Steph Sinclair's Reviews > New Moon

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
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Stephen King once said, "Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."
I couldn't agree more, Stephen. With that, we shall kick this off with a joke:

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This re-reading is brought to you courtesy of Project: Hindsight.


I'm sorry folks. I just could not get through this shit book another time. However, since I've already read it a few times, I feel extremely confident in skipping to the review. But first, can someone please explain to me why this book is 563 pages?! Seriously, how is it possible a book with almost no plot can be so long? When I first read New Moon back in 2008, I didn't like it. In fact I'm not even sure why it had three stars because I remember being super frustrated. Even though Edward and Bella's relationship deeply disturbs my soul, Bella is so incredibly boring without him. I'm not even sure how Stephenie Meyer managed 563 pages. Truly, I'm amazed because I can sum up New Moon in one big picture:

But let's get on with it, I'll go into some detail for ya.

The book starts off on Bella's 18th birthday, a day she has been dreading for months only because in her mind she will be one year older than Edward. So, she makes a huge production about people not celebrating her birthday, but the Cullens ignore her and Alice plans a party. Before Edward forces her to attend they watch Romeo and Juliet (the book's supposed theme) and they have merry little conversation about Edward's contingency plans once Bella dies. Now, let's not forget they've only been dating for a few months. Yet, here they are making out and talking about killing themselves in the event of the other's death. How romantic. Don't even ask me the logic behind how they can even kiss when his teeth are supposed to be "venom coated." Stephenie Meyer gives some bull shit excuse she must have learned from ass-grab 101. But I digress...

Finally, they make it to the birthday party. Bella gets a paper cut and Jasper almost single-handedly ends this series on page 29.


Unfortunately, to my dismay his attempt was foiled by Edward. Eddie pushes Bella out the way and she crashes into the glass plates, slashing up her arm. Pause, let's think about that scene a bit: Who's bright idea was it to have glass plates? With a human. In a room full of vampires. That drink blood. Isn't Alice psychic? Why didn't she see Bella cutting her finger on the wrapping paper? Wait, don't think about that because if you spend all your time contemplating the stupidity, we'll never get through this review.

Obviously, Eddie is not happy with the events that went down at his place and Bella further irritates him by apologizing for...wait for it...being human. Bella, you know you've been hanging out with mythical creatures too much when you start thinking your humanity isn't normal. But anyway, Eddie does what any loving boyfriend would do after their girlfriend is attack by their brother: he ignores her. And because Eddie is "Alpha Male Edward" and Bella is "Submissive Mary Sue Bella," she doesn't confront him about it. Instead, she waits for him to be ready. On the third day of ignoring her, he drags he into the words and chucks up the deuces. The exchange goes a little like this:
Alpha Male Edward tells Submissive Mary Sue Bella firmly, "No, I don't want you to come. You're no good for me." And she pretty much agrees realizing how much of a waste of space she is. Then Edward just pours salt all over her open wound and tells her:
"Don't do anything reckless or stupid," he ordered, no longer detached. "Do you understand what I'm saying?...I'm thinking of Charlie, of course. He needs you. Take care of yourself--for him."
I nodded helplessly.
Wow. Relly? You're just going to let him order you around like that? How about you look after yourself FOR YOU first, everyone else second? Awesome Bells. Can I call you Bells? Not only do you have ZERO self-preservation skills, but also no self-confidence. Just awesome. There's only about a million or so girls looking up to you as a role model. No pressure to be a strong female character. You could have walked away from this with grace, but no, instead all your dignity flies out the window when you pull a bitch move and run after Edward through the woods.
Then, she defaults back to "Fuck my life" mode and slips into a depression for four fucking months. I find it kind of funny her depression was longer than their actual relationship. Heh. But this wasn't just any depression, it was some serious shit.
I always had nightmares now, every night. Not nightmares really, not in the plural, because it was always the same nightmare. You'd think I'd get bored after so many months, grow immune to it.
Or how about this:
Even my outsides looked different--my face sallow, white except for the purple circles the nightmares had left under my eyes. My eyes were dark enough against my pallid skin that--if I were beautiful and seen from a distance--I might even pass for a vampire now.
Once again I find myself asking the question: Where are her parents?! Why did Charlie let this go on for FOUR months?! She should have been in counseling or something. But Meyer thinks she can just pacify readers by Renee sending a random e-mail here and there or Charlie just suggesting she seek help, only to be shot down by Bella. Fail. So much fail.

