Rich Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rich" Showing 181-210 of 848
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Do you know what philanthropist means?” Libby asked me seriously. “It means rich.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Inheritance Games

“I woke up rich this morning. Not because my bank account was full, but because my lungs were.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

Avijeet Das
“We have a choice to lead a simple life, but one that is truly 'rich' in meaning.”
Avijeet Das

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A man needs to be extremely ugly, to become famous or rich, and still be regarded as ugly by most women.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Langston Hughes
“God to Hungry Child

Hungry child,
I didn't make this world for you.
You didn't buy any stock in my railroad,
You didn't invest in my corporation.
Where are your shares in standard oil?
I made the world for the rich
And the will-be-rich
And the have-always-been-rich.
Not for you,
Hungry child.”
Langston Hughes, Good Morning, Revolution: Uncollected Social Protest Writings

“The expenses to live your life is not high. However, the expenses you live on living the others’ lifestyle is higher.”
Dido Stargaze

Dolly Parton
“You're only poor if you choose to be. Meaning: you can be rich in spirit, you can be rich in thought, you can be rich in talent and you can be rich in all those wonderful things.”
Dolly Parton

“A man asks his friend for a ride in his Porsche. The friend replies my car only has two seats. The man says well there are only two of us. The friend replies yes, but if I fill the seat with you I can not fill it with possibilities. The man says what if I am the possibility. The friend replies if you were the type of possibility I am looking for I would be asking to ride with you.”
Vic Stah Milien

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Rich is the person who stops long enough to listen to a bird sing in the celebration of spring, peer into the deep blue of a drowsy summer sky, draw in the pungent aroma of fall’s leaves, and watch the listless kiss of a winter’s snow. For in doing these you have witnessed that which money cannot purchase and man cannot create.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Laura Chouette
“They danced
and yet they died;”
Laura Chouette

A.J.  West
“All men are short of money, especially the rich ones. That my friend is capitalism.”

“The large rooms of which you are so proud are in fact your shame. They are big enough to hold crowds—and also big enough to shut out the voice of the poor.... There is your sister or brother, naked, crying! And you stand confused over the choice of an attractive floor covering. —Ambrose, fourth century.”
Thomas O'Gorman, Advent Sourcebook

“What keeps you from giving now? Isn't the poor person there? Aren't your own warehouses full? Isn't the reward promised? The command is clear: the hungry person is dying now, the naked person is freezing now, the person in debt is beaten now-and you want to wait until tomorrow? "I'm not doing any harm," you say. "I just want to keep what I own, that's all." You own! You are like someone who sits down in a theater and keeps everyone else away, saying that what is there for everyone's use is your own...If everyone took only what they needed and gave the rest to those in need, there would be no such thing as rich and poor. After all, didn't you come into life naked, and won't you return naked to the earth?
The bread in your cupboard belongs to the hungry person; the coat hanging unused in your closet belongs to the person who needs it; the shoes rotting in your closet belong to the person with no shoes; the money which you put in the bank belongs to the poor. You do wrong to everyone you could help, but fail to help. —Basil, fourth century.”
Thomas O'Gorman, Advent Sourcebook

“If words,
poetry and art
are also measured
as wealth; OMG,
she has made me rich
(I have monetized
our encounter,
feelings plus moments
now memories)”
Daniel Derrick Mwesigye

Criss Jami
“Whether natural or cultural he was not sure; but he finally faced it, gave up, caved in and played their game, which later became serious business, and it stated this: 'Aim at wealth and you will get women thrown in; aim at women and you will get neither.”
Criss Jami

“There are riches that make money look like trash.”
TemitOpe Ibrahim

“The lengths the Haves will go in order to deprive the Have Nots boggles the mind.”
Stacey Lee, The Downstairs Girl

“Very few have a place on olympus.”

“I would prefer not to be rich,
I want to be clever”
Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil

Wallace D. Wattles
“You can advance only by being larger than your present place; and no man is larger than his present place who leaves undone any of the work pertaining to that place.”
Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Life Lessons

Rich is not the one who's got a lot of dough,
But one whose touch make others forget their woe.
Happy is not the one who's always chasing pleasure,
But one who forgets all pleasure helping another grow.
Success is not about getting recognition,
Success is about achieving excellence beyond norm.
Achievement is not when you reach a certain goal,
But when your goal lifts others beyond your home.
Destiny is not a script written by a superman,
But one you write yourself with your labor and sweat.
Sanctity is not what priests sell you at the church,
But how you behave with others outside the church gate.
Nobody can give you lessons of life packed in a few lines.
If you know to help another, your heart knows all the lines.”
Abhijit Naskar, Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World

Olawale Daniel
“Poor people show off but wealthy people monetize luxury.”
Olawale Daniel

“Despite the inherent risks of climbing, I still love to climb and I never plan to give it up just because I’m a mother. However, I am much more selective about the risks I take. …One of the biggest challenges of motherhood has to do with juggling my time between work, climbing, and the daily responsibilities of raising a child. But whatever climbs and travels I might have missed during the formative years of my son’s life are small sacrifices compared to the love and richness Owen brings, and hopefully will contribute to others as part of the future generation.”
Lynn Hill

“The more independent Sarah had inherited some of her father’s toughness and seemed better able to cope with being a Churchill. Funny, beautiful and at ease with the rich and famous around her.”
Sonia Purnell, Clementine: The Life of Mrs. Winston Churchill

Barack Obama
“By these standards at least, it sometimes appears that Americans today value nothing so much as being rich, thin, young, famous, safe, and entertained. We say we value the legacy we leave the next generation and then saddle that generation with mountains of debt. We say we believe in equal opportunity but then stand idle while millions of American children languish in poverty. We insist that we value family, but then structure our economy and organize our lives so as to ensure that our families get less and less of our time.”
Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Prosperity is in some cases more burdensome than poverty is in some cases.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Dash Shaw
“Money comes from working hard" I've come to believe is just a line rich people tell themselves to feel better. Lots of people work hard and get nothing. It's just a myth: "Come to America, work hard, get rich", like dying and going to heaven.”
Dash Shaw, Doctors

“Being rich is having time. The less stuff you own the more time you have for what truly matters.”
Maxime Lagacé

“As you get wiser, you realize materialism only enrich the rich and impoverish your soul.”
Maxime Lagacé

Dax Bamania
“No matter how rich or educated you are, how you treat people defines your character.”
Dax Bamania