Praj's Reviews > The Door

The Door by Magda Szabó
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it was amazing
bookshelves: hsk

Johannes Brahms can make autumn leaves dance in one of nature’s most graceful circle. The chill in the air was about to birth the season’s very first snowflake. The clatter of rusty shovels being removed equated to the asinine banters of old women gossiping on the porch. After the death of its final leaf, the trees lay barren like a country that had abruptly lost its people. There were no birds to be seen, yet I heard them chirp a summer song. The fervent barking of a mongrel was followed by a pair of impenetrable irises; blue as the deepest ocean. The frost on my eyes made it tricky to see the peculiar lady carrying a christening bowl with glistening chicken soup. I rubbed my eyes to wipe the frost and something terribly stung me. It was morning, again!! The sunlight on my pillow showed beads of sweat on my arms and the frost along with the barking dog and the lady magically vanished. While poor Brahms still played his 'Lullaby' at my bedside, Emerence saw that I still stayed in bed. It’s been couple days now that I sleep with Emerence’ s ‘mirror-like’ face and wake up trying to experience the sound of her soprano voice. When I open the pages of ‘The Door’ , my heart beats faster than the breeze on my window and my lips are bitten while I take deep breathes, for Emerence brings out my emotional vulnerabilities ; letting my scars bleed through someone else’s wounds.

“Sometimes the strongest women are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows”- Anon.

Indeed, the silent , big-boned lady with an impenetrable face and having the persona of a Valkyrie ; Emerence was the strongest of the lot. A mystery that deepened the moment the door was shut. What kind of a flower was Emerence? A rose or a white oleander that tenderly grew around the fence. The now tranquil garden had once seen the dishonorable terror of red and white roses and the bloodbath that a few revolutionary chrysanthemums caused as they tore apart the fair camellias. They were bruised petals scattered like feathers of a hunted dove; each time when a flower revolted, irrespective to their colour. At times it was better when the pristine flowers hanged themselves from the devilish vines because shootings never seem to work all the way. And , “ if you don’t die straightaway, they have to come over and beat you to death or shoot you back”, till all was left were trampled saplings.

“How can I truly describe her, or trace the real anatomy of her compassion — this woman who peopled her home with animals?”

Emerence comes across as an eccentric, arrogant lady bearing an unfathomable obscurity. When the writer hires Emerence as a caretaker, a series of love-hate relationship flourishes between the two ladies. The oddity of Emerence‘s demeanor created a haunting mesh of rumors of what really thrives behind the closed door of the villa. With every tiny window that Emerence opened,it led a draft of fresh air into Emerence’s concealed life whilst the writer gaining confidence of someday being the owner of the clandestine key. But, was it this wretched key that the writer held firmly in her palm, be the very cause of her disloyalty to Emerence?

“I killed Emerence…….”

Szabo creates a marvelous personality through Emerence. Like a mother who bestows her true love at the rarest moments in a child’s life, Emerence spreads her loving arms ; her kindliness becomes the healing medicine for a hemorrhaged life. Her eyes were so intense that they could win battles and a heart that was warmer than the sun on a spring morning. Emerence was authoritative yet lovable; she was irascible on the verge of being bi-polar, yet she was comical and angelic when she smiled. She had an innate goodness that shone through her being a dedicated soldier to her profession and when she saved a helpless life from a deathly ditch by giving it a home. The porch of her villa became a dais for culinary entertainments. Her loneliness was veiled among the silken folds of her compassion. Her uprightness was stricter than the commands of a lion tamer and her honor came from her ambitious vibrant Taj Mahal. She valued the idea of absolute love because it is only love that saves, even through betrayal and death. The fragmentary chronicling of Emerence’s life demarcates the historical events that led the foundation of a burgeoning country and its people. I believe that when one comes across a commendable book, it becomes essential to cherish the prose with intellectual finesse and not mockery as it silently pays a tribute to the efforts and thoughts of the author. This book certainly deserves the said gesture.

