
Aww Moment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aww-moment" Showing 1-16 of 16
Jamie McGuire
“There's a girl, Dad."

He smiled a bit. "A girl."

"She kinda hates me, and I kinda..."

"Love her?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. I mean...how do you know?"

His smile grew wider. "When you're talking about her with your old dad because you don't know what else to do.”
Jamie McGuire, Walking Disaster

A.  Kirk
“Matthias flinched, teeth grinding. "Which one of them told you?" He zeroed in on Ayden.
"One?" I said.
With a growl, Matthias pushed a button on his watch and spoke into it. "What part of 'don't tell her anything' didn't you all understand?"
A moment of silence, then Blake's voice cracked through static, "Can't-" The static sounded suspiciously like crinkling paper. "Hear-" More "static" then, "break- up.”
A&E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

Tessa Dare
“I don't want anyone fighting over me," Kate said. "It's not worth it."

"Like hell it's not." Samuel turned to her. "Don't ever say you're not worth it, Katie. You're worth epic battles. Entire wars."

Her heart pinched. "Samuel..."

"Yes, Helen of Troy?" She thought she saw him wink as he backed away, reaching for a sword to match Evan's.

After all this time...he would choose this moment to be charming.”
Tessa Dare, A Lady by Midnight

Jessica Shirvington
“You do. You're most beautiful just after you've woken up. It's always my favorite time, when we go for a run I the morning and I get to see you first thing." He kept playing with my hair.”
Jessica Shirvington, Enticed

Penny Reid
I caught a bear today in the new trap. We’re taking it a hundred miles north. That’s a hundred miles closer to where you are. I’ve decided units and measurements of distance are bullshit. With you there are only two distances that matter:
Not here.
You are not here.
- Drew”
Penny Reid, Beauty and the Mustache

Shira Anthony
“Something wrong?"

"No." David's voice was low and full of emotion. "I just wanted to look at you."

"What do you see?"

"My future.”
Shira Anthony, Prelude

Cambria Hebert
“There was a knock on the bedroom door and Romeo stiffened. “What!” he yelled.
“I hope no one’s naked, ‘cause I’m coming in!” Braeden hollered. A few seconds later, the door opened and he stepped inside. One of his hands covered his eyes.
“Is it safe?” he asked.
I giggled. “Is that a no for tacos?”
Romeo shook his head and rolled his eyes. “We’re dressed, man.”
Braeden dropped the hand over his eyes and he zeroed in on me. It took everything in me not to shrink back from embarrassment. He came across the carpeting and held out my glasses. “Here,” he said. “I figured you might need these.”
Ah, that explained why everything still looked so blurry.
I slid them on and smiled as my sight adjusted back to normal. I noticed Braeden was soaking wet.
“Oh!” I exclaimed. “You have to be freezing!”
I rushed around the room, pulling out clothes and socks and tossing them at Braeden’s feet. “Here! Put this stuff on.”
“She’s giving away your clothes, man,” Braeden said to Romeo.
“Chicks.” He sighed.
Braeden shook his head.
“You’re dripping on the carpet!” I reminded him.
He laughed and went in the bathroom to get dressed.
“Just leave your clothes with ours. I’ll wash them for you,” I yelled through the door.
He laughed. “Laundry service? Damn! I’m moving in.”
Romeo shook his head.
I yawned. This entire day was catching up to me. Romeo frowned. “I’ll make everyone leave…” He began.
“No!” I exclaimed. “This is your victory party! Go enjoy it. I’ll stay here.”
He seemed torn on what to do. Braeden came out wearing Romeo’s clothes (they fit him pretty well) and ran his eyes over me in concern. “You okay?”
I nodded. “Did you jump in the pool to get my glasses?”
He nodded.
“Actually, he jumped in the pool right after I did. In case I needed help towing you out.” Romeo corrected.
I glanced at Braeden for confirmation. He shrugged. “What kind of brother would I be if I let you drown?”
Without thought, I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He seemed a little taken aback by my display of affection, but after a minute, he hugged me back. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“Anytime, tutor girl.” His voice was soft and his arms tightened around me just slightly. For all his witty humor, sarcastic one-liners, and jokes, Braeden was a really good guy. “We need to teach you to swim.” He observed.
I shuddered. “I know how to swim.”
“Well, you sank to the bottom like an anchor,” he grumbled.”
Cambria Hebert, #Hater