All that considered, that's not even the biggest problem I have with this book. Bella soon figures out she can conjure up hallucinations of Edward if she does something reckless or suicidal. This is where Jake comes into play. Bella uses Jake (like everyone else) to get what she wants by asking him to fix up two motorcycles she found and giving her riding lessons. She figures it will be the perfect thing to help her see more of Edward. I suppose she simply forgot how big of a klutz she is and once the bikes are fixed the lessons commence. The first time she gets on she falls off and Jake (the only one with common sense) thinks they should call it a day before she gets hurt. But Bella thinks this is BK and she can have it her way, and gets back on the bike.
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Chick has gone batshit crazy and she promptly busts her ass. But she doesn't care because her mission was a success! She got to see and hear Edward! Her next brilliant idea is to throw herself off a cliff during high tide. The first time I read this I was secretly hoping she would drown, but the other two books already were published, so it was a hopeless wish. Oh and I almost forgot to mention the actual plot. LOL. Funny how that happens when there isn't one, huh? LOL. The She-vamp, Victoria, is scoping out the area trying to get to Bella. But her part is VERY small in this book (like the plot), so we don't really need to talk about her. I suppose the wolf pack is worth mentioning: They're pretty much a bunch of wannabe werewolves that run around with their shirts off.
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That's all you really need to know about them.

So, finally Alice shows up in chapter 18 because she thought Bella was trying to commit suicide (close enough Alice). And through a nice little exchange of "he said, she said" BS, Edward is off to Italy to kill himself. This causes Bella to go into "hero" mode and race to Italy and save Edward. I really don't care enough to give my thoughts on the race to Italy. That entire part was rushed and anti-climatic. There isn't even a fight scene. Instead here is a timeline courtesy of Reasoning with Vampires (Thanks for the link Cait and Jen!):


Anyway, they get back to good old Forks and Bella composes a vote on everyone's thoughts of her joining team undead. Edward is at a steady "no" along with Rosalie. But everyone else says, "Hell yes!" Like becoming a vampire is a party or something. Funny thing is when Bella asks Jasper he goes:
And she's all:
Hmm, yeah, that's not weird at all. Not the least bit creepy.

In the last few pages Edward and Jake have a little pissing contest and Edward proposes to Bella. The End. Yawn. Thank God it's over.

Now where's my fuckin' chocolate?

My Twilight Review can be found here.


Oh, yeah, bonus time. 'Cause what's a review without one?

Quick! If I were to light Edward on fire what would he become?

(view spoiler)

More reviews and more at Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
Finished Reading
March 10, 2011 – Shelved
April 11, 2011 – Shelved as: could-have-been-better
April 11, 2011 – Shelved as: i-own-it
May 2, 2011 – Shelved as: vamps
October 13, 2011 – Shelved as: bound-to-inflict-a-migraine
October 13, 2011 – Shelved as: 2008-reads
October 20, 2011 – Started Reading
October 20, 2011 –
page 0
0.0% "Ok, it's time for me to get off my ass and start this book. I'm ready. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos "
October 20, 2011 –
page 1
0.18% "But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious. My own life meant little to me today. Bahahaha!!! Just today Bella?"
October 23, 2011 –
page 4
0.71% "Well, Gran, you might have noticed that my boyfriend glitters. It's just something he does in the sun. Don't worry about it... Lol, really? Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos "
October 23, 2011 –
page 14
2.49% "These parentheses are killing me."
October 23, 2011 –
page 16
2.84% "How does Bella kiss Pedward if his teeth are "venom-coated?""
October 23, 2011 –
page 16
2.84% ""Romeo was one of my favorite fictional characters. Until I'd met Edward, I'd sort of had a thing for him." You would, Bella. *eyeroll*"
October 24, 2011 –
page 21
3.73% ""I thought you'd like a break from cooking and washing dishes for your birthday." ..... ..... .....Did Charlie really just go there? -_-"
October 24, 2011 –
page 29
5.15% "Who's bright idea was it to have glass at Bella the Klutz's birthday party knowing she'd be in a room full of vampires?"
October 24, 2011 –
page 52
9.24% ""Which is tempting you more, my blood or my body?" I challenged. "It's a tie." Oh, ewwww!! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos "
October 24, 2011 –
page 95
16.87% "My behavior had been above reproach for the past four months...I never broke curfew--I never went anywhere from which to break curfew in the first place. I only very rarely served leftovers. Excuse me. What?!"
October 24, 2011 –
page 111
19.72% "I'm convinced Bella has mental health issues."
October 24, 2011 –
page 114
20.25% "The threat that had pulled me across the street had evaporated. These were not the dangerous men I remembered. They were probably nice guys. Safe. I lost interest. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos "
October 24, 2011 –
page 126
22.38% "Omg. Do we really need to spend several pages on this "hole" in your chest. You're depressed. I get it. Please move on."
October 24, 2011 –
page 140
24.87% "If Bella mentions cooking for Charlie one more time, I'm going to lose it!"
October 25, 2011 –
page 140
24.87% "I woke up shuddering, my scream muffled by the pillow. Ahhhhh! Bella, Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Can't...continue...I'm done."
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: 2011-reads
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: all-the-wrong-choices
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: ahhhhh-my-eyes
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: didn-t-care-for-it
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: glad-it-s-over
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: hated-it-with-a-firey-passion
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: i-blame-twilight
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: i-used-to-like-this
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: heroines-i-want-to-shake
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: kill-me-now
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: le-sigh
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: lots-of-fail-going-on-here
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: project-read
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: rubbish
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: serve-me-up-insta-love
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: stop-it-already
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: too-long-don-t-care
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: where-s-my-chocolate
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: why-why-why-did-i-read-it
October 25, 2011 – Shelved as: triangle-of-love
October 25, 2011 – Finished Reading
November 18, 2011 – Shelved as: young-adult
April 7, 2013 – Shelved as: did-not-finish