"It is just that, as well as love, you also have to know how to kill”.... “ Lord kills too..."

Szabo makes it decisively known to the reader, the mindset of war victims and people who were spectators to the bloodbath of a country’s egotistical power battle and their probable abhorrence to religious validations. These sentences in the book, makes you think the legitimacy of religious norms adhered to find a welcoming acknowledgement and defining the presence of God, even if it means to sacrifice the well-being of human life, the very own premise that celebrates God’s worship. If it us humans, who ultimately authorize the matter life and death, choose to love and hate as per as our fallacious opinions and annihilate the very foundation of survival, then why do we use the pretext of the Lord to define our mortal egocentricities. Szabo’s prose is not only hypnotic but memorable, as her words follow you like a willful shadow never letting go even in the darkest night.

“You can't give anyone a greater gift than to spare them suffering...."

It was these among numerous other words that made me fall in love with Emerence. It may sound harsh even horrifying maybe, but when a blood drenched body lies on the gates of death, breathes gasping for its finality an additional bullet or a stab may just bring a smile on the departed rather than the sorrow that engulfs a slow death. When Emerence reminiscences her past while she stitches , I cry ; when she reprimands either Viola or the writer and shows a speck of her blooming affection ; I smile and when her eccentricities peak with obnoxious childish acts ; I laugh.

‘The Door’ is a powerful metaphoric representation of a woman and several others like Emerence who rather live a restrictive yet dignified life dwelling in the opaqueness of a wooden door than drowning in the nakedness of merciful alms. Emerence was more than a categorical flower; she was “a truly great lady, pure as the stars” .

Szabo’s writings make me reflect whether we who belong to the generation that frets on the mere number of ‘likes’ acquired on a social website, ever tried to know people like Emerence who have seen a country grow, perish and once again grow? Is it too late before an entire generation is wiped out and their stories are just mere sentences in newspaper archives? When a country is in its most horrendous turmoil and when innocent lives are cut short, isn’t it becomes necessary on the part of those alive to give a significant burial and carve memorable tombstones so that the perished do not have wasted lives. Is it too much to ask to honor the dead? Emerence makes me wonder about the degree of pain to be suffered that eventually dries up a human’s tear ducts. How many heart wrenching cries does it take to have a single serene bath? There are several who have move past the atrocities of egotistical power hoarders and have a flourishing life, but what about those who have closed all doors and have lost the key of faith along the way. With every inch that Emerence opens the door of her life, floodgates are opened within me, hurling me in a vortex of emotions. It is here that I wish so dearly to be sitting with Viola, Emerence, Polette, Sutu and Adelka on the porch, and while Emerence poured tea in her prettiest china I have an earnest desire that I was the sole owner of the key that would open the door to all of their precious lives.

“Like a truly great commander she settled everything around her in person, with a single impressive gesture………. Humankind has come a long way since its beginnings and people of the future won't be able to imagine the barbaric early days in which we fought with one another, in groups or individually, over little more than a cup of cocoa. But not even then will it be possible to soften the fate of a woman for whom no-one has made a place in their life. If we all lacked the courage to admit this to ourselves, she at least had done so.....”

Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Emerence Szeredás..

(** Actor Helen Mirren essaying the role in the namesake movie).
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August 1, 2013 – Finished Reading
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August 20, 2013 –
0.0% "Is it a bit insane to fall in love with each word even before closing its last page."
August 22, 2013 – Shelved as: hsk

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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Rowena Beautiful review!

Kalliope Praj,

With this lovely review you have brought back The Door perfectly to my memories.

You are also very right in drawing so much attention to Szabo's writing style.

You have made me want to read the book again...!!!

Praj Rowena:- Thanks, for being so generous with your words.

Kalls:- THANKYOU!!!! that and much more for introducing me to a brilliant author and a character that will always remain memorable.

message 4: by Samadrita (new) - added it

Samadrita I had already received a recommendation for this in the form of Kalliope's wonderful review. Your beautiful prose reinforces my desire to read this soon, Praj. Wonderfully written as ever.

