
Zodiac Academy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "zodiac-academy" Showing 1-9 of 9
Susanne Valenti
“There is only her”
Susanne Valenti, Fated Throne

Caroline Peckham
“That's what love is. It's taking a leap of faith. It's opening yourself up and letting your walls down and allowing someone to see every dark and broken corner of your soul. It's truth and honesty with yourself and them. It's raw and brutal and terrifying and real. You can't just claim to want it, but refuse to allow yourself to be vulnerable to it. That's not how it works. If you love someone, truly love them, you'll bear your soul to them and let them be the keeper of your heart no matter how fragile or damaged it might be. And if they love you then they'll do everything in their power to keep it safe, to nurture and protect it and heal over all the old wounds.”
Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti

Caroline Peckham
“I'll see you in the stars, blue”
Caroline Peckham

Caroline Peckham
“The past is gone. The are no more paths for you there.”
Caroline Peckham, The Awakening as Told by the Boys

Caroline Peckham
“And fear shackles you just as easily as chains if you let it. So do your worst… or don’t. I can’t control what you choose to do, but I can choose what I do.”
Caroline Peckham, Shadow Princess

“To hate you, I'd have to care about you. And I don't give one shit about you.”
Caroline Pekham, Susanne Valenti

Caroline Peckham
“That night I sat in bed just staring at that bruise, wondering how a physical wound could look so bright and angry but emotional wounds stayed entirely invisible. I wanted my hurt branded on me, to remind me never to trust anyone again. So I dyed my hair the colour of that bruise. Black and blue. My own personal wound. My deepest fear is being cast aside, my heart crushed by trusting blindly again. So I’ll never let anyone in again.”
Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti – Zodiac Academy: The Awakening (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts B

“There is only her”
Susanne Valenti, Fated Throne

“Iron is made stronger in the hottest part of the fire, Seth. You didn't break me, you forged me. - Zodiac Academy Book 2 Ruthless Fae”
Caroline Peckham Susanne Valenti