Event Horizon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "event-horizon" Showing 31-60 of 132
“if love was a tree
I'd plant you a forest”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Like an open book

I long to tell you the story of my whole life.
I want to show you my innermost like an open book so that you can read it.
Anything that you want.

I want to be perceivable and … that you can perceive me.
I want to be comprehensible, like a mathematical formula you can solve, even if I cannot solve myself.

I long for you to solve me. I long for you to read me like an open book.
Anything that you want.


I long for you to tell me the story of your whole life.
I want you to show your innermost like an open book, so that I can read it.
Anything that I want.
I want to make you perceivable and … that I can perceive you.

I want to make you comprehensible, like a mathematical formula I can solve, even if you cannot solve yourself.

I long for us to be solvable. That we show each other our innermost, like an open book.
Anything that we have ever wanted.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“those who have found each other once
will find each other again and yet again”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Those who do not know emotional baggage also do not know about the tribulations of the world.
But those who do not learn to cope with its burdens also forget about its beauty.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“the smallest of gestures mirror the greatest of feelings”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Goals, goals, goals ... You talk as if life were a competition.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“if you're having a bad day
dress as if it might become your best”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“I turn the pages
and everywhere
I read your name”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“time is the most precious thing I can give to you
because you and I are shaped by our finitude
but every finitude can grow ad infinitum”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“his past might not belong to me
but my future is his to keep”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“if I was a dream
I'd want to be yours”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“uncompromisingness and devotion
is the quintessence of love
to give everything and expect nothing
and be blessed with all
you never dared to dream about
because it's mutual”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Every morning is a beginning,
every evening a farewell.
The everlasting resurgence lets me start anew –
I will enshrine every tear, every smile.
None of it I will let go or die.

Never will I forget …

My confessions have always been
words full of deceit –
a house built on sand.

[…] I planted a flower in your garden.
We enshrine an eternity
not to be found in any reality.

You are the dome of my sky and my soil.
In your shadow I can thrive –
it gives the only light
that lets me live.

… I see your coming and going –
but my heart leans on your resurgence.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“a relationship doesn't mean
"being as free as before"
it means to dedicate yourself
to become a part of a greater whole

it means experience:
to recognize your own self within the other one

it means completion:
to feel another, more complete kind
of freedom”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“we might not be perfect
but perfect for one another”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“I want this life
to be much more than
a “death will befall us all”

I want to fill it
with sweet significance

a raison d'être
for being under the sun”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“only by conquering the past
you can appreciate the future”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Do you know these days? These days when the alarm rings, and there's no energy left to get up because you think that today nothing will change and nothing good will happen anyway?
I had that feeling when I woke up this morning. The dream I had dreamt passed into the next day without any transition, and I cried myself awake. The alarm rang. I felt horrible, and I didn't know where I was. My dreams have always been very vivid, very real – it can be a blessing and a curse. Today it had been a curse.

Usually, you cry yourself to sleep – but on particular days, you cry yourself awake. Years ago, which I can count on the fingers of both of my hands, I would have felt very much at home in this feeling. I would have wallowed in it. Melancholy had been my very best friend for oh so many years. But it's not like that anymore. Life is radiant and colourful. Even though there are days that seem dull and grey. But even those days will pass.

Joy is an active choice. Sometimes you have to even fight for it. But one day, you will be richly gifted.
Then you will gain something that weighs more than all the loneliness, the guilt, the sadness:
pure life.

Some time ago, I consciously decided against surrendering to the grey within me. And I promised myself to leave my bed every day, even on the days that seemed dull and grey, and to throw myself into the day the same way I wanted to throw myself into life.
Life is the only thing we can call our very own.
And if the grey appears to be too grey, one has to show one's true colours.
Inside and out.

And that's why I wear red because a pop of colour can frighten away the grey.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“if you don't take your time
you will never have it”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“the wrong ones come to leave
the right ones come to stay”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“culture is pigeon-holing –
it disposes of the world
yet takes away its freedom”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Hope believes that everything will turn out right in the end, but always with a touch of fear.
Hope isn't knowledge. It isn't a certainty.
Hope proves nothing – one must do.
One must act to transform hope into certainty, which conquers the fear within it.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Small steps can change the world.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose

“Emotions make us human. Without being able to feel something, we cannot be anything more than machines.”
Dahi Tamara Koch, Within the event horizon: poetry & prose