6 men around 20 years old fall in love with each other in the middle of Morocco in the 20s[image]
The "fairy infantry" is here! (Author's words)
6 men around 20 years old fall in love with each other in the middle of Morocco in the 20s. Statistics works.
So, please, don’t dwell on maths and think about a love story in the army.
This book is funny and charming and if you are looking for just that, it’s fabulous. This is a fairy tale (in more than one sense of the word) and as such you just have to believe in it, because otherwise it doesn’t work. There are some absurd scenes and some ridiculous reactions but it’s not a big deal. So, if you are in the mood, don’t be afraid and go ahead.
The story beings with Chance just being shot and then it goes back to his boyhood and youth. He was a lousy lad, and he is not sorry. Till the day he enlists the Army and, as he does not behave as a proper soldier, is sent to an official that is going to bring him to heel. And that's when he meets his match, Jacky. The falling is so fast it's almost insta-lust and insta-love. It made me smile sometimes, but I couldn't get myself into it completely. It's me, I don't do sappy.
Another detail I want to comment. Chance is shot several times, and none of those times Jacky was benevolent enough to give him a dosis of morphine because he could get addicted due to his past vices. I find that more sadistic than helpful. It can be excused because at that time the thought was the less, the better. Nowadays they don't care if you get addicted, it's more important to avoid suffering. It's just a tiny issue I had and probably it has no reason to be said here, but it's something I needed to tell.
The ending is weak. The author wanted to write something original and it didn’t work. It was almost like the Doraemon’s ending, a dream from the past after waking up in the present time, only everything here is real. Also, the super perfect plan Jacky has for the rest of their lives is just not believable, in that period of time, less so. It’s a very idealistic world and if you are into sugar and "flufflyness", you won’t complain at all.
But I’m not. So for me it’s just an entertaining read. I had had a good time and there is no need to split hairs.
Merged review:
The "fairy infantry" is here! (Author's words)
6 men around 20 years old fall in love with each other in the middle of Morocco in the 20s. Statistics works.
So, please, don’t dwell on maths and think about a love story in the army.
This book is funny and charming and if you are looking for just that, it’s fabulous. This is a fairy tale (in more than one sense of the word) and as such you just have to believe in it, because otherwise it doesn’t work. There are some absurd scenes and some ridiculous reactions but it’s not a big deal. So, if you are in the mood, don’t be afraid and go ahead.
The story beings with Chance just being shot and then it goes back to his boyhood and youth. He was a lousy lad, and he is not sorry. Till the day he enlists the Army and, as he does not behave as a proper soldier, is sent to an official that is going to bring him to heel. And that's when he meets his match, Jacky. The falling is so fast it's almost insta-lust and insta-love. It made me smile sometimes, but I couldn't get myself into it completely. It's me, I don't do sappy.
Another detail I want to comment. Chance is shot several times, and none of those times Jacky was benevolent enough to give him a dosis of morphine because he could get addicted due to his past vices. I find that more sadistic than helpful. It can be excused because at that time the thought was the less, the better. Nowadays they don't care if you get addicted, it's more important to avoid suffering. It's just a tiny issue I had and probably it has no reason to be said here, but it's something I needed to tell.
The ending is weak. The author wanted to write something original and it didn’t work. It was almost like the Doraemon’s ending, a dream from the past after waking up in the present time, only everything here is real. Also, the super perfect plan Jacky has for the rest of their lives is just not believable, in that period of time, less so. It’s a very idealistic world and if you are into sugar and "flufflyness", you won’t complain at all.
But I’m not. So for me it’s just an entertaining read. I had had a good time and there is no need to split hairs.
Oh my, this is the living proof that there are lots of authors who can't give life and emotion to long stablished relationsRomance buenrollero!
Oh my, this is the living proof that there are lots of authors who can't give life and emotion to long stablished relationships and that then there are others who do. Chris Scully is amongst the second group, and in a space of few pages, no less. Unbelievable!
This little love story is charming, funny and adorable. I loved every page of it. I laughed at every joke. And my heart swelled in the most heart-aching moments, because there are some of those, too.
Since the moment Adam opens his eyes I has connected to him. Joe is next to him in the hospital and he feels such an emotion towards that man he instantly knows he's someone important. Afterwards, he finds out that man is his boyfriend and everything makes sense. But at home the man tells him they are just BFF and that Adam is straight, but he himself is gay. He's really surprised to hear that, because they act and live together as a couple! Why are they not together? They fit together!
Seriously, if you have the chance to spend time with these two, don't doubt about it, it's worth it!
Merged review:
Romance buenrollero!
Oh my, this is the living proof that there are lots of authors who can't give life and emotion to long stablished relationships and that then there are others who do. Chris Scully is amongst the second group, and in a space of few pages, no less. Unbelievable!
This little love story is charming, funny and adorable. I loved every page of it. I laughed at every joke. And my heart swelled in the most heart-aching moments, because there are some of those, too.
Since the moment Adam opens his eyes I has connected to him. Joe is next to him in the hospital and he feels such an emotion towards that man he instantly knows he's someone important. Afterwards, he finds out that man is his boyfriend and everything makes sense. But at home the man tells him they are just BFF and that Adam is straight, but he himself is gay. He's really surprised to hear that, because they act and live together as a couple! Why are they not together? They fit together!
Seriously, if you have the chance to spend time with these two, don't doubt about it, it's worth it!...more
Aquí se expone la vida de la mujer fiestera, la que se emborrMuy divertido, me lo leí de una sentada.
