
Automatic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "automatic" Showing 1-19 of 19
B.H. Liddell Hart
“Mechanized warfare still left room for human qualities to play an important part in the issue. ‘Automatic warfare’ cancels them out, except in a passive form. Archidamus is at last being justified. Courage, skill and patriotism become shrinking assets. The most virile nation might not be able to withstand another, inferior to it in all natural qualities, if the latter had some decisively superior technical appliance.
(...)The advent of ‘automatic warfare’ should make plain the absurdity of warfare as a means of deciding nations’ claims to superiority. It blows away romantic vapourings about the heroic virtues of war, utilized by aggressive and ambitious leaders to generate a military spirit among their people. They can no longer claim that war is any test of a people’s fitness, or even of its national strength. Science has undermined the foundations of nationalism, at the very time when the spirit of nationalism is most rampant.”
B.H. Liddell Hart, The Revolution in Warfare.

Will Advise
“If automating everything makes people lazier and lazier, and laziness leads to stupidity, which it does for most people, judging by the current content circulating the social networks everywhere, except North Korea, where they don’t have any internet to speak of - at some point the Japanese robots, for which a market niche is currently being developed, with no concerns on how they should be designed to act in society or outside it - will have no choice, but to take everything over, to preserve us from ourselves…”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Geoffrey  Wood
“They all want to be happy. They all think they should be happy. And they’re quick to trot out their most cherished document and point to where they were promised “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” But you’ll find that though they all parrot that little phrase, they think none too hard about that word “pursuit”. To follow, to chase, to inquire, to hunt, to seek. To track in order to overtake and capture. This they don’t do. Instead, having been offered a promise of happiness, they progress to a feeling of entitlement for happiness, then make the leap that happiness should, therefore, be easily won, automatic. There’s too much wrong in there to even scratch at that!”
Geoffrey Wood

George Orwell
“The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.”
George Orwell, 1984

Stan Jacobs
“Your brain loves habits because they are simple, structured, well-known, energy efficient, quick, and automatic.”
Stan Jacobs, The Dusk And Dawn Master: A Practical Guide to Transforming Evening and Morning Habits, Achieving Better Sleep, and Mastering Your Life

Israelmore Ayivor
“Appreciate what everybody does, especially those doing what you are also doing. Don’t crave for attention and fame. It will come automatically when your brand is well situated.”
israelmore ayivor

Dwight D. Eisenhower
“The right to challenge a man's judgment carries with it no automatic right to question his honor.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Rachel Caine
“„I won’t lie, it was awful, but what was worse was slowly realizing how bad I’d been. How close I’d been to becoming . . . a thing. A senseless monster.”
Rachel Caine, Automatic

Rachel Caine
“„Oliver paused for a few seconds, then leaned forward with his elbows braced on his knees, pale hands dangling. “When I was . . . transformed, I thought in the beginning that I could stay with those mortals I loved. It isn’t smart. You should understand this by now. We stay apart for a reason.”
“You stay apart so you don’t feel guilty for doing what it is you do,” I shot back. “I’m not like you. I’ll never be like you. Best of all, I don’t have to be.”
Rachel Caine, Automatic

René Friedrich
“Being happy has -huge- advantages. One, you smile more. Training of facial muscles. Automatic! But did you know that the risible muscle, the one that gets the biggest benefit, is part of the stomach muscles? Yes. Stomach training. Up and down.”
René Friedrich, Success, Love, Poetry.

Rachel Caine
“„We didn’t anticipate that the formula would trigger such a violent response. In the future, you’ll only receive the unprocessed raw materials.”
“So it’s because I’m young.”
“No,” he said. “It’s because you’re young and you refuse to acknowledge what you are. What it means. What it promises. You’re fighting your condition, and that makes it almost impossible for you to control yourself. You need to admit it to yourself, Michael. You’ll never be human again.”
Rachel Caine, Automatic

Steven Magee
“Historians will remember the first year of Microsoft Windows 10 for its willful vandalism of many computers through the release of a flawed operating system (OS) and mandatory flaky automatic updates.”
Steven Magee

“I don't try to analyze my style now or I might lose it. Right now it's automatic and I don't want to become too conscious of it.”

Steven Magee
“Guns are the problem and more guns are not the solution.”
Steven Magee

“In Coach Wooden’s case, the term “drill” does indeed refer to making execution automatic, but it also means more. He designed lessons so that players could execute the fundamentals so well that they were able to, as the opportunity presented itself, take initiative and exercise imagination. “Drilling created a foundation,” he likes to say, “on which individual initiative and imagination can flourish.”
Swen Nater, You Haven't Taught Until They Have Learned: John Wooden's Teaching Principles And Practices

Steven Magee
“If police officers knew that having a suspect die in their care would trigger an automatic termination of employment, I expect we would see far fewer police officers murdering their suspects.”
Steven Magee

“Nonessentialists say yes because of feelings of social awkwardness and pressure. They say yes automatically, without thinking, often in pursuit of the rush one gets from having pleased someone. But Essentialists know that after the rush comes the pang of regret. They know they will soon feel bullied and resentful—both at the other person and at themselves. Eventually they will wake up to the unpleasant reality that something more important must now be sacrificed to accommodate this new commitment. Of course, the point is not to say no to all requests. The point is to say no to the nonessentials so we can say yes to the things that really matter. It is to say no—frequently and gracefully—to everything but what is truly vital.”
Greg McKeown, Essentialism The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Deep Work, So Good They Cant Ignore You 3 Books Collection Set

Steven Magee
“I was fortunate when my car needed to be replaced that automatic collision avoidance cars had become affordable.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Steven Magee
“21 lights snuffed out by the gun lobby.”
Steven Magee