Federico DN's Reviews > Allegiant

Allegiant by Veronica Roth
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really liked it
bookshelves: almost-fav, young-adult, dystopia, adapted


While the outcast Factionless take power, a cryptic video message arrives from outside the borders. What lies there beyond the barriers of the city? Or whom? The truth can change everything, and not everyone is ready to accept it. A new civil war of catastrophic proportions threatens to destroy what little remains from the faction society. Tris, Four and a couple of their loyal friends venture into the unknown to try to save their city from self-destruction. How is the war going to end? And when?

This was one weird ending to the series, a dystopia over another one. The journey to the outside bringing a whole new world of characters and subplots. David, Nita, Matthew, Amar, among others. The Bureau of Genetics, Chicago, (view spoiler)

The answers to the mystery of divergency both satisfying and unfulfilling. Happy for the final resolution between the factions, and devastated because of the events in the Bureau. Tris and Four as always fighting the good fight and giving all they got to defend those they love, literally. The ending one of the most painful things I’ve ever read. (Seriously Roth WTF!)

An unforgettable ending to one of my most beloved YA series, alongside Percy Jackson and Hunger Games. I remain, by far, with that perfect first book, followed by the second, and lastly this third one, that I almost regret reading. Anyone who has read it perfectly knows why.

*** Allegiant Part 1 (2016) is a visually stunning adaptation, yet sadly the weakest of all the movies and a major disappointment. The screenplay felt convoluted, the pacing chopped and the acting subpart. Other than the visuals, there’s not much I can rescue, not even by Woodley or James. It’s no surprise that because of the unfavorable reception this was the last film and Part 2 never happened. Part of me wishes for that second movie, but I’m also grateful that I never got to watch it. That ending is not something I wish to relive twice.

[2013] [531p] [Dystopia] [YA] [Conditional Recommendable] (view spoiler)

★★★☆☆ 0.1-0.4 Four
★★★★★ 1. Divergent
★★★☆☆ 1.5 Tobias Tells the Divergent Knife-Throwing Scene
★★★★☆ 2. Insurgent
★★☆☆☆ 2.5 The Path to Allegiant [1.5]
★★★★☆ 3. Allegiant
★★☆☆☆ 3.5 We Can Be Mended [2.5]



Mientras los maginados Sin Facción toman el poder, un video con un mensaje críptico llega del exterior. ¿Qué es lo que existe detrás de las barreras de la ciudad? ¿O quiénes? La verdad puede cambiar todo, y no todos están dispuestos a aceptarla. Una nueva guerra civil de proporciones catastróficas amenaza con destruir lo poco que quedó de la civilización de las facciones. Tris, Cuatro y un par de sus fieles amigos se aventuran en lo desconocido para intentar salvar su mundo antes de que se autodestruya. ¿Cómo terminará la guerra? ¿Y cuándo?

Este fue un extraño final para la serie, una distopía sobre otra. El viaje al exterior trayendo todo un nuevo mundo de personajes y subtramas. David, Nita, Matthew, Amar, entre otros. La Oficina Genética, Chicago, (view spoiler)

Las respuestas al misterio de la divergencia a su vez satisfactorias y carentes. Feliz por la resolución final entre las facciones, y devastado por los eventos en la Oficina. Tris y Cuatro como siempre luchando la buena pelea y dando todo de ellos para defender aquellos que aman, literalmente. El final una de las cosas más dolorosas que leí jamás. (En serio Roth, ¡qué demonios!)

Un inolvidable final para una de mis más amadas series de lo Joven Adulto, junto con Percy Jackson y Juegos del Hambre. Me quedo, por mucho, con ese perfecto primer libro, seguido por el segundo, y por último este tercero, que casi me arrepiento de haber leído. Cualquiera que lo haya leído sabe perfectamente por qué.

*** Leal Parte 1 (2016) es una visualmente impactante adaptación, aunque lamentablemente la más floja de todas las películas y una terrible decepción. El guion se sintió artificial, el ritmo cortado y la actuación mediocre. Más allá de las visuales, no puedo rescatar mucho, ni siquiera de Woodley o James. No es de sorprenderse que por la desfavorable recepción este fue el último filme y la Parte 2 nunca llegó. Una parte de mi desea esa segunda película, pero también estoy agradecido que nunca llegué a verla. Ese final no es algo que quisiera revivir dos veces.

[2013] [531p] [Distopía] [Joven Adulto] [Recomendable Condicional] (view spoiler)
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 68 (68 new)

message 1: by Thibault (new)

Thibault Busschots Glad to see the series managed to end on a high note. Good review, Federico.

Casey (Indefinitely Inactive) I agree. Heartcrushent 💔 Yet still a good end, all things considered 🥲

Federico DN Thibault wrote: "Glad to see the series managed to end on a high note. Good review, Federico."

That was one high note Thibault. Thank you!

message 4: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 02:17AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Casey wrote: "I agree. Heartcrushent 💔 Yet still a good end, all things considered 🥲"

Thank you Casey! Yes sometimes it's inevitable, and I appreciate the not so common ending all things considered. But still.. dang xD !

message 6: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Great review, Federico! It's nice to see that the conclusion of the series was satisfying. I am sorry about the ending!

