Consistency Quotes

Quotes tagged as "consistency" Showing 31-60 of 287
Khayri R.R. Woulfe
“It takes many years to build your credentials, but it only takes a moment to lose your credibility. Always choose consistency and integrity over arrogance and vanity.”
Khayri R.R. Woulfe

William Makepeace Thackeray
“Una delle peggiori necessità imposte dall’odio e dalla collera consiste nel calunniare quanto più è possibile l’oggetto odiato; e questo per pura e semplice coerenza.”
William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

Jeremy Bentham
“[I]n principle and in practice, in a right track and in a wrong one, the rarest of all human qualities is consistency.”
Jeremy Bentham

Douglas R. Hofstadter
“[C]onsistency is not a property of a formal system per se, but depends on the interpretation which is proposed for it. By the same token, inconsistency is not an intrinsic property of any formal system.”
Douglas R. Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

“The path to greatness is paved with persistence, not perfection.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Robin S. Baker
“Consistency and discipline births successful outcomes.”
Robin S. Baker

“If you or I were to see somebody in the street beating a dog, and we said “please don’t beat your dog,” but he carried on beating the dog, we would have to use some force—which could be defined as violence—to stop that from happening. Now would that be wrong? I’d say of course it wouldn’t. And I don’t see the difference, in moral terms, between someone beating their dog in the street and somebody torturing an animal in a laboratory.
~ Ronnie Lee”
Jon Hochschartner, The Animals' Freedom Fighter: A Biography of Ronnie Lee, Founder of the Animal Liberation Front

Pep Talk Radio
“Consistency, not gurus. Discipline, not motivation. Action, not information, is the key.”
Pep Talk Radio, LinguaVerse: A Journey through Language Realms

Pep Talk Radio
“Consistency is the only path to success; quitting prematurely only ensures failure.”
Pep Talk Radio, LinguaVerse: A Journey through Language Realms

Robin S. Baker
“One consistent step at a time.”
Robin S. Baker

“Consistency is the secret sauce - taking small sometimes messy steps paves the way for bigger achievements in the long run.”
Felecia Etienne, Overcoming Mediocrity: Limitless Women

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“In the gym and in life, consistency is the bridge between goals and achievements.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

Amogh Swamy

River's kind caress,
Rocks yield to its persistence,
Work with ease, sheer force.”
Amogh Swamy, On My Way To Infinity: A Seeker's Poetic Pilgrimage

J. Warner Wallace
“All of us ought to be willing to argue the merits of our case without resorting to tactics unbecoming of our worldviews.”
J. Warner Wallace, Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels

“Having the capacity to see beyond your current circumstances, always pushes you forward and always forces you not to give in and not to give up”
David Sikhosana

“Much of the entrepreneurship journey is not primarily about cashflows, profits, balance sheets; but mostly about sacrifice, hardwork, persistence, consistency and patience”
David Sikhosana

Penelope Lively
“That's the kind of thing that keeps people sane, she thought at rough moments. Constancy. That night will follow day. That the world at least is reliable.”
Penelope Lively, Perfect Happiness

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If the currency is anything other than time and consistency, trust will never be earned.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“with consistency one can achieve anything”

“The path to greatness is paved with Purpose, Persistence, and Patience.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Don't let not becoming a millionaire discourage you from becoming a billionaire.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

“Dreams don't ever get old because they never lived.”
Goitsemang Mvula

Eve M. Harrell
“Looking at her grandson with great patience, Grammy replied, “When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, not much younger’n you, my Memaw tole me that biscuit makin’ was ser’ous business. For ever’ biscuit ya cut, yer buildin’ muscle and storin’ up grit.”
Eve M. Harrell, Revealed Truth: A Journey From Fear to Faith

Farshad Asl
“Consistency is the heartbeat of mastery. With each relentless beat, it turns the ordinary into extraordinary, transforming fleeting sparks into an enduring flame.”
Farshad Asl

Darren Hardy
“Remember, consistency is a critical component of success.”
Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

Darren Hardy
“Nothing fails like success.”
Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

“Embrace whatever life throws at you, even if it's difficult at first. Sometimes, it takes a few false starts to find your footing and get moving in the right direction. The important thing is to keep trying.”
Kuhle Lali

Haruki Murakami
“But since I do happen to have a bit of ability to write novels, and have had some good luck on my side, plus a stubborn
streak (or, to put it more nicely, a consistency) that's proved helpful, I've been able, over thirty-five years, to write novels
as a profession. To this day it continues to amaze me. It really does. What I've wanted to talk about in this book is that very
sense of amazement, about the strong desire (or will, you might say) to hold onto the purity of that feeling of amazement.
Perhaps the past thirty-five years of my life have been the ardent pursuit to maintain that sense of amazement. It certainly
feels that way.”
Haruki Murakami, Novelist as a Vocation