A.  Kirk
“I do. I understand if I let you go, you'll put yourself right in the middle of the fight. And I know it could get you killed."
"So what?" I struggled to stay calm. "Look, I'm not suicidal, but it's my family, Ayden. If I die keeping them safe, I'm okay with that. You know how I feel."
He threw up an arm and his voice rose. "And what about how I feel?”
A&E Kirk

Lisa Kleypas
“You're not supposed to be here," Lillian told Westcliff when the contraction was over. She clung to his hand as if it were a lifeline. "You're supposed to be downstairs pacing and drinking."
"Good God, woman," Westcliff muttered, blotting her sweaty face with a dry cloth, "I did this to you. I'm hardly going to let you face the consequences alone."
That produced a faint smile on Lillian's dry lips.”
Lisa Kleypas, Scandal in Spring

Lisa Kleypas
“Thank you," she said. Before he could reply, she stood on her toes, braced her palms on his hard chest, and pressed her lips to his smooth-shaven cheek. Hunter was very still, his breath catching slightly. The kiss was chaste by any standards, but when she drew back to look at Hunter, he wore an absorbed, intent look.
Their gazes met, and a wry grin twisted his lips. "For one of those I'd swim the channel," he said, and headed in the direction of the library.”
Lisa Kleypas, Stranger in My Arms

Carter Quinn
“ 'Why what? Why do I want to make love to you?' He continues with a smile when I bob a nod. 'Because you're irresistibly beautiful and crazy sexy and I know when we get it right, we'll make the planets align.' ”
Carter Quinn, Out of the Blackness

Michael  Grant
“I am too perfect for Evening," Adam volunteers. "But that's all right." He smiles shyly at Aislin. "I am not too perfect for Aislin.”
Michael Grant, Eve & Adam

Megan Frampton
“All of a sudden, she felt frozen. More chilled than before, as though she had been thrust into an ice house and left on her own. She concentrated on taking a deep breath, but it felt as though she could only draw quick, hurried breaths.
"Isabella, today I will take my tea differently than usual," Nicholas spoke in an entirely casual tone, but she knew he had somehow realized what was going through her mind and was taking pity on her.
"Yes?" she asked, poised to pour out the tea.
His mouth quirked up in a smile, so quick she would have missed it if she hadn't been staring at his mouth. A habit she did not wish to break. "Yes, I would like milk and just one teaspoon of sugar."
He leaned toward her and kissed her, gently, on the cheek. "You are sweet enough for me," he said, in a tone that was audible to everyone, yet still managed to sound intimate.”
Megan Frampton, Put Up Your Duke

Lisa Kleypas
“Daisy truly l-loves Mr. Swift," Evie said earnestly.
At the sound of her stammer, which was something else Lillian warned him about, Rafe gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm glad to hear it," he said gently.”
Lisa Kleypas, A Wallflower Christmas

Brianne Moore
“Chris looked at the dog, who has finished feasting on her foot and now comes to sit at his feet, looking up at him as if she expects him to do something. She's leggier than most classic English bulldogs, mostly a dark fawn color, but with a large white patch over one eye. She has those droopy bulldog eyes that can look, by turns, sad and judgmental. But now she stands and cocks her head and wags her tail, and Chris finds himself smiling, begrudgingly, and patting the sofa cushion Beth just vacated.
"All right, up you come." The dog hops up, and Chris begins scratching her behind one ear.
"You going to put up with me?" he asks. She grunts and leans into his hand.”
Brianne Moore, All Stirred Up

Sarah J. Maas
“My friends need me. My... my pack needs me.”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Sky and Breath