shady boots's Reviews > Evermore

Evermore by Alyson Noel
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Edit (04/01/2018): Commentary from Present Day Me

Oh man, sixteen-year-old me was so angry lmao. Bless his soul.

This review was fun to look back on, since I actually did read the entire series. All six books, all terrible. I guess this was also during my Brony phase; I noticed the Rarity GIF immediately. This series was one of those ones that offended me with how bad it was, if I recall correctly.

My old review (somewhere around 2012):

Hokay. So. Instead of reviewing the book, I've decided I'm just going to review the whole series right here.

It is, and I say this without even an ounce of doubt, the worst series I have ever read. Of all the worst things, this is absolutely

There will be spoilers in this review, but you know, who the fuck cares?

I wasted my time reading this whole series, because it was basically for nothing. I recently realized that all of Ever's "struggles" in this series are only for the sole purpose so that she can break the curse that's been preventing them to have sex. Thus eventually having sex. Which they do, in the last book's ending, predictably.

Ever is the stupidest heroine in the history of YA. Every book ends with her making stupid choice after stupid choice. In Blue Moon, she listened to the bad guy, thus unleashing the curse that I was talking about earlier. In the third book, she chose to save her "best friend" Haven (who was actually a poser bitch that was barely even nice to her) over curing the curse, and by saving her she made her an immortal as well, which I could not get over cause she was insufferable enough mortal. And whadaya know, she turns into the villain in book four. Shocker.

And then of course, there's Damen Auguste. Arrogant, muscular, perfect, rich. He can paint better than Picasso. He's absolutely perfect and flawless in every way possible. He's also a controlling and selfish douchebag that irritates me to no end. Honestly, that's why he and Ever are perfect for each other. Because they're both so equally annoying.

And this curse thing. God, it dragged on and on for like four books with no resolution. Basically, at the end of book two, Ever listens to the villain─yet another example of her utter stupidity─and ends up getting tricked by him. Sure, she cures Damen of this "disease" that the villain put on him, but there's a catch: they won't be able to touch or "transfer DNA". Meaning, they won't be able to fuck. Of course, Ever is all freaking out about it cause she thinks that if they don't fuck sooner or later Damen will leave her, since all hot guys are like that, aren't they?

Throughout the rest of the books, all Ever wants is to get the antidote, but due to her making stupid choices in every book, it never works out. And I think during book three or four or something, Damen starts to be a little more minimalistic─dressing less fancy, getting rid of his expensive car, etc─and you know what Ever does?

She whines about it.

Damen is actually making an effort to get rid of his cocky, arrogant self─to be a "better person" if you will─and you whine about it? My god, do you guys SEE how absolutely ridiculous her stupidity is? I wanted to just reach into the page and knock some sense into her.

But back to the whole antidote thing, when I saw the cover for book five, Night Star, I thought "Wow, is she finally going to get that stupid antidote already?"

And you know how she gets this "antidote"? She doesn't. It turns out that there's this magical tree with a magical fruit that when you eat it, it makes you "truly immortal". In other words, able to fuck. And no, unfortunately I did not make that up, it's actually how it goes.

So in the end, they do fuck. And that's it. Done. Ever claims that they're now "truly together" and everyone lives happily ever after.

So what was the message Alyson Noel gave? You have to have sex with someone to be "truly together" with them. What a powerful, inspiring message for young readers everywhere. Bravo, Ms. Noel.

To put it shortly, this series is about two selfish people who want so badly to bump uglies. Further, I think that this series is nothing but a waste. A waste of time, space, paper, pretty much everything you can think of. I still ask myself every single day why I ever chose to go through with reading all of the books. I'll never get back those brain cells I lost.

You may say, "Whoa, isn't that a bit harsh? It can't be that bad, can it?" The reason why I may come off as very angry in this review is because it's not just the horrible kind of bad, it's the offensive kind of bad. The oh-my-god-why-do-you-even-exist-on-this-planet kind of bad. The entire plotline of the series in general is pretty much the piss frosting on top of the shit cake, because all this time I'd been reading a series that's solely about two selfish asshole teenage immortals who want to fuck that they're willing to do anything for it, the female one being more desperate than a thirsty reality TV star. That's all there is to it!

This is not the type of shit that tween girls should be reading and fantasizing over. They should not take the message that this book puts forth about having sex with someone being the only way to prove your love or make a relationship last. It's just disgusting and wrong on so many levels, and I can't believe the gall of the author to implant this abysmal moral on young minds. That may have not been her goal; she may not have realized it, but I thought that it was crystal clear.

So I advise you, dear reader: if you value your well-being, stay far far far FAR away from this atrocity. Don't make the same mistake I did. You still have the chance to save yourselves.

