Detectives Quotes

Quotes tagged as "detectives" Showing 31-60 of 91
Maureen Johnson
“The critical scene of the mystery is when the detective enters. The action shifts to Sherlock’s sitting room. The little Belgian man with the waxed moustache appears in the lobby of the grand hotel. The gentle old woman with a bag of knitting comes to visit her niece when the poison pen letters start going around the village. The private detective comes back to the office after a night of drinking and finds the woman with the cigarette and the veiled hat this is when things will change.”
Maureen Johnson, Truly, Devious

Agatha Christie
“Hercule Poirot's methods are his own. Order and method, and 'the little gray cells'.”
Agatha Christie, The Big Four

Arthur Conan Doyle
“The sight of a friendly face in the great wilderness of London is a pleasant thing indeed to a lonely man.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet

Ashley Weaver
“Poor darling," he said, shaking his head, "you're not cold-hearted enough to be a detective. You only want the disagreeable people to be guilty, and I'm afraid you'll find that life isn't like that.”
Ashley Weaver, Murder at the Brightwell

Arthur Conan Doyle
“I should like to meet him," I said. "If I am to lodge with anyone, I should prefer a man of studious and quiet habits. I am not strong enough yet to stand much noise or excitement. I had enough of both in Afghanistan to last me for the remainder of my natural existence. How could I meet this friend of yours?”
Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet

Arthur Conan Doyle
“It is not easy to express the inexpressible," he answered with a laugh.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet

Arthur Conan Doyle
“I have never loved, Watson, but if I did and if the woman I loved had met such an end, I might act even as our lawless lion-hunter has done.”
Arthur Conan Doyle

Alan             Moore
“(About "From Hell") The idea was to do a documentary comic about a murder. I concluded that there was a way of approaching the [Ripper] murders in a completely different way. I changed the emphasis from 'whodunit' to 'what happened'. I'd seen advertisements for Douglas Adams' book "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency". A holistic detective? You wouldn't just have to solve the crime, you'd have to solve the entire world that that crime happened in. That was the twist that I needed.”
Alan Moore

Arthur Conan Doyle
“I might not have gone but for you, and so have missed the finest study I have ever come across: a study in scarlet, eh? Why shouldn't we use a little art jargon. There's the scarlet thread of murder running through the colorless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.

-Sherlock Holmes”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet

Norbert Jacques
“He was in conflict with himself. There was no enjoyment in the thought that he had escaped a great danger, and in the midst of his uneasy reflections he had a sudden breathless conviction that she made him feel old because he loved her. Then he felt a hatred of himself, gathering into one mighty heap all the fierce and bitter hatred he had cherished for others and pouring it out on himself.”
Norbert Jacques, Dr. Mabuse, Der Spieler

Mark Twain
“Así, pues, le dije:
—Ya sabes, Tom, que no sirvo ni para limpiarte los zapatos. Pero no importa: Dios todopoderoso nos ha creado a todos y a unos los ha dejado ciegos mientras que a otros les ha dado los ojos para verlo todo. Me parece que yo no figuro entre estos últimos; pero sin duda está bien así, puesto que es Dios quien lo ha querido.”
Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Detective

Ben Aaronovitch
“As Martin noted, to the detectives conducting his interview, it was a good thing he'd been inebriated, because otherwise he would have wasted time screaming and running about - especially once he realized he was standing in a pool of blood. Instead, with the slow methodical patience of the drunk and terrified, Martin Turner dialed 999 and asked for the police.”
Ben Aaronovitch, Rivers of London

Agatha Christie
“It's the muddle-headed loyalty of friends and relations that makes a detective's life so difficult.”
Agatha Christie, 13 at Dinner

Dorothy Simpson
“I see myself as an instrument of justice, not a dispenser of it."

-Detective Thanet.”
Dorothy Simpson, Puppet For A Corpse

Jay Stringer
“We ran both the courier service and a detective agency from the same office, and had phone apps for both. Basically, we're Uber for parcels and mysteries.”
Jay Stringer, How to Kill Friends and Implicate People

Dorothy L. Sayers
“I say, Parker, these are funny cases, ain't they? Every line of inquiry seems to peter out. It's awfully exciting up to a point, you know, and then nothing comes of it. It's like rivers getting lost in the sand.”
Dorothy L. Sayers, Whose Body?

