Romantic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "romantic" Showing 181-210 of 2,241
Crystal Woods
“Even before we met and long after we're both gone, my heart lives inside of yours. I'm forever and ever in love with you.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

Patricia Highsmith
“And she did not have to ask if this was right, no one had to tell her, because this could not have been more right or perfect.”
Patricia Highsmith, The Price of Salt

Amit Kalantri
“I have a question for you. "If your shadow is the second most beautiful thing in the world, which is the first?".”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

J.K. Franko
“It’s a divorce, not cancer.”
J.K. Franko, Killing Johnny Miracle

“Love should feel like a hand sewn quilt made by grandma, wrapping you up on a cold winter morning.”
Carroll Bryant

Orson Scott Card
“If you asked me to marry you all over again today I'd say yes, said Valentine.

And if I had only met you for the first time today, I'd ask.”
Orson Scott Card, Xenocide

Melissa Lemon
“Tanner: I think that I might kiss you to keep your lips busy with something other than insulting me.
Ella: If you think you can do it without getting lost.”
Melissa Lemon, Cinder and Ella

Jennifer Echols
“Her dad turned to me. "You. Follow Me."
"Woof," I said.”
Jennifer Echols, Endless Summer

R.S. Grey
Something about you caught me by surprise
Though I always knew you’d be my demise.

“I didn’t want you to love me
Didn’t want you thinking of me
So I kept my distance
Tried to ignore your existence
I was blinded by my pride
With you, the Jekyll to my Hyde
But that’s where you found me
Baby, that’s where you unwound me
Loving you would be as easy as taking a breath
But to look at you, that’s a dance with death
I’d risk it all,
For you I would
You’d make me fall,
And fall I would
Loving you would be as easy as taking a breath
But to be by you, that’s a dance with death.

“I thought once was enough
You turned to me and called my bluff,
Maybe I should have walked away
but I couldn’t resist, I needed replay after replay
Loving you would be as easy as taking a breath
But to give you up, that’s a dance with death
We were over from the start
I never said I’d give my heart
So now it’s time for this to end
After all, a friend is just a friend
Loving you would be as easy as taking a breath
But to give you up, that’s a dance with death
So now it’s time for this to end
After all, a friend is just a friend.

R.S. Grey, The Duet

Friedrich Schiller
“Curious,' the Prince continued, after a deep silence, 'is it possible never to have known something, never to have missed it in its absence -- and a few moments later to live in and for that single experience alone? Can a single moment make a man so different from himself? It would be just as impossible for me to return to the joys and wishes of yesterday morning as it would for me to return to the games of childhood, now that I have seen that object, now that her image dwells here -- and I have this living, overpowering feeling within me: from now on you can love nothing other than her, and in this world nothing else will ever have any effect on you.”
Friedrich Schiller

Kerrelyn Sparks
“Shanna, sweet Shanna. How can I tell you what you mean to me? When I saw you at the ball it was as if my heart started beating again. You lit up the room, bright in an ocean of black and white. And I thought- my life has been nothing but a dark, endless night. Then you came out like a rainbow and filled my black soul with color.”
Kerrelyn Sparks, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire

“History is not a nightmare from which I am trying to awaken, but rather, a glorious tale which I wish to be cast in.”
Pietros Maneos, The Italian Pleasures of Gabriele Paterkallos

Christine Feehan
“[Kane to Rose] I'll never forget the way you looked walking toward me. I never thought that I'd have a woman like you in my life. It's all there etched in my brain. And now, the way the light pours over our hair, the way all that silk shines, so black it's nearly blue. The world disappears when I'm holding you.”
Christine Feehan, Ruthless Game

Jennifer Echols
“What did Kevin Ye get arrested for anyway? Didn't he steal a car?"
"He stole the driver's ed car."
I laughed. Then I saw how Adam was looking at me.
"He gave it back."
"They MAKE you give stuff back, Lori, after they arrest you for stealing it.”
Jennifer Echols, Endless Summer

Jennifer Echols
“I need to explain all this to Adam in private. I can't get McGillicuddy to explain it to him. Something will be lost in translation."
"Well, excuse me that I can't look at him all googly-eyed," my brother said.
"And he's liable to punch you," I said.”
Jennifer Echols, Endless Summer

Abhysheq Shukla
“Life is too short to be anything but happy. So kiss slowly. Love deeply. Forgive quickly. Take chances and never have regrets. Forget the past but remember what it taught you.”
Abhishek Shukla, KISS Life "Life is what you make it"

Lisa M. Klein
“Alone in my chamber, I fairly trembled with excitement. How could it be that I, who had never been kissed before, had kissed the Prince of Denmark himself, not once but many times? Did he really speak to me of love? It was beyond belief that I, humble Ophelia, should be wooed by Prince Hamlet. Surely I had imagined it.”
Lisa M. Klein, Ophelia