Take it.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
December 1, 2010 – Finished Reading
February 13, 2011 – Shelved
October 13, 2011 – Shelved as: stupid-girls
February 6, 2012 – Shelved as: dont-understand-why-its-hyped
May 27, 2012 – Shelved as: why-do-people-like-this-shit
May 27, 2012 – Shelved as: boooooring
June 1, 2012 – Shelved as: hot-mess
June 11, 2012 – Shelved as: get-that-thing-away-from-me
July 11, 2012 – Shelved as: unoriginal

Comments Showing 1-50 of 95 (95 new)

message 1: by Inge (new)

Inge Welcome to hell. I made it all the way to Dark Flame. Can't believe I paid for this horseshit. Well, my dad, but still.

shady boots I read the entire series. And for what? e_e The ending was so predictable and cliche as hell. *sigh*

message 3: by Inge (new)

Inge Do I even want to know?

message 4: by shady boots (last edited Mar 08, 2012 02:21PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

shady boots Basically, there's a magical tree with a magical fruit that makes Ever and Damen "truly immortal"─translation: able to fuck (which they do)─and they live happily ever after.

I'm not making this up, by the way. It actually went like that.

Yeah. I know.

message 5: by Beatriz (new)

Beatriz  Lins Just out of curiosity.... what was the ending? I liked Evermore, but from Blue Moon on the series went downhill, lol ;D

message 6: by Inge (new)

Inge ... a tree. Even after you say "I'm not making this up", I'm not entirely sure. Oh, dear lord. What is this I don't even. I.. what? Okay, I'm gonna stop now. There just aren't any words.

message 7: by Areeba (new)

Areeba tree that enables them to fuck?

uh-huh. i think my eyes just fell outta my head.

message 8: by shady boots (last edited Mar 08, 2012 02:25PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

shady boots A tree, yes. xD I'm dead serious.

And no, Aleeza. :3 A fruit from the tree. But yeah, I guess. In a way.

message 9: by Inge (new)

Inge Not sure if Alison Noël is a troll or actually thinks she can write.

message 10: by Beatriz (new)

Beatriz  Lins LOL. This is hilarious. Six books without actually doing anything, and then the tree fixed the problem for them. LOL again.

message 11: by Inge (new)

Inge I realise Ever has to make all the wrong decisions, otherwise there wouldn't be a story (even though the story is shit), but that girl is dumb as dirt.

shady boots You know, the whole series is basically Ever determined to do everything she can for the sole purpose that she and Damen can fuck.

If you think about it, that's pretty much all there is. They just wanna bone.

message 13: by Beatriz (new)

Beatriz  Lins And she's not even capable of doing that -_- Ever's worse than Bella. I didn't think that was possible, but it is.

shady boots Well I wouldn't know because I never plan on touching Twilight ever ever ever.

But yeah, this really is the worst book/series I've ever read. Even worse than Fallen.

message 15: by Inge (new)

Inge Ah, crap. Fallen is still on my to-read list.

But yeah, this reads like really bad fanfic.

Itzel I warn you, Fauzan, Fallen is hell on earth. I also hated Evermore, it was pure torture. I love your reviews by the way!

message 17: by Kenya (new)

Kenya Wright You are really hlping me clear my TBR YA shelf... lol! So no to this one too!

shady boots I warned you. D: I did.

message 19: by Alicia (new)

Alicia Ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah, not gonna read this. No.

message 20: by Inge (last edited Mar 09, 2012 08:52AM) (new)

Inge You're saving lives and minds all around the world.

Aly (Fantasy4eva) girl. You actually read the whole series. Wasn't the first bad enough? her saving zoe was a book i really enjoyed, which is why i gave the first the benefit of the doubt. wow didn't even read past like 20 pages. Could tell which road it was going :/ poor you.

shady boots I knowww. x_x I just can't believe I read it all.

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

You read all of them? ALL OF THEM?

Oh, you poor thing. *hugs*

message 24: by N (new) - rated it 1 star

N I don't know if I should be total awe that you read all of the books and lived (just barely) to tell the tale or absolutely HORRIFIED? D: D: D:

Please, have some cookies! And a room of cute fluffy animals! Anything to ease what must be your troubled mind. *hugs*

Jessica-Robyn Okay, so I'm very out of place here with my 4-Star rating (I was young and new to YA! I will face a jury of my peers and have written a public apology) but I can't believe you actually read ALL OF THEM. That's some sort of punishment to commit to reading a series that you not only don't like, but that so clearly never convinces you otherwise. You are either a hero, or insane... Maybe a hero of the insane? That sounds kind of awesome.

Aly (Fantasy4eva) lmfao. btw. I love that Gif at the end. Made me LOL :D

shady boots I know you guys, I know. x___x I barely made it out alive, but I did.

message 28: by Inge (new)

Inge I think we should honour you with a medal or something.

