David's Reviews > Excavation

Excavation by James Rollins
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did not like it
bookshelves: thriller

I normally quite like James Rollins' novels, but this one? Not so much.

Although it is in his usual pseudo sci-fi style of writing which I have no problem with, I don't know whether the reason I wasn't really that sold on this one is due to the rather ridiculous (even for him) plot devices used, that fact that it's not one of his Sigma Force novels (best described as scientists with guns) and so lacks that over-reaching plot strands that connects all those novels, or (more likely) that he seems to share the common American misconception of my home town of Belfast as being (almost) a bombed out Beirout. Choice lines include:

"Surviving among the constant gunfire and bombings between the warring Irish factions and the British military had taught Maggie O'Donnell the vlaue of a good hiding place"

"Maggie knew that expression. A childhood friend ... had worn that same shocked face when caught by a stray bullet during a firefight back in Belfast"

"Henry crossed in front of the man and knocked the rifle towards Maggie. 'You know how to use that?' / 'I'm from Belfast' she said, retreiving the gun"

I mean, really? I could understand it a bit better if the book was set during the 70s, or if she was described as being older, but for somebody who I got the impression was meant to be in her 30s?

If this had been the first James Rollins book I had read I don't think I would have bothered with any others! Thankfully, I had the good fortune to read one of his far-superior Sigma Force novels first instead and hope that this is just a momentary blip on his track record - I also read somewhere that this is one of his earlier novels which, perhaps, excuses some of the flimsy plot devices used.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
July 23, 2011 – Shelved
July 26, 2011 – Shelved as: thriller

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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Lenore I agree with you... I felt like too much time was devoted to fighting the creatures and only in the last 100 or so pages did the plot seem to gel.

message 2: by Phil (new)

Phil Allender I found other misconceptions about Irish beer and gourmet steaks that were immature or uninformed. Mr Rollins editor should have known that the Irish drink their Guinness Stout cold, just as recommended, not warm like the English serve.

message 3: by Thomas (last edited Aug 29, 2017 04:22AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Thomas The book was first published in 2000, meaning that if Maggie is around 30, she was a child in the 70s - assuming that Rollins meant the book to play in the same year as the actual year 2000. If I recall correctly, they were 12 or 14 when her friend died. I would conclude that it's not unrealistic that she experienced the dangers of the IRA in Belfast firsthand.

Greg Great review. Agreed, Rollins later work gets better.

Carolyn Blecker I was tired of the beasts, too. Also could not deal with mind-reading,shape-changing metal, if that's what it truly was. I had to quit reading.

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