparently no reason whatsoever? Yeah. No.

Basically, I only liked two things - Tris and Caleb's relationship, and the ballsy ending (for like five seconds). For a last book so artificial most of it is spent on (poorly done) exposition to explain it all away, Tris and Caleb to me felt like the only thing real about any of it, the one character development success in a sea of plot development failure. And the ending, in retrospect, was the one last Hail Mary that could've done anything for the book, because let's be real, the fate of the factions was so tediously mired in poorly done backstory segueing into genetic nonsense the rest of this wasn't going to do much of anything anyway, so how else was Allegiant going to end with a bang? Too bad that's all it does though. Bang. Now go wonder how the heck all the pointlessness managed to get swept under a rug. While telling yourself how a better book wouldn't have had to resort to such a cheap tactic.

Bottom line, look, I admire creative world building, but it has to be organic, not so obviously constructed for the heroine to score sympathy points for being obviously right that there's just no payoff when the artificial construct's finally destroyed - finishing Allegiant feels like ending a pointless exercise that went nowhere.
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Comments Showing 1-49 of 49 (49 new)

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message 1: by Ellie (new)

Ellie I see you are back, with a vengeance :)))

Rashika (is tired) I haven't seen you around in a while. It's nice you're back. :)
I am actually skipping this because I cannot put up with anymore disappointing books. I saw the spoiler and everything so at least I know what I would be missing (which isn't much apparently).

message 3: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie yay, another person not in love with this series.

message 4: by Ornella (new)

Ornella Good to see you back!

Not going to bother with the series then lol.

Word Traffic I expected something different too.

message 6: by Lyndi W. (new)

Lyndi W. I'm glad I follow a few people that have really disliked this book. Saves me the trouble of reading it and being disappointed.

message 7: by Jade (new)

Jade tried to read the first chapter, can't get into it

Mitch Yeah I'm back. Might be for 1 day only but great to see you all.

Word Traffic wrote: "I expected something different too."
Huh, it was exactly what I feared based on the ending of book 2 aka not what I wanted.

Su Na wrote: "tried to read the first chapter, can't get into it"
Yup she just dives right in with the proper nouns no chance to catch up >_<

Rashika (is sad because people are trying to shut her up) wrote: "I am actually skipping this because I cannot put up with anymore disappointing books. I saw the spoiler and everything so at least I ..."
If you saw the spoiler (view spoiler) that imo was the only major gamechanger in this one.

message 9: by T.M. (new)

T.M. Williams I didn't even make it past the first book. It just felt tired and disconnected. Glad I didn't continue because it seems I haven't missed anything.

message 10: by Mitch (new) - rated it 1 star

Mitch Yeah, I don't think you're missing much.

Rashika (is tired) Mitch- (view spoiler)

message 12: by T.M. (new)

T.M. Williams can someone message me what the game changer was? I'm curious - but not enough to want to read it.

message 13: by Sabrina (last edited Oct 26, 2013 06:16AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Sabrina Haha! Loved this review!

I admit Divergent had a bunch of flaws to begin with but I was willing to look past that because I was so invested in Tris's journey through Dauntless initiation (hey, everyone loves and underdog, right?) and I always (stupidly) assumed that things would be explained in later books and that the lacklustre writing would improve.


In the end, I think the last two books in the series get worse and worse and ultimately collapsed under the weight of it's own stupidity. That may be harsh, but that's really the most concise way I can express how I feel about this series as a whole.

message 14: by Navdha (new) - added it

Navdha well, fuck. :/

Definitely not reading your review till I'm done.

message 15: by Navdha (new) - added it

Navdha (view spoiler)

I wasn't going to read your review but I thought the comments would be harmless. Apparently not while you're on GR app. I'm a little mad at GR and their wretched app that doesn't hide spoilers by default and a little devastated at having such a big plot twist/end revealed before even starting the book. :'(

message 16: by Word Traffic (new) - added it

Word Traffic Read the spoiler... Ugh, I don't think I'm ever finishing it.

Katie.g You should finish it, I saw the ending coming a mile off (10% before it happened). It's better to make your own judgements. I didn't hate the ending.

Butterfly Blah...Why do you always make sense??

message 19: by Valeria (new) - added it

Valeria Andrea In retrospect, the status quo is never right. But I see your point.

message 20: by Zunaira (new) - added it

Zunaira Ghazal i completely agree! >.<

Jenny I enjoyed your review. I have not read any of your other reviews but I felt this one hit the mark. I'm glad I am not the only one disenchanted by this book.

message 22: by Carly (new) - rated it 1 star

Carly I hated Insurgent (too forced, repetitive, and just clearly only around to set up the 3rd book) and was really hoping Allegiant would be much better...but it's the same old repetitive stuff. This whole series should have been 1 book. I'm like 10% in and just can't bring myself to read the whole thing. It's just so boring.

message 23: by abthebooknerd (new)

abthebooknerd I agree with you guys, the book did have a sucky ending, but I don't get why all you people are bashing Veronica Roth. She's a great author. The story has a message and you guys just don't seem to get it. Don't get me wrong I'm not bashing you guys either, but I just don't get why a lot of people hate the books SO MUCH. I loved them.

message 24: by cc (new) - rated it 2 stars

cc That's not true. Veronica Roth did NOT betray her fan base by not giving her story a cookie-cutter ending & letting Tris live to have monuments built in her honor. She stayed true to the character in that one aspect, the only redeeming quality for that last book. Was it sad? No. Did it continue too long after Tris' death? Eff yes, it did. But a story is an organic thing & just because it's not the ending you wanted doesn't mean it's not the right ending. I hope Hollywood cleans up the nonsensical last two books & that's it. They don't need to change endings & they definitely don't need to tie everything up with a bow. War is messy & that's what happened in this series... just with a little less to go on than even the most asinine real life battle.

message 25: by Sheree (new)

Sheree Ruis Finally someone gets it!

message 26: by Ella (new) - added it

Ella Dell great review.

