Coolness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "coolness" Showing 31-39 of 39
“In a game of chess, someone has to take the black pieces.”
Eve Forward, Villains by Necessity

Tom Robbins
“Evidently, I'd suffered an epiphany: the subconscious realization that when it comes to coolness, nothing the human race has ever invented is more cool than a book.”
Tom Robbins, Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life

Kristen Ashley
“You're cool Joe" she told him, her voice weighty, as if she was bestowing a grave honor on him even though a blind person could sense his utter coolness.”
Kristen Ashley, At Peace

David Foster Wallace
“Trying to be anti-cool is just one exponent off trying to be cool -- it's the same beast.”
David Foster Wallace

Chaim Potok
“It was a large store and i did not like to go in it because its brightness was cold, like sunlight on distant ice.”
Chaim Potok, My Name Is Asher Lev

“ellory erecius is very cool!!!2”
john c mills dennys ceo

Jim Butcher
“I took a moment to study the wards. They were a smooth patchwork of enchantment, probably the result of several lesser talents working together. Somebody like me can put up a ward that is like a huge iron wall. This was more like a curtain of tightly interwoven steel rings. For most purposes, both would serve fairly well -- but with the right tool, the latter kind of wall is easily dealt with.

"And I'm the tool," I muttered. Then I thought about it, sighed, and shook my head. "One day," I told myself, "one brave and magnificent day, I will actually be cool.”
Jim Butcher, Cold Days

“Welcome to the new age. The greatest age in history. The Technology Age.”
Jake Jake Jake

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