
Nonprofit Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nonprofit" Showing 1-24 of 24
Simon S. Tam
“Your uniqueness is your greatest strength, not how well you emulate others.”
Simon S. Tam

Mark V. Ewert
“Receiving, gratitude, and generosity all grow together.”
Mark V. Ewert, The Generosity Path: Finding the Richness in Giving

“Paul Chehade is dedicated to serves the unfortunate, regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for all people, helping communities worldwide.
Ethical junction making choices easy.”
Paul Chehade

Manuel Corazzari
“let your caring actions be so loud and even in the most noisy rooms you will get the people's attention”
Manuel Corazzari

Germany Kent
“There are lots of reasons why people don't volunteer in their community, feeling useless shouldn't be one of them.”
Germany Kent

“Nurturing a donation is unlocking a donor’s desire to express their joy for caring for others.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Emotions play the biggest part of moving a donor to give, but statistics and impact reinforce the decision to give to reduce donor’s remorse.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Major donors want you to be effective and efficient — but most of all, they want to know you understand and value their partnership.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Thanking your donor should be an opportunity to brag about the donor instead of your organization.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“If you hate asking for a donation, you don’t understand your donor. You’re stealing their joy.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Donors don’t give to your organization, they give to make the world a better place.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Your donor is the hero. This doesn’t take away from the great work your staff is doing.”
Jeremy Reis

“People aren’t giving you money to fund programs. They’re donating to see results.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Leadership isn’t just about deciding what to do, it’s also about knowing what not to do.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

“Fundraising isn’t about the money, that’s just one outcome. Fundraising is about people.”
Jeremy Reis, Magnetic Nonprofit: Attract and Retain Donors, Volunteers, and Staff to Increase Nonprofit Fundraising

Blake Mycoskie
“The most enduring and galvanizing ideas and values of our civilization are embedded in our stories, from those of Homer, […] and Virgil, […] and to Jesus. It seems to be in our genetic makeup to capture our best ideas in stories, to enjoy them, to learn form them, and to pass them on to others (25)”
Blake Mycoskie, Start Something That Matters

Brock Warner, CFRE
“There are some seismic cultural shifts that are underway online, and they are adding new vital layers to our digital landscape.”
Brock Warner CFRE, From the Ground Up: Digital Fundraising For Nonprofits

Brock Warner, CFRE
“Brochures didn’t disappear when websites arrived. Text messaging did not destroy telefundraising. As tactics, tools and platforms pile up on top of one another, we tech-savvy digital fundraisers have to hone and maintain our ability to wade through these weeds of ever-increasing uncertainty and complexity. We need to be able to embrace it. Plan for it. Leverage it. Tolerance for ambiguity is a sign of maturity in our lives, which includes our fundraising careers, because the digital ecosystem we operate within is constantly evolving. It has a food chain, complete with predators and prey. It has seasonal shifts. It gives and supports life, but it also generates and disposes of waste.”
Brock Warner CFRE, From the Ground Up: Digital Fundraising For Nonprofits

Brock Warner, CFRE
“You don’t have to master every new tool right away, but an understanding of what it does, who it’s for, and how it works goes a long way in helping you understand how it might fit alongside what is already working for you. Going all-in on the latest social media platform won’t be a wise use of time, effort or money for the majority of charities.”
Brock Warner CFRE, From the Ground Up: Digital Fundraising For Nonprofits

Brock Warner, CFRE
“I believe it [a year end appeal] is often so successful because it is one of the few—if not only—times that many charities deliver a clear and “hard” ask for a gift, along with a deadline. Specific, urgent, and time-bound. These are qualities that we shouldn’t hide in storage ten months a year like pumpkin spice and Michael Bublé.”
Brock Warner CFRE, From the Ground Up: Digital Fundraising For Nonprofits

Manuel Corazzari
“The Greatest Opportunity you would ever find is the ability to serve and assist someone in Need”
Manuel Corazzari

Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald
“Our work for nonprofits begins and ends with love. From the ancient Greek, philo means "loving, fond of, tending to” and anthropos means "humankind" or "humanity" So, Philanthropy is brotherly love for mankind.

You are the heart and hands of your community: people, creatures, and the world itself are counting on your success. No pressure.”
Elizabeth P. Fitzgerald, Build your Boat ...Reach your Destination: Nonprofit Startups