
Michael Crichton Quotes

Quotes tagged as "michael-crichton" Showing 1-13 of 13
Blake Crouch
“You think man can destroy the planet? What intoxicating vanity. Earth has survived everything in its time. It will certainly survive us. To the earth...a million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can’t imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven’t got the humility to try. We’ve been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we’re gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us.”
Blake Crouch, Pines

Michael Crichton
“The risk is too great. A man cannot place too much faith in any one thing, neither a woman, nor a horse, nor a weapon, nor any single thing.”
Michael Crichton, Eaters of the Dead

Michael Crichton
“...the natural world had gone badly wrong. Everything that mankind is doing on the planet had upset the delicate balance of nature. The pollution, the rampant industrialization, the loss of habitat-when animals were squeezed and cornered, they behave viciously, in a desperate effort to survive.”
Michael Crichton

Michael Crichton
“En general, el promedio de vida de una especie era de cuatro millones de años. En el caso de los mamíferos se reducía a un millón de años. Transcurrido ese tiempo la especie desaparecía.”
Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton's Jurassic World: Jurassic Park / The Lost World

Michael Crichton
“You remind me of a man."
"A man with the power?"
"Who do?"
"You do. Remind me of a man.”
Michael Crichton, Next quoted from David Bowie Labyrinth song

Michael Crichton
“Human beings are so destructive,' Malcolm said. 'I sometimes think we're a kind of plague that will scrub the earth clean. We destroy things so well that I sometimes think, maybe that's our function. Maybe every few eons, some animal comes along that kills off the rest of the world, clears the decks, and let's evolution proceed to its next phase.”
Michael Crichton, The Lost World

Michael Crichton
“You remind me of the babe."
"What babe?"
"The babe with the power."
"What power?"
"The power of voodoo."
"Who do?"
"You do."
"Do what?"
"You remind me of the babe.”
Michael Crichton in "Next" taken from David Bowie Labyrinth song

Michael Crichton
“Of course the auto companies discarded it-it's a good idea. Don't want any good ideas coming out of a big company. Might lead to a good product!”
Michael Crichton, The Lost World

Michael Crichton
“Now King had all the accoutrements of success: a Porsche, a mortgage, a divorce, a kid he saw on weekends.”
Michael Crichton, The Lost World

Michael Crichton
“You create many [dinosaurs] in a very short time, never learn anything about them, yet you expect them to do your bidding, because you made them and you therefore think you own them; you forget that they are alive, they have an intelligence of their own, and they may not do your bidding, and you forget how little you know about them....”
Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park

Michael Crichton
“A karate master does not kill people with his bare hands. He does not lose his temper and kill his wife. The person who kills is the person who has no discipline, no restraint, and who has purchased his power in the form of a Saturday night special. And that is the kind of power that science fosters, and permits....”
Michael Crichton

Michael Crichton
“....Largely through science, billions of us live in one small world, densely packed and intercommunicating. But science cannot help us decide what to do with that world, or how to live. Science can make a nuclear reactor, but it cannot tell us not to use it. And our world starts to seem polluted in fundamental ways--air, and water, and land--because of ungovernable science.”
Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park

Michael Crichton
“I saw all the worlds that might have been and all the worlds that could come. And most of them end in disaster!”
Michael Crichton, Westworld