Federico DN Alexandra wrote: "Great review, Federico! It's nice to see that the conclusion of the series was satisfying. I am sorry about the ending!"

Thank you Alexandra! One of the most stupefying conclusions ever 🤐

message 8: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Hanes Although this was a weird ending to the series, I’m glad it was a satisfying one!! Fantastic review, Federico!! :)

message 9: by Tina (new)

Tina Glad you loved this one and the series! It was a favourite of my daughter's too! Excellent review Fedo 💫

message 10: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 06:19AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Rachel wrote: "Although this was a weird ending to the series, I’m glad it was a satisfying one!! Fantastic review, Federico!! :)"

I wouldn't call it satisfying, more like... Gosh I don't know how to call it lol. But it was good, I suppose. Thank you Rachel :D !

Federico DN Tina wrote: "Glad you loved this one and the series! It was a favourite of my daughter's too! Excellent review Fedo 💫"

One of the ultimate YA series for sure <3. Thank you Tina :) !

message 12: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Looks like the ending really hit you. That alone makes me wary of the series. I if read multiple books, the last one better be perfect! Excellent review, Federico.

rachelle (m00dreads) Goodness, the grip this series had on me once upon a time!!! Haha. I'm glad you enjoyed this, although it's personally my least favorite of the trilogy

message 14: by Estrella (new)

Estrella Debería darle una oportunidad, leí los dos primeros recibí spoiler del tercero (hace tanto tiempo que ya lo olvidé 😂) y tengo este sin leer en una edición de bolsillo

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Looks like the ending really hit you. That alone makes me wary of the series. I if read multiple books, the last one better be perfect! Excellent review, Federico."

Thank you Srivalli! It's a very unconventional ending to say the least! Certainly not a HEA :x

message 16: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 07:05AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN rachelle (m00dreads) wrote: "Goodness, the grip this series had on me once upon a time!!! Haha. I'm glad you enjoyed this, although it's personally my least favorite of the trilogy"

That heartless monster! I'll never forgive Roth lol. But yes Rachelle truly one emotional ride; and even though it's not the ending anyone wanted, still one of the best series ever <3

message 17: by Sade (new)

Sade The pinnacle of YA Dystopian books. Teenage me was geeked out for these books

Federico DN Estrella wrote: "Debería darle una oportunidad, leí los dos primeros recibí spoiler del tercero (hace tanto tiempo que ya lo olvidé 😂) y tengo este sin leer en una edición de bolsillo"

Hay mucha recepción mixta con respecto a éste libro final, y con buena razón. Si te gustaron los anteriores es muy probable que lo ames, y lo odies también jajaj xD

message 19: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 07:10AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Sade wrote: "The pinnacle of YA Dystopian books. Teenage me was geeked out for these books"

Weren't we all? Lol. This was IT, and still is in a way <3

message 20: by JustJJ (new)

JustJJ I'm glad you enjoyed this Federico! I am tempted to re-read the series for the feels but I'm too worried I won't enjoy it as much I remember

message 21: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 08:11AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN JustJJ wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed this Federico! I am tempted to re-read the series for the feels but I'm too worried I won't enjoy it as much I remember"

I know the feeling well JustJJ. That's why I almost never reread. Why risk ruining a beautiful memory?

message 22: by Nika (new)

Nika Excellent review, Federico! Oh, that ending really got me intrigued! 😊

Federico DN Nika wrote: "Excellent review, Federico! Oh, that ending really got me intrigued! 😊"

Thank you Nika! Trust me you don't want to know :x

message 24: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Maybe I should give it a shot? :D

Federico DN Kasia wrote: "Maybe I should give it a shot? :D"

Maybe YA should! Maybe YA shouldn't. I leave it up to you xD

Alejandro Cool review! While my opinion of this one is quite different, I am truly glad that you enjoyed so much the ending of the series.

message 27: by A. (new)

A. Entiendo que no fue malo leerlo, sino triste. Linda reseña, Fede ¿Existe la palabra que pusiste como título en español? Suena a portugués (me lo imagino pronunciado algo así como "desgarrodenchi") OK, OK, ya me voy.

Federico DN Alejandro wrote: "Cool review! While my opinion of this one is quite different, I am truly glad that you enjoyed so much the ending of the series."

Thank you Alejandro! We had to disagree on something someday. This might as well be it lol.

message 29: by Lisa (new)

Lisa So glad you enjoyed this Federico. 🥰

message 30: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 03:24PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN A. wrote: "Entiendo que no fue malo leerlo, sino triste. Linda reseña, Fede ¿Existe la palabra que pusiste como título en español? Suena a portugués (me lo imagino pronunciado algo así como "desgarrodenchi") ..."