Jennifer Echols
“He sighed, then said, "So basically, you're stalking her."
"I am NOT stalking her." I insisted.
"That's where you come in. If I followed her by myself, someone who did not understand the situation and did not realize that I am so responsible-"
McGillicuddy snorted.
"- might mistake what I am doing for stalking.
However, her big brother is with me. Therefore we are protecting her.”
Jennifer Echols, Endless Summer

Suzanne Brockmann
“I know the M-word makes you nervous, but yeah. I'm talking about the big, permanent friendship. A little different from what Joe and Charles had, though. See, I want to be the kind of best friends who make love every night, who share all their darkest secrets and favorite jokes, and maybe even someday make babies together. I know that kind of friendship requires hard work, but you know, I'm pretty good at hard work.

~ Tom Paoletti, "The Unsung Hero”
Suzanne Brockmann

“Mary approaches her before she is able to reach her station. "Hello Lily. Get anything special for Christmas?"
"Just the usual." She answers. "Shattered dreams.”
Carroll Bryant, Last Flight Out

Richie Singh
“Reality is, Hope and Despair lie in the same places.
And they're just a matter of perspective.

What changed my perspective, was her.”
Richie Singh, Chasing Butterflies

Michelle Marcos
“I give you my name, my earthly possessions, and my eternal love. But of all the things I have, the thing I want most to give you are my eyes, these eyes that see how magnificently beautiful you are.”
Michelle Marcos

Adi Alsaid
“I'm a pretty forgetful guy, but everything she says, I remember. I remember what colour her hair ribbon was when we met on the first day of fifth grade. I remember that she loves orchids because they look delicate but aren't, really. From a single postcard she sent me when traveling with her family two summers ago. I remember what my name looks like in her handwriting.”
Adi Alsaid, Let's Get Lost

Helena Hunting
“We’re having a sleepover. We’re going to do this all night, and I’m going to cuddle you like a motherfucker after finishing sexing every last orgasm out of you.”
Helena Hunting, I Flipping Love You

Daphne du Maurier
“Maxim's voice, clear and strong, "Will someone take my wife outside?She is going to faint.”
Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca

Jennifer Blake
“Dear God, you are beautiful. I tried to forget, to pretend I did not need you, but it was no use. You haunt my waking hours and my dreams, and though I know if I stay with you my soul my soul will be lost and my life damned, I cannot stay away, nor can I put you from me. So come and let me drown in your bewitching angel’s eyes. Some things bought dearly are worth the price.”
Jennifer Blake, Tender Betrayal

Robert Thier
“The first dance for the first woman I knew, the last one for the last. You may not have been the first woman in my life, Miss Linton - but I promise you, you will be the last. There won't be anyone else as long as I live.”
Robert Thier, Silence Breaking

Carmen Stoian
“Am ales o carte bună să citesc. Coperta avea culoarea pielii și era roasă, la colțuri, de gura timpului nemilos. Abia vedeam să citesc ce scria pe ea – am aflat, până la urmă, de pe cotor. Am deschis-o la întâmplare, pătimaș, ca un amant dornic să-și miroasă iubita, înainte de a o cunoaște. După ce i-am simțit parfumul, i-am citit prefața. Fiecare carte avea un miros unic, pe care nu-l regăseai nicăieri, nici măcar la un exemplar identic, provenit de la aceeași tipografie. Fiecare carte păstra amprentele dorințelor cuiva de a o citi, a regretelor, a încercărilor eșuate, dar, mai ales, amprentele impresiilor de la final. Acestea te puteau urmări o viață. O carte o puteai citi de mai multe ori și o puteai vedea de fiecare dată altfel. Era exact același lucru ca momentul în care cunoșteai o femeie: într-un fel o înțelegi la douăzeci de ani și în alt fel o înțelegi la treizeci, patruzeci, cincizeci de ani. La douăzeci de ani e posibil să nu ai răbdare s-o termini și, înainte de a o termina, începi alta. La treizeci de ani o citești în paralel cu alta, încercând să te descoperi pe tine. La patruzeci de ani, dacă ea ți-a lăsat o impresie bună, îi dai o șansă până la final. La cincizeci de ani, știi cine ești și ce îți place – o recitești nostalgic, pe nerăsuflate. Dar ce se întâmplă cu acea carte veche, deschisă pentru prima dată? Din ea se varsă, prin particulele de praf, lacrimi uscate. Acea carte, precum iubita fidelă, are ochi doar pentru tine, iar când ți se deschide – citește-o tandru și cu răbdare, căci te-a așteptat mult.”
Carmen Stoian, Din octombrie până în martie

Madeline Miller
“If you have to go, you know I will go with you." We slept.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles