
Angie Karan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "angie-karan" Showing 1-30 of 32
“In times of adversity, you will realize who is there for you. The struggle is real and those who walk with you with love, are honorable true friends. Be thankful for the friends and loved ones you’ve got.”
Angie karan

“Compassion comes from our higher self, the divine part of us that wants to do good in our world for ALL living beings ( human and non human ) Mindfulness and tapping into that higher space can get us there - making better and humane choices. When we know better we then do better.”
Angie karan

“Love and compassion for all sentient beings, (human and non human alike) are a necessity. They are the true drivers that make us human. Without them we cannot extend our humanity, our moral progress, to make our world a better place for ALL.”
Angie karan

“Speak up for the animals because their cries are unheard. They only have us. We are their only hope.”
Angie karan

“When we help Animals, we help ourselves!!”
Angie karan

“It is a wonderful gift when you receive the trust of a wild animal or bird. It's magical. They are so pure and innocent. Such trust between two earthlings! All animals love and feel! Let's all be kind with them. Kindness wins!!”
Angie karan

“Love is.. being kind. Be kind to every kind. Being kind comes from within. It is love in action.”
Angie karan

“We are both thinking and feeling creatures. We must therefore devote our lives not only to rationality, but also to kindness. — Bryant McGill”
haresh anavadiya

“If you really want to do something,you will find a way.If u don`t,You will find an excuse.”

“All animals, human and non human lives matter, we know this only when we are in our heart space, a place of empathy and compassion.”
Angie karan

“Being VEGAN is never difficult when we remember the animals! They go through so much suffering. Please don't be the cause for their suffering. Be one less person hurting animals.”
Angie karan

“Animals like us, have the capacity to feel, to love, to suffer, and to grieve the losses of their loved ones.”
Angie karan

“Veganism is the way. Change can only start with you and me. What we put in our mouth - the food we eat, the products we buy to use, to the way we contribute to polluting our air. Use less, do more. Buy cruelty free, go vegan, save lives, live healthy save our planet.”
Angie karan

“Our habits can improve to encompass with compassion and kindness all non human animals too, this happens when we tap into our heart and acknowledge these being's suffering. Listening to our heart can save theirs. To be kind with compassion, it doesn't cost us anything, it only saves lives.”
Angie karan

“Covering our ears and closing our eyes to animal cruelty, and pretend it is not happening, is exactly what allows it to continue. Compassion has no rules, it only has values.”
Angie karan

“Witnessing the love and grieving we see from animals, proves to us that all animals feel and have an innate range of emotions that we must respect, protect and empathise with. We must PROTECT them at all costs.”
Angie karan

“We don't love animals because they're cute, adorable, we love them and wish them no harm because they are considered as someone, not something. That alone should be enough for us to not exploit, eat, use and abuse and pay with our money to sending them to slaughter.”
Angie karan

“Dairy calves belong with their mothers, not in hutches alone, freezing in the cold.”
Angie karan

“The opposite of fear: is cultivating more love and compassion in your heart and then giving it.”
Angie karan

“They are baby sentient beings, they are no different from human babies. What gives humans the right to exploit, torture and slaughter babies of other species? When one sentient soul hurts; we should ALL hurt. Isn't that what makes us human as in humankind? Tap into your humanity and find your compassionate heart and take action for change. These innocent and precious sentient beings are counting on us to help them. Please be that CHANGE that will save them.”
Angie karan

“All sentient life has value and is no different than ours. We all feel and bleed thesame.”
Angie karan

“Speciesism blinds many. When we see all non human animals with our hearts, we see that they are all equal, all belong in our hearts and none belong in our stomachs.”
Angie karan

“We must see non human animals as sentient with equal rights to life as us, than what harm can we do; All animals deserve our love and compassion, our kindness and consideration.”
Angie karan

“It's easy to go vegan when we stop and see the animals that they are not much different from us, they are all sentient, who feel and bleed thesame way as we do. See their suffering we humans put them through. Then what harm can you do to them;”
Angie karan

“Go vegan for ALL the animals and end the blindness of speciesism. ALL animals deserve our love and consideration. ALL animals matter.”
Angie karan

“Treat all living beings the way you would like to be treated. May our choices always be guided by compassion and what is fair.”
Angie karan

“Be kind to all living beings. Treat every animal with compassion and respect. It is essential for a better world.”
Angie karan

“Peace begins at the dinner table. Always choose compassion and kindness instead of cruelty at every meal. Be vegan for the animals forever.”
Angie karan

“Grow like a tree, from the deepest roots of your refined being, your strongest foundation. Grow and shine bright into your highest self which is love.”
Angie karan

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