Aunque en realidad no me he sentido identificada.
Aquí se expone la vida de la mujer fiestera, la que se emborracha hasta que ve la luz del sol, la que tiene líos de una sola noche si le apetece, la que se niega a tener hijos porque eso es "aburrido" y ella quiere "emociones", la que piensa que el amor es el "opio de las mujeres", la que aprende a amar su cuerpo y a no doblegarse a los cánones de belleza, etc.
Sin embargo, he de decir que como mujer me sentí tan poco representada en este cómic. Lo he vivido como algo lejano, como una experiencia divertida que me cuenta una buena amiga. Pero sin sentirlo plenamente porque era totalmente ajeno a mis experiencias y forma de ser.
Entiendo por dónde van los tiros en este libro. De verdad. Admiro cómo Moderna de Pueblo ilustra la realidad que se vive en el día a día. Y por eso defiendo el derecho a las mujeres a hacer lo que quieran con su vida, con su cuerpo, con su futuro. Y por eso mismo, es respetable tanto aspirar a una vida "moderna" como a aspirar a una vida menos "moderna". Al fin y al cabo, eso es el feminismo, luchar por la igualdad. Luchar por que los sueños se cumplan, tanto si dichos sueños se ajustan a los moldes de la sociedad, como si no....more
Se lee muy rápido, en dos ratos libres ya lo había terminado.
Es un libro muy divertido pero me ha hecho aún más gracia porque yo tengo una amiga chinaSe lee muy rápido, en dos ratos libres ya lo había terminado.
Es un libro muy divertido pero me ha hecho aún más gracia porque yo tengo una amiga china-madrileña (acento madrileño jeje). Los paralelismos son alucinantes. Su familia también tiene un restaurante chino, a veces he metido la pata con ella ("Eso sueña a chino. Ups."). Y una vez me presentó a una amiga china-andaluza que conoció en un campamento de verano... ¿de chinos? Esa chica me dijo: "Todas las madres chinas están locas, pero la mía está más loca todavía".
O quizá es que la realidad supera la ficción....more
The same style used in the previous book. In truth, this feels as the same book in many ways. Heart is the idealistic (and childish) part of oneself, The same style used in the previous book. In truth, this feels as the same book in many ways. Heart is the idealistic (and childish) part of oneself, whereas Brain is the one who tries to rule over him and give shape to his plans in order to achieve the goals Heart can't get on his own.
There are more organs this time.
***Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*** ...more
Aziz Ansari is not a well-known celebrity where I live. In fact, up until I casually found this book, I wasI enjoyed this one more than I expected to.
Aziz Ansari is not a well-known celebrity where I live. In fact, up until I casually found this book, I wasn't even aware of his existence. It's funny to say I learnt to like him due to his writer's persona, and not due to his actor/comedian version.
Although I cannot deny this book is beyond curious and hilarious. Pics included. Well done in that aspect.
I really don't know how to describe this book. It's a mix of humor and sociology, about a matter which I wasn't even looking for at that moment. But then I read the title. So of course I was really interested in reading it.
I was taught so many things. It was insightful and compelling in a way that no essay should be. Because, essays....more
Relatado en primera persona por un no-protagonista. Alternando el presente con episodios pasados que moldean la perspectiva del narrador. Mezclando laRelatado en primera persona por un no-protagonista. Alternando el presente con episodios pasados que moldean la perspectiva del narrador. Mezclando la realidad de un simbólico sistema represor con los delirios esquizofreniformes de un individuo supuestamente sordomudo demasiado observador y demasiado consciente de lo que ocurre a su alrededor.
El estilo es simple pero efectivo, directo al grano pero a la vez cautivador en sus imágenes creadas por una mente que no está sana del todo, pero que no se aleja tanto de la cordura como para vislumbrar y asimilar todos esos detalles que a otros se les escapan.
Es cierto que se puede decir que es un "libro de locos", pero la cosa va más allá. Muchos de los ingresados podrían llamarse "inadaptados sociales" en una cultura que les rechaza por una determinada cualidad intrínseca a ellos, más que "dementes" al uso. Podría leerse este libro como el ejemplo de un sistema contra el individuo. Un sistema que controla al individuo y que esgrime todo su poder sobre el mismo para tenerlo controlado según sus esquemas. Solo un loco podría oponerse, y solo un loco se atrevería.
Ese loco es McMurphy, el más cuerdo de todos, pero el más loco de todos, por desafiar un poder que inunda toda la existencia de los seres que caen bajo su seno. McMurphy trae la rebeldía, la amistad y el primer aleteo de una mariposa que desencadena una retahíla de eventos que permiten hacer frente a una autoridad asfixiante. Para encontrar la libertad. Al fin y al cabo, no es él el que libera a los internos. McMurphy sólo les enseña que la liberación se encuentra en el interior de cada uno, y que hay que prender la mecha para que realmente podamos romper nuestras cadenas. También les enseña a todos la importancia del compañerismo, porque quizá una persona no pueda hacer mucha fuerza para cambiar las cosas, pero muchas personas juntas sí que pueden formar una fuerza realmente transgresora, y cambiar aquello que nos oprime de manera injusta.
Recomiendo encarecidamente este libro, aunque podría calificarse como misógino (la Gran Enfermera y su autoridad matriarcal no salen muy bien paradas) y homófobo, y unos cuantos calificativos poco caritativos, la novela tiene una calidad que habla por sí misma....more