Kayde Fisher's Reviews > Goldenhand

Goldenhand by Garth Nix
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I have very mixed feelings about Goldenhand. First things first, Sabriel is my favorite book and has been since I first read it in middle school. I am now 28, and I have reread Sabriel and the original Old Kingdom Trilogy more times than I can count. I was somewhat disappointed with Clariel, but was excited to hear that we would be revisiting the Old Kingdom and our beloved characters in Goldenhand. My expectations were high, but tempered with my "meh" feelings toward Clariel.

The Good: We get to spend time with Lirael, Nicholas, Sabriel, Touchstone, Sam, and other locations and characters that made me feel warm and fuzzy with nostalgia. We also got to explore familiar locations from new perspectives. As ever, the world and mythology that Garth Nix created is fully realized and as fascinating as ever. I would give anything to spend a day in the Library of the Clayr to learn about the mysteries of the Charter...

The Bad: The pacing and structure of this book are it's two biggest flaws. The first half was too slow, and the second half was too fast. We spend about 1/3rd of the book with a character that I didn't really care about. The title of the book is "Goldenhand" referring to Lirael, but I never really felt as connected to her as I did in her namesake book. Relationships between the characters were rushed, or ignored. We get almost no description or exploration of the relationship between Sabriel and Lirael, now that they are working together as the Abhorsen and Abhorsen-in-Waiting. Lirael reunites with Nick, and they basically fall totally in love and start throwing around public displays of affection in about 2 pages. To me, this was not true to Lirael's character. Sam is a peripheral character with almost nothing to do, and Sabriel and Touchstone are banished "on holiday" to keep them out of the main story for more than half the book. In the meantime, we are introduced to a new character named Ferin, who is a little interesting, but basically only serves as a plot device to make certain things happen. For much of the book, various characters are just traveling around the Old Kingdom until they all end up at the Clayr's glacier. The story really starts here, very far into the book, which makes the resolution feel thin and rushed.

I also feel that this fight, with this foe, should almost have featured Sabriel more than Lirael. I wish this book would have focused more on Sabriel and Lirael as a team, and their struggles with their age difference, backgrounds, personalities, and philosophies about Charter magic and their responsibilities. I'm all for a little romance, and Lirael certainly deserves some happiness, but it should have been a B or C story, not one of the main focuses of the novel.

It's difficult to describe, but all in all, I feel that this book lacked the substance and grandeur of the previous books. Everything felt rushed, from the character interactions, to the descriptions, to the story. There were even a few sentences that were so convoluted and weirdly written, I had to reread them a few times to figure out what Nix was trying to say.

I don't see myself rereading this book often, if at all. My feelings may be influenced by the fact that I'm no longer the right age to fit the intended audience, but the fact that this is a "young adult novel" is no excuse, when the genre is so rife with excellent writing, and especially considering that Sabriel was first published in 1995 and the original fans have to be about my age. If you are a fan of the series, by all means, read this book and take a visit back to the Old Kingdom. But don't expect to have the time to settle in and make yourself at home.
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Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Nickie I'm in almost complete agreement with you, though I do like the character of Ferin. I wish they would have developed her more, and told us more about Chlorr and the tribes. Half the book focused on Lirael and Nick and their angst ridden love. Definitely, didn't fit with the rest of the books. I would have liked more focus on Chlorr and what happened to make her this way after the end of Clariel, as well as more of the Abhorsen aspects, which I think were almost entirely missing.

Kayde Fisher I totally agree! I was thinking about that after I wrote my review. We literally did not even see Chlorr until the final pages of the book. She was so absent from the story and just directing things from afar...

Sahara Yes. You've summed up my feelings beautifully.

Takuma Nickie wrote: "as well as more of the Abhorsen aspects, which I think were almost entirely missing."

I pretty much have to agree with this as well as the above summery. I find myself more interested in the world/verse a lot more than the characters themselves tho they are decent as well, so I was dismayed that there was very little world building.

The romance felt off to me for a few reasons, I feel like that's Garth's weakest subject in this series so I initially was going to brush it off. But the way the book focused on it was an unpleasant surprised since I was expecting more of an adventure like how the other books were done.

Jamrock Well written, very well written actually and I agree. I ranted a bit here although it's meant well https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

Sarah Creekmore Yes. I spend the first 3/4 of the book thinking, oh, this is gonna be another trilogy, and the last 1/4 going, wth just happened?!? It seemed like he wrote it as a postscript rather than a real effort.