Gracias Lady A.! Sí muy triste el final. La palabra no existe, al menos a mi conocimiento. Es un juego de palabras, la primera novela se llama Divergente y la segunda Insurgente. Muchos bromeaban que la tercera se iba a llamar Convergente o Detergente jajaj. Y bueno al final se llamo Allegiant en inglés o Leal en castellano. Como el final es de esos heart-crushing o desgarrador, titulé la reseña mezclando los términos y los títulos de la serie. Divergent-Insurgent-Heartcrushent y/o Divergente-Insurgente-Desgarradorente. Obviamente suena mucho más copado y con más sentido en inglés xD

Federico DN Lisa wrote: "So glad you enjoyed this Federico. 🥰"

Thank you Lisa :D !

message 32: by A. (new)

A. Federico wrote: "A. wrote: "Entiendo que no fue malo leerlo, sino triste. Linda reseña, Fede ¿Existe la palabra que pusiste como título en español? Suena a portugués (me lo imagino pronunciado algo así como "desgar..."

Oh! Ahora entiendo. Creo que los angloparlantes son muy afectos a estos juegos de palabras. Perdón por no haberlo entendido antes. Igual, me la sigo imaginando como una palabra en portugués, no lo puedo a evitar.
También podrían haberle puesto "Astringente" o "Refulgente". Incluso "indigente" pero no hubiera pegado...OK, no voy por la "tangente" porque usted es muy inteligente.
Que ande lindo y diligente (no, no sé por qué estoy tan estúpida especialmente hoy, jaja)

Carmen Great review.

message 34: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 03:59PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN A. wrote: "Oh! Ahora entiendo. Creo que los angloparlantes son muy afectos a estos juegos de palabras. Perdón por no haberlo entendido antes. Igual, me la sigo imaginando como una palabra en portugués..."

No sé preocupe Lady A, puede irse por la tangente cuando quiera jajaj. Es una broma para entendidos y dudo que alguien que no conozca la serie lo entienda, y ni siquiera tampoco todos los que conocen la saga. Pero bueno me salió del alma y uno lo poné ahí aunque no tenga mucho sentido. Soy de esas personas que le gusta inventar palabras aberraciones literarias.

Federico DN Carmen wrote: "Great review."

Thank you Carmen!

message 36: by Nora (new) - added it

Nora Currie Great review, Federico! I just wanted to let you know that I got as far as Spanish 5 and I can understand it perfectly. Thank you very much!

Federico DN Nora wrote: "Great review, Federico! I just wanted to let you know that I got as far as Spanish 5 and I can understand it perfectly. Thank you very much!"

Thank you Nora! Glad to hear that! I'm not a professional translator but I try to be as accurate as possible :)

Charles As much as I loved Divergent, this is the book that caused me to swear off Veronica Roth books....I've never read another thing by her.

message 39: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 07:01PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Charles wrote: "As much as I loved Divergent, this is the book that caused me to swear off Veronica Roth books....I've never read another thing by her."

It's understandable Charles. This is hardly the ending anyone wanted :x !

• Lindsey Dahling • I completely forgot that they never made the final movie! It’s like even they knew that ending was too WTF for Hollywood.

message 41: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 07:35PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN • Lindsey Dahling • wrote: "I completely forgot that they never made the final movie! It’s like even they knew that ending was too WTF for Hollywood."

There was talk about a TV series for years but that also never materialized. Clearly Veronica Roth RUINED it for everyone :x !

Shawna Finnigan I totally agree with your thoughts on Allegiant. I thought it was good (and super heartbreaking), but also a little weird with the other dystopia and the ending

message 43: by Federico (last edited Oct 11, 2023 11:29PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Shawna wrote: "I totally agree with your thoughts on Allegiant. I thought it was good (and super heartbreaking), but also a little weird with the other dystopia and the ending"

Also the whole GP vs GD, everything so weird lol. Still, and even despite the ending, one of the best YA series ever <3. Thank you Shawna!

message 44: by Ria (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ria i didn't mind that she died because finally someone died in ya. not crazy how and why tho. it's not as bad as people make it out to be but i also haven't read it since it came out...

message 45: by Federico (last edited Oct 12, 2023 04:22AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Ria wrote: "i didn't mind that she died because finally someone died in ya. not crazy how and why tho. it's not as bad as people make it out to be but i also haven't read it since it came out..."

Doesn't sound you were very fond of her lol. Regardless glad you greatly enjoyed all the books in the series Ria :) !

message 46: by Ria (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ria Federico wrote: "Ria wrote: "i didn't mind that she died because finally someone died in ya. not crazy how and why tho. it's not as bad as people make it out to be but i also haven't read it since it came out..."


what no i liked it

Federico DN Ria wrote: "what no i liked it..."


Aless I pretend that the last movie doesn't exist lol. I do think it's one of those series that started strong then went down in quality as it continued. But that does not stop me in my support of it when people on the internet want to choose between Divergent, Hunger Games, and Twilight.

message 49: by Federico (last edited Oct 12, 2023 07:43AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Aless wrote: "I pretend that the last movie doesn't exist lol. I do think it's one of those series that started strong then went down in quality as it continued. But that does not stop me in my support of it whe..."

Yes sadly with the movies it all went downhill after the first one, but oh well. At least the first one was very decent and never get tired of rewatching it whenever I happen to catch it on tv. I can vouch for Divergent and Hunger Games, but Twilight... ugh xD !

message 50: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Magnificent reviewent, Federicent! :P
(Your name sounds so princely with that suffix! :D )

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