Jessica I LOVED the first book. Devoured it. Read until three int he morning kind of loved it. The second one's last fifty pages or so made up for the mediocrity of the beginning half. But I hated this last one, and not because of the ending.

Rashika (is tired) Abbie wrote: "I agree with you guys, the book did have a sucky ending, but I don't get why all you people are bashing Veronica Roth. She's a great author. The story has a message and you guys just don't seem to ..."

It isn't that we 'don't' get the message. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. There were so many other issues with the book (from what I've read in the reviews) aside from the ending.
And it isn't that we all wanted a happy ending (although to expect one isn't wrong either) she just went about it the wrong way. H

message 29: by Clinton (new) - added it

Clinton Love your reviews bro. I couldnt make it more than 30 pages into the second one before deleting it, so you are a braver man than me.

message 30: by Caitlin (new) - added it

Caitlin The AV Club wrote a review with pretty much the same sentiment.

Kooby the first two books were good the fist was the best ,but the last completely ruined the whole sereis

message 32: by Amber (new)

Amber Read only the 1st one and knew the series would go up in flames instantaneously. It's garbage. Really it is. Too corny. It's all been done before by other authors... Who did a better job of it. Terrible trilogy. Really, really terrible

Rafaella Litvin I don't think I even need to write a review after this one. You said it all.

message 34: by T (new)

T I read the first book and thought ' oh this is actually going to be an entertaining series for the most part' come the second book and I could barely bring myself to read it and I get through my books quickly. I was told to read this series by so many people saying read it, its a really good book but I could barely bring myself to read it and am disappointed because I heard so many good things only to be like what a waste of time. the idea was good but really just the way she wrote it and how she wrote about everything was really sad because j ended up skipping a lot of parts. I agree with you but still I am expected to read it I will be skimming a lot to get it over with.

message 35: by Amber (new)

Amber This is for Roth to read, even though I know she won't, I just want to put it out there: There's a way to write a character death. It has to be done right, it has to be believable, you've got to build up to it (no spontaneous deaths, please!) in order for it to work, and you need a fulfilling conclusion afterward. Readers need to feel that there's hope for the characters that survive. You need to get the readers to believe that what you did was best for the story. I've read books where the authors have killed off the main characters, but these deaths felt hopeful, fulfilling. They did what was best for the story. That's all there is to it.

Estrela The beginning of this review made me laugh. Thanks!

Linda Lou Why would you read the third book if you didn't like the first two? Do you have a lot of time to waste or what?

message 38: by Ornella (new)

Ornella Linda Lou wrote: "Why would you read the third book if you didn't like the first two? Do you have a lot of time to waste or what?"

Some people feel compelled to finish a series once they have started it no matter how bad they find it. Me on the other hand have no problems in dropping series :)

Filip Oh come on man the book may have made not that much sense in the beginning but after a while it was under standable but you just jump on criticizing it and i gave it time and made me think and you shouldnt be like this you can do better.

Estrela Tris wrote: "NO fuck YOU you are just too FUCKING STUPID to realize that that book is too good for your FUCKING IDIOT GUTS and why do you even read that if you fucking hate it. I'm sick of everyone defending Tw..."

Wth.. people are entitled to have opinions. Like it or not, it's how it is. Deal with it. Unbelievable..

Helena Maybe you should stop reading YA dystopias...

Shawrath Divergent= Very well written and brilliantly executed...

Insurgent= Don't know what's going on and why people are doing random things for no reason .....

Allegiant= Existential Despair.... Ending, which tried to be tragic was BULLS*T.... Slow...... Then Build up....... Again Slow........ And now some Random genetics SH*T.... Don't know why they are doing things which they aren't supposed to do..........

Stop reading this series at Insurgent people.......

Estrela Well, you're right about something : don't read the last two books, people.

Sharath wrote: "Divergent= Very well written and brilliantly executed...

Insurgent= Don't know what's going on and why people are doing random things for no reason .....

Allegiant= Existential Despair.... Ending..."

message 44: by jack roe (new)

jack roe go tris

message 45: by Greg (last edited Apr 30, 2015 04:13PM) (new)

Greg King I completely agree with you. Why kill the protagonist? I understand it was suppose to symbolize something but I am seriously upset by Roth's actions. I mean I can kind of see what she was trying to accomplish. Her final choice defined her as the selfless abnegation she always was, and the brave dauntless she became. However, I just can't get over the fact that the main protagonist was killed off.

message 46: by achoo (new) - rated it 1 star

achoo mrs roth: you personally had hundreds of readers who loved your first 2 books. no 3 HOWEVER is a completely different story. why the jeebies did you kill of tris.WHY?????

message 47: by Shari (new) - rated it 1 star

Shari The best part of this review is the gold star. Love it!!! You summed up the mess so well:)

Leshya You see Faction crap because this book based on factions and Tris and Four. You can't blame anyone

message 49: by Cathy (new)

Cathy I was curious about this series and read the first book. It was interesting. I tried the second and just couldn't do it. Like you though I wanted to know what was going to happen without having to actually wade through it all. I ended up going online and finding a synopsis and just reading that. So glad I did lol!

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