Kassy I agree with every word of this review, the pacing in this book was just bizarre. I've reread the Sabriel trilogy many times but it's highly unlikely I'll read this again, which is a shame as I was so excited to dive back into the Old Kingdom.

Anne Marie Agreed with this review and everything in this thread with one exception: I didn't like Ferin, she seemed like very little more than the caricature representing the trope of the noble savage and a plot device. Could we please have a few character traits beyond tough and beautiful?

Phantompickles Yes to the pacing, it was very strange. The alternation between high action Ferin chapters and the very relaxed Lirael/Nick chapters was very jarring. Personally I liked what I saw of Ferin. Though I think it was a disservice to have her hook up with Sameth? I don't know, even from Sabriel, I've always felt Nix's weak point was romance, yet he includes it in this book more than any other.
I also loved the first 3 Abhorsen books since a young age, and I've reread them several times. I don't think us aging is the issue. I think the writing quality has just... gotten worse. I mentioned in my own review that he takes a very rushed attitude towards any sort of exposition/context. "Let's get this overwith" basically. Whenever there was a scene where the characters talked about things mentioned in previous books, he'd just TELL us what they talked about, instead of writing the dialogue so we could see how they interacted.

Ghostxbiscuit Thank you! I have so many issues with this book and you managed to put your finger on most of them!

Kristin Spot on review! I think you managed to lay down every issue I had while reading Goldenhand.

CandleMoth My sentiments exactly. I want lore!!! And after the epic conclusion of Abhorsen and all the build up, I was really hoping for an even more fantastic battle/climax. 'She will become the greatest Abhorsen ever' not feeling it yet. If it is a second trilogy I have high expectations for it.

message 13: by Fipah (new) - added it

Fipah :(((

Conor Agree! Love the writing and the world and Lirael/Nick relationship made sense, especially at the end, but was rushed and totally agree PDA's wouldn't come easily to Lirael. Im disappointed in the relationships and what did/didn't happen... Looking back, Sabriel was brilliant because it focussed on one character and their developing relationships with Mogget, Father and Touchstone. Just too much going on in this book to give any real satisfaction. I think for series fans who grew up with the books we need something a bit deeper anyway.

Stephie Very good review, I agree with what you wrote, but still enjoyed the book

Miranda I completely agree with everything you wrote! The first half took quite a while to build and then the end was like wham bam done.
I loved Sabriel (to the point this is what i named my daughter), so I too had high expectations.
I don't really understand why it was called Goldenhand. I felt that maybe there was going to be something significant in this, but there wasn't really.
I too would have liked to see a relationship develop between Sabriel and Lirael.
It read to me like a first or second draft, not a finished book.

Joan of Park Totally agree. I was shipping Lirael and Nick, so even though it wasn’t well written, a part of me was happy. But there was so much potential for Goldenhand that went unwritten, particularly Lirael and Sabriel, even if it would be more along the lines of a aunt/mother-niece/daughter relationship. I’ve reread Sabriel as an adult, also having grown up with the characters, and it is still a masterpiece, regardless of its intended audience. I don’t think the same can be said for Goldenhand.

message 18: by Sara (new) - rated it 1 star

Sara Agreed. Sabriel and Lirael were much better constructed and paced than this. How Nix thought this would be a worthwhile addition to the Adhorsen series is beyond me.

Ashley You've put forth an excellent review. I have reread Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen so many times. I enjoy getting lost in the world-building and lore. While Goldenhand was immensely more satisfying to read than Clariel, I wanted so much more. I crave the character and style of the first three books. So much felt rushed, and the romance was awkward. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the story.

message 20: by Dana (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dana Definitely an accurate review. On point for sure.

message 21: by Fipah (new) - added it

Fipah OMG THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT about the story, bacially I in my mind I refuse to accept it as a continuation of the series. Thank you for putting into words so succinctly <3

message 22: by Nathan (last edited Aug 28, 2020 02:52PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Nathan Waters I am trash for the original trilogy, and I still love Clariel even though it was a little disappointing. But this book does not have the quality that made the original trilogy so endearing. The trilogy has a writing quality, world building, and character quality that makes it a series that readers of all ages can enjoy . But Goldenhand seems so lacking in personality. Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen have this charm about them that is absent with this book. Garth Nix wrote the trilogy in such a way that, to me, the trilogy feels like "fantasy", not YA, not Adult, just fantasy. But Goldenhand feels more like most modern YA these days, forced romance, flat characters, and a forgettable plot.

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