
Free Time Quotes

Quotes tagged as "free-time" Showing 1-30 of 40
Andy Weir
“You may be wondering what else I do with my free time. I spend a lot of it sitting around on my lazy ass watching TV. But also do you, so don't judge.”
Andy Weir, The Martian

Mikhail Bulgakov
“One can find time for everything if one is never in a hurry.”
Mikhail Bulgakov, Heart of a Dog

Tamora Pierce
“Ah," Gary said dreamily. " 'Free time.' I've heard about that. Don't fool yourself, Fire-Top. What with extra hours of lessons for punishments, and the extra work you get every day, free time is an illusion. It's what you get when you die and the gods reward you for a life spent working from dawn until midnight. We all face up to it sooner or later--the only real free time you get here is what my honored sire chooses to give you, when he thinks you have earned it."
"And he doesn't give it to you at night," Alex put in. "He gives it to you when you've been here awhile, on Market Day and sometimes a morning or afternoon all to yourself. But never at night. At night you study. During the day you study. In your sleep--”
Tamora Pierce, Alanna: The First Adventure

Theodor W. Adorno
“I have no hobby. As far as my activities beyond the bounds of my recognized profession are concerned, I take them all, without exception, very seriously. So much so, that I should be horrified by the idea that they had anything to do with hobbies—preoccupations in which I had become mindlessly infatuated in order to kill the time—had I not become hardened by experience to such examples of this now widespread, barbarous mentality.”
Theodor W. Adorno, The Culture Industry

Patrick Leigh Fermor
“I found my mind wandering at games; loved boxing and was good at it; and in summer, having chosen rowing instead of cricket, lay peacefully by the Stour, well upstream of the rhythmic creaking and the exhortation, reading Lily Christine and Gibbon and gossiping with kindred lotus-eaters under the willow-branches.”
Patrick Leigh Fermor, A Time of Gifts

Jon   Stewart
“Free time is death to the anxious, and thank goodness I don't have any of it right now.”
Jon Stewart

James A. Garfield
“It has occurred to me that the thing you have, that all men have enough of, is perhaps the thing that you care for the best, and that is your leisure - the leisure you have to think; the leisure you have to be let alone; the leisure you have to throw the plummet into your mind, and sound the depth and dive for things below.”
James A. Garfield, Works of James Abram Garfield

Brian Andreas
“He is self-conscious because everyone knows he has wings but they've never seen him fly. Now & then there will be a feather in odd places or maybe a footprint to show he was there. All in all, he thinks it's nobody else's business what he does with his free time.”
Brian Andreas, Still Mostly True: Collected Stories & Drawings

Ibi Zoboi
“They call it free time
and it's the biggest lie
because we are
still here”
Ibi Zoboi, Punching the Air

Cal Newport
“For many people, their compulsive phone use papers over a void created by a lack of a well-developed leisure life. Reducing the easy distraction without also filling the void can make life unpleasantly stale.”
Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

Melissa Steginus
“Avoid hyper-scheduling yourself so you have free time to do something creative or perhaps to do nothing at all.”
Melissa Steginus, Self Care at Work: How to Reduce Stress, Boost Productivity, and Do More of What Matters

Nitya Prakash
“I'm getting too old to waste my free time on things and people I don't like.”
Nitya Prakash

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Too much isolation can be a danger to you and your health. It is a hazard to the common people, as well as a benefit to those who know how to use their free time.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

Friedrich Nietzsche
“This agitation is becoming so great that the higher culture can no longer allow its fruits to ripen; it is as if the seasons were following to quickly from one another. From lack of rest, our civilization is ending in a new barbarism. Never have the active, which is to say the restless, people been prized more. Therefore, one of the necessary correctives that must be applied to the character of humanity is a massive strengthening of the contemplative element.”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits

Henry Rollins
“No such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time. No such thing as down time. All you got is life time”
Henry Rollins

Augustine of Hippo
“Fixed times must be kept free, hours appointed, for the health of the soul.”
Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

Kate Fagan
“In high school she even had time for herself, to draw and read, to write down quotes, to be inside her own head without an agenda.”
Kate Fagan, What Made Maddy Run: The Secret Struggles and Tragic Death of an All-American Teen

“Free time allows building of reputations — either as someone who is excellent at killing time by doing nothing or someone who can utilize the time by creating things out of nothing.

People becoming habitual to doing nothing, get nothing at the end.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

Nitya Prakash
“Don't be someone's free time!”
Nitya Prakash

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The refraining of freedom of speech from the governmental system can cause its citizens to turn into narcissists in their free time.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo, Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

C.A.A. Savastano
“Humans spend years eating, sleeping, working, and worrying about those things, but it is their free time that is most important. If spent well it can render them into great people, if squandered, it cannot.”
C.A.A. Savastano

Michael Bassey Johnson
“70% of schoolteachers teach only in their spare time, or when they are in the mood.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

Alex Korb
“With each little bit of exercise I did, each time I chose to move a little more, everything became easier. My brain was juicing up on all those good neurochemicals—all that serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine began making things happen. The BDNF was silently working away. As a result, not only did I have a bigger appetite, but food tasted better, and I wanted to eat healthier foods. I didn’t worry about things as much, and my sleep improved. I felt like I had more free time and even felt younger. Then exercise became more appealing, and slowly I became intrigued by the thought of a marathon.”
Alex Korb, The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time

Joel B. Randall
“If you’re about to request a search party for your free time, try issuing a warrant for mindless activities that do not contribute to your goals as a student.”
Joel B. Randall, Study, Sleep, Repeat: 130 Tips to Schedule Your College Life

Joel B. Randall
“When you’re too busy even to write the eulogy for your free time, you might find resuscitating your schedule is as easy as multitasking more effectively or trying a new study technique.”
Joel B. Randall, Study, Sleep, Repeat: 130 Tips to Schedule Your College Life

Richie Norton
“Prismic Productivity in Anti-Time Management is about becoming the best version of yourself and having time to enjoy it and help others even when circumstances overwhelm.”
Richie Norton, Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping

Steven Magee
“Summer school holidays...Busy time for parents!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Live happy. It generally does not need a lot of money.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I often do nothing to get somewhere.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am at my busiest when I am doing nothing!”
Steven Magee

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