Kalliope Samadrita wrote: "I had already received a recommendation for this in the form of Kalliope's wonderful review. Your beautiful prose reinforces my desire to read this soon, Praj. Wonderfully written as ever."

Samadrita, go for it...!!!..

Praj Samadrita, you should definitely read it.

Garima Marvelous review, Praj. I was waiting for it and you surely convinced me to read it posthaste.

Praj Garima wrote: "Marvelous review, Praj. I was waiting for it and you surely convinced me to read it posthaste."

And, you my dearest,a while ago convinced me to read 'Wittgenstein's Mistress':)

Kris Praj, what a stunning and heartfelt review. Such beautiful prose, too, as Samadrita said. You and Kall have convinced me to order this book right now. Thank you for the impetus to move this book up on my priority list.

message 10: by Rakhi (new) - added it

Rakhi Dalal The calmness and sereneness surrounding your review, speak about the lovely soul which reside within you,Praj! I am mesmerized! Charmingly beautiful :)

message 11: by Praj (last edited Aug 22, 2013 10:12AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Thanks, Kris! Szabo has certainly found a bunch of credible advocates for her prose, which Szabo rightfully deserves. I would like to hear your thoughts on it.

message 12: by Praj (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Rakhi wrote: "The calmness and sereneness surrounding your review, speak about the lovely soul which reside within you,Praj! I am mesmerized! Charmingly beautiful :)"

Rakhi, aren't you the sweetest!The book is certainly on a high recommendation basis. I plan to look for more Szabo made available on the world platform.

message 13: by s.penkevich (new) - added it

s.penkevich Amazing review, Praj. This book sounds very moving, and your depiction of it is quite moving in its own right! As always, beautiful work. I'll definitely have to check out Szabo.

message 14: by Praj (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj s.penkevich wrote: "Amazing review, Praj. This book sounds very moving, and your depiction of it is quite moving in its own right! As always, beautiful work. I'll definitely have to check out Szabo."

Yes! The book is poignant as it a elucidated character sketch of a dense personality.Eastern European fiction do have some unexplored gems.

message 15: by s.penkevich (new) - added it

s.penkevich That is true, Eastern Europe turns out so many greats that are relatively unheard of here in the States. I've found the Polish authors to be particularly captivating as well. I'm putting in an order for this one soon though. Great review again!

message 16: by Praj (last edited Aug 22, 2013 10:48AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Spenk, Purge is another book which I read couple years back and want to re-read again. Another good book about the Communist occupation in Estonia. It has my favourite quote from the Estonian poet,Paul-Eerik Rummo:-
“The walls have ears, and the ears have beautiful earrings.”

Btw,as of now Mariel is my source of all Eastern European fiction.

message 17: by s.penkevich (new) - added it

s.penkevich Yeah, Mariel has been really finding some fantastic stuff!

Ha, and that is an amazing quote.

message 18: by Tej (new) - added it

Tej Poignant and soulful... wonderful review, Praj! Your depiction of Emerence struck several familiar chords...

Kalliope s.penkevich wrote: "That is true, Eastern Europe turns out so many greats that are relatively unheard of here in the States. I've found the Polish authors to be particularly captivating as well. I'm putting in an orde..."

Explore Hungarian writers as well... I have to do that with the Polish.

message 20: by Praj (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Tej wrote: "Poignant and soulful... wonderful review, Praj! Your depiction of Emerence struck several familiar chords..."

Thanks, Tej. And you are right the depiction of Emerence does strike familiar chords.

message 21: by Samadrita (new) - added it

Samadrita Praj wrote: "Samadrita, you should definitely read it."

Kalliope wrote: "Samadrita, go for it...!!!.. "

I will, definitely. Must procure book first....

message 22: by Francisco (new)

Francisco Very good. Thank you for bringing these great books and authors to my attention. I love all the books you love.

message 23: by Praj (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Francisco wrote: "Very good. Thank you for bringing these great books and authors to my attention. I love all the books you love."

