Egoism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "egoism" Showing 331-360 of 381
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Nobody wants to know how you feel, yet, they want you to do what they feel.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Jack London
“I do not live for what the world thinks of me, but for what I think of myself.”
Jack London

Anton Szandor LaVey
“There are many who would take my time; I shun them. There are some who share my time; I am entertained by them. There are precious few who contribute to my time; I cherish them.”
Anton LaVey

“Friends can become enemies, and enemies can become friends. Ego and pride can turn what is good into bad, and kind words can turn what is bad into something good.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“The ego is what drives a self-serving individual who hates to admit they are wrong.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Natsume Sōseki
“We who are born into this age of freedom and independence and the self must undergo this loneliness. It is the price we pay for these times of ours.”
Natsume Soseki

Renzo Novatore
“Anarchy is not a social form, but a method of individuation. No society will concede to me more than a limited freedom and a well-being that it grants to each of its members. But I am not content with this and want more. I want all that I have the power to conquer. Every society seeks to confine me to the august limits of the permitted and the prohibited . But I do not acknowledge these limits, for nothing is forbidden and all is permitted to those who have the force and the valor.

Consequently, anarchy, which is the natural liberty of the individual freed from the odious yoke of spiritual and material rulers, is not the construction of a new and suffocating society.' It is a decisive fight against all societies-christian, democratic, socialist, communist, etc., etc. Anarchism is the eternal struggle of a small minority of aristocratic outsiders against all societies which follow one another on the stage of history.”
Renzo Novatore

Erin Hunter
“You have no understanding of the warrior code at all. What you've done here proves it. You've risked the lives of young kits... by leaving them alone here. Anything could have happened to them. They could have been lost. They could have died. My kits could have died. But you didn't just betray me. You betrayed the entire Clan. You did all this... and you never considered how it would make any of us feel. The Clan is a family, Sol. A community. And you're incapable of thinking about anyone but yourself.”
Erin Hunter, After the Flood

Renzo Novatore
“Every society seeks to confine me to the august limits of the permitted and the prohibited. But I do not acknowledge these limits, for nothing is forbidden and all is permitted to those who have the force, and the valor.”
Renzo Novatore, Toward the Creative Nothing and Other Writings
tags: egoism

“Someone who is said to have a big ego is thought to be full of themselves, to lack the ability to listen, to always rush to be at the top of the tree and to think their own ideas are the best.”
Gyalwa Dokhampa, The Restful Mind

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Many writers make the mistake of making their readers appear like Lazarus, without any iota of care, throwing down books to readers to crunch as if they are dogs.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Leander Kahney
“He was ego-free, which was very rare in the design student world. Most design students had lots of ego and very little talent. Jony was the other way around.”
Leander Kahney, Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products

“It is through the filter of our ego that we give meaning to everything we see, touch, hear, taste and feel.”
Gyalwa Dokhampa, The Restful Mind

“True love is egoism à duex - egoism for two.”
Ellen Kenner, Selfish Path to Romance: How to Love with Passion & Reason

Robert Musil
“[E]in blasser, sozusagen grammatikalischer Schatten von Egoismus bleibt auf allem Tun haften, solange es keine Prädikate ohne Subjekte gebe.”
Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities
tags: egoism

Taite Adams
“Ego very much wants to make you think that your self worth is all about what you possess, what you've accomplished, and who you know.”
Taite Adams, E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of Love

Taite Adams
“If you are worrying about reputation, you are taking time away from doing the things that really matter.”
Taite Adams, E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of Love

Rajesh Nanoo
“Self Importance is the worst sin a person can get into”
Rajesh Nanoo

Georges Bizet
“I don't want to write a mass before being in a state to do it well, that is a Christian. I have therefore taken a singular course to reconcile my ideas with the exigencies of Academy rules. They ask me for something religious: very well, I shall do something religious, but of the pagan religion. . . . I have always read the ancient pagans with infinite pleasure, while in Christian writers I find only system, egoism, intolerance, and a complete lack of artistic taste.”
Georges Bizet

Aporva Kala
“She liked the idea of a place belonging to the cows, no ownership of human ego.”
Aporva Kala, Life... Love... Kumbh...

Taite Adams
“Ego sends a lot of messages through the sub-conscious that do not serve our true nature, even a little bit.”
Taite Adams, E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of Love

Taite Adams
“Ego doesn't want us to be loving, forgiving and kind to each other or even to ourselves.”
Taite Adams, E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of Love

Taite Adams
“The ego is never satisfied. So, if you're not satisfied with what you have right now, consider what is driving you.”
Taite Adams, E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of Love

Marie Corelli
“Had any one dared to say this truth to me then, I should have bade him go and preach nonsense to children,—but now,—when I recall those white leaves of days that were unrolled before me fresh and blank with every sunrise, and with which I did nothing save scrawl my own Ego in a foul smudge across each one, I tremble, and inwardly pray that I may never be forced to send back my self-written record!”
Marie Corelli, The Sorrows of Satan; or, The Strange Experience of One Geoffrey Tempest, Millionaire

“If you're brighter than a lightning bug, don't show your ass”
Stanley Victor Paskavich

Taite Adams
“When relying solely on ego, we are given many messages that are contrary to the achievement of that happy and fulfilling life that most of us actually desire.”
Taite Adams, E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of Love

Vasily Rozanov
“The religion of this 'I', the poetry of this 'I', and the philosophy of the same 'I' that from Poggio and Felelfo to Byron and Goethe produced a number of works astonishing for their profundity and brilliance have finally exhausted its content; and in the poetry of Decadence we see the rapid falling away of the empty shell of this 'I'. We remarked previously about the exaggeration without the exaggerated object, and about the precious style without the subject of this preciosity, which characterize this poetry — this is so in regard to its form; in regard to its content Decadence is above all hopeless egoism. The world, as an object of love, of interest, even as the object of indignation or contempt, has disappeared from this "poetry”; the world has disappeared, not only as an object exciting some reaction in this vapid 'I', but also as a spectator and possible judge of this 'I'; it is not even present.

("On Symbolists And Decadence")”
Vasily Rozanov

Sergei Lukyanenko
“The way people behave depends on the basic moral tests and norms in a society. Naturally, the Khmer Rouge, Al-Qaeda terrorists, respectable middle-class Europeans, and, say, members of the Komosol in the 1930's, would behave quite differently in identical situations. But that wouldn't change the essential point. The ration of altruists and egoists, even among Benedictine monks and members of the Gestapo, is the same. It's just that their altruism and egotism are expressed differently.”
Sergei Lukyanenko, Новый Дозор