Raymond Chandler
“I'm not Sherlock Holmes or Philo Vance. I don't expect to go over ground the police have covered and pick up a broken pen point and build a case from it. If you think there is anybody in the detective business making a living doing that sort of thing, you don't know much about cops.”
Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

Mladen Đorđević
“The Stormcrow City is just a big meat grinder; People get in on one end, and comes out on another. We're just turning the handle.”
Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Pritajeno zlo

Andhyka C. Adhitama
“Untuk apa menemukan kebenaran jika hanya disembunyikan?”
Andhyka C. Adhitama, Veranda dan Pembunuhan di Seribu Pintu

Michael    Connelly
“Bosch let her go. For a long time, he didn't move. Her words had gone through him like the sounds of a roller coaster. Low rumbling and high shrieks.”
Michael Connelly

Angelica Ambéliz
“Pero no fue hasta que la joven morena se levantó y observó el espejo, esperando que estuviera intacto, ella vio que todo estaba perfecto; sin embargo, se puso a ver algo detenidamente y resulta que observó algo detrás de ella, ya que el espejo daba directo a la cama y la vio, a Anne. Rápidamente volteó y vio la peor escena de su vida. —¡Anne! —. Vanessa gritó, se sintió sofocada y repentinamente corrió hacia su bolso y tomó su teléfono celular para llamar a la ambulancia como también a la policía,”
Angelica Ambéliz, Detectives Loren & Dante: Asesinato de Anne

“La batida y colocación de personas en España es un servicio que Grupo Arga presta a la clan en galería para todos aquellos que deseen sufragar al detective en Madrid por estas cuestiones, teniendo en bolita ante todo que tramitar naciente software de encuestas sin sospecha puede aportar el mejor sentido. . para encargar un desasosiego con una almohadilla técnica sólida y considerable. La hostigamiento y situación de personas en España están vinculadas a la linchamiento de procesos que pueden arriesgar el grana de varias investigaciones a calidad delicado con el fin de averiguar la situación de una persona, esto sin duda implica la expectativa de desnudar de un instrucción efectivo el paradero. de algún en particular.”
Detective Shadow, Lateral Mindtrap Puzzles: Challenge the Way You Think & See

Chris Dolley
“I always find pacing aids the detecting process. Well, that and gin. But as our host hadn't offered the latter, the former had to suffice.”
Chris Dolley, Reggiecide

Chris Dolley
“This sounded to me like a three-cocktail problem and there I was without so much as an olive!”
Chris Dolley, Reggiecide

Chris Dolley
“We need expert help and Mr Worcester is the soul of discretion."

"It's a consulting detective's middle name," I said. "Sometimes I don't even know what I'm investigating.”
Chris Dolley, Reggiecide

Angelica Ambéliz
“»—Para todos esos que se levantaron, espero que les llegue el karma muy pronto; hay que ser tan hijos de puta como para venir al velorio a lloriquear por alguien solo para no sentir culpa y que no los joda la conciencia;”
Angelica Ambéliz

Angelica Ambéliz
“I don’t give a shit what you guys think, because honestly, I don’t know who the fuck you people are. But what I do know is Anne was too young to die, and I don’t think she would want any two-faced, hypocrite assholes acting like they suddenly care about her at her funeral.”
Angelica Ambéliz, Detectives Loren & Dante: Anne's Murder

“Virtue is honorably rewarded, and the wrongdoers are suitably punished. We tend to strive for the improvement of our nature, with what you call the moral lessons that are woven into our hearts. If that were true, would there be any wrongdoers, such as myself? Would you say that perhaps I am an exception to your virtuous belief in man, only that I have scathed myself amidst the growth of those morals?” (Joseph Vladamir)
“Fancy language aside, in my eyes, you are nothing but an utter psychopath.” (Darwin)
“I am only pointing out the special treatment I am receiving for being a prisoner. All of this security, just for me! My previous guards would slumber with their handguns resting on their cigar-burned desks. Such fools trusting me enough to dream under my eye, you are a much smarter fool.”
{The Latent Identities Of Darwin}”

“This piece of literature, in particular, seems to have greater a moral purpose and tendency to deviate from the customary concept of art. It’s an odd style, would appear that this nameless author is trying to revolutionize voice.”
{The Latent Identities Of Darwin}”