Comments Showing 151-182 of 182 (182 new)

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Victoria Stephen King isn’t that great either, have you read IT?

Ramiyan Good

amirahlynn Eddie🤣🤣

message 154: by Valini Parasram (new)

Valini Parasram That Stephen King quote is one of my favourites.

message 155: by Joshua (new)

Joshua Love how you wrote a review almost as long as the book to complain how long and boring the book is. 👌👍

hadley 🧡 Please this is so true about Alice being psychic and not seeing Bella getting the paper cut ??? 😂😂

message 157: by Yvonne (new)

Yvonne Okay literal adult?? This isn't for you?? Get a job bozo👎👎 If you hate this book so much then why did you write such a long review about it? With gifs? You have literally no life to have invested this much time into a review of a book aimed at TEENS

message 158: by Emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

Emma Ok i rated 3 stars changing to two and writing ur name down because ur review changed me

message 159: by Emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

Emma Omg I live the Eddie though 😂

SOPHIE!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP it's 5stars

message 161: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Jensen Thank you so much! I really didn’t want to read this book after struggling through the first one and now I don’t have to 😂

Tabialovesbooks Omg🤣🤣 loved this review!

message 163: by sara (new) - added it

sara i really wanted to read this review but im to lazy to read this long

bookblob eddie make me cackle

message 165: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma Zontsich This is a teen’s book bud. And Stephen King’s opinion on another author who had sold over 1 million copies doesn’t really change things. Stephen King has a completely different writing style. Just another opinion. His talent in writing doesn’t make him the decider of what books rule and suck.

message 166: by Dylan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dylan Owen Find a therapist

emma ☆°。⋆ Um what is this comment section??

message 168: by Maelle (new)

Maelle Simard I tried getting through the first book, and it was fine. I didn’t finish it since I found it a bit boring, but I moved on to another series so 🤷🏻‍♀️

zuzu  noel not this being my favorite book I’ve ever read-
and I’ve been reading different genres for 15 years now

message 170: by Phoebe (new)

Phoebe Howe I’ve never read this series and now I’ve seen this review I never will

message 171: by Ashley (new) - rated it 1 star

Ashley I've never seen that GIF of Jackson Rathbone but I love it.

message 172: by Peyton (new) - rated it 5 stars

Peyton This review is all untrue and plotted wrong.

message 173: by Marley (new) - rated it 3 stars

Marley Salter Anyone else like Stephanie meyer and Stephen king and just now learning about this and not knowing whos side to take no just me ok

message 174: by Ayesha (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ayesha Khan @Marley Salter That's me and I've decided not to take a side.

It’s ella I am shocked at this review and twilight being one of my favourite book series can confirm that most of this isn’t true

message 176: by Katie (new) - rated it 1 star

Katie Frazier I mean I agree Stephanie isn’t that good at writing but Stephen king doesn’t know how to write female characters without talking about their boobs for longer than he should (as do most socially awkward male writers), or failing to understand boob gravity lol

message 177: by Delia (new) - rated it 4 stars

Delia i personally gave the book a 4/5 stars but still laughed so hard at your review

Emma_Eirys I couldn’t agree more it took me ages to finish because I had to force my self to keep going I gave it a 2 stars.

message 179: by jayway (new) - rated it 3 stars

jayway yall why do you even write i long review if you didn’t like the book

message 180: by Marie (new) - rated it 4 stars

Marie Fonteneau Ok I will say 1 star is kind of dramatic but what you are saying is sooooo true i just rated it 4 stars I’m abt to fix that so thank you for bringing something’s to light lol

message 181: by Marie (new) - rated it 4 stars

Marie Fonteneau Oh and yeah she SUCKS at writing I hate it

message 182: by PanPan (new) - rated it 1 star

PanPan I totally agree

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