Emilija You're not the only one. I read the whole series too (quite enjoyed Night Star) and I really like your blog! *follow* :)

Colette-writer-reader-dork I have only read the first three and refuse to read anymore, this series is just like Twilight to me, except extended.

message 31: by Shep (last edited Mar 15, 2012 11:53PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Shep So the series doesnt get any better? What a waste of time. The only thing I liked about the first book was that it took place right where I live, so I'd been to almost every place they mentioned. But that's about it.

Ugh, and seriously? That's how it ends? Puke.

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

i read the whole series......and my face is sore from facepalm-ing... well everthing (no seriously there is a hand mark on my face), my throat hurts from screaming to the whole meaning of Ever's "struggles", and i think half of the things in my room are broken because i could not resist the urge to throw something because of the sheer brainlessness of this book. i felt like the guy in the tell-tale heart: "I foamed – I raved - I swore! I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder - louder - louder!" and then i came out barely alive and breathing.

message 33: by Bern (new) - rated it 1 star

Bern I read the first one and it gave me a headache. After that I was tempted to try but by then I'd been sucked in by House of Night. Biiiiig mistake

message 34: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah Thanks for savng me from pure torture.

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

Your review took the words out of my mouth. I totally agree! :D

They end up fucking? That's kinda predictable, eh? ;)

shady boots Yup, they do. And what makes me sad is that all Ever did in the whole series─her struggles, etc─are all done simply because she wants to be able to fuck Damen. I didn't realize it until just now. The message in this series is so ridiculous. Who the hell says you have to have sex with someone to be "truly together"? That's bullshit.

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

fαuzαn | wιld нearт wrote: "Yup, they do. And what makes me sad is that all Ever did in the whole series─her struggles, etc─are all done simply because she wants to be able to fuck Damen. I didn't realize it until just now. T..."

I know, right?!

Tabatha Amen. I read the first three --or was it four?-- books in this series and then decided there was no point it torturing myself any longer.

message 39: by Jim (new)

Jim Very sad, Fauzan. Sounds like you really took one (several, actually) for the team.

I hereby present you with Jim's Stoic Heroic Bad-Series Reader Award!

shady boots Aww, thank you Jim. xD Yeah, I barely made it out alive.

message 41: by Jim (new)

Jim In that case, you get Jim's Purple Heart Bad-Series Survivor Award as well!

message 42: by Izzat (new) - added it

Izzat Zainal Thank you so much, Fauzan. I had someone passed me the third book two years ago and I had always planned on buying the first book in the series. I almost, but fortunately, after this review, I don't think I'm buying them. I don't like too flawless characters and Twilight-ish plot about being too devoted in saving 'true love' or whatever that crap is. Someone said once to me Noel tried to duplicate the success of Twilight by these books, only it's about immortals. I don't know, I have never read Twilight till the end, actually.

Delaney same thing her, but i only got to dark flame. I dont know why i kept on reading it. I stopped in the middle of the book, and I'm like, wtf am i reading?! pretty much the hole story line was damen and ever wanting to go all the way. and i'm seriously yelling at the book and saying, I DONT CARE! thats what the book did to me. made me temporarily insane thinking the characters could hear me. And after that, i threw the book out the window. And like, what you said in your review, what is this supposed to teach us? so if anyone is reading this, and has not read the series or the book, dont do it! dont read it! i think they use this book to toture people in prison. so yeah, dont waste your life reading this book or series.

message 44: by Elle (new)

Elle So they can't "transfer DNA" huh. You know humanity could have been spared from 4 books of this shit if Ever and Damen had just used a condom.

Mizuki Bravo, you soooo have a point!

message 46: by Chris (new) - rated it 1 star

Chris Thank you. I just randomly picked up this book and read it. I barely finished it and during this entire book I want to legitimately slap the hell out of this chick for being so damn stupid. Wasn't planning on reading the others after that abomination masquerading as a book, but now I will never waste any more time on this series. You let me keep a piece of my sanity. :D

Sachini are you mad??? I loved this

message 48: by Lexi (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lexi The " Tree of Life" or something like that is what they call it. And it took away their immortality. Theres this huge build for sex and then it lasts around two pages with no detail whatsoever. Wow. Thanks.

Mizuki Lexi wrote: "The " Tree of Life" or something like that is what they call it. And it took away their immortality. Theres this huge build for sex and then it lasts around two pages with no detail whatsoever. Wow..."

The whole series is mostly about whether Ever can have sex with Damen or not, Lexi. Thanks, but no thank.

Mizuki Elle wrote: "So they can't "transfer DNA" huh. You know humanity could have been spared from 4 books of this shit if Ever and Damen had just used a condom."

Oh....Elle, I adore your words of wisdom!

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