Divine Rivals (Letters of Enchantment, #1)
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Read between July 13 - July 20, 2023
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And I’m not afraid to be alone, but I’m tired of being the one left behind.
Darshil and 64 other people liked this
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And grief is a long, difficult process, especially when it is so racked by guilt.
Brooke and 16 other people liked this
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But time will slowly heal you, as it is doing for me. There are good days and there are difficult days. Your grief will never fully fade; it will always be with you—a shadow you carry in your soul—but it will become fainter as your life becomes brighter. You will learn to live outside of it again, as impossible as that may sound. Others who share your pain will also help you heal. Because you are not alone. Not in your fear or your grief or your hopes or your dreams. You are not alone.
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But I think there is a magical link between you and me. A bond that not even distance can break.
chloé ✿
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chloé ✿
Mine too ❤️❤️❤️
sophia ❀
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sophia ❀
this quote made me wanna read the book 😲
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@Sophia do it💃🏻
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I don’t think you realize how strong you are, because sometimes strength isn’t swords and steel and fire, as we are so often made to believe. Sometimes it’s found in quiet, gentle places.
Jana and 22 other people liked this
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But tell me more about you. One of your favorite memories, or a place you long to go one day, or a book that changed your life and the way you perceive the world. Do you drink coffee or tea? Do you prefer salt or sugar? Do you revel in sunrises or sunsets? What is your favorite season? I want to know everything about you, Iris.
chloé ✿
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I am coming to love him, in two different ways. Face to face, and word to word.
Brooke and 20 other people liked this
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I am so afraid. And yet how I long to be vulnerable and brave when it comes to my own heart.