
Freebies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "freebies" Showing 1-8 of 8
Nick Hornby
“I'm never going to complain about receiving free early copies of books, because clearly there's nothing to complain about, but it does introduce a rogue element into one's otherwise carefully plotted reading schedule. ...

Being a reader is sort of like being president, except reading involves fewer state dinners, usually. You have this agenda you want to get through, but you get distracted by life events, e.g., books arriving in the mail/World War III, and you are temporarly deflected from your chosen path. ”
Nick Hornby, The Polysyllabic Spree

Albert Einstein
“Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.”
Albert Einstein

Amit Kalantri
“Statements of ordinary people are ignored like poor freebies, statements of great people are accepted like profound philosophy.”
Amit Kalantri

“The truth is I’m a chicken shit coward who’s afraid of a girl like you. When I’m with you, I want things I never thought I’d be able to have, or deserved, and that scares me a little. I’m just a regular guy who works in a bar and you’re this beautiful person who shines brighter than the stars.
I think I just made up some cheesy poetry so I’ll stop while I’m ahead.
If you feel like talking, give me a call.
Sophie sat down on the floor and, through blurry eyes, reread the note so many times she had it memorized.
She was going to do more than give him a call.”
Jenny Lyn, Clearing the Air

Will Leamon
“Sooner or later there will always be a cost for "Free Stuff”
Will Leamon

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Paying or having paid for something often makes it seem necessary; or better, more important, or more useful than it is.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Change begins when you realize that there are no hidden or buried treasures.
No Santa Claus nor genie.
Just you and your determination to succeed.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“I started weeping out loud as the scenes of my past replayed through my head. I’d always seen God’s interventions as freebies, as nice gestures from an all-powerful genie-like figure. I was finally beginning to see not only what it meant to have a clean slate, but also how much it cost Him to give me one.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose