Rhiannon's Reviews > Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls

Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls by Ann M. Martin
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it was ok
bookshelves: read-in-2011, ya-realistic

"Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not up to trigonomulus, or whatever it is she does. We can't all be scholars." - Claudia, expressing frustration with both math and her sister, who is an Android being, probably from the future, and possibly "related" to Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Was Claudia described as having almond-shaped eyes:
Thankfully, she did not describe her own eyes this way.

Was Mimi's accent described as rolling:
Yes! Like a "ship at sea."

How many times was the word incredulously used:

-Purple pants that stopped just below the knee, held up by suspenders, white tights with clocks on them, a purple plaid shirt with a matching hat, high-top sneakers, lobster earrings

-Extremely anti-climactic outfit for the Halloween Hop: baggy jeans and a new bulky sweater. Really, Claudia? I am disappointed in you.

What About Stacey?
Stacey wore nothing that Claudia deemed cool enough to describe for us. Fail, Stacey, fail.

Quit letting 12-Year Olds Watch Your Goddamn Kids
"Boring!" said Stacey. "Let's put on MTV. At least we can listen to some good music."

Kristy: "Now hear this! No running, no yelling, no jumping - and I mean it. One false move, and I'll punch your lights out."

Mary Anne let out a sigh of relief. "It's just the wind, " she said. "I must not have closed the door all the way." [Ten minutes later, at the back door]: "The door wasn't latched properly! Some baby-sitter I am. Leaving doors open left and right for anybody to walk through."

The Phantom: "It was that baby-sitting book you started bring to school everyday. I checked it each morning. It had all kinds of information in it: times, names, addresses, phone numbers..." Kristy slapped the heel of her hand against her forehead. Ah, yeah, Kristy...WTF!

"I decided I would try to paint a picture of embarrassment. The main color would be red."

"I don't know whether I was born early or late or on time," said Mary Anne softly. "Dad hardly ever talks about stuff like that. Its times like these I wish I had a mother."
...No one said anything.

"Remember when we used to crawl under Mom and Dad's bed during thunderstorms - "
"But, we were really just hiding?"
"Yeah," I said fondly.
"Very interesting, psychologically." said Janine. "The fear process - "
"Shut up."

Kristy: "How did you know I was going to be baby-sitting at all those places?"
Police Officer: "And, why were you harassing this young lady?"
Phantom: "Which question should I answer first?"
Kristy: "Mine."
Police Officer: [raises eyebrow]

Srsly. Kill Yrselfs!
"Us baby-sitters have to stick together! Through thick and thin."
"Through Phantoms and power failures."
"Through fires and floods."
We put our arms around eachother and headed into the school," [where, hopefully, someone beat you up for being so f*cking cheesy.]

That two-star rating? It has nothing to do w/ the fact that this was a Claudia book. I like Claudia. The plot was f*cking asinine.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
July 7, 2011 – Finished Reading
July 8, 2011 – Shelved
July 8, 2011 – Shelved as: read-in-2011
September 8, 2011 – Shelved as: ya-realistic

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Jessica (new)

Jessica "Kristy: "How did you know I was going to be baby-sitting at all those places?"
Police Officer: "And, why were you harassing this young lady?"
Phantom: "Which question should I answer first?"
Kristy: "Mine."
Police Officer: [raises eyebrow] "

This interaction right here: it's why Kristy drives me batshit crazy.

message 2: by Ann V.K (new)

Ann V.K I have not read it yet

message 3: by Rachael (new)

Rachael haha. great review

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