
Angie Karan Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "angie-karan-quote" Showing 1-24 of 24
“We aren't victims of circumstance, we are co creators of our own reality. Self absorbed people may silence you, by projecting their undesirable traits on to you. You have power. You don't have to be a silent sheep. You can roar like a lion. Expression is what the narcissist, sociopath, and the psychopath fear the most when you start to speak for your self. When you start to stand up for your self - you become your greatest version. YOU are worthy. YOU have a choice to be around people, who are nurturing to your being and help you grow.”
Angie karan

“When someone is angry and hateful toward you ~ they spit out all kinds of venom, to inflict you with unnecessary hurt and pain. But when you know who you are within, and you stand by your truth, their venom cannot poison you, its arrow turns and points straight back at them! To be humble and virtuous is a trait of the noble and the righteous”
Angie karan

“Every single person is gifted. Every single person has an amazing thing and an amazing perspective to offer life! It is inherent in every single person, in each and everyone of us! We ALL have GREATNESS within us! Greatness is every person's venue and birthright, and we have something amazing to offer the world and society. And that is our authentic awesome self. The world needs this now, more than ever!”
Angie karan

“Always listen to your soul and feel the purity of that moment - no matter how sad or joyful - because it will speak to you further... a healing an understanding, a perspective or more will come out of it. Only because you listened.”
Angie karan

“Our inner beauty is that Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. It is a fragrance and the signature of our soul.”
Angie karan

“Connect with your inner self… once you are truly at this infinite inner place, your true home, you will be at home anywhere, at anytime, with anyone. A place where INFINITE possibility exists.”
Angie karan

“The soul is everlasting. It does not change. Live from your soul essence. Dare to embrace your true, full beauty. Live in GRACE!”
Angie karan

“Don't waste all today worrying about the possible mistakes you may have made yesterday. You don't know what will happen tomorrow or how long we have here, so enjoy what you have today since you have it. May you be thankful for today and live it to the fullest as it truly is a gift”
Angie karan

“Soulful love, is poetry in motion”
Angie karan

“The heart is a treasure trove.... it is filled to the brink with beautiful Divine gifts. Whoever dives into it, finds that an endless supply, as vast as the great expanse of the Cosmic Ocean.... and even greater than this!”
Angie karan

“Embrace YOU...Believe in yourself, in this very moment...forgive yourself for all mistakes and 'bad' decisions you may have made in the past. Do not allow others opinions or judgements of who you were yesterday or decades ago define who you are today. Each and every day opens new doors for miracles of healing to occur in our lives. Embrace these miracles, big or small, even those you may presently be unaware of. Live in this moment, for this is all we have. Give thanks to your Higher Power for all that you are, for the very breath that allows life, love, and abundance to flow to you and through you forever more. Live in the Light of All That IS.”
Angie karan

“Always follow your heart ! When your heart feels at peace, rest assured, you are on the right track”
Angie karan

“Make peace with your now moment. Live in this very moment and be happy with what you have. Joy enters when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offering thanks for all the troubles we don’t have. And be aware, you have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.”
Angie karan

“There is BEAUTY in every1, every-thing, every-place.All of life is either LOVE or a call for love. Underneath the layers of any fears is always a call 4 more love. Either from your own soul, your-self to BE reflected in your own world. Outer appearance means nothing as it is only the LIGHT with-IN 1's heart that matters, no matter WHO it IS”
Angie karan

“When we open our hearts and minds to our "Inner Sun" we are fully purified by the radiance of it's loving LIGHT. All that keeps the memory of negativity is cleansed, and in that way we purify both mind and body.”
Angie Karan

“Live happy and enjoy your journey. Life is too short to not enjoy the ride ! Perspective really matters. Worry never solves any problems. Have belly laughs and chuckles instead ”
Angie karan

“Grace and beauty originates from within. It is the spirit's light that glows out and make every-thing beautiful”
Angie karan

“Every living thing and every situation, is in divine order! Believe, and have faith that everything is where it is at, and should be! Everything happens for our highest good!”
Angie karan

“When our consciousness is open to the Love and Light of the SOUL, our lives gain a new perspective. The LIGHT illuminates all that may be still obscure and doubtful in our minds. The presence of LOVE dissolves fear and protects us, and at the same time it radiates to everyone around us!”
Angie karan

“Always listen to your soul... it speaks to you, only if you listen!”
Angie karan

“The most valuable action to perform when loving someone is to beautifully and silently listen.”
Angie karan

“Acquiring a blissful brain and in peace, is when I think positively, the sounds around and within me become music, my movement as one of a conscious dance, my smile breaking in to an infectious laughter, my mind transcending in meditation, and my life grows and becomes a celebration!”
Angie karan

“Compassion Enlivens us and enhances our immune system. The more we pour out, the more we find available. ”
Angie karan

“All animals, human and non human lives matter, we know this only when we are in our heart space, a place of empathy and compassion.”
Angie karan