
Thousands Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thousands" Showing 1-20 of 20
Munia Khan
“A prisoner should know that there are thousands of imprisoned freemen living in this world…jailed in their own society, handcuffed by duties..”
Munia Khan

Anthony Liccione
“With thousands of roads before us that lead nowhere, going in circles. There really are only two roads we will either travel, one going to heaven, or the other to hell.”
Anthony Liccione

Steven Magee
“We are in the process of finding out what filling the sky with hundreds of thousands of satellites does to all life on Earth.”
Steven Magee

Munia Khan
“You are the mark on my liquid heart
where love begins with the beginning’s start
You are the desire of the ablaze fires
the only truth from ten-thousand-liars

From the poem- A Letter to My Love”
Munia Khan, Beyond The Vernal Mind

Steven Magee
“Corporations and their government minions are capable of anything...just look at the frauds the recent wars became known as. Hundreds of thousands killed in the name of corporate "liberation".”
Steven Magee

“Better than a thousand meaningless statements
Is one meaningful word,
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.”
Anonymous, The Dhammapada

Steven Magee
“If the police enforced the law, there would be thousands of police officers in jail!”
Steven Magee

“For Thousands To Come To Christ, We Must Employ Kingdom Principles”
Sunday Adelaja

“Greater in combat
Than a person who conquers
A thousand times a thousand people
Is the person who conquers herself.”
Anonymous, The Dhammapada

Steven Magee
“Since 1957 the modern human has filled the sky with tens of thousands of satellites without examining the reason why Earth previously only had one satellite, called the Moon.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Few people realize that filling Space with tens of thousands of satellites will destroy the health of over 7 billion people on planet Earth.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My knowledge of environmental radiation problems prevents me from allowing the sky to be filled with tens of thousands of biologically toxic satellites.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A lot of people in La Palma live thousands of feet above sea level and regularly altitude commute daily.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Many Hawaii residents regularly altitude commute daily by living thousands of feet above sea level.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hurricane Ian followed by a large number of deaths and historic river flooding was the short term disaster, the long term disaster was the thousands of people left homeless.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I had three numbers for the dead in Florida’s hurricane Ian disaster. The first came from the local Sheriff that reported hundreds dead. The second came from the Florida government that reported no confirmed dead. The third came from missing persons reported that was at approximately ten thousand. The eventual death toll will probably be somewhere in the hundreds to thousands dead.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Florida became home to thousands of blue roofs after hurricane Ian.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Thousands of active (biologically toxic?) satellites are orbiting our planet.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I did a 2 hour drive in a rental car to buy my new car from a larger city where it was significantly cheaper. After a house, the car is generally the next biggest purchase. The drive can save you thousands!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The August 2023 Maui wildfires stranded thousands of vacationers.”
Steven Magee