Francisco, I reckon it was one of your Kawabata reviews where you mentioned how the author was an acquired taste and that sentence made me happy for you aptly put the hypnotic world of Kawabata. See, I love the books you love too. And, you are most welcome:)

message 24: by Harry (last edited Sep 21, 2013 08:07AM) (new)

Harry Praj wrote: Johannes Brahms can make autumn leaves dance in one of nature’s most graceful circle.

Praj, that first line immediately resonated with me! Unknowingly, you created a hook into my own personal life. I'm nodding my head at your writing ability, in much the same way that new friends grow to know one another and each act, or word, affirms the preconceptions that drew them to acknowledge the other in the first place.

Szabo’s writings make me reflect whether we who belong to the generation that frets on the mere number of ‘likes’ acquired on a social website, ever tried to know people like Emerence who have seen a country grow, perish and once again grow?

I spend a lot of time thinking about what you wrote in the above: how technology is changing social relationship and how it removes us from reality and how the value proposition for quality ought not to be the number of "likes", a demographic conception. Even without a single comment: a review stands on its own as everything else in reality, whether or not it is good or bad. (I could talk for hours about this, so I'll shut up)

Having said that: the good ought to be acknowledged, this goes toward your happiness, not number of likes or how you are socially perceived. The proof of that is that a single like, by the right person, can produce that happiness. And your review is not just is excellent.

message 25: by Praj (last edited Sep 21, 2013 10:04AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Harry, an added "like" for a review or any other 'displays' on social networking sites, does indeed bring a string of happy emotions ; an affirmation that your words are heard by someone and not lost in vain. However, the thought that made me pen the said lines in the review, stemmed from my reclusive life that adheres to my voracious reading. At, times it becomes mandatory that I seek hibernation from the online world as numerous experiences and social interactions elude me.

And, as always THANKS, for your kind words.

message 26: by Harry (new)

Harry Praj wrote: "However, the thought that made me pen the said lines in the review, stemmed from my reclusive life that adheres to my voracious reading. "

Ah, that clarifies it. I'm a fellow reclusive :-)

message 27: by Harry (last edited Sep 21, 2013 10:38AM) (new)

Harry Praj wrote: "social networking sites, does indeed bring a string of happy emotions ; an affirmation that your words are heard by someone and not lost in vain."

To lend a little more substance as to what lay behind my thoughts as well: I believe I'm rather terrible at performing the "work" that most top reviewers accomplish to gain all those comments and step up in the ratings, and I suppose there's a reason why I don't pursue it as much, ergo the comment :-)

message 28: by Lit Bug (new) - added it

Lit Bug Splendid review, Praj - you have such a powerful voice that rings loud and clear, yet always melodious and dreamy!

message 29: by Praj (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj thanks, Lit!

Nicole~ Gorgeous review as always, Praj. You've captured the essence of Emerence. I've been waiting for this movie to be released!

message 31: by Praj (new) - rated it 5 stars

Praj Nicole~ wrote: "Gorgeous review as always, Praj. You've captured the essence of Emerence. I've been waiting for this movie to be released!"

Thanks for your gracious words , Nicole. Btw, this movie has been released in 2012 and it is worth a watch:)

message 32: by Ted (new) - added it

Ted Well, very late to the party, all the others have gone home. But a wonderful review Praj. Sounds like a great book. And of course my "maybe" is a want-to-read, but those reserved now for books I actually have in hand.

Peeyush Kumar One of the best reviews I have read one the website. It's truly a superlative and magnificent novel.

Gaurav Fabulous review full of poetic sensibilities. You write with so much authority and lyricism, Praj, the essence of the book has been captured so poignantly. I've come to know about the author when I read Laszlo Krasznahorkai last year, because of him I've explored some of great Eastern European authors, the other great one is Gyula Krudy. The book is already on my TBR, however your eloquent write-up urges me to pick it as soon as possible. Thanks for it :)

Cheryl Stunning review, Praj!

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